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Scene 1                 Liz, Ellen, Mira and Doug in the living room, staring at the

                                                Christmas tree


Liz                              A little more to the left.

John                           (behind the tree, moves it) Is that okay?

Ellen                          It’s still a little lopsided.

Doug                          So are you, but we don’t say anything.

Mira                           Anymore.

Liz                              I think it looks fine. Now let’s get to decorating. (grabs a string

                                                of lights)

All                               (decorating)

John                           I think this is the biggest tree we’ve ever had.

Doug                          It certainly beats out last year when we cut a Christmas tree

                                                out of wrapping paper and taped it on the wall.

Liz                              I figure that since everything is going to hell, we’re going to

                                                do at least one thing right this year. Even if we have

nothing to put under it.

Doug                          (sad) What do you mean nothing?

Ellen                          Yeah, mom?

Liz                              Did I say nothing? I meant… snothing. It’s one of those new

                                                tickle-me stuffed animals. You know, for the baby.

John                           It’s been a tough year kids, what can we say? I knew our

                                                lack of financial planning would bite us in the ass

                                                eventually, I just thought it wouldn’t happen until we

                                                were 70. So much for the American dream.

Liz                              (plugs in the lights, stands back) How does that look?

Doug                          (stands back) Pretty good for the upper lower class.

Ellen                          (stands back) You, say what you will about popcorn on a

                                                string, but it does add a certain something.

Mira                           I’ve never celebrated Christmas before. My parents are


John                           In Mexico we decorated cactus.

Liz                              Well, I think it looks perfect. You know what, I don’t think

                                                this year is going to be so bad after all. Sure, we won’t

                                                have “things,” but we’ll have each other.

Ellen                          I’m sick of all you guys, and I’ve only spent 5 minutes with

                                                you in the last week. I’m going to work. (leaves)

Doug                          Ditto. (leaves)

John                           (kisses her on the cheek) I’ll stop by later. (leaves)

Liz                              Merry Christmas, Mira. Mira? (looks around)

Mira                           (yells) I’m in the toilet.

Liz                              Merry Christmas everybody.



Scene 2                Ellen, Tanya, Liz and Mira at the restaurant putting price

                                                tags on everything


Liz                              I really want to thank you guys for helping me out today.

                                                It’s going to be rough, but I think that so long as

                                                I have people here I’ll get through it.

Tanya                        Am I getting paid for this?

Liz                              I still have frozen fish sticks in the freezer if you want them.

Tanya                         Fry them up and we’ll consider it a deal.

Ellen                          But we do have to be going soon. If we’re late, they’ll…

                                                what will they do? Everybody is always late there.

Tanya                        That place is such a hole. They complain about Wal-Mart

                                                taking over everything, yet they don’t try to make

                                                themselves more efficient to compete.

Ellen                          Even if they started with eliminating the smoke breaks, they

                                                could save 10% of their salaries alone.

Liz                              Let’s not talk about Wal-Mart, okay? They’re part of the

                                                reason why I’m losing this place.

Ellen                          We have to go, Tanya. (leaves)

Liz                              Thanks for helping out. I’ll see you later.

Tanya                         Those fish sticks had better be ready when I get back.

Liz                              Tanya, I’ll make sure that’s the one thing I do today.

Tanya                         You had better or it’s back to empty threats and hollow

                                                intimidation between the two of us. (leaves)

Liz                              (after a few minutes of silence) So…

Mira                           Yeah.

Liz                              How are you feeling?

Mira                           I’m only 4 months pregnant, so nothing much so far.

Liz                              Talk to your mom lately?

Mira                           Nope. The last time we talked… well let’s just say that we

                                                don’t have a working relationship anymore.

Liz                              Like me and half the people in this town. Why don’t I have a

                                                talk with her?

Mira                           That didn’t go so well the last time, remember?

Liz                              Oh yes, I called her some names and kidnapped you.

Mira                           I really love you Mrs. Cooper, but you’re not what I would

                                                call a people person.

Liz                              That’s what Wal-Mart said when I applied there. I’m more into death
                                                threats. That’s what the police said when they arrived.

Mira                           (hugs her) Thank you for being so supportive. I really do think

                                                of you as a mom.

Liz                              Aw…then it’s time I started treating you like one of my own

          children. Get back to work before I beat you. (pushes her


Mira                           (cries) Aw, now you’re reminding me of my mom.



Scene 3                 Doug on the phone at the call center


Doug                          Thank you for calling Better Deal, have a nice day. (punches a

          number into the phone, then, to Rannie) I’ll be right

          back. The air conditioning in this place has me peeing

          every five minutes.

Rannie                       You should wear a diaper. Half the people here do.

Doug                           I was wondering why everybody has such big asses. (walks to the

                                                bathroom, enters, locks the stall, sits down on the toilet)

                                                Breathe. Breathe deep.

Next Stall                  I wouldn’t do that, this place in infested with asbestos.

Doug                          Then what do you suggest?

Next Stall                  Exlax if you’re having that much trouble.

Doug                          Do, not exlax, relax. How do you make it through this place?

Next Stall                  Make it through? What are you talking about? I love it here.

                                                I don’t have to deal with customers face to face, I get

                                                to sit down all day and they pay us 9 dollars an hour.

                                                This is the best job in Rutland.

Doug                          Are you that deluded?

Next Stall                  A little. Look, I suggest you find something to busy yourself with.

                                                Don’t focus on the calls. After a while, your mind becomes

                                                like a computer. You don’t listen to what the customer says,

                                                but learn to pick out key words to find out what they want.

                                                You don’t even have to think after a while.

Doug                           I didn’t think to begin with and I still find this killer.

Next Stall                  Get a grip man, it’s only a job (flushes, the leaves)

Doug                           (still sitting on the toilet) I have to go back to work. I have to go

                                                back to work. I’m getting up now. (doesn’t move). Now

                                                (doesn’t move, sniffs). I feel like I’m going to throw up. (dry

          heaves) Why do people not do that at home instead of at




Scene 4                  Ellen and Tanya at the gift wrapping station, sitting


Ellen                          We’ve been here for an hour with not one sign of a customer.

Tanya                         I know, isn’t it great?

Ellen                          Aren’t you bored?

Tanya                         Not really. Check out those hot guys over there by the window.

Ellen                          (looks) Those are mannequins.

Tanya                         I was wondering how they could stare into the sun like

                                               that. I was thinking they were part of a cult.

Manager                    Um, I’m going out for a smoke, I’ll be back in 20.

Ellen                          What kind of cigarettes do you smoke?

Manager                    I have to pick up some coffees too. We having a staff meeting

        about the opening of Wal-Mart. We’re all

        getting a little worried.

Ellen                          They sell coffee right here in the cafeteria.

Manager                    The coffee here is crap.

Ellen                          That’s not the only thing here that’s crap.

Manager                    What?

Ellen                          Nothing.

Manager                    Shirley and Joanne are coming with me, think you guys can work

        cash? (leaves)

Tanya                         I’ve never worked a register before.

Shirley                       You’ll do fine. Just don’t touch the pink button. (leaves)

Ellen                          (walks over to cash)

Tanya                         (follows) Ellen, there are 8 pink buttons.

Ellen                          And 15 blue ones, and not one has a label.

Tanya                        Oh yeah, we’re screwed.



Scene 5                 Mira and Liz sitting in the back


Liz                              When you first start have contractions, they really hurt.

Mira                           I think I’ve already figured that one out. If watching tv

                                                has taught me nothing, it’s that giving birth is the

                                                worst, most painful experience of one’s life.

Liz                              Don’t forget the touching moments before the final credits


Mira                           How could I? Actually, I’m kinda of thinking about home birthing.

                                                It looks interesting.

Liz                              You’re not birthing nothing in my house. The last thing born there

                                                was a litter of rats and I intend to keep it that way.

Customer                   (enters) Hello?

Liz                              (greets him) Hi, how may I help you?

Customer                   You guys still serving food?

Liz                              No, we’re closing out. I do have some rice out back.

Customer                   That would be great.

Liz                              (walks to the kitchen)

Customer                   So Wal-Mart’s closing everything out, eh? 5 businesses this

                                                month alone.

Mira                           (shrugs)

Liz                              (walks out with a plate of rice) It’s tough around here.

Customer                   Why don’t you take a look at this? (hands her a pamphlet)

Liz                              The Socialist Workers Party of Lower Ohio? What are you

                                                guys, communists?

Customers                 No, we are not communists. We’re just looking out for the rights

                                                of the American worker.

Mira                           Communism is unpatriotic! I’m calling the thought police. (runs

                                                to the phone)

Customer                   We are not communists! (grabs plate, looks at it) Hey, that looks

          just like Chairman Mao. (sits with plate)

Liz                              (walks to the back, hangs up the phone)

Mira                           I can’t believe you’re letting him eat here! He’s a communist.

Liz                              So? I’ll be living on a commune in about two months with the

                                                way things are going. Live and let live, Mira.

Rhondra                     (walks in)

Liz                              (turns)

Mira                           You were saying?

Liz                              Rhondra, leave! This is hard enough as it is without having you


Rhondra                     This is a public place, I have very right to be here. And

                                                besides, I would like to purchase something.

Liz                              Like what? You have my dignity, are you looking for my

                                                soul now? Too late, I already sold it for a Krispy


Rhondra                     Elizabeth, you’re so combative. I just wanted to buy some

                                                Christmas presents.

Liz                              From here?

Rhondra                     Don’t treat me like that. You can’t afford to turn people


Mira                           She does have you there.

Liz                              What do you want?

Rhondra                     Everything.

Liz                              For what? What could you possibly need an industrial

                                                sized deep fryer for?

Rhondra                     To open my own restaurant.

Liz                              No way, you are jerking me.

Rhondra                     I don’t think so. You owe me 50% of everything you sell here

                                                today anyway, so I figured why not? Just got a loan

                                                from the bank this morning. (takes out her checkbook)

Liz                              50%? What are you talking about?

Rhondra                     I may have pulled out of the loan, but I’m still a part owner.

Liz                              You bitch.

Rhondra                     I though you might say that, so I went and had this place

                                                appraised. (writing a check) This is fair 50% value for

                                                this place. (hands her the check)

Liz                              5,000 dollars? Are you kidding? I owe the bank five times that

                                                amount. Besides, I don’t have to take this. I have 4 more

          hours until I close for good. I could sell everything.

Rhondra                    That might be difficult considering that I just called the health

                                                inspector to come down here for massive code violations.

                                                You might want to dig the rats out of the rice before they

                                                show up. 

Customer                  (spits his food back out into his plate)

Rhondra                    See you later (turns to leave)

Liz                             Hopefully never (pushes her)

Rhondra                    (trips and falls through the front window, onto the sidewalk)

Liz                             Oh I wish I wish I hadn’t done that.

Customer                  You see the lows that capitalism has brought you to?

Mira                          Shut up commie bastard!


Scene 6                 Doug sitting on the toilet


Doug                          Okay, I’m going out now. (remains sitting) Now. (doesn’t


*                                 (a knock on the door)

Doug                          (quickly lifts his feet)

Manager                    Hello? Are you in there Doug? (walks in the next stall, stands on

                                                the toilet)

Doug                          Ah! What are you doing?

Manager                    What are you doing? You’ve been in here for 40 minutes. Do you

                                                have the runs?

Doug                          No. I just can’t leave.

Manager                    Did somebody put glue on the toilet seat again? That damn

                                                Transsexual Tracey. She doesn’t know when to draw the


Doug                          I can’t face it anymore.

Manager                    If you want to get paid you will.

Rannie                       Let me.

Manager                    (steps down)

Rannie                       (steps up) Hi.

Doug                          (sobbing) Rannie, I can’t do this. I despise this job with all

<>                                                of my heart.

Rannie                       You think I like it?

Doug                          But you do it with a smile.

Rannie                       Trust me, it’s not real. Much like my boobs.

Doug                          I have to get out of here. (walks out)

Rannie                       Where are you going? Doug?

Doug                          (walking across the floor, throws his headset down on the

                                                manager’s desk) I quit. (walks away)

Manager                    Once you walk out of here, that’s it.

Doug                          (yells) Hence the words “I quit.”

Manager                    Oh, okay. See ya.



Scene 7                 Tanya and Ellen back at the wrapping desk


Tanya                        (hands a gift to a customer) Thanks for shopping at Sales,

                                                have a nice day. (sits down) God, I’m exhausted.

Ellen                          What a rush. Those two customers were hell.

Tanya                                    So you haven’t asked me about my new boyfriend yet today.

Ellen                          Because I don’t care, maybe?

Tanya                         You care Ellen, you know you do.

Chet                           Hey, miss, can I get this wrapped?

Ellen                          Chet?

Chet                           (quickly puts the gift behind his back) Ellen! Fancy seeing

                                                you here.

Ellen                          I certainly hope you’re not getting me that book for Christmas.

                                                You know how much I hate to read.

Chet                           That’s me, Ellen, I hate to read. You love to read.

Ellen                          How little you know me.

Tanya                         So anyway, my boyfriend is stopping by soon.

Ellen                          About the not caring again, did I not make that clear?

Tanya                         He’s right over there.

Doug                          (walks up to the table) Tanya, I need to talk to you.

Ellen                          I’m not surprised.

Tanya                        He’s not my boyfriend Ellen. He’s so not my boyfriend he’s my

                                              not boyfriend.

Ellen                          Deny it all you want.

Chet                           Doug.

Doug                          Chet.

Chet                           Isn’t it weird how we switched partners? Now you’re with

                                                Mira and I’m with Ellen.

Doug                          Ellen’s my sister.

Chet                           Still, you did spend a lot of time together.

Doug                          Anyway… Tanya, I really have something to tell you. I need

                                                to talk to somebody.

Tanya                         Sorry, my boyfriend is right there. Ned! (runs and grabs him)

                                                It’s so great to see you.

Ned                            You too baby.

Doug                          You’re going out with Ned?

Tanya                        Not only are we going out, we’re in love.

Ellen                          Oh my god. Way to take another one of my castoffs, Tanya,

                                                first Chet, then Billy, now Ned.

Tanya                        Please Ellen, Chet and I never had anything to do with each

                                                other. And that thing with Billy only lasted a few minutes.

Ellen                          But the prescription will last forever.

Doug                          I can’t believe you’re going out with Ned.

Ned                            What’s wrong with Ned?

Doug                          You’re only doing this to get back at me.

Tanya                        Doug, you’ve made it abundantly clear that I need to move on

                                               with my life and I am. Deal with it.

Doug                          What a load of crap.

Tanya                        Back off. I didn’t say anything about you and Mira so you leave

                                                us alone.

Doug                          Like hell you didn’t say anything about me and Mira.

Manager                    Ladies, I’ll have to ask you to cool it.

Doug                          I’m a guy first of all. Don’t let the long hair fool you.

Tanya                                    We’re having a personal moment, do you mind?

Manager                   I do in fact mind. You’re fired.

Tanya                       You can’t fire me. I quit! (storms off)

Ned                           (follows)

Manager                   (to Ellen) You may as well leave too. We can’t afford to pay you.

Ellen                         What? I had nothing to do with this! You’ll be hearing from my


Manager                   We’re going bankrupt anyway, what does it matter?

Ellen                         Come on Chet, I know when I’m not wanted.

Manager                   I think I’ve made it pretty clear that you’re not wanted.

Ellen                         (storms off)

Chet                          (follows)

Doug                         (still standing there)

Manager                   Is there anything I can help you with today?

Doug                         Not really, I just lost my job.

Manager                   That’s a shame…get out of our store you bum.

Doug                         (staring at him)

Manager                   Now!



Scene 8                 The restaurant, Liz at the front window, which is boarded up


Liz                              Well Mira, (grabs the “open” sign) we are officially closed (turns

                                                the sign). Break out the cyanide pills.

John                           (walks in) What the hell happened on the side walk, there’s

                                                blood every where.

Liz                              Oh, I just pushed Rhondra through the window.

John                           Oh my god, is she okay? She must have got cut really badly.

Liz                              Nah. When I saw she wasn’t hurt I went after her with

                                                the ketchup bottles. That’ll teach her.

John                           Did you sell everything.

Liz                              Yup. It’s over. (hugs him)

John                           I’m sorry honey. But the good news is that I just got my

                                                last paycheque from the bridge.

Liz                              Last pay? You still have another week to go.

John                           We officially finished our part day. It’s done.

Liz                              Finished early? What the hell kind of construction company

                                                are you?

John                           I’m sorry for being competent dear.

Liz                              Let’s just get out of here.

Mira                           (walks out)

John                           (walks out)

Liz                              (walks to the door, turns to look around, flips the lights off,

                                                the leaves)



Scene 9                 Ellen, Doug Mira, Liz and John in the car


Ellen                          So then this dumbass comes by and gets in a big fight

                                                with Tanya, and then the manager fires us.

Liz                              Sorry for your loss dear. I know it must have been traumatic.

Ellen                          You have no idea.

Liz                              No, I really don’t.

Doug                          Well, I’m in the unemployment club too.

All                              What?

Doug                           I locked myself in the bathroom for an hour and then quit.

Liz                              Why did you do that you idiot?

Doug                           I couldn’t take the job anymore mom. You don’t know what it’s

        like to deal with customers all day.

Liz                              Hello? Restaurant?

Doug                          At least you don’t have to be nice to him.

John                           He does have you there hun.

Liz                              Look, why don’t we all sing a Christmas song to take our

                                                minds off of this. (starts singing) On the first Noel…

Mira                           You moron, how are you going to support me now?

Liz                              (still singing)

Ellen                          How am I going to buy Christmas presents (starts beating on


Mira                           (starting hitting him too)

Doug                          Look bitches, leave me alone.

John                           You guys settle down before I come back there and settle you


Liz                             (still singing)

Doug                          That’s real scary dad. Like your butt could fit between the

                                                front seats.

John                           Why you… (starts reaching back as Ellen and Mira are still

                                                beating on him)

Liz                              (still singing)

John                           (stops the car)

Ellen                          Okay, we’ll be quiet.

John                           The road’s blocked off, that’s weird.

All                              (get out of the car, start walking up the street)

Doug                          Do you smell that? It smells like burning crap.

Liz                              (still singing)

*                                  (fire trucks come into view up the street)

John                           Oh my god.

Liz                              (starts running up the street) No! Dammit it, no!

John                           (runs after her)

Ellen, Doug &           (stand stunned, staring up the road)


*                                  (camera slowly pans out, they continue standing and

                                                staring in disbelief)


Closing                 John and Liz at the house on the front steps. The roof

                                      is half gone alone with the very front wall.


Liz                              (her head resting in John’s lap) Where did we go wrong


John                           I think it was when you said “I don’t need the pill anymore.”

Liz                              Why is all of this happening?

John                           Who knows?

Liz                              Stupid Christmas tree. The one thing we had to bring some

                                                joy into our lives ends up costing us our home.

John                           Then we cancel the insurance a month ago because we couldn’t


Liz                              (starts laughing) Okay, where’s Ashton Kutcher? Because if

                                                this isn’t a Punk, I’m going to be so angry.

John                           Okay, you’ve been punked Liz. (starts laughs, lays back on the


Liz                              Thanks John. At least I know I still have you. And a half burned

          out house. And a huge bank loan. And no income. And a kid

          going to college next year. And another kid with a baby

          on the way.

John                           For richer or for poorer, remember?

Liz                              So long as I have you, it doesn’t even matter.

*                                 (camera slowly pans out as they lay on the steps, shows the

                                                damage to the house)