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Chapter Twenty

Laura stayed in Luke's arms for what seemed like an eternity.  It had been so long that she was able to feel like this again, that her husband had allowed himself to comfort her again.  She never wanted it to end.  She could have spent the rest of her life in his arms.  She knew that they still had to get all of it out into the open, but she didn't want to think about that at this moment.  All she wanted to do was drown in her husband's comfort and love.

Luke felt the same way.  He never wanted to let go of Laura.  Just holding her this way, the way he used to, was enough to make him happy.  She had given him everything that was ever good in his life.  Without her, he was nothing, or at least he felt that way.  She was his soul, his conscience, his life, and he never wanted to let her go in fear of losing it all.

Lucky sat outside for what seemed like an eternity for him.  His life flashed before his eyes as he saw what he felt he has lost with the knowledge that he had gained.  He remembered a time when he leaned on his father for support, leaned on his mother for comfort.  Times that seemed so dark, but his parents helped him through as if they were the light he needed to guide him.  Now it felt as if that light burned out and now he had nothing to guide him.

Lucky went over to the window and peeked inside.  He saw his parents sitting together on the couch, his father's arms around his mother in a way that he had grown accustomed to seeing.  He had always taken comfort in seeing that his parents loved each other so much, but now that love was distorted.  He wanted to understand it all.  He wanted to understand how his mother forgave his father, or more so, how his father was even able to do what he did.  As he looked on, tears started to form in his eyes again, he decided that this wasn't the time to disturb them.  At least they were feeling happiness for a moment, even if he wasn't.  He didn't want to share his misery, so he took off for the one place where he could feel comfortable.

Liz was lying in her bed, sleep not coming to her tonight.  Every time she closed her eyes, she could still see her rapist over her, or a dark figure at least.  She could still smell him, feel him, hear him, and every time he was about to reveal his identity, she woke up in a cold sweat.  She knew it was just a dream, but it seemed so real.  What was worse was that she felt as if she recognized him, but couldn't quite think of who it was.

Liz threw the covers off of her bed and went to the window as Lucky had gotten there.  She was about to scream, but Lucky was quick enough to put his hand over her mouth before anything came out.

Lucky: I'm sorry to scare you.

Liz: It wasn't you.

Lucky: You had nightmares again, didn't you?

Liz: Yeah.  The same one.  Every time the rapist goes to take off his mask to show me who he is, I wake up.  Just once do I want to actually see who he is in my dream.  You never know, it could be the same person.  I could, in some way, know who he is, but am forgetting.

Lucky: Did he in any way reveal his identity to you that night?

Liz: No.  Not that I remember.  He took off after he...

Lucky: I know.

Liz: But, I have this feeling in my gut that he did give himself away during that time.  I don't know why, but I've had this weird feeling that I know him.

Lucky: Are you sure it's not from your dream only?

Liz: No, I'm not.  But I don't think I'll know if it's just my dream or if it's something that I've been hiding until I can actually sleep through that nightmare.

Lucky: Do you want to go back to sleep now?  I'll be here for you, and if you reach that part, I'll try to comfort you so you don't wake up.

Liz: Thanks, but I'm not in the mood to sleep now.

Lucky: How about going for a walk to the docks then?  I'm not in the mood to sleep either.

Lucky and Liz arrive at the docks and take a seat, staring across the water.

Lucky: Have you ever asked yourself, what does this all mean?

Liz: Lots of times.  Remember, I'm the one who never belonged.

Lucky: I never asked myself that until now.  I was always a 'live in the moment' type of guy.  Never really thought about what the future held or what anything we go through in life is supposed to mean.

Liz: I guess I always looked towards the future in some way.  I always looked towards the day that I might not be someone's little sister or someone else's disappointment.

Lucky (looking at Liz): You're not a disappointment.

Liz: In my family, I was.  Sarah was the prettiest, Steven the smartest, and then there was me... the one who managed to do everything wrong.  I dressed wrong, spoke wrong, never did well in school.

Lucky: You shouldn't judge yourself based on others.

Liz: Isn't that what you're doing now?

Lucky: What do you mean?

Liz (looking away): Never mind.

Lucky (turning her face towards his): No, I want to know what you mean.

Liz: You're judging yourself based on your father.  You're trying to help me in the same way he was able to help your mother.  I can tell you feel as if you're not doing enough and want to do more.  You don't realize that you're doing the impossible... making me hold onto life again.

Lucky: There's a lot that you don't know about.

Liz: I understand that you want to help me completely get past this like your father helped your mother.  And I know you will feel as if you're a failure if you don't.  You shouldn't do that, though.  Lucky, you've done more for me than anyone could have.  You've already accomplished more than could have been imagined.  Give yourself some credit for that.

Lucky: Liz, what happened to my mother is not the same as what happened to you.  I don't want to be there for you for the same reasons my father was there for her.  I don't want to help you in the same way he did.

Liz: What do you mean?

Lucky: Nothing.  Let's just drop it.

Liz: If that's what you want, but Lucky, if there's something bothering you, I'd like to help.  I don't want to be the only one asking for help in this relationship.  You're my best friend and I can tell something is hurting you.

Lucky: You can read me like a book.  This is just something that I have to come to terms with myself.  Please, try to understand.

Liz: Just know that if you ever want to let go of some of that pain, I'm here and will listen.

Lucky: I know.

Lucky and Liz continued to stare across the water in silence until the sun rose the next morning.