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Chapter 30

Luke continued to back away slowly, the picture still in his hands.  This couldn't be true.  His angel could not really be doing this to him.  But there was his proof, right in his hands.  Laura couldn't understand what just happened.  She didn't attempt to get closer to Luke, fearing that he would just leave her at that moment.

Laura: Luke?

Luke (barely audible, but anger clearly heard in his voice): How could you?

Laura: What are you talking about?

Luke: And I was actually thinking of trying to work things out with you tomorrow.  I felt guilty for hurting you in the club earlier today.  I guess what I said didn't hurt all that much.

Laura: You're not making any sense.

Luke: Les said that you would be willing to wait for me to get passed your lies.

Laura: I am.

Luke (continues without hearing a word Laura has said): She did warn me if I took too long to get passed it that you might not be there waiting anymore.  I guess I didn't act soon enough.

Laura: I'm here, Luke.

Luke: You didn't take long to find someone else to warm your bed.  I guess what we had wasn't as special as I thought it was.

Luke stares at Laura with hatred in his eyes.  Pure hatred and nothing else.  The woman that he had loved more than life sat there with confusion and fear in her eyes.  He didn't care, though.  He didn't care if she was scared.  He was glad she was.  She deserved fear and so much more after what she did.  After everything he was willing to give up for her, only to have his attempts shattered in a split second.

Laura: What are you talking about?

Luke: This!

Luke throws the picture on the bed next to Laura.  It was the first time that she got a glimpse of what was in the frame.  Expecting to see the picture of Luke that she placed next to her on their bed, instead she understood exactly what had caused Luke to suddenly turn on her.  She just didn't understand how it got there or how it even existed.

Laura: Oh my god.

Luke: Is that all you have to say?!?  Did you think you could hide your lover from me forever?  Did you think that I would remain faithful to you, and love you, while you slept around?  (Laura just stares at him, unable to get the words out of her mouth) ANSWER ME, LAURA!

Laura: Luke, you have to know that this isn't real.  This picture, it can't be real because it never happened.

Luke: I know nothing of the sort!  Let's see what I do know.  You don't have a problem lying to me, or as you so well put it, keeping secrets in order to prevent pain.  Stefan was seen leaving the bedroom window... OUR bedroom window, earlier tonight.  And I find that in his place!

Laura: I didn't know Stefan was even in here and I never placed this picture in the frame because it doesn't exist.

Luke: It doesn't exist?  Are you saying I'm making all of this up?

Laura: It can't exist, Luke.  It's impossible because it never happened.

Luke: I gave you everything I could possibly give you, Laura.  I gave you more than I could ever give anyone else.  And this is how you repay me... in the arms of my worst enemy in OUR BED!

Laura didn't know what to say.  How can she explain something that never happened?  She couldn't.  Luke didn't trust her enough right now to believe a word she said and he was too angry to even think clearly.  She knew if she could calm Luke down a little, he might be able to see that it was a set up.  She tried to reach out to him, but he slapped her arms away.

Luke: Don't.  Don't sit there wanting to patch things up or make me understand.  And don't expect me to say it's okay or I forgive you.  That will never happen!

Luke stormed out of the room and grabbed Lucky's baseball bat that was in the hallway.  He headed downstairs and took  a quick glance at the pictures over the fireplace.  The family that he once cherished, the love that he thought would never end, was no more.  "May it rest in peace."  He picked up the bat, and with one quick, hard swing, the pictures went flying across the room smashing into the wall.  The frames shattered into a million pieces, unable to ever be put back together... symbolizing Luke's heart.  He threw the bat into the fire and headed out the door, never intending on stepping in foot in that house ever again.