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Chapter 36

Lucky was flipping through the channels on tv, trying to find something even partly interesting to watch.  Every station had repeats or were covering Clinton's affairs.  "You think you got problems.  Try sleeping with your spouse's mortal enemy," Lucky said in disgust as he shut off the tv.  He headed upstairs to see if his mother was home.  He worried about her whenever his father wasn't around, but she did bring this on herself.  And her lies managed to get Luke sleeping back at the club.

Lucky walked inside the room and noticed that no one was around.  "Where did she go so early?" Lucky thought.  The bed wasn't even made and there was a picture frame, faced down, on it.  Lucky lifted it up, thinking it was probably one of his father, but was suprised to see what it was.

Tiffany walked Laura inside and guided her to the couch.  Laura had seemed to lose a lot after her meeting with Luke.  She just seemed to not really care at the moment.  Tiffany knew that Laura needed a friend right now, and she was determined to be that for her.  She went over and got Laura a glass of water before sitting down with her.

Before they could start talking, Lucky came stomping down the stairs, fire in his eyes.  He stood in front of Laura, staring at her with contempt.  He didn't know what to say to his mother now.  He thought that she loved his father, but how could she love him and still...

Lucky (in a cold voice): How could you?

Laura: How could I what, Lucky?  What's wrong?

Lucky: Dad just left the house and you're already entertaining that man in your bed?

Laura: What are you talking about?

Lucky: THIS! (Flinging the picture at Laura) You sure don't keep your affairs a secret, do you?!

Tiff: Lucky, your mother didn't have an affair.  It's a fake.

Lucky: Yeah, just as fake as Nikolas is, huh?

Lucky ran out the door and Laura was going after him, calling out his name.  Once the door slammed before she got to it, she crumbled down to the ground and started crying.  Tiffany went over to her, and held her tightly, trying to stop her from shaking.  Laura looked like she was going to have a complete breakdown at this moment.

Laura: Why is this happening?  What have I done so wrong in my life that this is happening to me now?

Tiff: Nothing, Laura.  You've done nothing but try to keep your family happy.

Laura: Now I'm losing everything that I've tried to hold onto for so long.  Luke won't take me back and Lucky will follow his father's lead.  My family, the only thing I've cared about my whole life, is falling apart right before my eyes just because I dared to try to get to know my son.

Tiff: It's not falling apart, Laura.  Luke's not going to leave you.  He's hurt and confused, but don't mistaken that for anything else.  He wanted me to tell you to take care of the kids while he was in jail and that he loves you.

Laura (whispering): Did he say that?  Did he really say that he loved me still?

Tiff: Yes, he did.  He got out as much as he could before he started to cry.

Laura: Thank you.

Lucky ran straight for the club looking for his father.  Jason was in the club, working on the books, and looked up to see Lucky fly by him and go into Luke's office.  Lucky ran back out to where Jason was. "Didn't find your dad, huh?" Jason asked.

Lucky: Do you know where he is?

Jason: He got arrested last night.  You haven't heard?

Lucky: If I heard about it, I wouldn't have come here looking for him, would I?

Jason: Guess not.  I just thought your mother would have told you.

Lucky: Well, she doesn't tell me much these days.  Why was he arrested?

Jason: From what I know, the Commissioner showed up at Wyndemere before your father got a chance to kill Stefan.

Lucky: Thanks, Jason.

Jason: Do you want a ride to the police station?

Lucky: No.  I think I'm going to walk and clear my head before I see him.  I don't want to upset him more than he probably is at the moment.

Lucky walked out of the club and headed for the park.  It was the only place that would be Cassadine free and Spencer free at the moment.  Lucky needed time to think about how he was going to approach his father about everything he had discovered.  He knew his father must have seen the picture also because that's the only reason he would have tried to kill Stefan.  He didn't blame his father.  He wanted to kill that man himself, but what would that really accomplish?  It was his mother's choice to have an affair, and even if he was able to get rid of the man she was having the affair with, she could always go to another.  It would be hard to kill every man in the world.

Lucky sat on a bench at the park, overlooking a grass field.  He picked up a handful of rocks and started to throw them as hard as he could, trying to get some of his anger loose.  Nothing was working, though.  Just then, Elizabeth walked by, on her way home from work.  She saw that Lucky was angry and wanted to help, but didn't know if she should approach him.  Every time she tried to help, he just turned her away.  She didn't want to be known as the girl who couldn't take a hint, so she decided to just continue on her way home, leaving Lucky to his own thoughts.

Lucky looked up from the ground as Liz was almost passed him.  "Elizabeth, wait," he called out.

Liz froze, not knowing what to do next.  This was the first time Lucky made the first move.  She was always the one to call out his name or try to ask how he was doing.  She turned around and said, "Hi, Lucky.  I didn't even notice you there."

Lucky: Yeah.  I was just sitting here, thinking.  I didn't mean to stop you.  It's getting late and you must be tired from working with Ruby all day.

Liz: Not too tired.  Is anything wrong?

Lucky: Why do you ask?

Liz: I don't know.  I guess because you're sitting here alone, staring at the ground, throwing rocks across the field.  I guess it's not like you.

Lucky: I thought you said you didn't notice me sitting here.

Liz: So, I lied.  Lucky, you have to know that if there's anything you need to talk about, I'm here.  I can be a pretty good listener, despite what people think of me.  What's wrong?

Lucky: I don't know anymore.

Luke sat back on his prison cot, and closed his eyes.  Everything that had happened last night when he discovered the picture of Stefan and his wife came back to him.  It was like a nightmare that kept on repeating and he couldn't wake up from.  Laura's expression was still very vivid in his mind.  She seemed genuinely shocked, but for what reason?  Was it because the picture can't be real or was it because she never intended on his finding out about it?  He didn't know anymore.  He didn't know what to believe.  He wanted to believe Laura, he wanted to believe that this was just some grand scheme of Stefan's, but the picture looked so real.  Did it look so real because it was some sort of confirmation to Luke's worst nightmare -- the thought of Laura waking up one day and realizing that she made a huge mistake when she married him?  He didn't know anymore.

Sean walked in and saw Luke sitting on the cot with his eyes shut.  He had a feeling he knew what was going through Luke's mind right now.  Tiffany had told him that she did make some breakthrough when she talked to him earlier, so Sean decided this was probably the best time to get some cooperation from Luke.  If Luke refused to cooperate now, then he didn't know what to do next.  He didn't know if he could help his friend out of this jam even with his cooperation, but knew he couldn't if Luke remained stubborn.

Sean opened up the cell, getting Luke's attention.

Luke: Hey, Sean.

Sean: No wise cracks... that's a good sign.

Luke: Guess I'm not in the mood.

Sean: Why don't we discuss a few things in my office.  Are you up for it?

Luke: I guess I have nothing better to do.

Sean placed the handcuffs back on Luke and lead him to his office, hoping they would come up with a plan to get him released as soon as possible.

Nikolas was trying to finish the steak that Alexis had been kind enough to order him, but he didn't have much of an appetite.  Everything that has happened since he discovered his parents lied to him about who his father was had weighed heavily on him.  It was as if he could trust no one to tell him the truth anymore.  Alexis had tried to ease his pain by explaining why Stefan felt the lie was necessary, but it didn't help any.  The only comfort he took was in knowing that he wasn't a child of rape after all, like Luke had lead him to believe.  But, all things considering, that comfort was minimal in comparison to knowing that neither one of his parents had ever wanted to claim him as their own.

Nikolas was about to read a book to help him escape from reality when there was a knock at the door.  He went to answer it and saw Stefan standing in the doorway.  He had a slight grin on his face, the closest sign of happiness or accomplishment that Stefan was willing to show.  "What does he have to be so happy about," Nikolas thought.

Stefan: May I come in?

Nikolas: If I said no, would that stop you?

Stefan (entering the room): Nikolas, there are a few things that I feel we need to discuss.

Nikolas: There's nothing to discuss, Stefan, so why waste your time?

Stefan: Nikolas, I'm still your guardian, and I expect you to treat me as such.

Nikolas: Guardian?  Is that what you call yourself?  You can't even say the word yourself, can you?

Stefan: What word am I incapable of saying?

Nikolas: Father.  You can't even admit to it when it's just the two of us.  Why would I expect anything to be different, though?

Stefan: Nikolas, I think you have to allow me to explain...

Nikolas: Explain what?!  That you didn't want me as much as Laura didn't?!  If you wanted me, then you wouldn't have passed me off as your brother's son, would you have?!

Stefan: There were reasons for my secret.

Nikolas: There always are.

Stefan: I see that you are unwilling to accept my explanations at this time.  I understand that you are upset right now and confused.  I trust when you have had more time to think this over, you will see that my reasonings behind this secret are valid.

Nikolas: Is there anything else?

Stefan: Yes.  Is Alexis here?

Nikolas: She stepped out for some business.

Stefan: When she returns, will you deliver her a message?

Nikolas: Maybe.  What is it?

Stefan: Will you ask her to call me?  I have a legal matter to discuss with her concerning Spencer.

Nikolas: What about Luke?

Stefan: Nothing of your concern.

Nikolas: More secrets.  That's all you're capable of, isn't it?

Stefan: I suppose you will find out about this anyway after your mother has had a chance to recupperate from her loss.

Nikolas: What did you do?

Stefan: I have ensured your safety from a dangerous man.  Spencer came by Wyndemere after discovering a piece of evidence I left for him on his wife's bed.  He threatened to kill me before the Commissioner stopped his juvenile antics.

Nikolas: Where is he now?

Stefan: In prison where he belongs.  I want Alexis to make sure his stay becomes permanent.

Alexis walked in at that moment.

Alexis: So this is why you had some important business to attend to instead of coming to see your son.

Stefan: It was necessary to ensure that Spencer wouldn't try to harm Nikolas after discovering the truth.

Nikolas: Luke wouldn't do anything to endager hurting Laura.  I even know that much.

Stefan: Do you really believe that Spencer cares whether his wife must mourn over the death of her son?  Do you think she would mourn for long, or would she be relieved that the cause for the problems in her marriage was out of her life?

Nikolas couldn't take anymore of Stefan's lies and ran out of the room.  Alexis called out to him, but he didn't care.  He couldn't take breathing the same air as Stefan any longer.  Let her deal with him now.

Alexis looked back at Stefan with disgust.  "How can you justify hurting your own son like that?"

Nikolas found his way to the police station.  He didn't know why he had come here, but after everything Stefan had said, he had to see if it was true that Luke was really here.  He knew that Stefan was behind what ever reason Luke was in prison, and he wanted to know what it was.  He wanted to know just how far Stefan would go to make sure that Laura's marriage would end in one way or another.  He really didn't care whether or not Luke stayed in prison for the rest of his life, but it would affect his little sister a lot.  And his brother, even though he rarely allowed himself to think of him.  Even though he hated Luke more than anyone, he had his many faults, he was still Lucky and Lulu's father, and they seemed to think he was a good one.  "At least some kids get to know who their parents are," he thought.

Nikolas walked in and went to Sean.

Nikolas: I'm sorry to disturb you, but is Luke Spencer here?

Sean: Yeah, he is.  You're Nikolas Cassadine, aren't you?

Nikolas: Yes.  Would it be too much trouble if I spoke to him for a minute?

Sean: I don't know.  From what I understand, the two of you don't get along very well.

Nikolas: That's an understatement.  I really need to speak to him.  It's concerning my unc... I mean my father.

Sean: If you're here to make sure that Luke stays here...

Nikolas: No, sir.  I'm here just to speak to him to find out what's happened.

Sean: I'll give you 5 minutes.  If any trouble starts, I'll have to end it before then.

Nikolas: I understand.  Thanks.

Sean lets Nikolas in to see Luke.  Luke looks up to see Nikolas approaching his cell and gets a sly grin on his face.  "Why if it isn't the bastard child himself."