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Chapter 41

Sean headed back to the police station after his talk with Stefan.  He wished that Stefan gave away some clue as to how he was feeling when he saw the file on himself, but like any master at mind games, he was able to keep his emotions in check.  But Sean was confident that his plan was working, otherwise Stefan would have refused to drop the charges against Luke.  All Sean wanted to know now was once Luke got out of prison, what would be the next chapter in this Spencer/Cassadine feud.

Sean headed for one of the prison guards and asked him to bring Luke Spencer to his office.  Once Luke arrived, Sean dismissed everyone else that was in his room and locked the door, giving Luke and him some peace and privacy.

"I went to see Stefan just now," Sean said.

"Charming fellow, isn't he?"

"Yeah, well, I can admit that I don't like the guy either.  Good news for you, though.  I think he will be dropping the charges against you sometime tomorrow so you'll be able to get out of here and go back to where you belong."

"Where do I belong?" Luke whispered to himself.  "I'm not quite sure how you managed that, but I'll owe you big time if you found a way to get me out of here.  I don't like leaving my children unprotected like this."

"What about Laura, your wife?" Sean asked carefully, knowing that he was skating on thin ice any time he brought up Laura's name.

Luke got up and started pacing around the room.  Finally, he found his destination, the window in Sean's office, as he stared outside at Port Charles.  "She can take care of herself.  She's a grown woman and is capable of handling any situation that she faces," Luke said quietly.

"I agree.  After all, she's been faced with a lot lately, and she's doing a remarkable job at handling it, but that's all she's doing, Luke.  She's handling it, barely.  She's living with it because she has no other choice.  She's not overcoming these difficulties like she used to be able to do before."  Sean got no response out of Luke, as he just continued to stare out the window.  "She isn't the same without you, Luke."

"She isn't the same person I thought she was.  Or she's always been this person, and I was too blind to notice it before," Luke said, as he thought back to a time when he thought Port Charles looked very small.  Now it looked huge in size, but small for hiding because Laura was everywhere.

Helena headed for Alexis' room and was about to knock on the door when she heard two people talking inside.  She thought it would be best to listen to their conversation because any more information she could acquire on Alexis would be to her advantage.

Alexis handed Nikolas a cup of coffee and sat down next to him.  "He's still your father Nikolas."

Nikolas just stared at his cup of coffee, not wanting this conversation to continue.  He was grateful for Alexis' generosity in allowing him to stay with her when he had no one else to turn to, but he wish she could have been a silent roommate.  She was so insistent in getting him back together with Stefan that it was starting to drive him crazy.

"Will you give him a chance?" Alexis asked.

"He doesn't want that chance!" Nikolas yelled, slamming the cup of coffee on the table.  "He had the opportunity to explain his reasons, but he chose to pursue this vendetta of his over his own son.  I can't accept that anymore!  Since when in this world is a son supposed to be less important than ‘timoria'?!" The word timoria left a bad taste in Nikolas' mouth.  It was because of that one word that his whole life had changed.

"You have to understand that he feels it's because of the Spencers that your life has changed," Alexis said calmly.  "If you had never been involved with them..."

"Then his secret would have remained a secret.  I understand that, and that's the problem here, Alexis.  If my mother didn't decided to do the right thing and tell me the truth, then I would still be living a lie."

"Can you promise me one thing?  When Stefan wakes up and realizes the pain that you are in, will you try to crack the door open just a bit?  Give him a small chance, and you might learn you haven't lost everything."

"I can't.  I can't promise you something when I don't even know if I can trust him at all.  How am I supposed to trust that he would want to make up with me, his son, instead of using me to his advantage against my mother and her family?"

"You'll know.  Even if you never knew him as your father, you have known him.  You'll know when he's being sincere in his intentions.  One more thing and I'll promise to let this drop for now.  Don't tell anyone else about the truth.  If Helena finds out, she'll be out for revenge, and you might lose your life as you know it, along with Stefan before you even get a chance to reconcile."

"With Spencer knowing, what's to keep the world from knowing?" Nikolas asked, as he turned away from Alexis.  "Okay, I'll keep this to myself for now."

Helena stormed away from the door, furious at being played the fool for all these years.  "So, dear Nikolas, you are not the prince I was led to believe."  She grabbed her cell phone and called the one person she could completely trust.  "It's me.  Prepare the yacht to leave for tomorrow evening and tell the survants that I'll have a companion with me who will be staying indefinitely."