1978 History
Includes: Luke Arriving on the scene, Lodge Scam
1979 History
Includes: Bobbie's Fake Pregnancy, Lassa Fever, Bobbie
continues trying to get Scotty, Laura & Scotty's Wedding, The Rape, Rape
Aftermath, Laura's Pregnancy Scare
1980 History
Includes: Luke protects Laura from the
Mob, Luke & Jennifer's Wedding, The Left Handed Boy, Laura tries to win
Luke Back
1981 History
Includes: Laura continues to try & win Luke back, The Ice Princess,
The Wedding
Includes: Laura Disappears, The Search for Laura, David Grey, Holly
& The Oil Scam
1983 History
Includes: Luke "dies" in an avalanche, Luke Returns from the
Dead, The Prometheus Disc, Laura Returns, L&L walk off into the
1984 History
Includes: L&L's Texas/Mexico Adventure...
With Robert & Holly
Non L&L Years (1984-1992)
Includes: Robert tells Holly that L&L had a
baby boy (off screen) Robert & Holly stories, Frisco & Felicia
adventures, Duke,Anna, & Robert saga, The Eckerts are introduced,
Robert & Anna are "killed" by Faison, more...
Includes: L&L's exciting return to
Port Charles, Lucky returns to Port Charles on his own, Bill Eckert
is shot, L&L's 12th anniversary, L&L Skit on Sat. Night Live, Lucky
is shot.
Includes: Transcript of fantastic Valentine's
Day show, B.J. dies, Maxie's Heart transplant, First Nurse's Ball, Lulu's
birth, Foster joins the Spencer Family, Luke and Lucky testify at Bradley
Ward Trial, Luke kills Frank Smith.
Includes: Mob shoot-out at Spencer house,
Laura blames Luke for bringing violence into the house & throws him out,
Lucky accidentally shoots Luke, Lucky and Emily go on the run to find her
Aunt, L&L go looking for them together, L&L reunite for their
Includes:Lucky's gambling
addiction, Mary Mae dies,
The Ward House fire, Laura
goes on trial for Damian's
murder, Lesley Lu gets sick,
Carly comes to town,
Cassadines come to town, Stefan makes Laura beg for
Lu Lu's life, Nik's marrow saves Lu Lu, Laura tells Luke about Nik, Steve
Hardy dies, L&L learn Stefan has Lesley "alive" Twist of Fate
Includes: Laura returns to PC alive while
Luke is questioned about Katherine's shooting,
Stefan banishes Laura to Switzerland, The egg and the computer virus, Shootout
at Luke's, Helena comes to PC
Includes: Bobbie finds out
Carly is her daughter, Liz is
raped, 1979 rape of Laura is revisited, Laura comes home, Lucky is estranged
from his parents, Luke frames Stefan for murder, Luke finds out that Nik
is Stefan's son, L&L break
Includes: Stefan is revealed as Nik's
father, Luke gives away the Cassadine money, Aunt Ruby dies, Cassadine fortune
is up for grabs, Laura continues to see Stefan, Lucky reconciles with his
parents, Lucky "dies" in a fire