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Steve & Audrey talk about Jeff trying to find out if Steven Lars is still alive
Steven Lars Death Certificate is being checked to see if it's a fake
Cal Jamison calls GH for Jeff & he recognizes Bobbie's voice & says
.......he's trying to remember where they met before (Bobbie says they haven't)
Bobbie tells Chris that Laura threw a book at her yesterday (her arm still hurts)
Lesley has just gotten her Medical License back
[Musical Flashback] Lesley sees Monica & thoughts of her & Rick together appear
Lesley & Monica talk (Monica says Rick called & told her about Lesley's license)
Laura has pulled her grades up & plans to graduate in January & go to College
Rick seems to have already told Monica all that Lesley tells her (Les is annoyed)
Laura has a Court appointed Curfew... She has to be home by 9 PM
Monica invites Rick, Lesley, & Laura over for dinner (Les tries to get out of it)
Monica asks Lesley if she is uncomfortable about being around her
Monica feels Lesley is a little on edge with her (Lesley says of course not)
Monica wants to be friends
Lesley pretends that all is fine
Diana is in the hospital recovering from her brain surgery
Diana is allowed to go home "tonight"
Dr tells Diana to take it easy at home
Jeff & Audrey discuss Anne (Her Father just died & she's just arrived in PC)
Bobbie tells Jeff that Jamison called
Lesley sees Steve & Audrey
Steve notices the pin Lesley is wearing (Les says it was Rick's Mother's)
Jessie has noticed that Bobbie spends time alone "writing letters"
Dan keeps pestering Jessie to marry him
Jeff tells Monica that she's changed (for the better)
Steve tells Lesley that the board has refused to give Lesley a new contract
.......(They want her to come back on a temporary trial basis)
Lesley says she'll think about it
Lesley just can't stop thinking about Monica & Rick
Bobbie tells Jessie about Laura throwing the book at her
Bobbie says Laura has a terrible temper (Jessie can't believe it)
Diana goes home
Audrey says she noticed the way Steve looked at the pin Lesley was wearing
Steve says it was a gift he gave Rick's Mother (Helene) before he went over seas
Steve mentions how Rick would have no idea he gave it to Helene
Diana is so happy to be home with PJ
Heather is pregnant
Jeff & Heather come to dinner at the Hardy's
Jeff mentions how his Mother used to wear that pin all the time
Jeff & Heather meet Anne
Handwriting expert calls & tells Jeff that Steven Lar's Death Certificate is a FAKE
Lesley has decided to start back at the Clinic this afternoon
Laura says that she caused all of Lesley's problems with the Hospital Board
Rick tells Laura not to blame herself & to stop dwelling on it
Laura wonders if things will ever get back to normal again (Rick says they will)
Laura looks scared when Alice brings the mail in
Laura gets a letter with a newspaper picture of her & the words "Once a Killer,
.......Always a Killer" scribbled on it
Bobbie puts another letter (to Laura) in a mail box
Scotty calls Laura (He wonders if he's done something to upset her... she says no)
Laura feels like a criminal out on bail (due to Mr Higgens checking up on her)
Laura hides the letter
Rick meets Mr Higgens (Family Court Investigator assigned to Laura)
Mr Higgens came by to check up on Laura's family life
Mr Higgens asks Rick lots of questions about Laura (Including her "temper")
Rick stands up for Laura BIG TIME
Rick says he would have killed David if he were there BEFORE Laura could
[Flashback] Bobbie remembers Scotty telling her that he realizes he loves Laura
[Flashback] Bobbie remembers telling Laura that she'd hurt her in a big way
Bobbie meets Anne (Gives her a tour of the Hospital)
Bobbie fills Anne in on all the Hospital gossip
Lee & Gail discuss Gail's sense of distrust that was caused by Greg (he ex Husband)
Laura tells Scotty about the letter she received
Laura says she killed a man & no one will ever let her forget about it
Monica talks to Rick about Les being on edge (R says it's due to the Hospital board)
Mr Higgens comes to see Dr Taylor (Laura's monthly progress report)
Bobbie is really snooty as she gives Laura her messages
Bobbie follows Laura into the elevator
Bobbie says Scotty will see through Laura
Bobbie says but till then he better watch his step... he could end up dead like David
Laura says she'll get even with her someday
Bobbie runs out of the elevator pretending that Laura just threatened her life
Peter (Dr Taylor) tells Mr Higgens that Laura is making good strides
Bobbie comes to the Book room to bug Laura
Laura accuses Bobbie of sending the awful letters to her (Bobbie denies it)
Bobbie says she wants a nice murder story to read on her break... something with
.......a lot of violence... and turns it towards Laura... and says you'd know about
.......violence and SEX...
Laura attacks Bobbie & tells her to shut up & pushes her away
Bobbie falls to the floor & screams bloody murder!!!
Monica (Who was on her way to see Lra) comes in & Bobbie says "she tried to kill me"
Bobbie gets on the phone to tell Dr Taylor that one of his patients attacked her
Scotty tells Gail that Laura is worried that she has a pattern of violence in her
Bobbie tells Peter that Laura attacked her (Higgens is standing right there)
Bobbie says she hopes Peter brings Mr Higgens with him... she knows he'll believe her
Laura tells Peter how Bobbie always says mean things to her to make her angry
Bobbie says she only came to the Book Room to get a book
Bobbie lies about what happened & acts like Laura attacked her for no reason
Laura admits to pushing Bobbie (Says Bobbie made her do it... to make her stop)
Laura asks if Mr Higgens is gonna have to report this to Judge Stalman
Mr Higgens says not until he gets the facts (on what happened)
Monica tries to calm Laura down
Peter tells Mr Higgens that Bobbie has been goading Laura
Mr Higgens is leaning towards deciding that Laura has an uncontrollable temper
Peter (w/ Mr Higgens) tells Lesley what happened in the book room
Lesley comes to see Laura (Laura shuts Lesley out & says she'll tell her about it later)
Lesley is hurt that Laura was able to talk to Monica about it
Bobbie tells her story to Gail & Scotty (Makes it sound so awful)
Monica asks Bobbie what she said to Laura about David (She can't remember)
Scotty tells Mr Higgens that Laura reacts badly to David Hamilton mentions
.......because she's terrified of being sent to Reform School
Laura is late for her appointment with Dr Taylor
Scotty learns that Laura left the hospital
Bobbie continues telling everyone about the "worst day of her life"
Mr Higgens talks to Bobbie about the incident
Mr Higgens wonders why Bobbie would go into a room ALONE with Laura
Mr Higgens can tell that Bobbie has a personal animosity towards Laura
Patients don't want to be treated by Lesley (They don't trust her due to her lies)
Lesley's friend (Coleen) from Jail comes into the Clinic & sees Lesley (Joyful reunion)
Peter tells Lesley that Laura hasn't shown up for her appointment
Bobbie tells Chris what happened (Her version of it, at least)
Lesley wants to know what Bobbie did to Laura to cause the fight
Scotty tells Lesley that he can't find Laura anywhere
Just as Lesley is about to tell Mr Higgens that Laura missed her appt, Laura walks in
Laura (Infront of Mr Higgens) tells Bobbie she's sorry she lost her temper
.......& will just ignore her from now on
Mr Higgens will report the incident, but will tell the judge about the circumstances
Lesley invites Scotty to have dinner with her & Laura
Scotty tells Bobbie that she better not be intentionally trying to hurt Laura
Lesley tells Coleen that things are pretty bad (ie with her marriage)
Bobbie calls her Brother (Luke) [FIRST MENTION OF LUKE SPENCER]
Bobbie wants Luke to help her make this girl who has caused her "dirt" "sorry that she ever crossed a Spencer"
......."Hi, Luke Spencer, please. Luke! Hi, it's Bobbie... What do you mean, Bobbie Who?. Your sister!... Hey look, the phone works both ways you know, I haven't heard from you in a long time either... Oh nothing, working real hard trying to earn a living. Listen, Luke, um I know that we haven't talked for a long time but, um, if there's one thing about us Spencers it's that we always do stick together in times of trouble, right?... Uh, well yes, there is one little favor that I would like you to do for me. How'd you guess?... Uh, listen Luke, I'm at work right now so I can't talk too much, but there's some girl I know who's really done me dirt & if anybody can help me even the score, it's you. So what do you say, will you help me make her sorry she ever crossed a Spencer?"... Bobbie Spencer]
Monica tells Rick about the book room incident (even though Les wanted to tell him)
Jeff & Steve discuss the Steven Lars situation
Luke knows that Bobbie has been back in town for over a year
Luke mentions that Bobbie has always been ashamed of their family
.......Bobbie is sitting alone at a restaurant table putting out a cigarette as Luke comes to sit down...

Luke: Sorry, to cut out on you like that, Sis, right after you got here, but business before pleasure, you know what I mean?
Bobbie: Pretty strange place to do business, isn't it luke?
L: Look, I don't tell you how to run your life, so don't tell me how to run mine, ok?
B: I wasn't, I just mean't...
L: Enough small talk! Why'd you call me?
B: Luke, you're my brother, I had a problem, it's only natural I should call you...
L: Oh Bobbie, come on, this is Luke you're talking to! You've been back in Port Charles for over a year now, this is the first word I've heard from you in all that time.
B: How'd you know I was back?
L: Kid, I know everything. Veto Minera told me.
B: That creep! You're still hanging out with...
L: Watch your mouth when you talk about my friends, ok? So... You gonna be a real trained nurse. Your living in a posh apartment with some older nurse. Oh, that's quite a change in lifestyle.
B: I'm doing alright.
L: Sure. Except now you need a favor from your big brother. Guess I shouldn't be surprised at that. Why else would you call me?
B: Oh, Luke, I'm sorry...
L: Oh SAVE it, Bobbie!! You've always been ashamed of your family, so none of us drop from shock when you cut us off! But like you said on the phone... when the heat is on, the Spencers stick together. So come on, tell me what's with this high school kid who's on parole or something that you wanna even the score with. [Bobbie smiles]
....[Luke is holding a cut out of a newspaper with Laura's picture on it]
L: Sure, I read all this myself when it first broke. Laura Webber. Tell me, how come your all in a sweat over some high school kid thak knocked off her lover?
B: Listen Luke, I don't want to go into all the grizzly details. This chick has been trouble for me for a long time.
L: You never had any trouble before getting rid of people who got in your way. What's the matter, baby, you losing your touch?
B: I tried to handle it myself today. Too many people at that hospital know how I feel about her. They're gonna be watching every move I make. So from now on, I can't have anything to do with her personally. Could ruin EVERYTHING I've worked so hard for!
L: Oh, I know that look Bobbie. I'd hate to be on the receiving end. Ok, what do you want me to do about her?
B: I want her sent off to Reform School! That's were she belongs and that's where she'd be if her parents weren't famous Doctors with BIG expensive lawyers to pull strings and get her off!
[Luke blurts out laughing]
B: What? What's so funny?
L: Oh Baby! You've got the wrong number!
B: What?!
L: Look, I've got no pull with the juvenile court! Look, you want her roughed up a bit... I'd talk to a couple of the boys here about that! [Laughs]
B: No! Will you listen, I've got a plan. Only I can't handle it myself. I need someone to pull it off for me. So listen. And listen VERY carefully. [Luke salutes her] FADE OUT - END OF SCENE...]
Heather visits Diana & PJ
Diana & Heather discuss Jamison telling them that Steve Lar's is alive, etc
Rick & Monica discuss the Laura - Bobbie situation
Alan tells Monica that his tests show that there is no reason they can't have children
Mitch goes over Tracy's estate with her
Tracy wants control of her Grandfather's trust fund by the time Ned turns 12
Only thing that is getting in her way is the possibitlity of A&M producing a male heir
Tracy tells Mitch her Grandfather (Edgar) became eccentric as he got older
Mitch thinks they could use that to their advantage to contest the Trust Fund
Bobbie tells Luke about Laura & how people know she hates her, so she needs help
Bobbie tells Luke she wants Laura sent off to Reform School
Bobbie has a plan, but needs Luke to pull it off
Diana's Mom tells Diana that she once heard Heather call PJ "Steven Lars"
Jeff asks Mitch to run a check on Cal Jamison
Rick loses a patient & is very upset by it (Monica tries to console him)
Luke is impressed by Bobbie's set up plan & he agrees to help
Luke asks if Bobbie has heard from Cousin Lorraine lately (B emphatically says NO)
Jessie & Dan go out to dinner
Rick tells the patient's husband that she died
Monica wonders why Rick has been acting strange lately
Peter & Diana wonder why Heather is not happy about there being a chance
.......that Steven Lars could be alive
Peter gets a call that Diana's sister (Beth) was in a car accident in NY
Diana's Mom decides she has to go & stay with Beth
Jeff tells Heather that the death certificate is a fake
Jeff says he won't rest until he finds Steven Lars (Heather looks so thrilled )
Construction on the new Cardiac Wing begins "today"
Tracy wants to know why Alan went to see a Doctor (He doesn't tell her)
Tracy asks Alan if Monica is pregnant (Alan doesn't really answer her)
Heather wants to know why Susan is so interested in getting Mitch to help Jeff
Heather wants Susan to find a way to call Mitch off or she'll be sorry
Jamison calls Jeff (Jamison tells him to get money ready... ie... for info he knows)
Jamison tells Jeff NOT to involve the police or all bets are off
Heather threatens to tell Mitch about Susan's divorce (& it's circumstances)
Tracy & Gary discuss plans for Gary's book
Jeff tells Heather that Jamison called again (& that he wants to set up a meeting)
Diana talks to Peter (since her Mom is leaving) about asking Heather to help her
Peter has some reservations, but he agrees
Peter says if Heather tries to take over PJ again, that Diana is to tell him
Heather tries to call Mr Wallace, but he's not there
Rick tells Lesley about his patient dying
Lesley is upset that Monica told Rick about the Laura/Bobbie confrontation
[Rick & Lesley were married "just a few weeks" before Thanksgiving 1977]
Lesley is upset that Rick slept in the guest room last night
Monica tells Alan that she is worried about Rick (& why he's acting weirdly)
Laura worries that her parents situation will cause her to be send to reform school
Bobbie tells Laura she's sorry if she said anything to upset her (Lra doesn't believe her)
Scotty tells Bobbie the best thing to do is for her to stay away from Laura
Lesley still has no patients
Heather has a checkup with Gina (Gina tells her to stay calm & relaxed)
Gary asks Gina if Monica is pregnant (Really asking for Tracy) (Gina won't tell)
Heather overhears Bobbie taking a message for Jeff from Jamison
Heather tells Bobbie that she'll give Jeff the message for her
Laura & Rick discuss the Bobbie situation (Lra tells Rick about the letters she got)
Rick wants to see them, but Laura has thrown them away
Heather & Alice discuss Mr Wallace, Jamison, & Susan's "big mouth"
Peter calls Heather & asks if she'll help out with PJ (Heather jumps at the chance)
Laura & Scotty discuss Bobbie (& the fact that Lesley has very few patients)
Laura says people will NEVER foget that she had an affair with David & killed him
Laura tells Scotty about Rick sleeping in the guest room
Laura says that everything that's wrong betwen Rick & Lesley is her fault
Audrey tells Lesley to ride it out... people forget very quickly
Audrey invites Lesley & family to come over on Thanksgiving for a visit
Audrey hopes that no matter what, Lesley has a nice Thanksgiving
Monica tells Rick that she knows something is bothering him & that he'll work it out
Lesley sees Monica give Rick a kiss on the cheek
Audrey prepares the house for their "first" Thanksgiving (since remarriage)
Diana tells Heather that she considers her one of her closest & dearest friends
Heather tells her Mom that she didn't give Jeff the message from Jamison
[FLASHBACKS] Lesley, as she sleeps, remembers asking Rick if she has been as sexually
.......satisfying to him as other women he has known... IE Monica. Rick says he can't make
.......comparisons like that
Rick & Jeff discuss Cal Jamison (& waiting for him to call again)
Rick offers to lend Jeff the money Cal Jamison is demanding for info (Jeff accepts)
Scotty spends Thanksgiving with the Webbers
Scotty wants to go to the big game, but Laura doesn't want to (due to being in a crowd)
Laura & Scotty go for a walk (& maybe the game)
[Last year Laura went out with Alan & Monica & missed Thanksgiving dinner at home]
Bobbie marvels at Tracy's fur coat (Says Tracy sure is dressed up for a Football game)
Heather vows to somehow get Steven Lars back for her & Jeff one day
Rick & Lesley visit the Hardy's (They meet Anne)
Rick states that he'd like to have a couple kids around the house
Laura & Scotty come home (They went to the football game... people pointed at Laura)
Scotty tells Laura to forget the past & how important she is to him
Laura tells Scotty that she doesn't want to hurt him, but she has a way of hurting people
Thanksgiving dinner at the Hardy's
Jamison calls Jeff (Jamison is at the Floating Rib & tells Jeff to bring the money)
Bobbie, Jessie, & Dan have dinner at the Floating Rib
Jamison has [Flashbacks] when he sees Bobbie & remembers where he's seen her before!!!!
Lesley asks Rick about his wanting children (Laura sees them hugging & is thrilled)
Jamsion sends Bobbie a note & she goes over to see him & he tells her he remembers he
.......knows her through her cousin Lorraine (Bobbie tells him he's wrong)
Tracy comes up to Bobbie with Mitch (Jamison overhears her say Assistant DA & turns away)
Lila & Monica discuss how Tracy gets so threatened at the thought of Monica being pregnant
Lila tells Monica that she thinks it was Tracy who tried to break up Alan & Grace Dobson just
.......before they were married (By dropping hints that Grace was using Alan as revenge against
.......her first husband)
Lila says that Tracy will stop at nothing to get what she wants
Tracy comes up to Bobbie with Mitch (Jamison overhears her say Assistant DA & turns away)
.......& asks about Jeff
Jamison takes off out the back exit
Jeff comes in, runs into Mitch, & then runs in looking for Jamison
Jeff asks Bobbie if she happened to see Jamison (Bobbie says no)
Mitch tells Jeff that Jamison's got a record & is a wanted man
Susan tries to convince Jeff not to tell Heather about Jamison's record (He agrees)
Bobbie calls Luke & tells him that Jamison recognizes her (She wants his help)
Edward says that work is his life.....If he retired he'd die of boredom
Edward thinks Tracy & Mitch are two of a kind... A challenge for them both
Mitch is angry at Susan for lying about who wanted the check on Jamison stopped
.......(She had originally said it was Jeff... but now she told him it was Heather)
Jamison calls Jeff at the Rib & says he saw him talking to Mitch
Jamison says he'll be calling Jeff again in a few days
Jeff says why didn't Jamison call & tell him he was coming
Jamison says he DID leave Jeff a message that he was coming (with Bobbie)
Luke thinks Bobbie is making too big a deal out of Jamison
Bobbie asks Luke to find out more about Jamison (Luke says ok)
Luke wonders when they're gonna start their plan against Laura
Bobbie says she's still working out her plan
Jeff tells Heather about Jamison calling him & how he missed him
Jeff tells Heather that Jamison is a wanted man
[Flashback] Heather remembers telling Susan to stop Mitch from getting the report
Alan tells Monica that they both need to watch out for Tracy
Heather calls & tells Susan to stop any more reports on Jamison or else
Tracy asks Edward to find out everything he can on Mitch Williams for her
Rick tells Lesley she tends to take a fairy tale look at how relationships should be
Laura (on the phone) keeps asking Scotty if he noticed something wrong between Rick
.......& Lesley last night (He says no)
Scotty mentions wanting to have a happy marriage one day
Scotty asks if Laura would like to go up to the lake & eat dinner at the lodge
Laura says she can't leave the county for 5 more months (Scotty says it's in county limits)
Laura says they'll have to have an early dinner to make it back for her 9 pm curfew
Bobbie tells Luke the one thing to get Laura in trouble would be to make her miss her curfew
Dan tells Bobbie that if she ever needs his help... he's there for her
Laura overhears Rick & Lesley say that if their marriage fails, the judge can come in &
.......take Laura away from them
Coleen runs into Bobbie in the lobby & says don't you remember me... I was a friend of
.......your Mother's (Talks of their sister Pat) (Bobbie says she doesn't remember her)
Bobbie blows Coleen off
Laura has a session with Dr Taylor
Bobbie overhears Scotty ask Lee if he can borrow his car to drive to the lake with
Laura tells Peter that Rick & Lesley are having problems & it's all her fault
Scotty asks Lesley if he can take Laura to the lodge for dinner (Lesley says ok)
Lesley has patients again
Lesley introduces Coleen to Rick
Lee & Gail come over for drinks at the Webbers
They all think it's time for her to go before the board about getting on contract
Lesley doesn't want to talk about it right now
Lesley gets kind of upset when Rick asks Gail about Monica (who's in Long Island)
Scotty tells Laura that Lesley said they can go to the Lake
Scotty wants Laura to start being able to trust people
Bobbie goes to see Luke & asks him to make a room reservation at the lodge
.......under the name Scotty Baldwin
[Luke worked for 3 years as a mechanic] - which Bobbie says will come in handy
Jeff asks Bobbie why she didn't give him the message from Jamison
Bobbie tells Jeff that she gave Heather the message
Jamison tells his sister in law that his plan is gonna work & get him money
Jamison's sister in law asks Cal for the money he owes her
Jamison calls Bobbie & says he'll keep her secret for a price (Wants her home number)
Anne talks of working in a missionary hospital in Nigeria
Tracy teases Monica about the way she is always praising Rick
Monica says she better not make those kind of comments infront of Lesley
Audrey wants to get Anne back into nursing
Monica talks of "emotions you can't control" to Gail
Jessie & Dan wonder what's bothering Bobbie
Tracy is planning a Hospital Fundraising Christmas party
Jamison calls Bobbie again & tells her he wants her to send him $500 (To keep her secret)
Jamison says he has some pictures & letters that prove what Bobbie did in Jacksonville
Bobbie says she'll get the money somehow
Jamison calls Jeff & tells him that he knows Jeff involved the District Attorney
Jamison says his price has gone up (For ALL of the info on Stev. Lars... Incl... where he can be found)

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