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MARCH - APRIL 1979 (Part One)

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Monica (on the phone) tells Alan she wants a child right away
Jamison continues to stay at Bobbie's
Luke calls Bobbie (He knows something is wrong) (Bobbie says nothing is wrong)
Edward & Tracy discuss Tracy wanting Ned to get the Trust Fund
Jeff is tormented by the news that Steve is his Father
Jamison finally leaves Bobbie's apartment
Quarantine could be lifted by morning
Rick can't stop thinking about Monica
Steve continues to get better
Laura wants to get married before June
[According to Bryan, Laura is quite a cook]
Jamison watches Diana through the window
Everyone is getting ancy for the Quarantine to be lifted
Steve wonders what's wrong with Jeff
Diana sees Jamison's shadow & calls the Police
Lesley goes to another Group Therapy session (Talks about Laura's fake memory block)
Lesley realizes that she's proud of Laura for telling her the truth
Lesley is so full of hope for her future with Rick
Quarantine is about to be lifted
Monica can't take losing a patient to Lassa Fever (Her friend Josephine), she starts to lose it
Steve announces that the Quarantine has been lifted (11:43 PM)
Monica goes crazy & runs outside crying [Location Footage]
Rick goes after Monica & says he'll drive her home (They drive off)
Colleen calls Lesley & tells her the Quarantine has been lifted & that Rick left GH
Monica runs off... Rick runs afer her [Location Footage - At the Beach]
Rick takes Monica to a deserted Bait Shop
Lesley & Laura talk it all out (Lesley tells Lra how proud she is of her for telling the truth)
Lesley is waiting for Rick to get home
Rick & Monica kiss... Rick stops... They discuss how they want each other... Rick says they can't
All the Doctors & Nurses leave the Hospital to go home
Rick comes home & finds Lesley waiting for him (Lesley asks where he's been)
Lesley asks if he's been with Monica (He says Yes)
Rick says "but nothing happened" (But he says he wanted to sleep with Monica)
Alan tells Monica how happy he is to see her
Jamison has made it out of town (So says Mitch)
[1st Week of March]
Heather wonders where Jeff is
Laura sees Rick
Laura tells Rick she saw Lesley speed out of the garage with a suitcase in the car
Laura insists on knowing what the problem is (Rick won't tell her)
Lesley left a note saying she needed to get away to think things over
Mr Higgens stops by & tells Laura she's been very good & forsees no problems
.......with the Judge at the end of the month
Laura worries how Lesley being gone could affect what Mr Higgens thinks
Monica asks Gail not to tell people when she left the Hospital & what condition she was in
.......& about telling Rick to go after her
Scotty tells Laura that Gail said Rick left the Hospital before midnight
Rick tries to find Lesley
Monica & Tracy argue
Heather is frantic & can't figure out why Jeff hasn't come to see her
Laura continues to worry how Lesley taking off will affect her with the Judge
[Laura is supposed to appear before the Judge at the end of March]
Lesley call Rick, but hangs up on him
Laura continues to want to know what the problem is (Rick won't tell)
Heather visists PJ & Diana
Audrey is worried how Steve will react when he learns what she's done
Laura & Scotty visit Lee in the Hospital
Rick remembers kissing Monica [Flashback] & telling Lesley about it
Monica thinks of kissing Rick as she sleeps with Alan
Alan tells Monica that he was jealous of her & Rick being quarantined together
Bobbie starts back up to work "tomorrow"
Jessie wants to know what happened between Bobbie & Scotty
Heather wants to find a way to get "PJ" to come live with her & Jeff
Dan calls & invites Bobbie & Jessie out to dinner
Bobbie calls Luke (Tells him Jessie is asking questions about her & Scotty)
Luke tells Bobbie what she should tell Jessie (We don't hear what, though)
Heather continues to offer to take care of PJ for Diana when she starts work again
"Strange man" (Jamison) calls Diana again asking for Peter
Tracy & Mitch talk to Edward about starting a campaign for Mitch for Senator
Bobbie & Luke talk about Jamison & Laura (She wants her sent to Reform School)
Bobbie tells Jessie that Laura broke her & Scotty up by telling Scotty that she (Laura) was pregnant
Jessie is shocked
Jamison calls & Heather answers the phone (At Diana's) & he recognizes her voice
Gail remembers how crazy Monica was acting the night the Quarantine was lifted
Alan wonders what's bothering Monica
Laura doesn't want Rick to tell Mr Higgens that Lesley left
Rick asks if Laura is really concerned about Lesley or herself
[Laura has been on probation for 5 months... with less than a month to go]
Steve keeps wondering where Jeff is
Bobbie wonders why Lesley hasn't shown up for work
Audrey & Anne talk about Jeremy's Aunt in CA not seeming to want him
Steve is transfered out of Isolation
Jeff has driven far from Port Charles & slept in his car for a day & a half
Rick & Monica discuss what happened between them
Lesley is staying with Calleen (They talk about Rick's desire for Monica)
Rick says they have to control their feelings (So not to ruin their lives)
Rick tells Monica that he told Lesley what happened
Jeff calls Heather
Laura continues to worry about how her parents problems will affect her situation
Laura tells Scotty he's the only person she trusts
Bobbie calls Luke & tells him Rick & Lesley have "seperated"
.......(She overheard Scotty say so in the book room)
Bobbie asks Luke to call the Judge & tell him (He agrees to)
Bobbie asks Monica not to tell anyone what she did to Scotty (Monica says ok)
Bobbie "thinks" that all the people she has to grovel to will pay one day
Lesley comes back to work (She sees Monica) (Alan's presence prevents a discussion)
Heather vows again to get PJ/Steven Lars back for her & Jeff
Alan invites his parents to stay in the Mansion with them when it's ready
Laura sees Lesley (Lesley says she's not sure she & Rick can work it out)
Jeff picks Heather up from the Taylor's
Lra runs to Sctty frantic about what Les just said (& how it will affect their getting married)
Bobbie calls Luke (Luke told the Judge about Rick & Lesley & he said he'd look into it)
Rick comes to see Lesley
Judge Stalman & Mr Higgens discuss the call he got about the Webber marriage
Rick & Lesley agree to talk later tonight
Heather wants to know what's wrong with Jeff (He won't tell her)
Heather is paranoid that Jeff's attitude is due to her losing their baby
Lesley asks Scotty to take Laura out to dinner (ie... So she & Rick can talk)
Lesley visits Steve (They talk about Jeff)
Heather continues to dig at Jeff about what's wrong with him
Lee tells Scotty that Laura isn't ready emotionally for marriage yet
Rick & Lesley talk
Rick & Lesley talk about his feelings for Monica
Lesley says she won't be a substitute for Monica
Lesley wants to know if Rick still wants Monica as much as he did that night
Jeff ignores a call from Steve
Mr Higgens comes to the Webber's & asks about their Marital problems
Lesley re-asks her question about Monica
Rick says it probably still exists (His feelings for Monica)
Lesley says she can't continue to share his bed anymore (She'll stay in the guest room)
Lesley asks Rick to go to her Group Therapy sessions with her (He says NO)
Scotty & Laura bring Lee home from the Hospital
Laura & Scotty are kissing in the dark as Mr Higgens knocks on Scotty's Apartment door
Mr Higgens tells Laura he'll be checking on her school work too
Rick tells Lesley that he'll move his stuff into the guest room (stops her from moving her stuff)
Audrey tries to get Jeff to go see Steve (But he won't)
Lesley tells Laura that she & Rick will be sleeping in seperate rooms, but they are trying to work things out
Tracy continues to try & find a loophole in her Grandfather's will
Jessie is upset about what Bobbie told her (about Laura)
Jessie is afraid Bobbie is lying to her
Dan invites Jessie to go to Canada with him (Jessie says yes)
Luke is so happy the Disco is full of people (He dances down the hallway)
Bobbie wants Luke to get her out of the lie she told Jessie (About Laura)
Bobbie wants to get Laura sent to Reform School & Scotty to turn against her
Tracy wants to use Mitch's involvement in the David Hamilton case to his political advantage
Luke comes up with a plan
Luke wants to use the Hamilton memory to make it look like Laura hasn't changed
Monica can't stop thinking about Rick
Laura calls Scotty to talk about Rick & Lesley's problems
"Today" is Laura's first day of College
Laura tells Lesley she has English Lit on the first day
Lesley remembers her 1st year in College & being in English Lit & her Professor
Laura says he was my Father & asks what he was like
Les tells Laura about him (He was very bright & Sensitive & Made books they read come alive)
Jeff tells Audrey he may have to end his relationship/friendship with Steve
Alan keeps trying to get Rick & Lesley to come over for dinner
Laura tells Scotty she's gonna ask Monica where Rick was after the Quarantine ended
Bobbie asks Gina not to tell anyone about the pregnancy situation
Jeff calls Teri (his Sister) in Hawaii
Steve continues to wonder why Jeff hasn't come to see him
Steve sends an order for Jeff to come see him
Gary accuses Howard of being in love with Gina (Howard punches him)
Steve learns Jeff ignored his order
Laura sits with Monica in the Cafeteria (Lesley walks in)
Jeff flies to Hawaii to see Teri
Audrey tells Steve that she told Jeff that he's his Father
Steve is Furious (He never thought Audrey would betray his trust)
Laura wonders why Monica seems scared of Lesley
Laura feels she can't depend on Monica anymore (Due to how Monica reacted towards Lesley)
Scotty wants their families to approve before he & Laura get married
Audrey tells Anne she told Steve the truth about Jeff
Audrey thinks Steve will never forgive her
Dr Kincade is taking over Dr Taylor's patients while Peter is out of town
Lesley & Monica discuss the situation (Lesley tells Monica that her [Monica's] uncomfortableness is her own problem)
Laura has her first session with Dr Kincade
Laura believes all her problems will be over when she marries Scotty
Anne tries to explain Audrey's reasons to Steve
Colleen is hired as a Volunteer at the Clinic
Mitch plans on getting new articles written about the Hamilton case
Heather lies to Diana & says there were more strange phone calls from a man
Heather pretends to see a man's shadow outside
Heather tells Diana maybe it's a kidnapper (Diana is frantic)
Rick & Monica discuss the situation (They have to control their feelings for each other)
[Laura goes before the Judge next week]
Mitch talks a reporter into writing an article on Laura & the Hamilton case
Bobbie calls Luke & he's come up with an idea
Alice tells Rick that Jeff went to see Teri in Hawaii
Bobbie calls Luke & he says he's come up with an idea
Alice tells Rick that Jeff went to see Teri in Hawaii
Heather tries to make Diana look paranoid to the Police
Heather continues to scare Diana
Luke says they'll have someone call Laura & say they have letters from her to David (& threaten to expose them)
Luke says he has a friend in mind to pull it off (Roy DiLucca)
Lesley goes out with some of the people from her Therapy Group
Audrey is so upset about the Steve situation
Lee proposes to Gail (Gail says Yes)
Lee calls & tells Scotty the news (Scotty is thrilled)
Laura wishes it could be them calling people to say they're getting married
Bobbie meets Roy DiLucca & they go over the details of the plan
Bobbie says make Laura have to meet him AFTER 9 pm (After her curfew)
Laura wants to know when they can all talk about her & Scotty getting married
Reporter tells Mitch the article about Laura will be in the afternoon paper
Scotty asks Gail again (for Lra) if Rick indeed did leave before midnight at the end of the Quarantine
Gail says yes
Anne wants to come on staff at GH permanently
Jeremy learns his Aunt doesn't want him (Anne says she has a plan)
Lee sends Gail her Engagement ring in a bouquet of roses
Gail tells Monica that she had already told Scotty that she left GH before midnight, before
.......Monica had asked her not to tell anyone about when she & Rick left GH
Alan insists on throwing a perty for Lee & Gail
Diana says she's glad she signed her will making Jeff & Heather PJ's Gaurdians
.......if anything happens to her & Peter
Heather hides one of PJ's outfits
[Laura's Affair with David began about a "year ago"]
Article about Laura comes out in the paper
Lee tries to convince Scotty that it's too soon to marry Laura
Lee & Scotty see the article about Laura & the love letters (To David)
Laura is so happy that people don't seem to recognize her at College
Scotty shows Laura the article (Laura is devastated)
Diana tells Gail about the strange happenings
Rick shows Lesley the article
Roy calls Laura (as Sam McDougal) & says he's a friend of David's & he has poems & letters she
.......wrote to David & he'd like to meet her & give them to her
Roy tells her to meet him at 10 pm at the "Night Life" cafe (Bar)
Laura sneaks out of the house
Luke tells Bobbie & Roy that he's just enrolled in College (Taking Speech... Business classes)
Luke calls Higgens
Diana gets more calls from the strange man (Jamison)
Mr Higgens comes to the Webbers (Due to the call)
Lesley sees that Laura is gone
[There is a rear exit (ie from upstairs) from the Webber house - "rarely used"]
Laura goes to the Bar & runs into Roy
Laura gets hit on by some guy (Roy defends her)
Roy says she should sit with him till her "friend" gets there (to keep the guys away)
Bartender slips alcohol into Laura's gingerale
Rick calls Scotty looking for Laura
[Couple of days before Laura was to go before the judge]
Some guy comes up to Laura & she says "Are you McDougal"... He says "yes" & she sits with him
Roy calls Luke & tells him how this guy actually said he was McDougal (Lucky break)
Higgens sees Laura with the guy
Bartender tells Higgens that Laura lied & said she's 18 & that she ordered alcohol
Scotty arrives at the Webbers (They all wonder how this will effect Laura with the Judge)
Diana summons the Police again
Roy tells Luke & Bobbie what happened
Mr Higgens brings Laura home
Diana is freaked when both the phone AND door bells ring
It's Peter at the door (He's come home from New York)
Laura tells everyone what happened (Higgens doesn't believe her)
Heather decides that she has to make it look like Diana isn't mentally fit to look after PJ
Rick & Lesley tell Laura that they believe her
Rick tells Lesley he thinks Laura is being set up
Rick calls Scotty & asks his help to prove Laura is telling the truth
Bobbie & Roy go back to the bar to find out what happened
Bartender tells Bobbie & Roy what happened
Heather is upset that Jeff didn't come home last night (from Hawaii) like he was supposed to
Heather finds Jeff sleeping on the couch
Jeff wont tell Heather what's wrong with him
Jeremy is home from the Hospital
Steve doesn't want to talk to Audrey yet
Steve is worried that Jeff will hate him now
Jeff tells Audrey that he knows he has to face Steve
Audrey says there's something she has to tell him
Roy calls & tells Bobbie that the Bartender says he thinks the Judge believe his story about Lra
Scotty calls Gail as he waits for Laura’s meeting with Judge Stalman to finish
Laura tries to explain her actions to Judge Stalman
Judge Stalman is concerned about Laura still not trusting her Parents
Laura flips out saying she “knows” they don’t believe her & that they should just go ahead &
.......send her to Reform School
Bobbie goes to the Bar & celebrates with Roy
Roy tells Bobbie he knows it was her, not Luke, that he was doing all this for
Bobbie says she & Roy are going to be very good friends
Judge Stalman tells Mitch that if he decides Laura is lying he will have no choice but to send her a State Institution for a “full term based on the original charges”
Stalman tells Mitch that he was going to drop those charges against Laura “today”, & she would
.......have been a totally free woman, but now that can’t happen
Tracy tells Monica she is “deadly” serious about marrying Mitch Williams
Scotty tries to comfort Laura as they await the Judge’s decision
Rick suddenly gets an idea to show Laura that “honesty does pay off” & takes off
Roy & Bobbie come to see Luke & tell him about their “good news”
Luke doesnt seem too happy about their “good news” (Bob brings up Luke feeling sorry for Lra)
Peter & Diana discuss the strange phone calls Diana keeps getting (It’s really Heather)
Scotty tells Laura they have to never keep secrets from each other
Lra tells Scotty that she knows it was Monica that Rick spent the night with after the quarantine
Rick tries to convince Mr Proctor to tell the truth about Laura in the Bar
Laura & Lesley go in to hear the Judge’s desicion (Rick still isn’t back yet)
Peter & Diana have their phone number changed
Heather thinks that the news that Steve is Jeff’s father is good news (Jeff disagrees)
Laura & family wait to hear the Judge’s decision (Rick has brought Proctor in to see the Judge)
The Judge knows that Laura has been telling the truth (Thanks to Mr Proctor)
The Judge was going to send Laura to a state institution, but after seeing Mr Proctor he has now
.......decided to extend her probation for an additional period of 6 months... but suspends her
.......curfew & reduces her required psychiatric sessions to twice a week... Mr Higgens will
.......continue to report to him during that time
Laura tells Scotty “You have to find a way to marry me & get me out of that jail I’m living in!
.......I’m never really gonna be free until you do. Please, Scotty, please find a way”
Jeff tells Heather he can’t tell Rick the truth about Steve... it would destroy him
Cal Jamison calls Heather & offers to give her his info on Stv Lars for $5,000 (H says no way)
Heather says she’ll send him half the money now & the the rest after she gets the info
Jamison says he’ll think about it

MARCH - APRIL 1979 (Part Two)
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