Luke goes to see Frank... The Organization now trusts Luke
Luke wants to pay back the $5,000 they gave him to do the hit... Frank says forget about it
Luke insists on paying it back & says that he needs to "cut out"... Quit the Disco & move away
Frank tells Luke that they have big plans for Luke
Luke says he wants out
Frank says "Son, it's not that we wouldn't trust you on the outside. You should know by now that
.......once you're in, you don't get out. And your in very far Luke. Infact you're all the way in. To stay!"
Frank says there will be no more strong armed stuff for Luke
Frank gives Luke the bonus he promised him ($5,000)
Frank says that Luke was right about Mitch wanting to make a deal... A deal has been struck with Mitch
Frank says changes are occuring in the way they do business... He wants Luke to help with that
Frank says Luke should find a nice girl to settle down with
Scotty wants Laura to not go to work tonight... She says ok... reluctantly
Roy's body has been taken to the mortuary
Luke comes to see Bobbie... Bobbie tells Luke that she wants them to leave town
Luke tells her he can't... That he tried this afternoon... He is STUCK with "those men"
Luke says there is NO WAY OUT for both of them
Luke says they're gonna make the best out of it... "Money! Alot of money!! It's gonna help us forget
.......all of this! ... Nothing matters anymore, except that you & I forget all of this & we're gonna forget
.......that we had to crawl our way up out of the slums. We're going so high, that that stuff will never
.......touch us again! We're gonna get what we want, Bobbie. Or we're gonna TAKE IT! Just like
.......respectable citizens, little sister. The big time, all the right company. And I'm gonna have me a
.......respectable woman. The money man said he wanted me to settle down & I know who it's gonna with. She belongs to somebody else right now, but she won't be his forever. Because she's
.......gonna be mine! And I don't care what I have to do to get her!"
Laura comes back to Richard Simmon's Excersize Class
Laura tells Claudia that she missed her last period... She's afraid she's pregnant from the rape
Laura wonders what she's going to do if she's pregnant
Bobbie comes to work... She's scared she will be fired
Steve wants to talk to Bobbie... Some board members have had some questions
Claudia tries to convince Laura that maybe she missed her period for some other reason
Laura never went back for her follow up exam after the rape
Laura says maybe it's just nerves
Claudia reminds Laura that she could have a legal abortion
Laura doesn't go for that one
Laura promises Claudia that she'll go to Dana Hochkins for a checkup
Luke remembers [Flasback] telling Bobbie how they are stuck in the mob
.......& how that girl is going to be his no matter what he has to do [RISE plays in his head]
Luke talks of going "up to the top" to Laura... She doesn't understand what he means
Luke says he's gonna make it up to Bobbie for Roy's death
Laura says it's not Luke's fault that Roy died... It's her's... Luke says she was trying to protect him
Luke says "What does it matter? You've got every right to want me dead"... Lra - "I have every right hate you. But not to see you dead. I wouldn't want that to happen to anybody no matter what
.......they did to me"... Lk - "Laura, I don't know if you'll ever be able to understand this, but
.......sometimes what appears to be cruelty is in FACT, an act of love. And I want you to remember
.......that in the future, because I intend to do anything & everything that I have to to get what I want.
.......And I'm gonna make sure, if I ever have a kid of my own that he never, never, knows the stench
.......of poverty"
Bobbie sees Dr Hardy... Steve offers Bobbie to take some time off
Bobbie asks if this is a polite way of the the Hospital saying that they rather her not work there anymore
Dr Hardy says of course not... He says her personal business is none of their business
Bobbie is so happy about how Dr Hardy treated her
Luke wants to know what's the matter with Laura... Why she had to talk to Claudia
Laura wonders why Luke isn't planning on leaving town anymore
Luke says that's what she'd like... Laura says no it's not
Laura says "As far as you're concerned, I didn't have any right to say that I have every right to hate you
.......because i guess I did somehow, someway, say or do something that made you think...".... Lk - "Oh, no don't start that, you didn't do that. That was something that I needed to believe. I needed to
.......believe that you wanted me. And I'm sorry that I said that to you cause I didn't mean to lay some
.......kind of guilt trip on you"... Lra - "I don't hate you. I don't have enough emotion left for hate. Tell the scary thing is, I'm afraid I don't have enough emotion left for love"
Small paper kid comes in & Luke buys all 6 of his papers so he can get home [Laura looks on in wonder]
L&L see the first article in a series entitled "The nurse & The Gangster" in the paper.... Luke is furious
Scotty tells Brian that he can't take the "brother-sister" relationship he now has with Laura
Amy runs into the Cafeteria & shows Bobbie the newspaper article
Watson comes to Luke furious about the Newspaper article... Frank wants it all forgotten
Watson thinks it might be a good idea for Bobbie to dissappear for a while
Luke guarantees that Bobbie won't talk
Scotty comes to the Disco looking for Laura (Mid day)
Scotty thinks Luke should sue the paper for the Bobbie-Roy article... Luke says he can't do that
Jeff tries to convince Bobbie that the article won't affect her job
Audrey & Jessie come in & tell Bobbie how 6 board members called in wanting Bobbie to be fired
Jessie tells Bobbie that she has to let her tell Steve about her past
Jessie feels that if Steve is going to do battle with the board he has to know the truth
Bobbie says she'll tell him
Bobbie & Jessie go to see Dr Hardy
Bobbie tells Dr Hardy that she was a prostitute in Florida... The she runs out
Luke comes to see Bobbie
Luke says this wouldn't be happening if he had done the job instead of Roy
Bobbie says yes it would & that it wasn't Luke's fault that Roy died
Bobbie says "It's not your fault you had car trouble. You can't blame yourself for that Luke"
Luke says that soon he is going to "own this town"... No one's gonna take advantage of them
Monica comes to see Laura [Monica's arm is in a sling... Fractured her wrist reaching for a towel]
[Monica is Pregnant]
Laura says Monica is there to ask if she's gonna go back to the Rape Center
Monica says she just wants to visit as a friend
Monica tells Laura that when she was just about as young as her, she was raped
Laura asks Monica all sorts of questions about how she felt right after it happened
Monica tells how she felt guilt, shame, & dirtiness
Monica felt guilty because she knew the man... Wondered if she led the man on
Laura asks if she was able to decide if she was really guitly of it or not... Monica says "No"
Monica asks if Laura knew the man who raped her
Laura says "At first I thought that I knew him, then I realized I didn't know him at all"
Monica doesn't understand what Laura is saying... Laura ignores her questions
Bobbie comes to see Laura... The paper says Roy was a sex pervert who might have raped Laura
Bobbie says people think Laura lied because she was afraid of Roy
Bobbie says she has to know the truth & asks "did Roy rape you?"
Luke stands in the park remembering [Flashback] being at Laura & Scotty's Wedding
Luke remembers the RAPE [Flashback]
Scotty runs into Luke in the Park
Scotty says "You know Luke I can't stop thinking that Laura knew the man that raped her. By the
.......way that she's been acting I KNOW that it is possible".. Lk - "Well, if she knows who it was,
.......then why doesn't she identify him?"... Scty - "Because she is scared of him, that's why. Listen,
.......I wanna ask you something about your Disco. Now is there anybody there that's been hawking
.......her alot? Like any customers, any employees, anything like that"... Lk - "Scotty, no that's not
.......happening. If I had ever seen any of that going on I would have stopped it, believe me"...
.......Scty - "Yeah, I know you would Luke. It's that Laura is so naive about trusting people."...
.......Lk - "Yeah, she definitely trusts people too much!"... Scty - "Well, listen, it's not your problem's mine. I just gotta figure out what to do about it. And of course the question is, I mean,
.......where do I start?"
Laura tells Bobbie "NO, ROY DID NOT RAPE ME!!"... Bobbie thanks her for telling her that
Monica leaves
Bobbie says we're alone now... tell me the truth... was it Roy?... Laura say it wasn't
Bobbie says that Laura knows who raped her... Wonders why she won't name him
Bobbie tells Laura that she better tell Scotty the truth
Laura says "Men can't be trusted with the truth, Bobbie, they don't have to because they make the
.......rules. And they force us to lie, because they don't want their women to be human"
Scotty sits in the park & remembers [Flashback] their Wedding & Honeymoon
Monica runs into Scotty in the park
Monica tells Scotty how Laura said she thought she recognized the man, but then said she didnt know him
Luke comes to see Laura
Luke says "I ran into Scotty in the park"... Lra - "You did?"... Lk - "Yes, & he said some things that
.......bothered me"... Lra - "Such as?"... Lk - "Well, he feels that you're hiding something from him.
.......He feels that you're slipping away from him & from reality. And he also seems to think that you
.......could identify the man who raped you but your afraid to do that"... Lra - "What else did you & my
.......husband discuss about me?"... Lk - "Well, he wanted me to keep an eye out at the Disco for anyone
.......who tried to hawk you"... Lra - "How nice. Why don't you do that Luke?"... Lk - "Look, Laura,
.......what do you want me to say? What would make you happy? Do you want me to tell him what
.......happened & how it happened?"... Lra - "I don't ever want Scotty to know what happened & how happened, as you put it. But there is one thing that I have to face up to. If what you did to me was
.......really, really, rape... brutal, total rape... then why did I run away?"... Lk - "Because you were afraid
.......of me"... Lra - "So I ran to the park? I ran to the park & pretended that everything happened there?"...
.......Lk - "You were confused, you were in shock, you didn't know what... " ... Lra - "And maybe I was
.......protecting you"... Lk - "What?!!"... Lra - "When I started to lie, maybe I was lying all along to protect, to protect myself, maybe I was really lying to protect myself"... Lk - "What are you talking about?"...
.......Lra - "I had a converstation today with a friend of mine & I learned some very interesting things about
.......a girl being raped by someone that she knows"... Lk - "Uh, well, what do you mean?"... Lra - "The
.......girl, the victim, she feels that she might have brought on the rape by something she said or did, so she
.......feels guilty wondering if she did something, without realizing it, to lead the man on"... Lk - "No, No
.......Laura, no!"... Lra - "You said it to me once before, Luke, that you thought for one moment that I
.......wanted you the same way that you wanted me"... Lk - "No, I..."... Lra - "Let me finish, please. If
.......that is true, then aren't I partly responsible for what happened that night?"... Lk - "No, Laura, you're
.......not. In any way"... Lra - "I don't want to talk about it any more. I just don't want to talk about it
.......anymore. I don't wanna remember any more of it!" [Luke leaves]
Laura remembers the Rape [Flashback], then turns the Radio on, only to hear...
RISE plays on the radio
Laura gets really upset, starts crying & saying "No!" & she smashes the radio
Laura continues to hear echos of RISE in her head
Scotty comes home & Laura quickly changes her mood telling Scotty how happy they're going to be
Laura says "Hold me in your arms please. I wanna forget about everything except for the 2 of us"
Laura says she wants them to be together again as man & wife... They kiss
Laura is upset about ruining breakfast... She wanted to make up for "last night"
Scotty says there's nothing to be ashamed about or feel bad about that last night didn't work out for them
Scotty doesn't want Laura to ever pretend with him... Says he can wait for her to be his wife again
As Scotty takes a shower, Claudia asks Laura if she's had her period yet
Laura says says no... AND to top it off, she just threw up her breakfast... "How soon until you start
.......getting morning sickness?"
Laura says getting tested isn't so easy... Dana Hochkins has left on vacation
Claudia says that Laura better talk to her Mother about it, or SHE will
Bryan comes over
Scotty makes a Toast... "Here's to 1980! It's gonna be a good year for everybody. And we're gonna
.......sweep 1979 right under the carpet"
Laura, Scotty, Lee & Gail come to the Webber's for Thanksgiving
Laura tells Amy how much she loves her
Lesley has recently learned it would be very dangerous for her to have another child
Lesley asks if Laura is sorry that she didn't stay with Barbara Vining... Laura says No
Laura says "I'm only sorry that I didn't grow up with you my whole life. Then maybe I wouldn't be so
.......mixed up"
Laura tells Lesley that Rick told her about the test results
Laura tells Lesley that she is scared that she might be pregnant (Almost 3 weeks late for her period)
Jeff arrives at the Webbers
Lesley reminds Laura that it is legal for her to get an abortion (Since it was a rape)
Laura says "How could I take another human being's life & live with myself?"
Lesley tells Laura that she had to make the decision once too
It was after Cameran died... She went to NY to have an abortion... She changed her mind
The baby died anyway
Laura doesn't know if she could deny a child the right to live
Laura doesn't feel well
Luke tells Bobbie that Watson has ended the articles in the paper... They'll owe them for this
Bobbie tells Luke she has some questions about the night Roy was killed
Bobbie wants to know why Luke ended up on Look Out Point
Luke says he had already taken Laura home... He stopped there for a little time alone
Bobbie says "Was that the truth"... Bobbie says Luke planned on letting Roy do it
Luke said he had EVERY intention of doing his job
Luke says Roy did it to protect them ALL
Luke tells Bobbie to "Get off my back!!!"
Frank & Watson come to the Disco to see Luke
Frank tells Luke about how there will be no publicity about Bobbie & Roy as of today
Frank says see how well they take care of people in their organization
Frank says in a few minutes someone will be arriving for a meeting with them
They plan on having dealings with this man... Luke realizes who it is when...
Luke opens his office door & sees it's Mitch Williams
Bobbie runs into Tracy... Tracy says there's no bad blood between them
Mitch tells Frank that he appreciates all the help he's given him
Mitch hopes Luke can leave the past behind... Mitch says HE can
Frank has Luke & Mitch shake hands
Frank & Watson leave... Mitch wants to talk a little more with Luke
Luke says that Roy acted like a fool & had to expect the consequences
Mitch says wasn't Roy your best friend... Luke says just "good' friend
Luke says Mitch has nothing to worry about from him
Bobbie walks in on Luke saying "I think we should... just pretend Roy never happened"
Bobbie is NOT happy to hear that
Claudia wants to know what Laura has decided... Laura says she hasn't decided yet
Laura's gonna wait till Dana gets back from her vacation
Mitch says he & Luke were just talking about Roy & forgetting about him shooting him
Mitch leaves... Bobbie wonders what Luke is cabable of... how he can smile to Mitch
Luke says Mitch doesn't know he was the one that was supposed to kill him
Luke says now Mitch knows he's someone important in the Organization
Luke tells Bobbie to cool the hostility towards Mitch
Bobbie wonders if Luke will be given another assassination
Luke says he's in now... No more dirty work for him
Bobbie is upset that Luke seems to be writing off Roy so easly
Luke says "I really miss him. But he's dead!"... Bobb - "He didn't have to die"... Lk - "Nobody asked
.......him to play hero"... B - "What did you really say to him on the telephone that night?"... Lk - "I told
.......him that I was on Look Out Point. That I was having car trouble. To come & pick me up to take me the Hotel. Take ME to the Hotel so I could do the job, just as it was planned!!"... B - "Oh, &
.......little Laura Baldwin just HAPPENED to go along for the ride!"... Lk - "I told you I already took
.......her home!... B - "Yes, that's what you said"... Lk - "Look, you don't wanna believe that, that's
.......fine baby, but that is exactly the way it happened"... B - "Luke, I have to believe you. I don't have
.......much choice, do I? But you better not be lying to me, because you're all I have left"
Bobbie leaves... Luke starts to go after her, but stops
Laura says she's sure her period is late due to the trama of the Rape
NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 1979 (Part Three)
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