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JANUARY - FEBRUARY 1980 (Part Two)

Ruby comes to see Luke
Luke is upset
Watson reminds Luke to keep Laura working at the Disco
Luke tells Watson not to bully him
Watson tells Luke to do what Mr. Smith wants
Luke warns Watson to leave Laura alone
Frank wants to get Scotty & Lee into the Organization (as Lawyers)
Frank orders Luke to get Laura back to work at the Disco by 2 weeks
Ruby & Bobbie talk about Watson not liking Luke
Luke tells Bobbie about the situation with Laura & Frank
Scotty tells Laura he won't pressure her to talk about the Rape
Scotty tells Laura that he is meeting with Frank Smith
[Flashback] Laura remembers her discussion with Luke just before the Rape, Throwing
.......Luke's keys away, & what she overheard in the Office closet
[Flashback] Laura remembers kissing Luke
Luke comes to see Laura at her apartment
Laura says "You tell me why Frank Smith called Lee & Scotty's office & offered him some legal business.
.......How DARE you involve my Father-in-law and my husband with someone like Smith?!"... Lk - "Now just a
.......minute, lady, let's get your facts straight, alright! That call was Mr Smith's idea, not mine!".. Lra - "I
.......don't believe you. And after what I overheard in your office, on my last night on the job, I don't know
.......what I can believe. I'm beginning to think that the only thing I have left to do now is to pick up that telephone
.......& call the FBI & tell them that I have some information for them"... Lk - "That's terrific, really terrific
.......girl. Do it"... Lra - "I think I will"... [Laura goes over to the phone] Lk - "Laura, that call will put your in jeopardy"... Lra - "I don't believe you"... Lk - "You make that call you put your life, mine, Bobbie's,
.......maybe even Aunt Ruby's on the line. That's the ultimate revenge, isn't it? What a fantastic way to pay back. Oh you can destroy us all with one phone call. But don't kid yourself. You're not doing it out
.......of noble motives. Well, what are you waiting for? Go ahead, call the operator, tell her it's an
.......emergency, I'm sure she'll connect you to the FBI right away! [Laura just stands there] Dammit Laura, want revenge, make that call. If you wanna live, you better listen to me"... [Laura picks up the phone]
.......Lra - "Yes, operator, this is an emergency. I wanna speak to... [Laura looks at Luke, then hangs up] Alright
.......Luke, but your story had better be good, because if any harm, even the slightest, comes to Scotty or my
.......Father-in-law or anybody in my family, I'm gonna hold you responsible!"
Luke says "I was ordered to get you back to work within two weeks or else. Now the organization doesn't
.......make idle threats. You ought to know that from what you overheard when you were trapped in my office
.......closet"... Lra - "I wont go back to work for you, Luke, EVER!"... Lk - "Laura, look, I got crazy & I kissed you
.......& you're angry about that, but don't let your anger blind you to what is going on! You're in big trouble!
.......Bill Watson saw your shadow under the closet door. When they left my office, they waited to see who
.......came out. They saw you"... Lra - "Oh no"... Lk - "They suspected some kind of set up. They thought maybe I
.......was selling them out"... Lra - "That's why they want me back?"... Lk - "That's right. They want you there they can watch you, so they can make sure you don't talk. Now look, I told you you were being watched.
.......If you don't believe me you go over to your kitchen window & do it carefully"... [Laura goes & looks out the
.......window] Lra - "There's a man in the alley. He's looking up here"... Lk - "I told you. A 24 hour tail is on They're watching your every move. Now look, I went to Smith this morning. I tried to tell him that
.......because of your family's connections you were too important to push around, I got nowhere!"... Lra - "Luke, can tell Mr Smith that I'm not buying any of this & that he can't frighten or intimidate me into
.......coming back to work for you"... Lk - "Oh Laura, you don't know what you're doing!"... Lra - "Scotty was the who decided that I shouldn't work there anymore & I'm glad he did! Luke, I can't go back to work for, not even if I wanted to, Scotty would never let me!"... Lk - "If you're not gonna think about your life or
.......mine, will you give a thought to Bobbie, please! Do you hate her so much you wanna see her killed too?"
Luke says "You know that I love you. Oh sure, I've made a big effort to play this game & date Jennifer Smith.
.......Well, she doesn't mean anything to me, she couldn't. It'll always be you. And now, now I'm trying to get out of this mess. You won't listen to me. How can I convince you that your life is in danger!"... Lra - "I
.......don't know, Luke. But if it involves getting me to come back to work for you, I'd say you have a problem,
.......because I think this is all one big trick to get me back there!"... Lk - "Oh damn. Oh boy. Maybe the problem that you just don't realize what the Organization is capable of, Laura. Maybe you think that they're nice
.......respectable business men. Yes, they look respectable & yes they are in business. And alot of that has to do with death! Maybe what happened to Roy will open your eyes. Are you ready to hear the
.......truth about Election night? Are you finally ready for the truth?"... Lra - "I've always been ready to hear
.......the truth about that"... Lk - "No you haven't. No you haven't, but maybe you are now. But if you are or not, doesn't matter. The truth is that I was supposed to die that night, not Roy. Frank Smith ordered me to
.......kill Mitch Williams on Election Night"... [Laura looks stunned] Lra - "Why?"... Lk - "To prove my loyalty to
.......the Organization. I was supposed to make that hit on Williams, not Roy!"... Lra - "Could you have done
.......that?"... Lk - "I was sure gonna try. Cause I knew if I didn't, I'd be a dead man. You see, that's how the
.......Organization work, Laura. And now if you don't believe me, your life is in danger!"... Lra - "You mean if
.......Scotty hadn't asked you to drive me home that night & if I hadn't thrown the car keys down the cliff"...
.......Lk - "I would be dead"... Lra - "No!"... Lk - "Laura, that's the truth, the rest of it's all been lies. I've been
.......trying to protect you from my life. I didn't want you involved because I thought you would get hurt. Well you are involved & you're going to get hurt if you listen to me. I have been ordered to get you back to within two weeks. Laura if you don't come back to work, they're not going to believe that you haven't
.......opened your mouth about what you overheard!"... Lra - "You say you love me & then you're ready to lay this
.......whole guilt trip on me. Well, I can't handle that Luke & I wont even try! You backed me against a wall! No,
.......Luke! No, I hate you now and I hate Bobbie & Elm street & your Disco & I just want you to get out of here!"...
.......Lk - "Laura, I'm sorry, but it's too late for school girl hysterics! Somehow you're gonna convince Scotty
.......that you have to come back to work at the Disco, otherwise I will not be able to protect you from what's
.......gonna happen!"
Laura says "That man is still in the Alley"... Lk - "I told you a tail 24 hours a day"... Lra - "What if you keep Jennifer Smith? Won't that give you protection?"... Lk - "There is no such thing as protection, Laura.
.......You & I are in the Organization. Once in, you never get out. The only thing to do is try to survive. Your way survive is to come back to work for me. My way to survive is to get you to come back to work for me. I
.......can't tell you anything, anymore, clearly"... Lra - "Luke, what are we gonna do?"... Lk - "I don't know. I gotta
.......think of something. Someway to convince Scotty that you have to come back to work at the Disco"...
.......Lra - "Just promise me that you'll stop Frank Smith from taking his legal business to Lee & Scotty. We can't
.......let that happen. I will come back to work for you, if I have to, but I don't want Scotty hurt. You see, Luke,
.......sometimes I think about you in a way that I don't wanna think about you. In a way that a woman shouldn't
.......think about any man, except for her own husband. So please, don't make it any more difficult for me, ok.
.......Because I'm trying to make it back with Scotty. I do love him & I do wanna be his wife again, the way I once
.......was"... Lk - "It kills me to hurt you. To go on hurting you. I'd rather die. I'll stay out of your life as much as
.......I can. Right now we have 2 weeks to get you back to work. Now how are we gonna convince Scotty that you
.......have to come back, without making him suspicious? Think about it Laura. How we gonna do that?"
Laura is in the park & hears Frank's man following her
Scotty is really happy about this meeting with Frank
Luke tells Bobbie to help convince Scotty that Laura should go back to work at the Disco
Bobbie tells Luke she'll help him with Scotty
Watson harps on Luke about Laura & says Luke is hung up on her
Frank tells Luke about his meeting with the Baldwins (They will handle legal operations)
Frank invites Luke to dinner
Bobbie meets with Scotty to talk about Laura
Laura tells Joanne she's afraid she will be killed
Watson taunts L&L (He threatens Laura)
Laura tells Luke that she believes him now about the Organization (After the man following her in the park)
Laura says "I'm afraid"... Luke says "I'll die before I let them harm you"
Bobbie tells Luke that Scotty said Laura can't work at the Disco
Frank offers to send Laura & Scotty to Las Vegas for a "working vacation" for the Disco Opening
Laura tells Luke how afraid she is & how she hates lying to people
Jennifer overhears Luke tell Laura that he loves her
Luke & Bobbie discuss getting Laura back to work
Plans for a party for Laura are made
Jennifer tells Frank that Luke is in love with another woman
Frank says Luke can take Jennifer to the Las Vegas opening (Kind of "forces" him)
Frank insinuates that Luke should marry Jennifer
Jennifer tells Luke she heard him say he loved Laura
Luke tells Jennifer it is over between him & Laura
Jennifer wants to start dating Luke seriously
Frank suspects that the girl Luke loves is Laura
Luke meets with Frank as Scotty stops by for business
Joanne wants to go to the Police, but Laura says no
Frank invites Scotty & Laura to go to Las Vegas
Scotty & Luke tell Laura about going to Las Vegas
Claudia & Bryan are also invited to Las Vegas
Laura doesn't want to go to Las Vegas, but Luke insists
Jennifer tells Luke that she didn't tell Frank that it was Laura that Luke loves
Luke & Bobbie discuss the Laura situation
Laura calls the FBI (Frank's men listen in), but she hangs up
Everyone meets at the Disco to go together to Laura's for her party
Party for Laura at the Apartment (To cheer her up)
[It's Valentine's Day]
Luke tells Scotty that Laura's job is still available
Laura tells Luke that she almost called the FBI
Luke tells Laura that her phone is most likely bugged
Scotty says it's ok for Laura to go back to work at the Disco
Watson plays recordings of Laura's phone for Frank
Frank listens to Laura call the FBI
Frank says they have to get rid of Laura
Amy tells Laura about Rick & Lesley
Laura tells Luke she can come back to work
Luke is worried about Laura
Frank plans to make it look like Laura commits suicide in Las Vegas
Joanne talks to Luke about Laura
Luke tells Frank that Laura is coming back to work
Laura is upset after watching Lesley & Rick divide their stuff up
Luke tells Laura that if her phone was bugged they could put a contract out on her life
Luke tells Bobbie that the party worked & that Laura is returning to work
Luke tells Bobbie that Laura tried to call the FBI
Luke tells Bobbie he'll die to protect Laura
Jennifer tells Frank she was wrong about Luke being in love with another woman
Jeff & Bobbie dance
Luke & Jennifer dance at the Disco
Frank has been appointed to the Hospital Board
Jennifer invites Luke, Bobbie, & Jeff to her house
As Jennifer gives Bobbie & Jeff a tour, Luke snoops around Frank's office
Luke finds the tape recorder, but Frank & Watson come in
Luke sneaks back (later) & hides as Frank & Watson come into Frank's office
Laura can't sleep... She's scared (Big Electrical Storm)
Bobbie is mad that Luke is risking his life for Laura
Luke steals the tape out of the tape recorder
Luke hides as Frank & Watson come in
Bobbie & Ruby discuss their concern for Luke
Bobbie tells Ruby all the bad things she did to Laura
Scotty tries to calm Laura down
Laura wants to tell Scotty something about the night she was raped
Laura says she can't tell him who raped her because she's afraid
Scotty asks Laura if she knew the man who raped her
Laura says she's been lying to him all along, but she has to be ready when she tells him the truth
As Luke hides, Frank & Jennifer talk about Luke
Jennifer asks why Frank doesn't talk about her brother Jim anymore
Frank says he had to send Jim to Europe for 2 years due to a powerplay he tried
Jennifer says "Luke Spencer is going to be my Husband"
Bobbie is really panicking about Luke not being back yet
Bobbie is suspicious of the Las Vegas trip
Jennifer asks Frank NOT to order Luke to marry her
Luke shows himself to Jennifer (Says he snuck in to see her)
Luke says he was gonna look for Jennifer's bedroom
Luke makes Jennifer promise to keep his sneak in a secret
Luke goes to see Ruby & Bobbie (They are furious with him)
Luke wants to stay the night at Ruby's
Scotty asks Laura if she in in anyway attracted to the man who raped her
Laura says don't ask me anymore questions
Luke is out looking for a tape recorder
Watson comes to Ruby's looking for Luke
Luke arrives back at Ruby's
Watson asks Luke where he spent last night
Watson apologizes for accusing Luke of something
Luke listens to the tape of Laura calling the FBI
Luke tells Bobbie that the tape means they will kill Laura & he has to stop them
Luke goes to see Laura
Luke plays the tape for Laura
Luke tells Laura he'll do anything to protect her
Luke says "I know it's frightening, but you had to hear that tape. Laura, it's reality time"... Lra - "Yes"...
.......Lk - "There's one thing in our favor. Now it's not great, but it's something. You didn't complete the call.
.......It's very clear on that tape that you hung up when the other woman spoke. That means that you changed
.......your mind. That might give us a couple of points"... Lra - "You're just trying to keep me from getting too
.......scared, aren't you?"... Lk - "Ok, maybe I am"... Lra - "You told me before that if they tapped the phone call
.......that I made to the FBI that I was in trouble, big trouble"... Lk - "We'll just have to get through the next
.......few weeks, that's all. We have to prove to them your loyalty, prove to them that you'll keep your mouth
.......shut, then nothing will happen. I don't know, maybe they're giving us this time. If they were certain that would have talked, they would have made a move by now. We have to convince them that you won't"...
.......Lra - "I'm so scared for Scotty, Luke. He's really into this job for Frank Smith. He thinks it's just
.......terrific"... Lk - "I know, I know, I know. Laura, you're gonna have to play this my way. You have to know,, that this was not a trick to get you back to the Disco so I could be near you. Please trust me. I'm
.......asking you to trust me with your life. Laura? Laura?"... Lra - "I trust you. I have to"... Lk - "That's all I
.......can ask. Laura, I won't let Frank Smith or anyone harm you!"
Luke tells Laura he thinks Jennifer is falling in love with him
Laura says "What you do in your personal life is no concern of mine"
Luke says "Ok. Kind of hoped it was" [Luke looks disappointed]
Laura goes with Luke to the Disco (She doesn't want to be alone)
"RISE" suddenly starts playing & Laura gets VERY angry
Laura says she's going to tell Scotty or Lee, but Luke talks her out of it
Frank comes to see Luke... Welcomes Laura back to the Disco
Frank talks to Luke about Jennifer (Says an alliance with the family would be good for Luke)
Frank says Laura better be loyal or else!
Luke tells Laura he's gonna take the tape back to Frank's desk
Luke says Laura should go to Frank & tell him what she did & say she's sorry for doubting him
Laura says "No" & says she's gonna tell Scotty & Lee what she knows
Luke asks Bobbie to help with the Laura situation
Laura runs into Frank in the park
Luke tells Ruby about the Laura situation
Laura tells Frank how she called the FBI & asks him to forgive her
Frank says he appreciates her honesty & loyalty
Frank invites Laura to lunch with him & Jennifer
Scotty joins Laura, Frank, & Jennifer for lunch
Scotty's Bar Exams start "tomorrow"
Bobbie tells Luke that Laura is having lunch with Frank
Frank tells Luke he was mistaken about Laura (Tells him about Laura calling the FBI)
Frank says he is impressed with Laura
Luke tells Bobbie what Frank told him
Luke has asked Jennifer on a date (So as to switch the tape back into Frank's desk)
Luke feels that if they will make a move on Laura, it will be in Las Vegas
Luke arrives to pick up Jennifer
As Jennifer goes upstairs, Luke tries to switch the tape, but Frank comes in with "Chuck"
Frank gives Chuck a picture of Laura & says he wants her taken care of in Las Vegas
Luke goes to see Laura
Luke is mad at Laura for not telling him what she did
Laura tells Luke what happened with Frank
Laura says Luke is the "most brilliant student" she ever knew
Luke is a "Shakespeare Freak"
Scotty is in the midst of his Bar Exams
Luke is worried about how to get the tape back in Mr Smith's desk
Frank tells Watson he's having second thoughts about killing Laura
Watson says she can't be trusted
Frank is about to listen to the [non-present] tape, but Jennifer comes in
Luke comes to play tennis with Jennifer [February 29th... Leap Year]
Luke switches the tape back into Frank's desk
Frank listens to the tape & decides Watson is right

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