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Richard Simmons Excersize Class
Luke tells Laura he thinks Frank is going to tell him to have Scotty be his Best Man, like Jen wants
Laura says “And you better not dare! I mean it Luke, Scotty is NOT going to be the Best Man at your wedding”
Luke smiles & says “It’s nice to hear you admit it! [He winks] See you, baby!”
Frank tells Luke that Bill Watson is Dead (Died in a “Fishing Accident”)
Frank thinks Luke should ask Joe to be his Best Man (So they can keep an eye on him)
Luke plans to search Frank’s Office again on July 4th
The Gang starts to decorate the Park for the 4th of July Picnic
Luke tells everyone that Joe is his Best Man (Jennifer is uspet Luke didnt tell her beforehand)
Luke starts to set up the Fireworks
[7-4-80 - or if no GH that day, then 7-3-80]
4th of July Picnic
[The Scar on Luke’s chin is from setting up Fireworks in High School]
Joe hints at he & Luke joining forces
Tug Of War
Bobbie (in disguise as Luke) sets the fireworks off as...
Luke searches Frank’s Office
Luke finds the Black Book & takes pictures of it
Luke, Bobbie & Ruby discuss how the black book is in code & will need to be broken
Luke plans to use the pictures as leverage against Frank
Jennifer gives Luke an engraved medallion as an early Wedding gift
Laura rereads Luke’s Christmas letter to her (about giving her her Freedom to go on with her life)
Laura writes the letter to Luke...

“Dear Luke,

Just as you tried to set me free in your Christmas letter to me, I wanna give you your freedom on your Wedding day. Since the night you raped me, our lives have been bound together by all the lies that had to be told. You made me realize the day we were alone on the sailboat, that I was the one who was holding on to the bond between us. I think I finally have the emotional stability to let you go out of my life, once & for all. I hope your life with Jennifer will be a happy one. You’ll always have a special place in my heart. And I hope that some day we can both forget the pain we caused each other.

My best to you, and my love, Laura”

Laura & Scotty “celebrate”their Anniversary
Day of Luke & Jennifer’s Wedding
[Luke’s Fantasy Wedding To Laura]
Laura calls Luke to say “hello” & to wish him luck & tells Luke she wrote him a letter
Laura wants Luke to read it before the ceremony... to help end their “strange relationship”
Lk says “Ok. But it won’t do any good. I will always be in love with you Laura” (He hangs up)
Scotty looks in Laura’s purse for directions to the Wedding & Laura’s letter to Luke falls on the ground
Scotty doesn’t see the letter at first, but later...
Scotty reads the Letter & realizes it was Luke who raped Laura
[Wedding Location Footage - The Docks - Begins]
Laura comes out of the bathrrom as Scotty is reading the letter
Scotty says “Luke is the guy that raped you!”... Lra - “Please, Scotty, you’ve gotta listen to me”...
.......Sc - “To what, Laura, to more lies?”... Lra - “No.”... Sc - “How could you have lied to me
.......all this time? You knew it was Luke! Well, you two have been having an affair!”
Laura says “How can you say that? I didn’t have an affair with Luke, I didn’t! He raped me”...
.......Sc - “Sure he did!”... Lra - “You don’t believe me?”... Sc - ‘If it was rape, then why the letter to the guy?”... Lra - “It’s not a love letter. It’s not. It’s a goodbye letter”...
.......Sc - “Goodbye? Goodbye from what?”... Lra - “Please! Please you’ve gotta listen to me, please”... Sc - “Laura you knew right from the beginning that the rapist was Luke,
.......didn’t you?”... Lra - “Please, let me explain Scotty, there was never any affair. Never!”...
.......Sc - “Then what is this [the letter] supposed to mean? What is this?!!!! You said that he
.......made you realize that you were the one that couldn’t break the bond between you two!”...
.......Lra - “That’s not the way it sounds!”... Sc - “This has been going on since Christmas,
.......DAMIT, it’s been going on since back then!”... Lra - “No! No. Scotty, there’s no afffair,
.......please. Believe me”... Sc - “Laura, it’s all lies. You admitted it right here, it’s all lies.
.......Would you like to hear it back in your own words, here?”... Lra - “No, no!”... Sc - “Laura
.......all the problems that have been going on in our marriage, I thought was because of your
.......immaturity. Then I thought it was because of your parents’ divorce”... Lra - “It was! That
.......was a part of it”... Sc - “It was because you had another lover!”... Lra - “No! no!”...
.......Sc - “All those nights, Laura, all those nights that I reached out for you, that you just
.......pushed away from me, that you said that I was pressuring you, that the memory of the rape
.......was just too strong for you right now, that was more, that was more of your dirty little lies,
.......Laura, that was because you had been with Luke!”... Lra - “No, no, I hadn’t!”...
.......Sc - “And all those nights, all those nights, that I asked Luke to watch over you, to pick up, to drive you home. I thanked him for being such a good friend, Laura. [Scotty
.......grabs Laura & turns her around back to him] How could you have done that to me??!!!!”...
.......Lra - “There was no affair, Scotty, there as no affair. Please, you’ve gotta believe me!”...
.......Sc - “I’m supposed to believe that now after I’ve read this letter?!!”... Lra - “I wouldn’t
.......lie to you! I wouldn’t lie to you! I love you!”... [Scotty raises his hand to strke Laura]
.......Sc - “Well, I hate... [Scotty stops himself from hitting Laura as she cowers]... God, I hate! You’re not worth anything! You’re not worth anything to me!”... Lra - “Let me tell the truth, please!”... Sc - “There’s one truth that I wanna hear from you!”...
.......Lra - “Anything!!”... Sc - “It wasn’t rape at all, was it? WAS IT??!!!”
.......[Laura seems to not know what to say]
Scotty starts to leave
Laura runs after him & says “Scotty, where are you going?”... Sc - “I’m not gonna stay here &
.......listen to you!”... Lra - “But you haven’t even given me a chance to explain!”... Sc - “I
.......have heard everything that I need to hear! You have broken our marriage vows, which
.......were supposed to be the most important thing!”... Lra - “I didn’t break those vows! Why
.......won’t you listen to me? There was no affair!!”... Sc - “Then what was it? A one night
.......stand, that you’re calling rape?!”... Lra - “No! No! I can explain! I can really explain!
.......If you would just stop acting like such a mad man & listen to me! The rape didn’t happen the park. It happened in the Disco”... Sc - “You made love to Luke in the Disco? And
.......then you went to the park & yelled ‘rape’ as a cover up?!!”... Lra - “No, no, it wasn’t like
.......that at all”... Sc - “Laura, you knew it was Luke. WHY DIDN’T YOU NAME HIM??!!!
.......WHY???!!!”... Lra - “Don’t you remember that night?!! I thought that you were gonna
.......pick me up after work at the Disco! I waited. I waited, until after 2 o’clock in the
.......morning!”... Sc - “Are you trying to say now that it’s my fault?”... Lra - “No! That’s not
.......what I’m saying at all! I’m saying that... It was a terrible night, for Luke too! Scotty, he
.......thought his life was over! He didn’t know I was there & I found him, he was crying at the” ... Sc - “SO YOU GAVE HIM SOME COMFORT, HUH?!!”... Lra - “He was
.......desperate! We talked. He told me that he cared about me. He said that all he needed was
.......just to hold me, that was it”... [Scotty grabs Laura by the arms] Sc - “All he needed to do
.......was to hold MY WIFE??!!”... Lra - “He said he wanted to dance with me, that’s all he
.......wanted to do, is to dance with me”... [Scotty tightens his grip on Laura] Sc - “So you
.......danced with him, didn’t you?”... Lra - “He got out of control. He really did! I couldn’t
.......stop him”... Sc - “You couldn’t stop him”... Lra - “I couldn’t , I couldn’t! It just
.......happened. I’m sorry”... [As Laura cries, Scotty throws her down] Sc - “You little tramp!
.......I should have figured that you wouldn’t give up your old little tricks. It’s the David
.......Hamilton affair all over again, isn’t it? Isn’t it?!! You couldn’t resist Luke the same way couldn’t stay away from Hamilton!!”... Lra - “No!”... Sc - “Huh?!”... Lra - “No,!!”... Sc - “What’s the matter, Laura? Wasn’t one man good enough for you, huh?
.......[Scotty grabs Laura by the arms again] Wasn’t a house good enough for you?! Or did you
.......want something more exciting, huh? Something flashy. Something flashy like LUKE
.......SPENCER, is that what you wanted?!!”... Lra - “No. All I wanted was you! That’s all I
.......ever wanted!”... Sc - “Yeah, well, you don’t have me & you’re not gonna have Luke
.......because I’m gonna kill him!”... Lra - “No, you...” [Scotty THROWS Laura to the ground
.......& starts to leave] Sc - “Consider yourself lucky that I don’t kill the both of you!
.......[Scotty leaves... Laura cries & goes to the door] Lra - “Scotty!!!! No!! No!!!”
Laura calls Luke’s apartment trying to warn him (He’s not there), just as...
Scotty busts into Luke’s apartment, but Luke’s not there
Frank says he can’t keep Luke out of the dirty side of the business
Luke tells Frank he knows about the Left Handed Boy
Luke shows Frank the pictures of the Black Book
Guests arrive for the Wedding
Scotty arrives at the Wedding
Scotty & Luke fight --- Luke goes overboard
Laura arrives as everyone is looking for Luke in the water
Luke pops out of the water & grabs Laura’s leg
L&L run off together & start their SUMMER ON THE RUN
Luke realizes the Black Book pictures are ruined
L&L break into Frank’s Office
L&L hide as Frank comes in
L&L get the Black Book
L&L check into a Motel
Luke sleeps in the bathtub
Luke goes to his office to get money
Luke comes back & Laura is gone with the Black Book
Laura had gone to the Library to get code breaking books
Luke sneaks back into his Office & comes upon...
Luke’s Memorial at the Disco
The extra money is gone from Luke’s safe
Frank talks of Laura breaking her marriage vows
.......(Guess Scotty told people she was having an affair with Luke)
Luke wants Laura to go home (Laura refuses)
Laura pawns Luke’s necklace medallion that Jennifer gave him (for $150)
Luke is furious with Laura
Luke goes to the Pawn Shop to get the Medallion back
Luke learns it was reported to the cops
Some Police come into the Pawn Shop (Luke slips out)
L&L check into a new Hotel (Under the name “Johnson”)
Laura talks of how Luke “needs” her
Frank comes to see Ruby
Luke calls Ruby & hears Frank answer the phone
Bobbie arrives as they are about to hit Ruby
Frank tells Ruby & Bobbie about the medallion
Bobbie & Ruby realize that Luke is alive
Bobbie tells Frank off!!
Joe & Lt Stoddard discuss Laura’s disappearance
Stoddard & Joe learn about the medallion & realize it could be Laura who
.......pawned it & that Luke may be alive
Newspapers say L&L may be on the run together
Port Charles learns Luke may be alive & with Laura
Frank hires Hutch to kill L&L
Hutch overhears Frank talk about the Gold & The Left Handed Boy
L&L talk about their “special relationship”
L&L kiss (But are interrupted)
Luke has a feeling that something is wrong with Bobbie & Ruby
Ruby lies unconscious & bloody on her apartment floor
L&L read about Ruby
Luke kisses Laura & she says he doesn’t have to apologize
Luke sneaks in to see Ruby at GH
Bobbie tells Joe she got a dead rat from Frank
Bobbie is about to confide in Joe, but she sees Frank’s man
L&L wash their clothes (As Hutch waits outside)
L&L check out of the Motel
[Location Footage of L&L walking by Wyndhams]
L&L see some Police & slip into Wyndhams
Hutch follows L&L around Wyndhams
L&L go into the Beauty Salon (To get Laura a wig)
Luke pretends to be “Monsieur Robeire” & makes Laura his assistant “Simone” (Hilarious!!!)
“Robeire” cuts a woman’s hair (She runs out)
L&L get Laura’s black wig from a “client”
L&L dress up as Trainee Employees “June & Carl”
L&L go to the shoe department as trainees
Luke gets new shoes for himself (He pays for them)
Luke decides to spend the night inside Wyndhams
Luke finds the Night Watchman’s rounds Schedule
L&L go find clothes for themselves (Will leave money)
Hutch follows L&L around
Luke says they’re gonna get dressed up for the night
L&L get their clothes off of Mannequins
L&L dance to Fascination (8-6-80)
L&L have Caviar & Champagne
L&L dance again to Fascination
L&L go up to the Bed Department
Laura falls asleep
Hutch doesn’t kill L&L... He realizes he needs them to lead him to the gold
Hutch hides as the Night Watchman looks around
[Hutch is Left Handed!]
Hutch kills the Night Watchman
L&L find the dead Night Watchman
[Location Footage] L&L run through the streets (As Hutch follows)
L&L go to the Bus Station (Hutch arrives soon after)
L&L get a map & figure out what towns are 150 miles from Port Charles
Luke realizes they need to go to Fair Oaks (150 miles due south of PC)
Frank deeded a building in Fair Oaks to Luke & Jennifer
Luke decides they’ll take the bus to Beecher’s Corners
Hutch gets a ticket to Beecher’s Corners
L&L arrive in Beecher’s Corners
Laura realizes she’s lost her purse
Laura runs into Hutch
Laura tries to call Lesley, but Alice answers & Laura hangs up
Hutch tells Laura he’s looking for a job too
Hutch gets a job as dishwasher at Pop Calhoon’s diner
L&L camp out in a barn & eat chicken
Pesky chicken wont leave L&L alone
L&L are interrupted by a cow
Laura admits she loves Luke too
Mr Whitaker finds L&L in the barn
Mr Whitaker says he needs help on the farm
L&L meet Mrs Whitaker & they have breakfast
Mrs Whitaker offers L&L the spare room (For $15 a week)
L&L help the Whitakers with the chores
The Whitakers show L&L their room
Luke puts up “The Walls Of Jericho” (Blanket hung across a rope)
L&L run into Hutch at Pop Calhoon’s diner (Luke’s 1st time meeting Hutch)
Luke doesn’t like Hutch much
Luke works on decoding the Black Book (In the diner)
L&L meet Ma & Pop Calhoon
Ma & Pop hire L&L (Referenced by the Whitakers)
L&L work in the Diner
Luke blows up at a customer who comes on to Laura
Luke says “I sleep in the buff”
Luke says “When a woman says that to a man, he can wait... but not too long”
Luke blows up at another customer hitting on Laura
Hutch stops Luke from doing anything stupid
Hutch tells Luke about his wife disappearing
Luke is starting to like Hutch a little, but he is still suspicious of him
Luke shares his suspicions about Hutch with Laura
Laura wonders why there have been no stories about the dead Night Watchman in the papers
L&L worry the police found their clothes & linked them to the murder
Laura wants to call home... Luke says she should go home... Laura says NO!
“Stand By Your Man” plays as L&L & Hutch work in the Diner
Luke goes through Hutch’s coat pocket
Hutch walks in on Luke, but Luke talks his way out of trouble
Laura thinks they should trust Hutch... Luke says Hutch watches them too much
Luke plans on hiding the Black Book in the Hey Stack (Hutch overheard this earlier)
Hutch tells Frank to stop calling him at the Diner
Mrs Whitaker brings L&L breakfast in bed
Mrs Whitaker takes L&L’s laundry (The Black Book is in Luke’s socks)
Laura says maybe Mrs Whitaker is the Hitman
L&L rush down to get the Black Book
Mrs Whitaker gives L&L the Black Book back
Luke tells Mrs Whitaker that he’s a computer analyst
Laura blurts out to Mrs Whitaker about Port Charles being her home town...
.......(Luke, to cover up, says not since you were a baby)
Mrs Whitaker picks up a shotgun & L&L take cover
Mrs Whitaker says she cleans the gun for her husband
Luke covers up by saying guns make him nervous ever since Nam
Laura says Luke was so brave to put himself infront of her & she says “Thank You”
Luke says he would die for Laura
8-22-80 (Friday)----------
Hutch searches the Hay stack in the barn (Looking for the Black Book)
Hutch hears Luke coming & pretends to have slept there
Hutch says he wants to stay at the Whitaker’s
Hutch leaves.... Luke takes the Black Book from under a Hen
Hutch tells L&L he got a room at the Whitaker’s
L&L lay together in the Barn... L&L kiss
Laura wonders if Scotty was right about her being a Tramp
Luke says she is NOT a Tramp
As Hutch comes in the Barn, Luke hides the wigless Laura under the Hay
L&L discuss Luke’s suspicions about Hutch
Luke says he wants to leave Beecher’s Corners as soon as they get enough money
8-25-80 (Monday)----------
Luke says they can’t trust anyone but each other
Laura says she trusts Hutch
Luke tells Laura he doesn’t like the way Hutch looks at her
Luke steals Hutch’s wallet & looks through it & finds a return address on a post card
Hutch calls his friend & tells him to say they’re buddies from Mass, if someone calls & asks about him
8-27-80 (Wednesday)----------
Pop Calhoon gets a shipment of newspapers for the Paper Boys
Hutch sees L&L’s picture on the front page & keeps Pop & L&L from seeing it
L&L see the paper & Luke says (to Hutch) that now we know you know more than you’re supposed to
Hutch says they can trust him
Luke says they have to leave right away
Luke tells Pop that he & “Lucy” have to go
Hutch burns all the papers just as L&L are about to leave
Luke wants to know what Hutch wants
Hutch says he just wants to help
Laura thinks Hutch has proved his loyalty
L&L continue to work at the Diner
Luke checks out Hutch’s identity (It checks out... Hutch is who he says he is)
Luke calls Hutch’s friend & he gives Hutch a glowing review
Luke now thinks he was wrong about Hutch
Luke thanks Hutch for burning the newspapers
8-28-80 (Thursday)----------
Luke now trusts Hutch.... Laura says I told you so
Luke says the day Laura takes her ring off is the day they will make love
Breakfast with the Whitakers & Hutch
“Next monday” is Labor Day
L&L, Hutch, & the Whitakers go in to town shopping
The Whitakers are gonna have a Labor Day Square Dance Party
Luke buys some sleeping bags for when they have to leave
8-29-80 (Friday)----------
Everyone helps Mrs Whitaker set up for the Labor Day Weekend Party
[Mrs Whitaker almost calls Laura/Lucy “Genie” ]
[The Whitakers have a Son]
L&L practise square dancing as Hutch plays the guitar
Joe asks Lesley if Laura might be on the run because she knows more than she
.......should about Frank Smith (Lesley doesn’t know)
Frank wonders why Hutch is late to check in
Hutch tells Frank he can’t kill Luke till he finds where he hides the Black Book
Mrs Whitaker made the dress Laura is wearing
Everyone arrives for the Party & square dances
As the party continues, Hutch searches L&L’s room
Hutch sees Luke’s map with Fair Oaks circled
Hutch hides under the bed as Laura comes in the room
Luke comes in the room
Hutch overhears L&L discuss having to go to Fair Oaks, The Black Book, & The
.......Left Handed Boy being the Key
Luke leaves & Laura stays to rest
As Laura sleeps, Hutch sneaks out (Luke sees him in he hall & is suspicious)

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