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MAY - JUNE 1981

Luke fills Laura in on his visit with Hutch
Laura asks Luke to go to dinner and he says he can't. So when Robert calls to ask her out she agrees
Luke tells Laura when they have their evening it won't be spur of the moment
Laura gets suspicious when she finds Alex looking for phone numbers to detective agencies
Luke warns Alex that Laura better not be a part of any of her plans
Luke tells Alex that during the party tomorrow night for Joe Kelly, he is going to do a dry run of the auction house
Luke is fumed when Alex tells him she slipped some information about hiring bodyguards to Laura so she would leak it to Robert
As Robert comes to pick up Laura, the bodyguards show up. Alex has Laura hand them a couple of money envelopes and tells them to wait for her call
Alan questions Alexandria's business dealings when he sees expense reports for flowers for Emma Lutz and things bought at a junk shop
Alex threatens to tell Monica that Susan is pregnant with Alan's child if he doesn't back off
Laura goes to Kelly's to help set up for the party and Heather, who is living upstairs, asks her to come up later and talk
Luke tells Tony that in light of the security Alex hired they might need to come up with another plan
Luke tells Laura to ditch Robert tonight, wear a nice dress, and they will slip out and go on their big date
Luke asks Bobbie to cause a diversion at the party
Lesley shows up at the party with Tony Castle
Bobbie causes a little fire and Luke slips out
Luke does his dry run of his plans at the auction house
Luke tells Tony that Luke slipped out and Tony suggests they pay closer attention to Luke
Robert meets with two women on the docks and he tells them Cassadine's plans. He calls the older woman O'Reilly and she calls him Sonny. They come up with a plan of their own
Laura visits with Heather
Luke slips back into the party and takes Laura away
At the Versailles room Luke orders some champagne and surprises her with a violinist playing Fascination.
Luke and Laura reminisce about Wyndams. Luke tells Laura he remembers and angel in a red dress
O'Reilly sends over a bottle of Champagne to Luke and Laura's table with a note saying how nice it is to see two youngsters in love
As Luke and Laura are leaving they stop by to thank O' Reily and introduce themselves
Luke and Laura continue their night on the docks with more champagne and more dancing
Alex interrupts Luke and Laura to check up on things but Luke quickly dismisses her

Luke and Laura continue with their romantic night and reaffirm their love for each other
Luke: (making a toast) One more time to us
Laura: To only us
Luke: This is it you know it's our last chance. I mean if it doesn't work…
Laura: It's going to work. I know it will
Luke: That leaves only one more thing to say
Laura: About what?
Luke: About this bottle
Laura: What?
Luke: About this bottle. When this bottle is empty I am going to put a message in it from my heart and throw it in the ocean
Laura: And what would that message be?
Luke: (takes Laura's hand as they stand up) Are you ready?
Laura: I think so
Luke: Are your eyes open?
Laura: My feet are on the ground
Luke: Ok. Laura my whole life I never believed in love. I thought I would go through my whole life all alone with nobody by my side. But there you are and I don't want to lose you. Laura I love you. Oh God I love you
Laura: I waited so long to hear you say that. I love you
Scene ends with Luke and Laura kissing passionately

Luke and Laura dance their way back to Laura's apartment
Luke and Laura get all hot and heavy but Luke says they shouldn't make love now.
He doesn't want to make things any more complicated when they are finally on the right track

Luke finds the strength to go back to his apartment but realizes he forgot to ask Laura what he wanted to ask her
Luke: Hey wait a minute. I forgot what I asked you to go to dinner with me for
Laura: What?
Luke: Will you marry m e?
Laura: Yes!! Yes!!
Luke: Yes? Oh good! Oh good!
Luke: Good night
Laura: Goodnight
Luke leaves Laura's apartment, both shocked and excited

Luke and Laura can't sleep so they decide to take a drive and go to Kelly's for breakfast
Rick isn't too thrilled when he sees Luke and Laura come into Kelly's wearing the same clothes they had on the night before
Luke tells Rick that he knows he doesn't approve of Luke but they are in love with each other and they are going to get married
Laura tells Rick that with or without his approval they are going to have a life together
Rick tell them that he still has his reservations but he will not stand in the way of their happiness
Laura goes to the auction house with Rick and tells her that her and Luke are going to get married
Bobbie and Laura agree, with a handshake, to try to put their past behind them for Luke's safe

Tony Castle calls Lesley asks her to go to the auction with him. Lesley turns Rick's offer down and agrees to go with Tony
O'Reilly runs into Laura at the auction house and tells her she is there to donate something
Luke and Slick bring in a huge mummy case and Luke's tells Bobbie to make that the very last thing on the auction list.
Bobbie and Lesley give Luke their congratulations
Robert tells Luke if he is planning on stealing the Ice Princess he doesn't have a chance of getting it out of there
Luke tells Robert to stay away from Laura because she has committed herself to nuptial bliss with him
Luke and Robert both blow off Laura when she tries to talk to them
Lesley introduces Alex to her date, Tony Castle and its obvious they know each other
Everyone has their eye on the Ice Princess as Lila announces this as the statue everyone has been ranting and raving about
Alex tells Luke that Tony Castle is really Anthony Cassadine and she fears that he might be partnered with Robert
Luke and Laura make plans to celebrate tonight after he gets his money
Laura tells Claudia and Brian that Luke asked her to marry her and Brian gives Laura his blessing in spite of being Scotty's best friend
The auction is underway and everyone is going over their plans to steal the Ice Princess
Bobbie asks Ruby to talk to one of Cassadine's men who is standing right behind Luke so that she can talk to Luke
Luke tells Bobbie to cause a disturbance 4 items before the Ice Princess goes on the block
Edward is stunned when Alex tells him who Tony Castle is
Alex talks briefly with Tony and appears to be jealous that he is dating Lesley
Bobbie makes a scene claiming that Cassadine's man made a pass at her and security takes him out of the hall
O'Reilly makes conversation with Luke trying to distract him
Laura comes over to talk to Luke and O'Reilly and Luke is starting to become suspicious when he finds out from Laura that she made a last minute donation
Luke tells Laura that he has to find out who O'Reilly is and why she is sticking so close to him
As the Ice Princess goes up for auction Luke knocks a drink on O'Reilly so he can see what's in her purse
The lights go out and when they come back on, Luke is gone, the Ice Princess is gone and O'Reilly is locked in the mummy case
Laura brings over lunch for Mr. Duvalle so she can search his apartment since she knows his job with the Quartermaine's is top secret
Laura claims curiosity got the best of her when Duvalle catches her snooping around
Robert calls O'Reilly and tells him no one seems to know where Luke is. O'Reilly asks him if he will be able to silence Luke if he falls into the Cassadine hands and Robert with extreme hesitation says yes
While Kurt (James Duvalle) is sketching Laura he asks her questions about the auction and the Ice Princess
Alex finds Tony on his yacht and tells him that Luke has shown up with the Ice Princess
When Laura goes to get her purse she notices a monogrammed handkerchief with the initials JD
Tony tells Alex that he isn't convinced that she has the Ice Princess and that if he needs to get to Luke he will do it through his weakest spot, Laura
Luke calls Laura at ELQ and tells her that he is ok and not to tell anyone that she has heard from him. He tells her he loves her and hangs up
Robert goes to see Hutch to find out where he would go if he were on the run
Luke goes to the Whittakers to hide out. Luke asks them not to tell Laura or anyone else where he is
Laura asks Bobbie to tell her what went on at the auction. Bobbie tells Laura that Luke asked her to stage the scene but she doesn't know anything else beyond that
Laura tries to call the Whittakers but the operator tells her the phone lines are down because of the storm
Robert tells Hutch that Luke and Laura are in danger and Hutch tell Robert to check out the Whittaker's farm
Laura calls Mrs. Whittaker while they are having dinner with Luke and Mrs. Whittaker lies to Laura telling her she hasn't seen or heard from Luke
Mrs. Whittaker is very upset about having to lie to Laura
The phone rings right after Mrs. Whittaker hangs up with Laura and Luke tells her not to answer the phone.
It was Robert calling from a phone booth
Tony' s man reports to him that Robert is having lunch with Alex. Tony tells him that Robert can't be trusted
Laura goes to the Whittakers to clear her head and she tells Mrs. Whittaker about how she hurt Luke when they left Beechers Corners
Mrs. Whittaker accidentally tells Laura that Luke was there.
She also tells Laura that a man with an Australian accent (Robert) was also there looking for Luke.
Laura decides to stay at the farm for a few days
Laura tells Slick that she knows he knows where Luke is and tells him to ask Luke if he needs him
Luke has taken refuge in a missionary on the Waterfront
Alex tells Edward that she planted a fur coat, plane tickets and money in Laura's apartment
Slick tells Luke that Laura's back and she wants to see him. Luke tells Slick that under no circumstances is he to tell Laura where he is

Slick gives Laura a letter from Luke...

Do I need you? If you mean am I in trouble and need you help the answer is no. But if you mean do I need you to be with m for my life the answer is yes. Please be patient. Luke

Laura puts on her Lucy Johnson wig and convinces Slick to take her to Luke while Alex follows them
Luke and Laura have a tearful reunion before he yells at her and Slick for coming.
Irony - Laura tells Luke she cant take any more of the secrets and he agrees to tell her all about the work he has been doing for the Quartermaines
Luke tells Laura that he didn't steal the Ice Princess but everyone thinks he did. Laura is scared for her mother when Luke tells her that Tony Castle is really Tony Cassadine.
Luke assures her that he is not a danger to her mother but he could be a danger to him
Luke tells Laura he has no idea who took the statue but he has a button from the guy's coat and knows his aftershave
Luke tells Laura that the Ice Princess is the largest diamond in the world but he knows there's more to it
Laura tells Luke that she found out Kurt Wheeler is James Duvalle and thinks he is connected with the Ice Princess
Laura begs Luke to let her help him and he asks her to try to find out the connection between James Duvalle and Alex
Luke promises Laura that he will try to never leave her out of anything again
The Cassadine's drug Luke and take him to the yacht
Robert saves Luke from the Cassadines and he wakes up in a secret room in Robert's penthouse
Robert tells Luke that O'Reilly is his partner and they got him off the yacht. O'Reilly calls and says to stay in the secret room because Cassadine's men are all over the place
Robert tells Luke that there is a formula connected with the Ice Princess
Cassadine's men tear apart Robert's penthouse and leave when they don't find Luke and Robert
Luke realizes Robert (AKA, CK8) is a secret agent but Robert tells him he can't tell him anything other than he is on his side
Robert is thrilled when Luke tells him that Laura knows Duvalle and has been used as Alex as a go between
Luke and Robert are hysterical as they listen to O'Reilly acting as a maid chase the Cassadine's away
Luke and Robert stow away in garbage cans as O'Reilly gets them out of the penthouse
O'Reilly has Slick help her get Robert and Luke to Laura's apartment
Luke, Robert, Slick and O'Reilly search Laura's apartment because Luke overheard the Cassadine's saying Alex framed Laura
After they find everything they head up to Luke's apartment where he calls Laura and tells her Slick is coming to bring her to him
Robert and Luke have a drink and try to figure out who has the Ice Princess
Unbeknownst to everyone, the Ice Princess is in the possession of Emma and Charlie Lutz
Emma takes out the Ice Princess from her closet and wonders how it got there
Laura is reunited with Luke at his apartment
Laura told Luke and Robert that James got very scared when she mentioned the Ice Princess. She told them that James is leaving town very soon
Laura refuses to give Robert Duvalle's address until she gets some answers
Emma calls up Lila and tells her that she has the black statue and would like to return it over a glass of sherry
Lila tells Alex that Emma Lutz has found the black statue
Alex suggests they go and meet Emma and get the statue back
Laura demands to know why Robert and O'Reilly are there
Robert tells Laura that he is a secret agent. Luke tells Laura that she should tell her mother to keep away from Tony Castle
Laura gives them the address and Luke and Robert take off

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