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THE RETURN OF LAURA Nov/Dec 1983 (Part Three)

Laura wakes up Luke and tells him that she has this uneasy feeling that they were being watched when they were outside yesterday
Stavros and his men check into another hotel
Robert calls Luke and tells him that his man in Greece reported Stavros getting off the plane in Greece
Laura is overjoyed that she can begin her life with Luke again
Stavros explains to his men how he fooled Scorpio with his double and that now he is free to make Luke and Laura pay
Laura sees Lee for the first time. Laura asks about Gail and Scotty
Tiffany calls and invites Luke and Laura over for a pizza party
Stavros tells his men to get a blueprint of the mayor's mansion
Laura, Luke, and Lee discuss what is expected of them as Mayor and first lady
Jake comes by to talk to Lee. Luke and Laura leave them to their meeting and head over to Tiffany's
Stavros is on the grounds watching Luke and Laura leave and follows them
Laura and Holly make small talk. Holly warns Laura of the demands of public life
Stavros realizes that Tiffany's apartment is right across from his hotel room
Brock pushes the issue of Commissioner of Housing with Luke again
Laura invites Blackie to the mansion to play some music
Laura and Holly discuss Luke
Laura: I hope your having as much fun as I am
Holly: More than I thought I would. Something in the air today
Laura: Luke's here. Luke has a wonderful way of lightening up a party
Holly: You're right. Whenever Luke was around it was automatically ripe for a party
Laura: You've been there?
Holly: Ancient history I'm very happy to be involved as a friend
Laura: Well then clue me in on that. Certainly any friend of Luke's is a friend of mine
Holly: Laura somehow, we have sort of inherited each other and I for one am very happy about that especially when I see how happy you have made Luke
Laura: Do you mind if I get into something that is sort of sticky?
Holly: Try me
Laura: Do you ever think what it might have been like had you and Luke stayed together?
Holly: He never had you out of him mind. You know that don't you?
Laura: Yes
Holly: It's very complicated
Laura: Luke told me about your child
Holly: That was a very, very bad time. If it hadn't been for Robert…
Laura: The right man at the right time?
Holly: It was based on gratitude them but eventually I knew that I was really in love with him and Luke knew there could never be anyone but you
Laura: You know Holly I really thought I was going to be jealous but to tell you the truth I am very glad Luke had you
Holly: Thank you. I think the four of us are going to be great friends don't you?
Laura: I don't see how we can miss
Luke and Laura share some pizza and some kisses on the balcony while Stavros watches through binoculars
Stavros men bring the plans for the Mayor's mansion and Stavros focuses in on the bedroom
Stavros is roaming the grounds of the mansion while Laura is inside
Luke and Laura have breakfast and discuss how far he has come from managing the disco
Luke and Laura discuss their separate plans for the day
The former Mrs. Mayor comes by to give Laura some helpful hints
Brock pushes Luke again about the Commissioners job and Luke tells him he asked Dan Rooney to take that position.
Brock lashes out at Luke while Robert sits back enjoying it all
Blackie comes over and saves Laura from her boring meeting with the former first lady
Brock tells Bobbie about Luke taking Dan over him
Brock pushes Bobbie to get married so they can start a family. Bobbie still can't bring herself to tell him she can't have kids
Robert has a meeting with all the Commissioners and tells them that he is going to present them all to the press at a reception at his house
Margaret goes over the plans for the reception
Stavros finds out about the reception and decides that this is where and when he will exact his revenge
Blackie tells Laura all about how he came to be a part of the Webber family
Claudia comes by and they all are dancing in the living room when women from the PC auxiliary crash their party
Luke saves Laura from another boring meeting (Stavros is outside the window watching them)
Luke tells Laura all about the horrible day he had and the fight with Brock
Luke carries Laura over his shoulder, up the stairs and they fall down laughing
Stavros gets some more of his men from Greece to come over to make plans for his revenge
Laura meets with the wait staff prior to the reception. One of them is Stavros's men
Luke meets the new gardener who is also one of Stavros's men
Ruby and Dan go over to the Webber's prior to the reception and talk about the situation with Brock
Luke and Laura finalize their preparations before going upstairs to dress
Theodorous calls Stavros and tells him things are going according to plan
Brian and Claudia head over to the Webber's and they all go to the reception together (interaction…its use to happen!)
Lee, Gail, Robert, and Holly go to the reception
Stavros's men are making their plans in the house
Lee announces all the commissioners and the Mayor and First lady
After the guest leave, Laura heads upstairs while Luke stays to talk to Lee
Stavros's men pretend they are leaving but rigged the door so they can come back in
As Luke is preparing to turn in for the night all the lights go out and he is attacked from behind
Laura roams the house in the dark screaming for Luke, not knowing that anyone is in the house
Luke screams for Laura to run but she is grabbed by another man
Laura fights the man off and tries to run outside but when she opens the door Stavros is there
Luke and Laura are both being violently attacked by Stavros's men. When they are subdued, Stavros reenters the room
Stavros tells Luke how he fooled them into thinking he was gone forever
Laura breaks free of one of the men and runs up stairs while Luke is knocked unconscious
Stavros breaks down the door. Laura is still, with fear
Stavros: Is this where you slept the two of you? It's a lovely room. Soft covers. Firm bed. Is it a firm bed Laura or is it feathery? It seems strange I don't know which you prefer
Laura: You were a fool to come back here
Stavros: I never left. I already explained that to you
Laura: You don't understand. This time they will come looking for me and this time (screaming) they won't stop because this time they are going to know that I'm am alive
Stavros: What makes you think that you will be alive?
Laura: I thought…..
Stavros: You slept with him! You're soiled. I don't eve n know if I should take you back. It would be so much easier to do away with you and to do way with him but it doesn't have to be that way Laura
Laura: Let Luke live. I'll do anything
Stavros: Anything?
Laura: Anything I am capable of
Stavros: Well that certainly qualifies it. Speak child this may be your last chance
Laura: No one can speak to you Stavros
Stavros: They can listen and they can obey if they want to survive
Laura: I don't care anymore
Stavros: There's something in you, something in your eyes. It's certainly not resignation. Is it fire? Is it passion? Laura could it be desire? So young. So beautiful. Full of life. Of fury. Of lust. Don't you remember our times together alone? Our bodies intertwined. The depths of our passion. How long did you think I would wait before I take back what is rightfully mine?
Laura: NEVER!
Stavros raises his hand to hit Laura and instead forces a kiss on her
Stavros's men drag Luke up the stairs to the bedroom
Stavros props Luke up on a chair while he is still unconscious
Laura: What are you going to do?
Stavros: You'll know soon enough
Laura: Luke hasn't hurt anyone
Stavros: Mikkos doesn't count?
Laura: You hated Mikkos!
Stavros: Still he was a member of our family
Laura: You cant accomplice anything by hurting Luke
Stavros: It just might teach you a lesson
Laura: Please! I will do anything you want
Stavros: You will do anything I want because I am a Cassadine and you are my wife
Stavros tells Laura that whatever does happen wont happen until Luke is wide awake
Stavros men tie Luke to the bedpost
Stavros: And so the moment of truth arrives
Luke: Untie these ropes Cassadine. We will do this anyway you like. Guns knives, fists. Just untie these ropes
Stavros: You just don't understand
Luke: You give me something to understand man and I will understand it
Stavros: Its called obsession. A kind of love that most men deny themselves. It's too consuming. Far too dangerous. You open up your heart to hurt, to weakness, but there's no controlling this love. You would never understand. For me it started when I first saw her. So young. So beautiful. My Laura. Your innocence was that what drove me? Or was it your nativity. It doesn't really matter now does it?
Luke: You are sick! You know that! Sick!
Stavros: Perhaps that is exactly what I am
Luke: Well then you have a problem man go get yourself some help
Stavros: My obsession is not a problem. It is a blessing. Before I met her my life had no purpose now I live for nothing else
Luke: Doesn't it matter that she hates your guts?
Laura: Luke don't make it any worse
Luke: Oh baby it doesn't get any worse
Stavros: That is where you are wrong. You ran away but now you are mine again
Laura: Then take me back
Luke: NO! NO!
Laura: Luke it's the only way
Luke: NO!
Stavros: Quiet!
Luke: If you take her I will come after you! I will find you!
Stavros: Quiet or I will end it right here
Luke: Go ahead man nobody cares
Stavros: I will regain my self-respect and I will regain my honor
Stavros sends all of his men away and tells them to come back in 2 hours as he drags Laura over to the bed and throws her down brandishing a knife
Laura: Leave me alone! No!
Stavros: Your mayor can't help you now. Relax enjoy yourself
Laura: I'll relax when you're dead
Stavros: You'll have a long wait
Laura: GET OFF ME!!
Stavros: When I am finished and I intend to take my time and its going to be slow and sweet. That's the way you like it isn't it? I plan to savor every moment
Laura: NEVER!
Stavros: I love your fury my little sweetheart. How does it feel to stand there and watch me have her? Your wife, my Laura. She is mine now and forever and just to make sure you don't forget it I am going to brand her right in front of your eyes
Stavros is attacking Laura while Luke struggles to break free the ropes
Stavros: Are you watching Spencer? I hope you never forget what you are about to see.
Stavros pushes Laura up to him. Laura sees Luke nearly free of the rope and kisses Stavros to distract him. Luke frees one hand and hits Stavros over the head with the bedpost
Laura cuts Luke loose and they run down the stairs
After realizing all the phone lines have been cut Luke and Laura head to the door thinking Stavros is out for a while
As they reach the door they hear a shot go off and see Stavros at the top of the stairs
Stavros, pointing the gun at Luke falls down the stairs and breaks his neck
Luke and Laura go next door to call an ambulance and Robert
Luke calls Robert and tells him what happened and to meet him at the hospital. Luke and Laura are riding over in the ambulance with Stavros
Bobbie tells Robert and Luke that Stavros is in critical condition
Luke tells Robert him and Laura are staying at the hospital
Bobbie tells Luke that Stavros is conscious and asking to see Laura
Luke agrees but insists that he has to be there
Laura and Luke go to Stavros's hospital room
Stavros: Everyone out. I want to talk to Laura alone
Laura: Not without Luke. If you want to talk to me he stays (Stavros rolls his eyes in agreement)
Stavros: Why?
Laura: I might ask you the same question
Stavros: I loved you
Laura: You don't know the meaning of the word Stavros
Stavros: You taught me
Laura: No you know what it means to own, to posses, not to love
Stavros: It's the same thing
Laura: No if you really loved me you would have let me go
Stavros: Never
Laura: If you had cared for me you wouldn't have tried to take me back when you realized I loved Luke
Stavros: Luke. Luke. Always Luke. I should have done away with him a long time ago
Laura: You tried
Stavros: (here comes the Cassadine curse) He is a scourge on my family. Both of you are. You will not be forgotten or forgiven. Remember me. The power does not die with me. It will go on. You and your Luke will feel my rage long after…..(Stavros dies)
Laura: He's dead
Luke: It's over
Laura: No it's not. Luke didn't you hear what he just said
Laura: Laura I heard the rattlings of a dead man that's all. I tell you lady we got some guardian angel on our shoulder. We're alive and we are strong. You let the Cassadine's come by the thousands baby we're together (Laura smiles a big smile and they kiss as the medical comes in to tend to Stavros's dead body)
Luke and Laura fear retaliation from the Cassadines for Stavros's death while Robert is more worried about the press reaction
Luke and Robert decide to stick as close to the truth as possible only changing the reason why Stavros was at the house.
Luke tells Laura that he is talking to the press himself
Robert tells Holly he is worried about how the Cassadines will react
Laura is upset at Luke for excluding her but he convinces her that it will eliminate conflicting stories
Rick and Lesley tells Laura that people are already gossiping about Stavros's death
Laura tells Lesley that all she wants is to be happy with Luke. It's all she ever wanted
A nice Laura/Lesley moment
Luke is dodged with questions and accusations at his press conference but handles it the best he can. Luke tells the press that due to his past association with the Cassadines, Stavros insisted on being private about his "business" meeting with Luke. And he fell down the stairs during a tour of the house
Robert tells Luke that he thinks he pulled it off with the press. Rick and Lee agree
Robert gets a call that Stavros's body has landed in Greece
Robert and Holly come over to the mansion for dinner with Luke and Laura
Robert gets a call during dinner telling him that the Cassadine plane took off in the middle of the night heading for the United States
Laura and Luke agree that if they had the chance both would like to travel the world
Laura tells Luke that she really wants to travel and she waiting for his term to be over is going to be hard
Margaret tells Luke and Laura that they have a visitor and hands them his card.
Laura: The Cassadines. What are we going to do?
Luke: We're going to see who it is
Laura: NO!
Luke: Laura, whoever it is, they'll only come back
Laura: (running away) Its not to late to get away
Luke: No if we run away now we will be running for the rest of our lives
Laura: Atleast we'll be safe
Luke: Laura, it's the Cassadines. They will find us wherever we go. We're gonna have to face this now
Laura: You don't know what they are capable of Luke
Luke: I will not run!
Laura: We'll then what?
Luke: Lets just find out who it is and what they wan. You stay right here
Laura: No whatever happens I want us to be together
Luke: Alright. (gives Laura a reassuring kiss on the cheek) Alright here goes.
Margaret lets Yanni in
Laura: Yanni, it's you
Luke: Laura you know this guy?
Laura: Yes Luke its ok
Yanni: I am glad you are alive
Laura: I was so afraid. I thought……
Yanni: I am not here to do you any harm. Helena's days of vengeance are over. They died with Stavros. When she saw him lying in the coffin she collapsed. She had a complete breakdown. From what the doctors told me she will never recover
Laura: Doctors can make mistakes
Yanni: Not this time. I saw her Laura. She is a broken woman. She lost everything even her means for revenge
Luke: What about the rest of the family?
Yanni: It is over. I promise you. They have decided to end this vendetta
Luke: What if this is another trick?
Laura: No, no Luke. It's not. I know Yanni
Yanni: Thank you. I am truly sorry for all that his happened and I want to assure you peace and contentment in your life together
Laura: Thank you Yanni (Yanni leaves)
Laura: I can't believe it! Oh Luke
Luke and Laura plan to celebrate after their busy day of politics
Evelyn, the transportation commissioner, drives Luke crazy about the East Side Highway project and Luke seeks Lee's advice
Margaret tells Luke that Laura is home and is requesting he dress formal for dinner
Luke and Laura have a very funny dinner that ends in a food fight
Luke and Laura decide to meet at Kelly's for lunch and head on to their busy days
Lee bails Luke out of another political meeting
Laura shows up late for a meeting of the PC Beautification Society and doesn't realize that they intend for her to make a speech
Laura tries to make a speech but ends up confessing that she is not prepared to do so
Luke tells the Aldermen that he wants to throw a party for the poor people on welfare and they shoot down his idea calling it impractical
Luke and Laura meet at Kelly's and discuss their miserable mornings and Rose tells them that the Dept of Health cited the diner
Brock apologizes to Luke and him and Bobbie join them for Lunch
Jimmy Lee joins in to share his grief for the day
Luke turns on the music and everyone lets loose to "mourn the death of fun"
Laura again tells Luke that SHE wishes they could just run away forever
Laura leaves the room annoyed when their nice evening is interrupted with a political phone call
Laura comes back and starts kissing Luke to get him off the phone
Another morning where Luke and Laura can't find any time in the day to get together
Rick tells Luke that the health inspector who cited Kelly's was out for a bribe
Laura is goes to another luncheon but this time she is with Holly, Audrey, Claudia, and Gail
Laura tells the ladies that she is having a hard time getting use to life as the First Lady
Luke tries to get some fund freed to help Grant Putnam
The luncheon ends and Holly and Laura stay behind.
Laura seeks out Holly's advice on how to deal with all these demands on her private time
Luke meets with some citizens on the verge of losing their home
Laura tells Holly that she feels like a showpiece rather than someone making a contribution
Holly tells Laura that she has a better handle on this life because she feels she is exactly where she wants to be
Laura tells Holly where she wants to be is all over the world.
Dan tells the citizens that their building got condemned for good reason
Luke is starting to realize that he can't solve everyone's problems
Luke and Laura try to get a little privacy in his office
The men come to deliver the Christmas tree and Laura is angry when they tell her that they have to decorate the tree because of the union
Luke and Laura sneak out the back door when people start showing up requesting meetings at their house
Luke and Laura go for a walk on the docks as Lucy and Lloyd Johnson
Lucy and Lloyd mingle with some kids down at the docks and help them decorate their tree
A guy sees them on the docks and calls the newspapers
Luke and Laura get ambushed by photographers
Luke and Laura get back to the house and find some of the councilmen waiting for Luke
The councilmen tell Luke that they vetoed his bill to increase the pay of the sanitation workers
Luke tells Lee that he is upset that he is breaking his campaign promises
Luke and Laura's quiet evening is interrupted when a disgruntled sanitation worker shows up at the house lashing out at Luke about his broken promises
Luke and Laura enjoy the rest of their night by the fire
Luke wakes up Laura and tells her he has a surprise for her downstairs
Laura walks down the stairs as Rick and Lesley sing Happy Birthday to her and presents her with her star for the Christmas tree
The Birthday breakfast gets interrupted by a phone call about the budget
Laura and Lesley have a quiet moment where Laura puts the star on the tree
Laura tells Lesley that every time her and Luke want to talk or do something special they get interrupted
Grant shows up at the house and Luke introduces him to Laura
Grant asks Luke to go with him to see Carla, who is paralyzed
Luke shares his paralysis story with Carla and tells her to live her dreams, realizing he isn't living his own
Luke comes home and tells Laura that he is taking her to Beecher's Corners right now so they can talk and make a couple of important decisions
Laura gets all choked up when she sees the Whittaker's house for the first time since her honeymoon
Laura gets even happier when she sees their old bedroom
Luke tells Laura that he isn't cut out to be mayor and he doesn't want it anymore.
Luke tells Laura that he doesn't want to run away anymore…he wants to run TO something positive
Luke asks Laura how she would feel if he resigned as Mayor and they went on to live their dreams
Laura tells Luke that it would make her so happy if he did that
Luke and Laura discuss their plans, if they can afford it, what the will pack and where they will go
Luke decides that right after Christmas they he will resign.
Laura tells Luke she wants to stay in BC while he goes back to say goodbye to everyone because she feels bad about saying goodbye when she just came home
Laura suggests they invite Lesley and Rick to BC for the holidays and tell them about it then
Luke goes for a walk on the docks and has flashbacks of him scaling the rope to the Cassadine yacht
Luke tells Lee about his plans and asks him to take over as Mayor
Luke tells Rose and Bryan his plans
When Luke sees Mikey and Corky he remembers the time he went looking for the afghans at the kennel
Luke flashes back to Edward grilling him at Kelly's about the Afghans
Luke passes by the boarded up Campus disco and flashes back to him dancing at the club
Luke meets Bobbie in front of the club and tells her he is leaving
Flashback to Roy Delucca getting killed and to the discussion Luke and Bobbie had at the disco right after that
Bobbie and Luke say their good-bye's as Luke flashes back to Thanksgiving with her and Ruby
Blackie is upset with Luke when he finds out about him leaving but comes to accept it and they say their good-byes
Luke says goodbye to Burt as Luke flashes back to Luke begging Burt to help him find Laura and to Burt and Luke running to grab Holly
Luke goes by Roberts to say goodbye to Holly
Flashback of the first time he saw Holly swimming in the mountains
Luke goes to the old missionary where he hid out after the Ice Princess was stolen and flashes back to him trying to call Laura from there
Slick and Emmy pull up and they say their good-byes
Flashback of Luke hiding in the back of Slick's cab during the Ice Princess caper
Flashback of O'Reilly getting Robert and Luke out of the penthouse
Flashback of Luke looking for the Ice Princess in Emma's apartment
Luke goes tot the ELQ building and flashes back to a cute Luke and Lila scene
Luke meets Tiffany in front of the building and they share a very emotional goodbye
Steve, Audrey, Gail, and Jesse discuss Luke leaving
Luke goes the hospital to find Ruby and flashes back to when he disguised himself as a doctor to see Ruby after Frank Smith had her beat up
Ruby tells Luke that she is very supportive of his plans as Luke flashes back to when Ruby was sick in the hospital. Very touching scene where Ruby promises him she isn't checking out for a long time and Luke promises to get on with his life
Luke and Ruby share the most emotional goodbye of them all
Luke goes back to the docks and flashes back to when Alexandria kissed him there
Robert shows up at the docks to say goodbye to Luke
Flashback of Luke and Robert talking about backing each other up
Luke and Robert cant find the words to say goodbye so they just hug each other as Luke assures him he will be back
Tons of flashbacks- Luke jumping out of a plane, getting punched out by Scotty as his wedding to Jennifer, The avalanche, Punching Scotty, shootout on the Haunted Star, fighting with David Grey, The left handed boy shootout, cracking the code to the weather machine and Screaming on the balcony the morning of his wedding,
Luke says goodbye to Port Charles..FOR NOW
Lesley and Rick arrive in Beechers Corners and speculate with the Whittakers on what the news is that Luke and Laura have to tell them
Rick and Lesley are shocked when Luke tells them he resigned
Laura tells Rick and Lesley that they want to travel and see the world
Laura assures Lesley that they will be back because Port Charles will always be their home
They all hug and Lesley asks Luke if he will take good care of Laura. Luke tells Lesley that that is all he ever wanted to do
Luke tells Rick that Laura makes him happy and he would do anything for her
Rick tells Luke that he is as much a part of his family as anyone ever could be
Lesley helps Laura pack and starts getting all hysterical about Laura leaving
Laura: Don't cry mom
Lesley: Its just funny that's all
Laura: Do you think we're being a little too impulsive?
Lesley: Yea but who has a better right. You're young and you're in love
Laura: Port Charles will always be our home so don't be sad
Lesley: I'm not crying because I'm sad. I'm crying because I'm happy for you. (Laura hugs Lesley) You and Luke are giving each other the chance to live out your dreams. Do you know how few people there are in the whole world who ever do that? It's just that I am going to miss you
Laura: I'm going to miss you too. I love you
Lesley: I love you too my baby
Rick and Lesley decide to stay back in Beechers Corners and spend the night at the Whittakers
Luke and Laura say their good-byes to the Whittakers and Rick and Lesley
Laura leaves a note thanking Margaret as the Spencers prepare to leave the mayor's mansion for the last time
Luke takes down the star from the tree so they can bring a little touch of home with them
Luke and Laura ties a wreath to the car and take off
Luke and Laura stop by the hospital before they leave as the Christmas party is underway
Luke flirts a bit with Jesse before he goes
Luke and Laura watch in the background as Steve tells the Christmas story
Luke and Laura say goodbye to Port Charles
Luke: I have one thing. It's real important to me. For the road and to make you legitimate (Luke places a ring on Laura's finger)
Laura: Oh how funny. I thought of the very same thing (Laura places a ring on Luke's finger)
Luke: So you hungry?
Laura: Nope
Luke: Are you cold?
Laura: No
Luke: So where to?
Laura: Everywhere

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