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L&L's 1984 Adventure (Oct - Dec)

Robert gets summoned to the Mayor's office
Robert and Holly wonder if the meeting is about Robert's resignation and the Porchenkos
Robert and Holly are worried about Celia, Grant and the Porchenko's
Lee tells Robert that he doesn't agree with the actions he took in the Porchenko matter but he doesn't want him to resign
Robert assures Lee that his associates in the WSB will handle the matter and whatever goes down it wont be traced to him
Robert tells Lee he is taking a vacation
Celia calls Robert and tells them she can't keep the Porchenko's hidden in the Quartermaine's basement much longer
Robert leaves for the Travel agency and misses Luke's phone call
Luke is trying to dodge the Mexican police
Luke tries to call Robert again but the phone is busy
Tanya comes to talk to Frisco and he hides Felicia
Robert gives Grant the information he needs to get the Porchenko's out of town through the underground
Free of the Porchenko matter, Holly and Robert plan their vacation in Paris
Luke almost gets through to Robert but he has to hang up because the police are on his tail
Felicia comes out of hiding disguised as Frisco's Aunt Helen because she is jealous of Tanya
Tanya leaves when Frisco starts arguing with his "Aunt Helen"
Luke gets through to Robert and tells him he is in Mexico, framed for murder and on the run from the police.
Luke tells Robert it started when he and Laura were in Texas.
They were friends with this family who had an heirloom stolen.
Luke said he would fill Robert in on the rest later
Robert tells Luke to go to Mexico City and get in touch with Sean Donnelly, his old boss at the WSB
Robert tells Luke he will meet him at Donnelly's villa tomorrow
Frisco yells at Felicia for being obnoxious and rude to Tanya
Frisco tries to convince Felicia to let Robert help them but Felicia refuses
Robert tells Holly that he will take care of Luke's problems in a day or two and meet her in Paris
Frisco goes to Robert's and is suspicious when Holly tells him he left for Mexico
Frisco and Holly compare stories and realize that the family Luke was friends with in Texas is Felicia's family
Holly tells Frisco to sit tight and protect Felicia as best as she can until she can talk to Robert
Holly decides to go to Mexico
Luke goes to the villa and meets Sean Donnelly
Sean makes Luke feel welcome
Felicia is angry with Frisco for going to Robert
Sean has his female associate, Cruz, remove the cactus needles from Luke's butt
Robert arrives at the villa and talks about old WSB times with Sean
Robert and Luke have a heartfelt reunion
Luke tells Robert and Sean that he and Laura own a cattle ranch in Texas.
They were staying at the Inn of Secrets while the ranch was being fixed up.
The ranch was run by several generations of a family including a great grandmother, a grandmother named Mariah
.......and her granddaughter Felicia
Luke said they showed him a family heirloom called the scepter.
Luke put the Scepter on a table next to Peter Farell, Felicia's boyfriend, & then a group of guys on horses attacked
.......them and stole the scepter.
Over dinner Luke continues the story telling them that Peter and Luke separately followed the guys for weeks and
.......promised to stay in touch with Mariah.
Luke caught up with one of the guys who had the scepter.
They fought over it and an unknown assailant knocked Luke unconscious. When he came to the guy was stabbed to death.
The police found Luke next to the body and arrested him. When the guard wasn't paying attention, Luke took off.
Their dinner gets interrupts when the maid announces that a lady is there to see Mr. Scorpio
Luke, unlike Robert, is happy to see that the lady is Holly
Holly fills Robert and Luke in on the tale of Frisco and Felicia
Holly is jealous of the attention Cruz is paying to Robert and Luke assures her she has nothing to worry about
Holly listens as Sean and Robert recall old times and old adventures with the WSB
Sean suggests that Robert and Luke go back to the scene of the crime and try to find the real murderer.
Sean says he is unable to join them because of an important business meeting
Holly and Sean stay behind as Robert and Luke head off
Sean suggests to Holly that they have there own adventure while the boys are away including Holly's favorite pastime…shopping
Luke and Robert get into a fistfight with some local guys when they try to ask them a few questions
Luke calls Mariah looking for Laura but Laura isn't there.
Mariah tries to convince Luke to give up the search for the Scepter but Luke feels responsible for the theft and cant give up
Mariah tells Luke that Peter has been calling keeping her up to date on him and Luke's progress and Luke is suspicious
A man who put a tap on Mariah's phone reports the phone conversation to someone he calls "boss"
Luke tells Robert that Peter is making it sound like they are working together and Robert thinks he might have
.......arranged the theft of the Scepter.
Robert goes off to talk to some of the locals while Luke stays out the public eye
Robert finds out from a local woman that an American man was whose description fits Peter's was asking
.......questions about a place called the boulders
Robert reports back to Luke about Peter
Sean and Holly return from their shopping spree and Holly comments on Sean's art collection
Sean flirts shamelessly with Holly over dinner
Luke and Robert find the boulders but cant figure out what it has to do with Peter and the Scepter until
.......Luke drops a picture of Laura and the Scepter out of his pocket.
Robert notices that the markings on the Scepter are the same as the ones on the boulder
Luke and Robert argue over their sleeping habits the night before and head over to the photo shop to enlarge
.......the picture of Laura with the Scepter
"Boss" gets another call from one of his men telling him that they had to take the tap off Maria's phone.
The Boss tells the man to head to PC where he can find the girl (obviously talking about Felicia)
Mariah gets a letter from Felicia saying she is safe
Sean tells Holly about his art and his interest in Aztec treasures and Aztec picture writing
Luke and Robert try to decipher what the symbols on the Scepter mean.
Robert thinks whatever Peter is into involves more money than just the monetary value of the Scepter since
.......he is still nosing around
Robert tells Luke that he is excited about this adventure because he misses the danger.
Luke tells Robert that he didn't sign on for this adventure since life with Laura is adventure enough for him
Cruz joins up with Peter and warns him that Spencer and Scorpio are on his tail.
Cruz assures Peter that she has left Donnelly for good.
Luke and Robert decide to head back to Sean's since there are wanted pictures of Luke all over the place
Luke and Robert fill Sean in on what they found out and tell him that they think the Scepter leads to a bigger treasure
Robert gives Sean pictures of the symbols and he says he will try to decipher it
Sean tells Robert and Luke that the symbols are all directional and distance signs.
Sean says they need a directional range finder to be accurate.
While everyone gets carried away with talk of a buried treasure, Luke reminds them that they are here to clear
.......him of a murder charge so he can get back to his wife
Luke tells Sean he needs to find a way to get in touch with Laura
Holly tells Robert that she is not in any less danger they're with Sean then she would be with him and Luke
Holly tells Robert that Sean is a lady killer but Robert isn't budging about her staying behind
Robert and Luke take off for the Boulders while Holly complains to Sean about being left behind
Holly shows up at the boulders and Luke convinces Robert that they could use her help
Robert tries to find out from a local woman where there is a spring around there (its something they figured out from the symbols)
Holly throws a drink at a local woman who is coming on to Robert
Luke tries to get in touch with Laura again but the police show up and the three of them leave
Laura gets worried when Mariah tells her Luke hasn't called (Genie's first show back since 83)
Luke has flashbacks of him and Laura in bed in Mexico as he tries to call her (Think of Laura playing).
During the flashback Luke and Laura talk about getting dressed for Felicia's birthday party.
.......Laura tells Luke she has an appointment in town before the party
Luke gets through on the phone to Laura!
Luke assures Laura he is all right but wants to know what her appointment was about.
Laura brushes it off and says she will tell him when he gets home
Luke doesn't tell Laura about he police being after him or Robert and Holly helping him
Laura tells Mariah she has a feeling Luke isn't telling her what is really going on.
Mariah asks if Laura has told Luke her good news
Robert, Luke, and Holly find the spot where the spring should be but there is no water there
The boss's man finds Frisco but not Felicia. She is in her Aunt Helen disguise and thinks she is a hooker

Laura tells Mariah that she doesn't know if she would ever go back to PC
Laura: There are so many good people in that town
Mariah: Laura are you getting a little bit homesick?
Laura: No I was just thinking about family
Mariah: Sounds as though you are overdue for a visit
Laura: I don't know if I will ever go back
Mariah: Why not?
Laura: It wouldn't be the same for me Mariah
Mariah: But why?
Laura: (Sobbing) Because my mother wouldn't be there. She died when Luke and I were traveling this year
Mariah: Its always such a shock
Laura: I didn't even go to the funeral.
Mariah: That's all right now. We don't have to talk about this if you don't want to
Laura: No.I'm ok. When do you ever come to terms with death?
Mariah: Oh darling it's different for everyone
Laura: It's just that it happened so suddenly. It was a car accident. There was really no time
Mariah: Grieving is one thing but blaming yourself is another
Laura: That's what Luke says
Mariah: Maybe someday you will believe it

Luke finds out from a local man that the spring is under a silver shop in the town.
Luke, Robert, and Holly make plans with a local man to see the spring tomorrow
Felicia and Frisco share their first kiss
Luke buys a pair of boots for Laura
Holly tries to tear wanted posters down of Luke but are stopped and questioned by the police
Holly tells the police she saw the man in the poster 30 miles away headed in the other direction
Luke tells Robert to lay off of Holly. Robert says she is only going to slow them down.
They make plans to get equipment and supplies for their journey to the springs
Peter tells Cruz he is going out to find batteries for their equipment but she tries to detain him
Peter spots Luke buying a pitch ax and follows him to the silver shop
Holly runs into Cruz shopping.
Peter interrupts them and Cruz introduces Peter as her brother Carlos. Of course Holly isn't buying it
Robert keeps shutting Holly up as she tries to tell him who she ran into in the market
Holly tells them she saw Cruz and tries to tell them about "Carlos" but again, she is shut up as
.......Luke and Robert keep digging for the spring
Peter locks Robert, Luke, and Holly in the Silver shop and pays off a local boy to blast his music so one hears their cries for help
Luke, Robert, and Holly bust their way out of the silver shop and find the spring with another symbol.
Their digital equipment is broken and they decide to head back to Sean's
They discuss their findings with Sean and Holly tells him she ran into Cruz and Peter.
Mariah introduces Laura to Jack Slater, a film producer staying at the inn
Sean helps Luke, Holly, and Robert decipher more of the symbols one of which he says is an old church
Luke calls Laura again and he tells her about the boots he bought that he can only get in Mexico with the initials LS on it
Laura notices Jack Slater wearing boots with LS on them
Luke and Robert prepare to leave again and decide to leave Holly behind.

Luke gives Holly a good argument about it
Luke: I remember when Robert and I were dealing with the Cassadines and Laura was there and she was a lot of help but it was a drag for me. I was always worried about her protection, about her being hurt.

Sean tells them that the police are at the villa and urges Robert and Luke to leave while Holly helps him with the police
Laura makes conversation with Jack and he tells her he has never been in Mexico
Robert and Luke have trouble with their jeep
The boss's man tracks Felicia and Frisco to NY and approaches Felicia while she is alone in a gallery
.......looking at a ring in a painting that belongs to her family
The man pulls a knife on her and takes her out of the museum demanding to know where the ring is
Frisco jumps the guy and saves Felicia
Frisco promises Felicia that he will do everything he can to return what is theirs to her family
Following the clues at the church Robert and Luke head to the Morodo Museum (where Peter and Cruz are already at)
Laura paces frantically in her room waiting for Luke to call
Laura tells Mariah that there is such a whole in her life since Lesley died and being there
.......with her gives her a sense of family.
Mariah tells Laura that soon she will have her own family! (Lucky's on the way!!!)
Luke calls Laura. Laura tells Luke she has a surprise for him when he gets home and Luke promises be home soon with the Scepter (Fascination playing in the background)
Laura tries her luck again with Slater to see if he slips up and mentions Mexico
Luke and Robert have to hang around until the Head (one of the symbols at the museum) is unveiled to the public
Frisco and Felicia try to track down Robert by phone.
Frisco calls Grant to see if he would know of anyone who would know where Robert is
Mariah teaches Laura how to knits baby booties (Fascination playing in the background)
Laura talks to Mariah about the prospect of motherhood
Laura finds Slater going through Mariah's mail
Peter buys a pair of binoculars to read what's written on the Head but is forced to hide when he spots Luke and Robert
Robert uses a telephoto camera lens to read the symbol on the Head but Peter looses the cable so it falls and breaks
Luke spots Peter running away and him and Robert give chase
Luke and Robert chase Peter who gets on a boat. Luke and Robert follow
Peter gets off his boat and Luke and Robert are about to do the same until they spot the Police.
The police give chase to Luke and Robert who mix in with a crowd watching a show
The police detain Peter
Luke goes back to the church to see if Peter shows up while Robert goes back to the Museum to see if he
.......can get any info on the symbol that was on the Head
Mariah convinces Laura not to go after Luke. Laura is envious that Luke is off on an adventure without her
Laura asks Jack about his boots and he says a Mexican guy made them but quickly covers saying he bought them in Texas
Laura stops Jack dead in his tracks when he comes on to her
Robert checks on the repair of the Head and sees small replicas of it for sale
Mariah gets a letter from Felicia while Jack overhears her talking back it
Luke spots Peter at the church and chases him onto a rooftop where they fight
Peter is about to throw Luke off when Robert shoots his gun. Peter takes off
Jack calls Boss and tells him Felicia was at an exhibition in NY but no one knows where she is now.
Laura interrupts the call before Jack can finish
Luke thanks Robert for saving his life again
Robert shows Luke the replica he bought and they decide to go back to the church to take some digital
.......readings and then head to Sean's to see if he can decipher the symbol
Laura finds Jack's attaché case and Laura tries to open it but its locked
Laura admits to Mariah that she doesn't like Jack because there is something strange going on with him
Robert and Holly share a nice "reunion" in Sean's swimming pool while Luke fills Sean in on Peter and what they found out
Jack catches Laura trying to get into his case and Jack gives her a "friendly" warning about being too curious
Luke calls Laura and tells her things are slow but moving along. He says he misses her terribly
Slater is talking on the phone telling the boss that Laura is as much a trouble maker as Luke and he will remove her if necessary
Luke breaks up Robert and Holly's love fest so that they can get working on the case again.
Sean figures out that one of the symbols is a waterfall and Robert and Luke try to convince him to go with them.
Sean suggests they take a few days to rest but Luke is determined to finish this so he can get home to Laura
Laura keeps Slater occupied while Mariah reads another letter from Felicia
Peter overhears Cruz double-crossing him over the phone
Luke and Robert take off to find the waterfall, Sean takes off on his business and Holly stays behind
Slater tells the boss that he can find out where Felicia is but he might have to get rid of Laura
Luke and Robert start walking when the jeep dies on them again
Holly shows up to Robert and Luke' surprise and rescues them
Sean's business "meeting" is none other than Peter Farrell
Robert figures out that Holly sabotaged the jeep so she could go along.
They agree to let her stay since they have no choice
Sean is furious at Peter for double crossing him but agrees to give him one more chance because he needs
.......him for the final stage of this plan.
Sean makes Peter call Felicia and get her to come to Mexico
Peter tells Felicia that he found the scepter and to bring the ring with her and meet him in Mexico City
Peter calls Sean the boss
Felicia leaves Frisco a note and heads for the airport
Frisco tells Tony he is going after Felicia and Tony tells him he is either crazy or in love
Luke, Robert, and Holly go to where Sean tells them the Waterfall was and find nothing.
They decide to go back to the villa and get Sean to go with them
Laura tells Mariah to burn any letters Felicia has around
Mariah downplays Laura's suspicions of Jack
Laura sees Jack take a letter from the mailman and demands he put it back.
Jack denies taking any letter and Laura makes a grab for his pockets but he pushes her off
Laura overhears Jack on the phone saying he has the letter and knows where Felicia is.
Laura pulls the phone out of the wall and struggles with Jack.
Mariah hits Jack over the head with a vase and knocks him out cold
Laura locks Jack in a room but he breaks out and grabs Mariah
Jack makes Laura tie Mariah up and then he ties up Laura
As Dot and Clem the mailman come in, Laura unties herself and jumps Jack.
Jack gets away
Mariah calls Frisco and tells him to find a new place for her to hide.
Frisco tells her she went to Mexico to meet Peter and Mariah wonders how Peter got the number.
Frisco tells her he is on his way to Mexico
Laura panics when she realizes that Peter is the enemy and she thinks he's with Luke
Peter dodges Felicia's questions about the Scepter
At the villa, Luke, Robert and Holly are frustrates that Sean isn't there
Peter tries to convince Felicia to take a few days of R&R with him before they return the scepter to Mariah
Robert wants to wait for Sean and Luke wants to start searching on his own but he is doubled over in pain
Luke decides, in light of his condition, to wait for Sean with Holly and Robert
Frisco finds Holly and Robert at the Villa
Frisco fills Luke, Holly, and Robert in on what went down in PC and tells them that Peter has Felicia
Felicia grows suspicious of Peter when he keeps avoiding her questions and then tries to take her ring off her finger
Luke fills Frisco in on the whole Mexico story
Peter calls Sean and tells him he will bring Felicia to the waterfall
Sean tells his associates that he is going to take care of Robert and his friends by arranging for the cops to go to the villa
The police show up at the Villa but everyone is gone
Peter forces Felicia to go with him to the waterfall but as they are walking to it, Felicia escapes
Detained at a gas station, Luke and Robert have a nice best friends moment pledging their loyalty to each other.
Felicia is grabbed at gunpoint by one of Sean's men
Robert finds Peter's Car and Sean's and everyone heads through the jungle to find them
Everyone believes Sean just got the jump on Peter. No one suspects he is involved
Frisco takes off running when he hears Felicia scream and everyone follows him
Peter gives Sean the ring and the scepter and they plan on unlocking the treasure
Sean's man grabs Felicia and Frisco jumps him
Luke and Felicia hug when they see each other again
Felicia tells them that Peter is meeting a guy called Donnelly
Robert sends everyone back to the car and he and Luke take off to find Sean and Peter
The Police catch Felicia, Holly, and Frisco.
Holly tells the Police that Luke, Robert and Sean are in great danger and the Police take off into the jungle
Sean opens up the treasure, which is in a cave with a symbol on it
Felicia and Frisco take off from the police watching them as Holly knocks the gun out of his hand and holds it on him
Inside the cave, Sean cant figure out what symbol in the cave the treasure is behind
Sean finds the stone and puts the ring in it. This opens up a wall containing the room with all the Aztec treasures in them
Sean pulls a gun on Peter and tells him he is going to kill him for betraying him, for killing Joe and Cruz.
Robert and Luke find the scepter and the open cave and go inside
Sean and Peter struggle for the gun while Luke and Robert join in on the fight
Peter takes off and Luke goes after him
As the cops show up Peter falls into the waterfall
The cops take Luke back to the cave with Sean and Robert
Sean says that he was there because he gave them the wrong directions
Felicia sees the ring on the floor and Sean tells them that Peter thought the ring unlocked the treasure but it doesn't
The police take everyone to the station to sort this out and Luke gives Felicia the Scepter before they leave
At the station, Luke is cleared of the murder charges
Back at the villa Felicia tells Frisco that she feels empty handed not finding any real treasure
Luke tries to reach Laura but the phones are busy
Robert tells Luke that Laura is going to be furious when she finds out he and Holly were along for the adventure
They all plan to go back to Texas together
Luke gets through to Laura and she hangs up on him
Sean makes a call telling the other person that the treasure was located but its safe for the time being
.......and he is setting up the next phase of his plan
Over dinner everyone discusses their plans for going back to Texas
Mariah is reunited with Felicia and the scepter
Mariah tells Luke that Laura is waiting for him upstairs
Laura hears Luke coming and puts a fire engine under the covers
Luke comes in with the boots and Laura throws things at him
As Fascination plays Laura and Luke fight. Laura is angry that she was left out
Laura goes nuts when Luke starts talking in plurals (WE).
Luke tells her Robert and Holly helped him
Laura flips out that it wasn't too dangerous for Holly to be there while she was left behind.
Laura beats Luke with a pillow
Mariah thanks Frisco for keeping Felicia safe
Felicia tells Mariah that she can't believe that there isn't really a treasure.
Mariah tries to discourage her from looking for the Aztec treasure any further
Sean tells Robert that he doesn't think there was a treasure to begin with and Holly suggests they keep looking

As Luke and Laura are rolling around in bed Luke rolls over the fire engine
Luke dismisses the fire engine and Laura says how Lucas Jr. will like it
Luke realizes Laura is pregnant and couldn't be happier!!!
Luke: Mathew, Mark, Jason, Gregory
Laura: Luke
Luke: Stanley, Bart, William, Jeffrey
Laura: Lucas Jr.
Luke: Andrew, Russell, Laura
Laura: What?
Luke: Laura if it's a girl. She's definitely named Laura
Laura: Only if we name our son Luke
Luke: A son. A daughter. I don't care. I cant believe it
Laura: Believe it
Luke: Oh baby if I ever did anything right in my whole life it was to marry you
Laura: Flattery will get you anything you want
Luke: I already got everything I want. A beautiful wife and I got a son in the oven
Laura: Well I can't promise you that it's a boy
Luke: I don't care. Laura you are sure?
Laura: (Laughing) Yes of course I'm sure. What is the matter with you? You're acting like a typical father to be
Luke: I'm not typical
Laura: Yes you are
Luke: No I'm not. I'm atypical. I'm unique. Our kid is going to be the most remarkable child that was ever born. I want to tell somebody. I want to call Ruby. Can we call Ruby?
Laura: Yes

Ruby is ecstatic when Luke calls her to tell her Laura is pregnant
Ruby asks Laura to come home for Christmas and Laura tells her she doesn't think she can handle PC
.......without her mother being there.
Luke asks Ruby and Bobbie to come to Texas for the holidays
Luke runs out in his sheet and screams that the Spencer's are pregnant!
Ruby tells Bobbie that Laura is pregnant and she is thrilled at being an aunt
Robert and Holly tell Laura all about their adventures. Luke would rather talk about their past adventures
Robert makes toast to 4 people how are very much in love. "May our lives always be intertwined"
Frisco entertains the room with some music
Robert tells Sean to consider relocating to Port Charles
Sean invites everybody to his villa for a vacation. Luke and Laura decline but everyone else accepts
In the middle of the night, Luke, Sean, and Robert drink to the next time they all meet
Luke and Laura head to their new ranch and start to try out the new bed until Laura gets a craving
At the villa, Mariah expresses her concerns to Frisco about Felicia's obsession over finding the treasure
Frisco tells Mariah that he wants Felicia to come back to PC with him
Luke and Laura talk about their travels from Edinburg to Egypt
Laura asks Luke if a home and a family and a routine is really what he wants
Luke says he has never been fond of the routine part but he likes the idea of a family and a place where he can get his mail
They both decide that as long as they are together, wherever they go or whatever they do, they will be happy
Sean offers to underwrite Felicia's tuition so she can go to school in PC

After making love, Luke and Laura discuss parenthood
Luke: You know I don't even remember my father
Laura: Really neither do I
Luke: Big problem
Laura: What?
Luke: The Yankees or the pirates
Laura: What are you talking about?
Luke: What kind of hat to get the kid. Kids need heroes
Laura: Well what if she doesn't like football?
Luke: He'll like baseball
Laura: Oh
Luke: You're so cute when you're dumb
Laura: You know something even when you were away I never really felt alone
Luke: Tell me about it
Laura: It's kind of hard to describe
Luke: Well tell me
Laura: Well to have found you, to have been loved by you you know
Luke: I feel the same way. I just never ever expected it to be this good
Laura: And now I'm gonna have your baby
Luke: It's like a dream isn't it?
Laura: Yea. Could anyone else ever have felt this way? What do you think?
Luke: I don't think so. I have to tell you something
Laura: What?
Luke: I've always wanted to be a father
Laura: I know
Luke: Somehow I was afraid it would never happen
Laura: Kind of weird isn't it. I mean I really don't feel old enough to be a mother
Luke: Is sure don't feel smart enough to be a father
Laura: Oh no
Luke: You know I'm doing something kind of strange
Laura: What?
Luke: Here I am raising prize bull. You think this kid is going to think his old man is a ditz?
Laura: Well he better not or I'll wallop him
Luke: But the point is I don't know a thing about raising prize bulls
Laura: Well I guess you are just going to have to learn
Luke: I guess so. Laura I'm scared
Laura: Why?
Luke: Well with the kid and everything I don't want to be a failure
Laura: You can be whatever you want to be Lucas Lorenzo
Luke: I love you. You're right I can. With you by my side I can be anything I want to be and that kid better like me
Laura: He will. I love you Luke. I really do
Luke: The 3 Spencers
Laura: Deep in the heart of Texas

...........And With That, LUKE & LAURA disappear from the screen for 9 years..............

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