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(Jan. 95 - 2-23-95)

Mike comes to Luke’s for the first time
Justus runs for City Council
Justus wins (Celebration at The Outback)
Laura invites Lucy & Kevin over to dinner
Mike tries to convince Luke to hire him
Luke shows Laura & Lucky the Club
Luke’s is Firebombed & Shot at
Lucky runs in after Foster
Laura leaves for Beecher’s Corners
Luke hires Mike
Annabelle is Pregnant
Opening of Luke’s Club
BB King sings at Luke’s Opening
Luke & Mac walk in on Stone & Robin
Joe Scully enters the picture
Card Game with Scully
Scully wants to take over Port Charles
Tiffany is Pregnant
Sean goes to see Scully
Scully wants to take care of Luke & Sean
Luke meets with Scully
Luke shoots Sean (2-17-95)
11th Annual Soap Opera Awards (2-17-95)
.......Favorite Child Actor: Jonathon Jackson (Lucky)
.......Supporiting Actor: Brad Maule (Tony)
.......Hottest Female Star: Kristina Wagner (Felicia)
.......Young Lead Actress: Rena Sofer (Lois)
.......Prestegious Editors Award: Claire Labine
Sean is brought to GH
Tiffany arrives at GH
Tiffany hears that Luke shot Sean
[Flashback] Tiffany remembers past times with Sean
Charges are dropped against Luke
Luke comes to see Tiffany
Tony tells Tiffany about Sean’s Complications
Robin learns Sean was shot

(2-24-95 - April 95)

Sean is about to be moved to Mass General
Luke talks to Sean
Luke says Goodbye to Tiffany
Sean & Tiffany say Goodbye to Everyone (2-24-95)
Luke & Lucky go to Beecher’s Corners (See Mrs. Whittacker)
Luke tells Laura about Sean
Mary Mae sings at Luke’s Club
Felicia gives birth to Georgie at Luke’s
Scully has been messing with Deception (For Damian)
Lucky calls to talk to Laura
Anabelle & Foster run off & have their puppy
Edward follows Foster & falls
Foster brings Luke & Lucky to Edward
Scully demands a piece of Luke’s
Lucky meets Emily
Lucky signs Edward’s cast
Laura tells Luke that Lulu spoke for the first time (said “hat”)
Lucy & Luke start to con Scully & Damian

(April 95 - 5-12-95)

Lucky calls & tells Laura that Edward wants Foster to be fixed
Craps game with Scully (Lucy plays up to Scully)
Brenda’s 21st Birthday Party at Luke’s Club
Ned, Mary Mae, & Miguel sing Happy Birthday
Miguel attacks AJ for dancing with Lily
Luke & Lucky go & see Laura (Surprise)
Lois’ Parents arrive at the Quartermaine Mansion
Craps Game with Edward & Carmine at Luke’s
Lucy continues to con Scully about her “big” delivery
Luke & Mike hijack one of Scully’s delivery trucks (Cocainne)
Foster has a [Flashback] to when he was a puppy (Funny!)
Lucky & Emily name the puppy “Raoul”
Luke & Mike let Scully’s men hijack Lucy’s shipment (Really is Joe’s Cocainne)
Luke is shot
Luke calls the police & then goes to GH (Bobbie sees him)
Scully & his men unload the cargo (Cocainne) & are busted by the cops
Scully threatens Lucy
Stone keeps feeling sick
Scully’s Hearing (He’s released on bail)
Lucy is kidnapped by Scully’s men
Damian tells Luke where Lucy is being held
The Rescue of Lucy (Luke & Sonny)
Scully shoots Mike (As he jumps infront of Sonny)
Sonny shoots Scully (He Dies)
Mike is taken to GH
Mary Mae sings at Luke’s Club
Kevin asks Stone to come to his office tomorrow (For Test Results)
Lulu becomes sick (in Beecher’s Corners)
Kevin tells Stone he’s HIV Positive (We only get to see Stone’s reaction, though)
Stone tries to tell Robin, but can’t
Laura brings Lulu to GH
Frisco & Felicia & the kids have a picnic (With Ants) as Stone watches
Robin tries to find Stone (She’s mad at Sonny)
Luke finds Laura at home
Luke wants Laura to go back to Beecher’s Corners (Due to expected Scully retaliation)
Laura says the danger will never be over
Laura says she won’t go back to Beecher’s Corners
Robin finds Stone infront of Luke’s
Laura’s Lullaby Shootout [INCREDIBLE!!!!!!!!] (As Laura sings upstairs...
.......Stone & Robin are shot at infront of Luke's
.......Brenda is shot at in the shower at Sonny's place
.......Sonny, Luke, & Lucky are shot at in the Spencer House

(5-15-95 - 6-9-95)

Shootout Aftermath
Stone realizes he’s been shot
Luke & Sonny shoot the bad guys
Laura hides Lulu & gets the shot gun
Stone runs off
Brenda wakes up
Laura shoots the guy about to kill Luke
Laura says she can’t take this anymore
The Police question the Spencers
Start of The [Idiotic] BREAK UP!
Laura says “I’m not an angel” & says “I want you gone, Luke”
Laura tells Lucky what’s happening
Robin finds Stone
Luke leaves (Lucky cries)
Stone tells Robin he’s HIV Positive & then goes to GH
Lucy, then, Bobbie, Tony, Felicia, Maxie, & Lucas visit BJ’s Grave (1 Year Anniversary)
Mary Mae visits Laura
Luke insists on sleeping on the couch (To protect the family)
22nd Annual Daytime Emmy Awards (May 19, 1995)
.......Tony & Genie present Younger Actor Award to Jonathon Jackson (Lucky)
.......Younger Lead Actress Nominees: (Incl. Kimberly McCollough) (Winner: Sarah Gellar)
.......Witchee Poo (Billie [O’Reilly] Hayes) says hello
.......Outstanding Supporting Actress: (Nominees: Lois & Bobbie) (Winner: Rena Sofer)
.......Outstanding Writing Team (Drama Series): GH (Claire Labine)
.......Outstanding Costume Design: GH
.......Outstanding Lead Actor: (Nominee: Brad Maule) (Winner: Justin Deas) (What a Joke!!!!)
.......Outstanding Lead Actress: (Nominee: Leslie Charleson) (Winner: Erica Slezak)
.......Outstanding Drama Series: General Hospital !!!!!!!!!!
Alan tells Stone what treatment he needs to begin
Stone tells Sonny he’s HIV Positive
Robin’s test results say she’s HIV Negative (for now)
Lucky shoots Luke (Luke was checking on the house... Lucky thought it was a bad guy)
Sonny tells Brenda about Stone
Luke is ok (He just hit his head)
Laura wants Luke “Gone” !!!!
Luke leaves & Laura cries (Big Time!)
Lucy asks Mary Mae to sing at the Nurses Ball

(6-12-95 - 8-1-95)

Lucky becomes a Brat
Edward & Lucky give Raoul to Emily
Amy visits Laura
Lucy asks everyone to be in the Nurses Ball
Tom badgers Luke about Laura (Scotty Reference)
The Nurses Ball
.......Ryan White’s Mother speaks
.......Eddie Maine & The Idle Rich perform (“Over The Rainbow”)
.......Wizard of Oz skit (Emily, Tony, Kevin, & Alan)
.......John Handley speaks
.......Mary Mae sings with Luke, Lucky, & Justus
.......Luke & Lucky do their Funky Dance
.......Stone talks to John Handley
.......AJ (The Idiot) mouths off about AIDS
.......Stone tells the table that he has AIDS
.......Stone tells Ned & Lois
.......Miguel sings (“Power To Believe”)
.......Steve Hardy & Tommy do a Baseball number
.......Lucy & Damian sing “Anything You Can Do...”
.......Luke helps Lucy get dressed
.......John says they’re gonna be $12,000 short of last year
.......Lucy’s Stiptease (Selling her clothes)
.......Luke buys one of her shoes
.......The Chorus Line (Katherine pushes Lucy out onto stage in her underwear)
Robin tells Mac about Stone
Mac tells Felicia (He blames her)
Stone tells Luke
Luke talks to Robin (Reference to Robert)
Luke tells Laura about Stone
Bobbie blames Laura for the Seperation
Mac runs into Stone (Mac blames him)
Felicia investigates Harry (Pretends to be laying bets) (She plants a bug)
Mac & Felicia listen to Sonny & Harry (They play it for Ned)
Mary Mae visits Laura
Ned plays the tape for Brenda & Lois
Brenda agrees to wear the wire
Lily overhears that Brenda is gonna wear a wire
Lily tells Sonny about the wire
Sonny asks Laura if she’s told anyone about his “Business”
Luke & Lucky come home from their Camping Trip (Trip not shown)
Brenda wears the wire & asks Sonny questions (She couldn’t go through with it, though)
Lucky argues with L&L over the Breakup
Lucy introduces Luke to Madame Mia
Brenda wears the wire again & asks Sonny questions
Sonny finds the wire
Sonny throws Brenda out
Sonny tells Luke about the wire
Luke confronts Mac about Sonny (& Stone)
Brenda confronts Lily
Lois & Ned want Sonny out of L&B
Laura doesn’t want Lucky to go to the club
Luke tells Lucky about Stone (They have a frank discussion)
Robin asks Luke about Sonny (Mention Robert, Duke, Anna, & Witness Protection gone wrong)
L&L argue over the Club & Lucky
L&L sleep together
Felicia searches Sonny’s Apartment
Luke walks in on Felicia
Lucky asks Stone to help him with his GoCart
Mary Mae records her album & Sings “Round Midnight” (As....)
L&L (Seperately) [Flashback] to their Return to Port Charles

(8-3-95 - 8-16-95)

GENERAL HOSPITAL (8-3-95) (Thursday)
Luke gives Robin & Stone advice
Luke underwrites a Team for the AIDS Walk
Luke asks Laura to say that she Loves Him
Laura says “I Love You”
They Talk about Sleeping Together & Laura says “There May Not Be A Next Time”
Laura goes over the Reasons for the Seperation Again!!! (Blah Blah Blah)
Luke “Talks” with Lulu about the Situation (Lucky overhears)
Lucky yells at Laura & Luke says “Don’t you use that tone with your Mother!!”
Lucky (After Luke Leaves) calls Laura Selfish
Lucky says this isn’t Right & Walks off

GENERAL HOSPITAL (8-7-95) (Monday)
Luke, Lucky, & Co. discuss the AIDS Walk
Bobbie & Alan fight not to Kiss each other
Stone tells Lucky what he needs for his GoCart (& gives him some parts)
Stone’s Vision is Blurry
Bobbie tells Luke she’s Attracted to Alan
Sonny tells Luke about Brenda & Miguel

GENERAL HOSPITAL (8-10-95) (Thursday)
Lucky begins Working on his GoCart [Backyard-Porch Set is Used]
Laura Objects Big Time & says “No” GoCart
Lucky says Luke said it was ok
FBI Search Sonny’s Apartment (Lily hides Sonny’s Notebook)
Lucky tries to talk Laura into it
Sly & Julianne (Some girl) arrive to help Lucky
Laura calls Luke
Luke tells her how Lucky had asked Stone to help him (ie. He’s a Nice Kid)
Laura changes her mind
Stone arrives to help with the GoCart
Stone cuts himself
Laura patches him up (Lucky is really proud & thankful of her)
Sonny tells Luke about the FBI (& how he thinks Ned is behind it)

GENERAL HOSPITAL (8-11-95) (Friday)
Luke talks to Amy (Uses “Bug on Windshield” [ie. marriage] Metaphor)
Amy goes to bring Laura back to the Club with her
Amy talks Laura into going with her to the Club (To hear Mary Mae sing)
Laura comes to the Club
Mary Mae sings at Luke’s (Sings “Round Midnight”)
Sonny gets Mad that Brenda is there with Miguel & grabs her & takes her outside

GENERAL HOSPITAL (8-14-95) (Monday)
Brenda & Sonny argue infront of Luke’s
L&L discuss Mary Mae
Luke asks Laura is she’s aiming for a Divorce (“No”, she says), then “What”, he asks
As Luke tries to break up a Ned-Sonny Fight, Ned Mentions the Tape (of Sonny)
Laura says “What Tape?!” & Storms Off
Luke chases after Laura & (in their backyard) tries to explain things to her
As Luke kisses Laura, she says “It’s Over!”, but she can’t Resist...
L&L Sink down onto the Grass & Make Love
Laura says “I wish making love did resolve all our problems, but it doesn’t” & then...
Laura gets up, smiles at Luke, walks inside, & turns the light off

GENERAL HOSPITAL (8-15-95) (Tuesday)
Stone learns he’s going Blind & has to stay in the Hospital for Treatment

GENERAL HOSPITAL (8-16-95) (Wednesday)
Sonny tells Luke about Stone
Luke & Sonny discuss Laura
Sonny & Luke discuss Ned

(8-17-95 - 8-25-95)

GENERAL HOSPITAL (8-17-95) (Thursday)
Lucky shows Emily his GoCart
Start of Alan & Bobbie “fling”
Lucky’s first test run
Lucky crashes his GoCart

GENERAL HOSPITAL (8-18-95) (Friday)
Luke & Bobbie talk about Alan
Emily brings Laura to Lucky
Laura calls Luke
Lucky arrives at GH
Lucky wakes up, then goes unconscious again
Laura blames Luke
Laura goes over the reasons for the Seperation with Luke
Lucky has an impact trauma
Lucky needs Brain Surgery

GENERAL HOSPITAL (8-21-95) (Monday)
Lucky made it through surgery
L&L talk to Lucky (To try & wake him up)
L&L discuss when they lived on a farm in Missouri (Lucky about 4 years old)
.......(Lucky climbed up a tree after a kitten)
Lucky wakes up
Luke asks Laura to let the Seperation be over (Laura said she’ll think about it)

GENERAL HOSPITAL (8-22-95) (Tuesday)
Laura goes to see Ned & wants to hear the tape (Sonny & Harry)
Laura hears the tape (It’s worse than she thought)

GENERAL HOSPITAL (8-23-95) (Wednesday)
Laura tells Luke she heard the tape
Luke gets mad at Laura
Laura blurts out “Sonny Corinthos is a Full Blown Mobster”
She can tell, Luke already knew
Luke asks Laura “When did you stop Loving Me?”
Luke says he’s Through!
Luke Walks Out

(8-28-95 - Oct. 95)

Lucy has a Psychic Image of a “Usach” (Turkish Rug) (While talking to Luke)
Luke tells of how he played Russian Roulette once over a rug (Laura threatened to [& did] leave)
Robin is still HIV Negative
Lucky blows up at Laura (again)
Laura confronts Sonny about the tape
Laura asks Sonny to give up his share in “Luke’s”
Luke & Lucky invite Sonny to go camping
Amy argues with Laura about Luke
Sonny tells Luke about Laura
Luke gets angry
L&L argue about Sonny
Luke, Lucky, Sonny, & Foster go Camping
Luke pierces Lucky’s ear
Laura talks about the Seperation to Mary Mae
Damian plans to build “Dayco” in Charles Street
Luke & Lucky come home
Justus & Co. want to find out who’s behind “Dayco”
Laura isn’t too happy about Lucky’s earing
Luke meets Emily
Laura overhears Lucky blaming her for the Seperation
Sonny moves into Sean’s old Penthouse
Laura visits Monica in the Hospital
Party for Stone at Kevin’s Lighthouse (For him getting out of the Hospital)
Justus tells the gang that Damian is behind “Dayco”
Justus tells Luke about Damian (Ask For Suggestions)
Lucky talks to Luke about his school schedule (Algebra vs. Shop)
Mary Mae gives Lucky advice
L&L agree to let Lucky take Shop
Norma & Eve go to Luke’s (Lucy takes them there)
Luke takes Stone Bungee Jumping
Damian Interviewed on TV (Regarding “Dayco”)
Justus & Laura go to Edward for help concerning Damian
Card Game at Luke’s with Commish. Beal (To do with “Dayco”)
Stone speaks to Lucky’s Class
Stone confronts a bigot student
Stone’s T Cell count has gone down to 53
Ned & Lois want Laura to link Sonny to Damian
Laura & Emily talk about Bobbie
Bobbie & Alan realize they don’t want to sleep together
Tony & Monica walk in on Alan & Bobbie
Lucky brings Emily to Luke’s
Justus & Simone become Engaged
Emily tells Lucky about Alan & Bobbie
Bobbie tells Luke what happened
Luke & Lucky discuss Bobbie & Alan
Damian bribes the Commish to give “Dayco” the go ahead
Tony tells Laura about Bobbie & Alan
Birthday Party for Ruby at Luke’s
Luke says “It Doesn’t Matter” & Laura wonders why
L&L discuss the Seperation (Again!!) (Looks Bad)
Lucky asks Luke about the “It Doesn’t Matter” crack
Laura flirts with Luke
Mary Mae asks Laura (for Justus) if she’d consider becoming “Director of Development of The Charles Street Foundation”
Lucky gets an idea
Emily gets sick of the Quartermaine’s Fighting (Tells them she doesn’t want to be adopted)
Emily calls & asks Lucky how to go about looking for her Aunt Corey
Lucky agrees to help Emily look for her Aunt

(Oct. 95 - Dec. 95)

Lucky asks Mac for advice on how to find a missing person
Lucky swipes Luke’s Emergency Cash & Credit Cards
Lucky prepares to leave
Laura catches Lucky digging in his Emergency Backpack
Lucky calls Sly & tells him he’s leaving
Stone has Lymphoma of the Brain
Halloween (Maxie’s Birthday Party)
Lucky & Emily leave
L&L are suspicious about Lucky’s Note
Laura invites Luke over for dinner
Laura realizes Lucky’s Emergency Backpack is gone
Lucky & Emily check into a Hotel (In Boston)
Luke calls Sly
L&L tell the Quartermaines about Lucky & Emily
Lucky & Emily go to the RMV
L&L & Monica go see Mac
Mac tells them where they went (& Why)
Emily pretends to be sick (To get to the front of the line) (They can’t get info)
L&L prepare to go after Lucky (With Foster & “The Bag”)
L&L leave to go after Lucky
L&L on ELQ Jet
Lucky & Emily learn Aunt Corey may be in Albequerki (sp)
L&L arrive at the Boston Hotel Lucky & Emily just checked out of (11-6-95)
L&L check Lucky’s Hotel Room
Laura finds a clue leading to Albequerki (sp)
L&L Fly to Albequerki (sp)
L&L pester an airline worker to see the Flight Manifest
L&L arrive in Albequerki (sp)
Lucky & Emily go to Aunt Corey’s address, but learn she moved 2 years ago
Lucky mentions a Pasadena Lead so the lady can hear him
Luke goes to the Aunt Corey Address (Lady tells about Lucky’s “Pasadena” remark)
Lucky & Emily camp out
[Laura: “You’re Pulling My Leg” Luke: “No, But I’d Be Happy To”]
Robin is waiting for the results of her blood test
L&L discuss being apart
Luke puts Cigar in Foster’s Mouth (On Plane) (VERY Funny)
Starts ot rain on Lucky & Emily
Alan tells Robin she’s HIV Positive
Rockslide on Emily (Rock knocks Lucky unconscious)
Laura gets a Bad Feeling
Rattlesnake with Emily
“Anna” visits Robin (11-13-95)
Lucky gets Emily out
L&L arrive in Pasadena
Lucky & Emily return to Port Charles
“Robert” vistis Robin (11-15-95)
Robin tells Mac she’s HIV Positive
“Robert” watches over Robin & Mac
AJ crashed (Drunk Driving) & Alan is hurt & taken to GH
Emily returns to the Quartermaines (in GH) to find them fighting
L&L return home & Lucky hides
L&L pretend to argue to draw Lucky out
It’s L&L’s Anniversary!!
“Robert” visits Mac
Spencer Family Dinner
Robin & Mac spend time with Stone
Robin tells Stone she’s HIV Positive
Laura tells Luke how she only feels “safe” in his Arms
Mac tells Sonny about Robin
THE END OF THE BREAKUP!!!!!!!!! (THANK GOD!!!!!!!!!!!)
L&L Anniversary-End Of Breakup Dance (“Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow”) (11-17-95)
Luke & Lucky talk Laura into taking the Foundation Job
Sonny tells Brenda about Robin
Robin & Stone decide to have an early Christmas
Sonny tells Luke about Robin
Mac wants Luke to help him take Damian down
Stone’s early Christmas Party
Laura loans Stone their Christmas Angel
“Anna” visits Robin again
Luke gives Mac’s Damian Findings to Garcia
“Robert” visits Robin again
Luke talks to Robin as “Robert” watches
“Robert” visits Luke
Stone’s Christmas Dinner
Foster with “Antlers” on
Mac makes a toast
“Robert” watches over them
Damian confronts Katherine (He thinks she sold him out to the Feds)
Luke brings Mac information from Garcia (About Damian)
Luke visits Stone for the last time
Damian wants Sonny to find the leak
Katherine is worried Damian will find out the leak is her
Brenda visits Stone
Stone tells Sonny that he & Brenda will get back together someday
Sonny talks to Stone
Robin & Stone’s Last Few Momments Together
Stone “sees” Robin & Dies (11-29-95)
Sonny sees Stone dead
Sonny lays with Stone
Robin calls & tells Luke (Robert Reference; Luke calls her “Luv” [Like Robert])
Luke tells Lucky (They discuss Life after Death)
Lucy & Kevin learn about Stone
Mac tells Luke that Sonny & Damian are partners (11-30-95)
Luke isn’t too happy
Mac asks Luke not to reveal Katherine as the Source
Luke confronts Sonny about Damian (Sonny Explains it)
Sonny & Luke bring Robin Stone’s Ashes
Stone’s Memorial (12-1-95)
[Ending Credits against a Star Sky Background with Shooting Star at End]
Mac tells Garcia that Katherine is the Source
Mac gives Garcia more info
Damian Threatens Lucy
“Stone” visits Robin
Damian learns the Feds got hold of a (PO) “box” of his (Very Incriminating)
Luke confronts Mac about why he’s being linked to the new evidence (ie. “box”)
Luke says “Find another Front Man!”

(Dec. 95)

Garcia fills Mac & Katherine in on what was in the Safety Deposit Box
Katherine helps to fill in what it means
Lucy buys Sonny’s share of Luke’s Club
Lucy tells Kevin she bought Sonny’s Share of the Club (Infront of Luke, Justus, Sonny, & Mike)
Luke tells Laura about Lucy
Laura goes to see Sonny to say sorry about his situation
Lucky & friends play cards
Mike becomes the Spencer Nanny
Lois, Brenda, & Ned realize what Edward has done
Luke hires “Babe”
Robin & Sonny give various things of Stone’s to people
Police come to Lucy about Sigmond’s quaking
Robin gives Luke Stone’s Belt
Damian is mad that Lucy won’t work with him anymore
Party at Luke’s celebrating Lucy as the New Part Owner
Bobbie tells Damian off Publicly
Garcia Arrests Sonny for Racketeering
Mac tells Robin about Katherine & he being responsible for Sonny’ Arrest
Justus acts as Sonny’s (Temporary) Lawyer
Luke & Damian Argue
“Frank’s” Ghost visits Damian
Damian goes to GH to donate his Blood
Lily goes to see her Father, asking him to help Sonny (She “Wants” him)
Sonny is bailed out of jail by a “Benefactor”
Sonny finds out his Benefactor is Rivera
Rivera offers to help Sonny in exchange for Marrying Lily
Sonny Proposes to Lily
Sonny tells Brenda he loves her, but they can’t be together
Tom Hardy tells The Christmas Story (12-22-95)
Damian donates money to GH at the Christmas Party
Sonny tells Rivera he accepts his offer
Luke lectures Lucky on scamming “friends” (12/27/95)
Robin, Brenda, & Sonny scatter Stone’s ashes of off the Bridge (12/28/95)
Sonny learns he’s a Free Man
Damian is shot at (12/29/95)

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