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1998 (Part Two)

Lucy calls Luke to watch over her at the ball (PC - 6/19/98)
Everyone arrives at the ball (Celebration) (GH - 6-19-98)
Luke reports for duty
Opening speech by Lucy Coe
Liz, Lucky, Dara, and Taggert perform Jailhouse Rock (GH - 6-19-98)
Stefan shows up at the ball and notices Helena lurking in the background
Lucky rejects Luke when he congradulates him on his act
Alan and Emily do Someone to watch over me and Ned saves the act
Bobbie warns Luke that she will get a restraining order on him if he doesnt wise up
Brenda, Lucy, Dara, & Karen perform Big Spender as Sonny walks in at the end of the song
Lucy starts to suffocate in her dress
Kevin and Luke save Lucy (6-22-98 PC)
Scotty and Luke have a little confrontation ( PC- 6-22-98)
Mike and Luke discuss Sonny’s surprise appearance
Luke and Sonny see each other for the first time
Reading of aids victims and their stories followed by Robin’s story
Stefan warns Luke that he will prove he killed Katherine
Tony takes over the microphone and lets all of PC have it
Lucky and Nik almost come to blows over Emily and Liz
The ball ends with Lucy in her underwear during the chorus line ( 6-22-98) and
Jake hanging from the rafters ( PC 6-23-98)
Luke goes to see Laura after the ball ( 6-23-98)
Luke hints around about Stefan again while Laura deflects his questions
Laura confesses her love for Luke and for Nik
While Luke and Laura discuss the changes in their marriage, Lu interrups.
Luke decides to spend the night ( 6-23-98)
Laura and Lu go to Wyndamere to see Nik ( 6-26-98)
Luke and Sonny discuss Brenda and Laura ( 6-29-98)
Mac asks Bobbie questions about Stefan and Laura
Bobbie reminds Mac of all the things that Stefan has done to Laura (6-29-98)
Jason’s bodyguard tells Luke that Laura and Lu were at Wyndamere last night
Stefan tries to tell Sonny to keep Robin away from Nik
Liz asks Lucky to kiss her but then she cant do it
A furious Luke waits at home for Laura ( 6-29-98)
Lucky apologizes for trying to kiss Liz and tells her he wanted to kiss her a hundred times (6-30-98)
Luke and Laura have it out about why she took Lu to Wyndamere
Laura tells Luke that he will not stop her from seeing her son
Laura tells that her visits to Stefan are her way of trying to make peace with the families (6-30-98)
Laura makes a plea to save the marriage “My heart would be broken without you” (6-30-98)
Lucky goes to Wyndamre to ask Nik not to tell anyone about the Liz (7-1-98)
Alexis tells Stefan that Laura can never come there again
Lucky gets mad when Nik goes to see Liz
Liz tells Lucky that she went to see Laura
Sonny and Luke say goodbye (7-7-98)
Luke and Laura discuss the rape and decide to fix the marriage (7-7-98
Helena surprises Alexis in her hotel room (7-7-98)
Alexis scares Helena away (7-8-98)
Luke reads Lu a bedtime story and thinks about Lucky (7-8-98)
Laura calls Lesley and gets interrupted by Stefan
Stefan invites Laura to dinner next friday and she accepts
Alexis and Luke celebrate their framing Helena (7-8-98)
Laura tells Luke about Stefan’s visit and then remebers another kiss on the island (7-8-98)
Lucky conforts Liz when she recalls the rape in the park (7-9-98)
Bobbie tells Luke about the fire and about Carly flipping out after Tony visited her in the hospital
Luke vows to stand by Bobbie and Carly (7-9-98)
Liz discusses her fears with Lucky about not finding the rapist (7-10-98)
Luke tells Lucky that they put the past behind them and asks him to come home
"We are through asking your permisson to love each other" (7-10-98)
Liz tells Laura where Lucky will be so they can see him (7-13-98)
Laura has it out with Lucky on the docks
Liz tries to convince Lucky to give Laura a chance
Laura takes Lu to Wyndamere for dinner with the count (7-17-98)
Stefan intoduces Alexis to Laura
Liz tells Lucky that she arranged for Laura to meet Lucky on the docks
Claude tells Luke that Laura called and was taking Lu out for dinner with her brother (7-17-98)
Mrs. Lansbury refers to Laura as Mrs Cassadine and Lu says "That's not her name"
Lucky wrote a song for Liz but didnt mean for her to hear it
Luke crashes the dinner party "What's for dessert" (7-17-98)
Luke lets the insults fly at the dinner party and Laura makes them leave (7-20-98)
Luke and Laura reach a compromise that Luke wont interfere with her relationship with Nik and Laura will not take Lu to
Wyndamere "That little girl upstairs owns my soul and you will not take my soul to Wyndamere" (7-20-98)
Laura has a flasback of when she told Stefan she was pregnant
Laura calls Luke to tell him that she is having a picnic in the park with Nik (7-24-98)
Alexis tells Luke to keep Laura away from Stefan (7-24-98)
Stefan tells Nik that he is joining them for the picnic to get Luke mad
Luke sees Stefan with Lu and Laura in the park
Bobbie tells Luke that Laura will tell him the truth about Stefan
Lucky talks to Laura and Lu in the park somewhat civilly
Laura tells Luke that she saw Lucky but doesnt mention Stefan
Laura confides her fears to Luke about losing him
......."I feel like I'm just clinging on here just trying to hold on to something"
Lucky gets a job washing cars for Jason and runs into Luke at the penthouse (7-29-98)
Jason assures Luke that he will keep Lucky out of trouble
Dara and Taggert question Luke about Laura's relationship with Stefan but Alexis stops the questioning. (7-29-98)
......."I already told you everything about the night Vlad the impaler threw blondie off the roof"
Luke gives Alexis a phony copy of Katherine's will (7-30-98)
Lucky tries to convince Liz to forget trying to nail Murdy
Laura tries to assure Lucky that he will not do what his father did (7-31-98)
Luke puts Helena's fingerprint on the origional forgery of Katherine's will
Laura warns Lucky to stay away from Helena and not to listen to her lies (7-31-98)
......."Dont take your truths from Helena Cassadine"
Laura convinces Nikolas to allow her to stay while he testifies (7-31-98)
Alexis asks Laura not to be in court but Laura refuses to leave
......."You're planning to frame Luke for Katherine's murder and you'd rather not do that in front of me"
Dara calls Helena to the stand (7-31-98)
Liz breaks into Murdy's house and accidentily stabs Lucky (7-31-98)
Helena says on the stand that Stefan never loved anyone but Laura (8-3-98)
Alexis shows that Helena had alot to gain by getting Stefan out of the picture
Liz accuses Murdy of raping her and finds out that he is gay (8-3-98)
A Laura and Helena scene Finally!!! "Why hasnt anyone murdered you"
Alexis convinces Laura not to hang around the courthouse (8-3-98)
Alexis fills Luke in on Helena's testimony but doesnt mention Laura (8-6-98)
Alexis confesses to Stefan the things Helena made her do to remind him of Laura
Helena informs Luke that Laura was in court
Nikolas attends Lu's birthday party (8-7-98)
Luke has an imaginary conversation with Katherine (8-7-98)
Lucky and Liz come to the party for Lu
Nikolas testifies that he saw Katherine going up to the parapet but Stefan realizes that he is talking about Laura
Great porch scenes with Luke and Laura "You are like gravity. Without you I don't know which way is up" (8-8-98)
Alexis tries to get Laura to testify for Stefan (8-8-98)
Cute Liz and Lucky scene at the diner
Alexis takes the stand and reveals her true identity and the things Helena made her do regarding Laura
Niklas testifies that Stefan was in love with Laura
Alexis has a nightmare about Stefan being found guilty (8-14-98)
Nikolas tells Laura about his testimony (8-14-98)
Laura decides to take the stand and tries to tell Luke but he storms out (8-14- 98)
Laura is called to the stand
Laura takes the stand and Luke realizes that she did sleep with Stefan though she doesn't admit it (8-17-98)
Nikolas asks Lucky to check on Laura (8-19-98)
Stefan warns Laura that Luke can't know about the paternity (8-19-98)
Luke and Laura have a heated discussion about her testimony and Luke realizes that Nik is Stefan's son (8-19-98)
Lucky checks on Laura (8-19-98)
Stefan is found innocent
Stefan tries to comfort Laura but she pushes him away (8-19-98)
Luke teases Helena about "the bastard" (8-19-98)
Bobbie tries to get Luke to stick around (8-21-98)
Lucy says goodbye to Luke (8-21-98)
Luke says goodbye to Lucky and its somewhat civil (8-21-98)
Luke says goodbye to Lulu but says nothing to Laura (8-21-98)
Luke calls Alexis and tells her he is hitting the road (8-25-98)
Stefan invites Helena over for dinner and has her arrested 8-25-98)
Luke chips a piece of the Ice Princess for traveling money (8-25-98)
Laura and Felicia have a heart to heart (8-26-98)
Bobbie reams Laura for lying to Luke as Stefan shows up (8-26-98)
Laura asks Stefan to leave her alone so that she can rebuild her marriage (8-26-98)
Laura, Liz, and a rude Lucky talk about Liz's rape (8-27-98)
Alexis tries to make peace with Laura (8-27-98)
Katherine comes back from the dead at Helena's trial
Katherine tells Stefan that she isn't coming back to him because he loves Laura
Justus tries to make amends with Laura
Katherine feels Laura out about the night on the Parapet
Liz tells Lucky that she is going to get past the rape
Laura goes to see Stefan to discuss Katherine's visit (9-10-98)
Nikolas thanks Laura for giving him his mother back (9-10-98)
Laura asks Mac to let her know if he hears anything about Luke (9-11-98)
Tony asks for Laura's opinion while Bobbie berates her (9-11-98)
Laura and Nikolas look at old photos of his childhood and of course Stefan interrupts (9-11-98)
Lucky and Nik have a little argument about the Laura
Lucky and Liz have their first kiss (9-15-98)
Laura asks Lucky to come home and he politely refuses (9-16-98)
Katherine sniffs out Laura again (9-17-98)
Brenda flashbacks (9-18-98)
Liz and Lucky spend their last night in the boxcar
Audrey allows Lucky to move in with them
Laura is shocked when she sees Nik and Lucky working together at Kelly's
Nikolas attacks Lucky for hurting Laura
Nikolas invites Laura to lunch and they get closer
Start of the disgusting Stefan/Lasha love fest that I will spare myself from detailing (10/10/98)
Lucky and Nik confront Helena after they hear her threaten Laura to Helena (10-15-98)
Bobbie tells Carly that she loves her
Lucky and Nik walk in on Laura barefoot walking down the Wyndamere stairs (10-20-98)
Lucky tells Liz about Laura
Lucky asks Laura if she is sleeping with Stefan (10-23-98)
Great Laura and Lucky scene about Stefan and Luke (10-23-98)
Master manipulator is back! Stefan asks Jerry to embezzle money from Nik and to find out
.......if Luke loosened the parapet (10-23-98)
Liz doesn't tell Lucky she is going to get another HIV test
Nik and Lucky decide not to let what is going on with Stefan and Laura interfere with them
Laura has dinner with Stefan and he uses a story about Nik's youth to break her down
Flashbacks of first time Stefan held Nikolas
Flashback of Stefan knowing that Luke was dead and not telling Laura
Tom attacks Liz and she finds out he is the guy who raped her
Nikolas and Lucky save the girls and get the bad guy
Nik's 18th birthday (11-6-98)
Laura and Lucky have a few civil moments
Laura is thrilled that Lucky and Nik worked together and Stefan cant understand her. (11-6-98)
Katherine accuses Laura of moving in on Stefan
LUKE COMES HOME!!!! He is glaring at Wyndamere from the PC docks (11-6-98)
Laura finds Lulu in the study with Helena (11-9-98)
Great confrontation with Helena and Laura
......."You touch one of my children and I will make you sorry you left that island you BITCH"
Helena gives Nikolas Stavros's medallian as a birthday gift
Lucky looks for Liz's bracelet on the docks and finds Luke (11-9-98)
Luke tells Lucky that he has given him enough time and he is taking him away to work things out (11-10-98)
Luke leaves a message for Laura to let her know that Lucky is with him but Lu deletes the message (11-10-98)
Luke is hurt when Lucky talks about his "brother". Lucky says he wants no part in the Cassadine/Spencer war (11-10-98)
Cute Lu and Laura scene. Laura tells Lu how happy she was that both her brothers were together at the party (11-11-98)
Lucky locks Luke in the pantry so he can leave the cabin
Nik tells Laura that Lucky is missing
Lucky calls Liz and tells her he is with his father (Luke screaming in the background)
Liz tells Laura and Nik that Lucky is with Luke (11-11-98)
Great scene where Laura assures Liz why Luke would not hurt Lucky "Nobody can make me laugh the way he does".
Luke begs Lucky to move past the rape and let it go (11-11-98)
Luke allows Lucky to leave and then gets his foot caught in a wolf trap (11-13-98)
Stefan tells Helena that Luke and Alexis rigged the parapet intending to kill her(11-13-98)
Lucky decides to go back to the cabin and finds Luke with the trap on his foot
Laura asks Stefan to help her find Luke. Stefan agrees and wishes Laura a Happy Anniversary (11-16-98)
Laura makes another unconvincing attempt to justify her marriage to Stefan (11-16-98)
Lucky takes care of Luke (11-16-98)
GREAT SCENES!!! A dillusional and fevered Luck has a nightmare about the rape in the past and the present. (11-18-98)
Lucky comes to an understanding about Luke after hearing Luke's nightmare of the rape (11-19-98)
Stefan gives Laura directions to the cabin (11-19-98)
Lucky tells Luke that he got a different look on where Luke was coming from.
......."what do you think I see when I look at your mother"? "Someone who can love you anyway" (11-19-98)
Laura comes to the cabin and tries to to get Luke talking while Stefan lurks outside (11-19-98)
Laura offers to take Luke to the hospital but Lucky says he will take him (11-19-98
Laura tells Luke they have to talk and he promises they will after he gets his foot looked at (11-19-98)
Luke goes to see Bobbie (11-20-98)
Laura goes to Lucky's to give him his coat and assures him that she loves only Luke.
......."My husband is the only man I love" They come to an understanding about the past (12-1-98)
Lucky and Liz have a REAL reunion (12-1-98)
Laura goes to Wyndamere to tell Stefan that she cant come to Wyndamere anymore (11-23-98)
Stefan arranges for Laura to find the evidence he has against Luke (11-23-98)
Bobbie and Luke run into Tony and Stefan on the dock (11-24-98)
Luke and Stefan have words "If you cant flush it then use a shovel"
Bobbie tells Luke to fight for his wife and his children (11-24-98)
Liz tells Lucky that she is going to keep fighting Tom
Lucky tells Liz they wil fight together (Very Luke and Lauraish) (11-24-98)
Alexis comes home from Monte Carlo and finds Luke camped out on her sofa. (11-25-98)
Cute Liz and Lucky dancing scene at Luke's club (My Girl) (11-25-98)
Luke warns Alexis that the currents are about to get swift (11-25-98)
Luke tries to reconcile with Laura.
Luke tells her about going to Greece and finding the letters Laura wrote him when she was a prisoner. (11-30-98)
Laura angrily tells Luke she knows about him loosening the parapet (11-30-98)
Guza destroys GH history by having Laura say she ran AWAY from Luke when she saw him on the lawn
.......of the mayor's mansion (11-30-98)
Laura says she wont tell what Luke did and Luke says he wont tell about Nik's paternity (11-30-98)
Ruby's second to last show (11-30-98)
Laura accuses Stefan of setting her up to find the information (12-3-98)
Luke warns Tony to back off of Bobbie (!2-3-98)
Short scene with Luke and Ruby (12-3-98)
Luke tells Alexis that Stefan knows about his involvement (12-3-98)
Stefan tells Laura that Alexis was Luke's accomplish (12-3-98)
Luke makes insinuations about Nik's paternity to Alexis
Stefan makes yet another play on Laura's emotions
Laura has flashbacks of Stefan and Luke as Luke is following her on the docks (12-3-98)
Ruby's last show - scene with Bobbie (12-4-98)
Bobbie rips into Laura about her relationship with Stefan (12-4-98)
Bobbie rips into Stefan about his relationship with Laura (12-4-98)
Luke tells Alexis not to hang her hopes on Stefan's love for her
Totally contrives scene in which Laura asks Stefan's permission to see Nik to reassure him she loves him (12-7-98)
Nik has dinner with Stefan and Laura
Tammy asks for Luke's help (12-9-98)
Tammy, Luke and Felicia figure out that Marino was setting them up (12-9-98)
Lucky goes after Tom in the courthouse (12-9-98)
Liz goes back to the park with Lucky and they kiss
Luke finds Nik in the park with Lu (12-10-98)
Nik tells Luke of how well everyone managed with him gone
Stefan runs into Luke in the park "Coincidence I was just talking to your son"
Nik and Lucky discuss Luke and Stavros (12-11-98)
Stefan and Luke have it out about Nik and Laura "you just couldn't keep you hands off the boys mother!" (12-11-98)
Nik and Lucky agree not to let anyone ruin the progress they have made (12-11-98)
Stefan and Luke have words about Laura and she walks in on them
Laura tells Stefan and Luke that she is sick of both of them (12-11-98)
Luke rips into Laura in front of Stefan
......."You could just weep at the injustice when someone dares to say "Laura you are half here" (12-11-98)
Luke warns Bobbie stay away from the Cassadines because he is taking them all down (12-11-98)
Laura tells Lucky that her and Luke have never been so far apart and that things have changed (12-14-98)
Lucky tells Luke that he will not be a part of his war against the Cassadines (12-14-98)
Luke runs into Helena and Katherine on the docks (12-14-98)
Helena and Katherine accuse Luke of trying to kill them and he denies it
Helena accuses Luke of killing Stavros and Luke tells her he clumsy man who fell down the stairs (12-15-98)
Luke tries to get Helena to tell him who provided the evidence that he loosened the parapet and Helena tries get Luke to involve her in his plan to take Stefan down. (12-15-98)
Helena makes a play for Luke and he nearly goes for it!
Luke spies Nikolas and Katherine nearly kissing (12-16-98)
Lucky tells Liz that things are about to break with his parents (12-16-98)
Nik, Lucky, and Lu take pictures for Laura's Birthday (12-18-98)
Luke tries to find out from Katherine who gave the evidence to Stefan (12-18-98)
Luke lures Stefan to the PC Hotel to catch Kat and Nik (12-18-98)
Luke toasts his accomplishments "To Romance" (12-21-98)
Laura gets flowers from Stefan for her birthday (12-22-98)
Luke goes to the hospital to check on Mac
Lucky tells Luke that he and Nik are spending the day with Laura (12-22-98)
Laura has a nice birthday with all her children (12-22-98)
Stefan goes to Laura's to give her a Christmas present (12-23-98)
Luke tells Jerry that he better tell Bobbie he gave the evidence to Stefan or he will (12-23-98)
Stefan invites Laura to spend Christmas at Wyndamere but she declines
Laura shows up at Wyndamere for Christmas and Luke shows up at Alexis's with the key to the kingdom (12-23-98)
Laura and Stefan decide to tell Nikolas after Christmas about his paternity (12-24-98)
Luke tells Alexis that Stefan is Nik's father (12-24-98)
Lucky gives Liz a ring for Christmas and pledges his fidelity
Luke says goodbye to Lucky and Bobbie (12-24-98)

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