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GENERAL HOSPITAL (1991) (January)
Alan is arguing with Lucy about it being Scotty’s baby
Robin & Anna just returned from a trip to New York (A Christmas present from Robert)
Frisco works (Sings) at “Delefields”
As Alan leaves, Lucy has pains
Broxton is in the Catacombs dealing with Contaminated Water
The ambulance takes Lucy to GH
Decker & Dawn are together
Cheryl is back in Port Charles & has told Tiffany that she believes her child is still alive
.......& that Robert is the father (She’s in the hospital)
The Catacombs are flooding
Broxton says he has “something” to keep Scorpio in line (I think he knows about Lucas)
Robert learns of the men in the Catacombs (From a message from Saydee)
Frisco is not a policeman
Robert & Anna tell Frisco their suspicions about Bobbie & Broxton
[Flashback] Alan remembers Monica & Rick together & his temper (Roof Collapsing)
Lucy goes into premature labor
Alan & Scotty argue
Robert deputizes Frisco to help him in the Catacombs

GENERAL HOSPITAL (1991) (2-18-91)
Anna tells Frisco that she tied Robert up & she wants him to go & untie him
Tracy & Ashton are living in the Gatehouse
Frisco unties Robert
The ELQ Tracy is to dock in Port Charles Harbor today
The Greenbelts are preparing their signs to protest the docking
Jenny is in charge of the Greenbelts
Tracy prepares her Valentine’s Day Party
The Quartermaine’s are very worried about money
Robert gets back at Anna (Pretends to say he’s missed “them”)
The Protesters arrive at the docks [Location Shooting]
ELQ Tracy is coming in & taking on water
Robert & Anna both think about each other
Robert doesn’t like the fact that Robin is helping the Greenbelts
Anna is mad that Robert yelled at Robin
Robert tries to control the Greenbelts (With Frisco)
Anna joins the Greenbelts
Jenny sneaks off
Robert confronts Anna
Jenny rides around the Harbor in a boat
Jenny rides right toward the ship
Ned & company are really worried about the ship
The Tanker blows up
The Crew members jump into the water as the ship burns
Mac swims ashore
Robert pulls him up, sees who he is, & pushes him back in the water
Robert tells Anna that he’s his brother

GENERAL HOSPITAL (1991) (2-19-91) (Next Day)
Joey brings Bill ashore (Bill not shown)
Mac meets Anna & Frisco
Joey & “his cousin” go to the hospital in an ambulance
Jenny is arrested
Ruby takes care of the freezing crew members
The Captain of the ship tells Robert it was sabotage
The injured arive at GH
Robert heads to Kelly’s to see Mac
Mac phones someone to say he did his job & wants his money
Bobbie cries as she packs Lucas’ things away
Bobbie agrees to come help at GH (Even though she’s on leave)
Tom is leaving for Romania soon (Simone is already there)
Ned tells them the ship & cargo are a total loss
Joey wants a nurse to go look in on his cousin
Cheryl has left town
Tony doesn’t really want to talk to Bobbie
Tiffany is angry at Bobbie (For what she did to Cheryl)
Robert talks to Mac
Robert accuses Mac of sinking the ship
Mac hits Robert & Chief Lewis (Robert arrests him)
Joey asks Bobbie to look in on his cousin
Bobbie goes in to check on the patient & sees “Luke?”

GENERAL HOSPITAL (1991) (2-20-91) (Next Day)
Robin is mad at Anna for “siding” with Robert
Mac is booked
Bobbie shows Ruby the “Luke” lookalike
Ruby tells Bobbie that Bill Eckert is her cousin (And she wants nothing to do with an Eckert)
Jenny’s Arraignment (First appearance of Eckert Parents) (Jenny gets out on bail)
Robert meets Bill (“You look like someone I know”) (To ask questions about the ship)
Mac’s Arraignment (Sentenced to 30 days of community service)
The Eckert’s come to visit Bill (First appearance of Sly)
Fred Eckert gets upset at the mention of the Spencers (Talk of Luke)
Robert & Anna talk about Robert’s Icy behavior
Mac is sentenced to work in the morgue
Jenny tells Bill what she did

GENERAL HOSPITAL (1991) (2-21-91) (Next Day)
Mac’s first day in the morgue (Mac meets Finian; He pretends he’s a corpse)
First appearance of The Eckert Bakery
Bill returns to the bakery
Reference to seeing someone you know whose “changed their hair, grown a beard”
First appearance of Eckert house
Talk of Bill’s brother (Younger) “Mario”
First talk of Nancy Eckert
Decker brings the Eckerts an engagement ring to bake into something (For Dawn)
Bill is served a supena
Fred tells Bill why he hates the Spencers

Bill - "Dad, look, this whole thing about the Spencers"... Fred - "Now hold it! Sit down, sit down. Tim Spencer
.......Married my siter, Lena"... B - "Yeah, and she died of pneumonia, right?"... F - "No, no, no, that's not what killed
.......her. He did! He made life hell for her. He drank, he rarely worked. What money I gave her, he took"...
.......B - "Why didn't she leave him?"... F - "She wouldn't, she wouldn't! She was being slowely destroyed right
.......infront of my eyes. There was nothing I could do. Well, finally, one day I went over there. I was gonna
.......convince her to leave him. He came home, he threw me out. It was a terrible scene! Lena was crying. She
.......was trying to keep us apart. There was nothing I could do. I should have dragged her right out of there right
.......then. Well, she took ill shortly after that. He skipped town. She lived for less than six weeks"... B - "Well
.......what about the kids? You know we've never talked about our cousins"... F - "Yeah, well, I've kept my distance
.......from them. Yeah the Aunt, Ruby, was a Maddam in Florida. The daughter worked for her! You know what I'm
.......saying? The son, Luke, well he ran with the Mob. You know, well, you lie down with dogs you get up with
.......fleas"... B - "I'm hearing this for the first time!"... F - "Yeah! Yeah, that's the last time we'll talk about it.
.......Now I'll never forgive the Spencers for what happened to Lena. I don't want you to have truck with
.......them!"... B - "Hold it dad. Look, the kids were not responsible for what happened!"... F - "Listen, you're here,'re under my roof, these are my rules! Ok?"... B - "Yes, sir!"... F - "Alright. Now I don't wanna hear that mentioned, ever again! Alright?"... B - "Alright Dad"

Joey tries to get a job at the hospital
Bobbie doesn’t want to be friends with Bill
Dawn eats a cupcake & finds an engagement ring
Mac snoops around Robert’s office & opens a puzzle box

GENERAL HOSPITAL (1991) (2-22-91) (Next Day)
Mac looks at the things in Robert’s puzzle box
[Flashback] Mac remembers when they were young
Tony is seperated from Bobbie (He’s mad, due to the Lucas thing)
Frisco finds an ELQ Freighter bag
Robert tells Anna that Mac was responsible for their “Father’s Death”
Mac is trying to leave town

GENERAL HOSPITAL (1991) (2-26-91)
Edge holds a gun at Helmut (To do with tape bootlegging)
The Coast Guard Hearing; Jenny testifies
Helmut wants his money from Edge
Ned talks before the hearing
“Nice little scene” between Bill & Jenny in the court toilet (Pretty Tacky scene, this is!)
Bill Testifies
Dawn & Decker find Edge in “Body Heat” & are attacked & tied up
Ned tells the family that the ELQ Tracy was not totally insured
Ned comes to the Eckert’s & fires Jenny

GENERAL HOSPITAL (1991) (2-27-91) (Next Day)
Colton, Carla, & Charlene are leaving town today
Dawn & Decker are tied up & Edge tells Helmut that Colton has his money
Anna talks to Robert on the phone & then tells Robin about Mac
Mac picks up $75,000 (States that his Mother’s Maiden Name is “Clemsen”)
Body Heat is set on fire & Edge hits Dawn with a pipe & puts it in Decker’s hand
Mac rents a cabin
Colton & Co. leave Port Charles (“The Happiest Day of My Life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” )
Bobbie goes to The Eckerts for dinner & Fred calls her “Irish Trash”

GENERAL HOSPITAL (1991) (2-28-91) (Next Day)
Eckert Family fighting about the Spencer family
Scotty meets Bill - “You look like...”
Dawn & Decker are in the fire at Body Heat
Robert & Mac are in a cabin (Robert has captured him)
Dawn Dies

Bill & Jenny are under investigation
Bill is looking for a job (He’s been in town for a “week”)
Jenny in Court

Dawn’s Funeral
Felicia tries to get Decker to admit he didn’t kill Dawn

No Customers at the Eckert Bakery
Frisco finds a videotape that clears Decker
The Charges are dropped against Bill

Bill’s thinking about going back to Portland
Anna finds Robert & Mac
Bill appears on Tiffany’s TV Show

Ned sues the Port Charles Port Authority
Bill gets a job
Bill helps Robert with Ship details

Just after Dawn died
Robin wants to know what’s between Robert & Anna
Mac is brought back to town & put to work in the morgue
Mac gets a tape saying “I hope you covered your tracks”
Mac gets a transfer to pick up trash on the docks
Tiffany’s panel on the ELQ sinking
Robin meets Mac for the first time
Anna tells Sean she loves Robert
Robin’s Spring Break

Bill working on a way to raise up the ELQ Tracy
Still Robin’s Spring Break
Felicia wants a bigger house
Robert is trying to find a money trail to Mac
Robert’s apartment is ransacked
Bill tells Robert his plan

Mac is in jail
Robert is in the hospital
Bill shows Harlan Barrett his plans for the ELQ Cannery
Paul is there working to fix ELQ
Sean brings the puzzle box to Robert
Robert sees the paper (in box) is blank & goes into cardiac arrest

GENERAL HOSPITAL (1991) (4-26-91)
Earthquake hits Port Charles at end of episode

GENERAL HOSPITAL (1991) (4-29-91)
Episode after the Earthquake hits
People search through the rubble
Mac escapes from jail

Anna, Frisco, & Sean discuss Robert being on the run
Robert is wanted for Manslaughter (Thought to have killed Mac)
Finian & Paul discuss Mac’s money that is missing
Robert & Mac’s Barnyard Duel [Filmed on Location]
They both aim guns at each other
Mac shoots & Robert falls to the ground

Clips of Past Daytimers (Including Blackie with Tiffany)
Clarence’s “Who Gets The Gold” Skit (For Best Show)
Outstanding Younger Actress (Kimberly McCullough is Nominated)
Montage of Saturday Morning Cartoons (Old & New)
Outstanding Lead Actress in a Drama Series (Winner: Finola Hughes) (She’s Not There)
Outstanding Lead Actor in a Drama Series (Winner: Peter Bergman)
Outstanding Drama Series (Winner: ATWT)

GENERAL HOSPITAL (1991) (6-28-91)
Day of Robert & Anna’s Wedding
Delfina organizes the decoration of the Shakespearean Gardens
The Bridal Party gets ready
Robert & Co. get ready
Julia has just arrived in town & wants a tour of the Cannery
Anna gives presents to her Bridesmaids
Julia is mad at Harlan for letting Bill be a 20% partner in Barrett Industries
Robert & Mac tour the grounds
Tangeneva & his “Troops” arrive
The Guests Arrive
Faison appears in Anna’s room
Robert feels something is wrong
Faison won’t let Anna out
Robert punches Faison
Faison leaves
Bill gives Julia a tour of the Cannery & she falls into a vat of Fish Oil
The Wedding Begins
Dominique hears the Wedding Bells & Freaks Out
Dominique grabs the security guard’s gun
Dominique faints into Mac’s Arms

Dominique’s Competency Hearing

GENERAL HOSPITAL (1991) (Next Day)
Dominique’s Hearing Continues
Monica & Alan’s Wedding Reception
Tracy Announces her Engagement to Paul Hornsby
Tony is searching for a cure for Tiffany’s disease

GENERAL HOSPITAL (1991) (July; I guess)
Anna & Robert have been married for 3 weeks
Faison & Taub’s New York Meeting (Discuss assassinating Foreign Minister “tonight”)
Jenny is just starting to “see” Ned
Dominique overhears Taub & Faison
Domnique is forced to be with Taub
Tracy is planning her engagement party
After Monica & Alan’s Wedding
Jenny meets Paul’s daughter & Paul tells her about the virus
The WSB is trying to decode Taub’s book
Dominique can hear, but Taub doesn’t know
Jenny learns that Paul is marrying Tracy

GENERAL HOSPITAL (1991) (Two weeks before Sly’s Custody Hearing)
Nancy Eckert arrives is Port Charles & comes to the Light House to see Sly
AJ’s Loan Operation (at school) is in full swing
Ned is concerned about Tracy Marrying Paul (Day before her Engagement Party)
Bill & Nancy argue
Lucy, Scotty, & Nancy are in Cahoots together (Lucy snoops around the Barrett Cannery)
AJ meets Nancy
Bill & Julia kiss (Boy do they Kiss!!!)

GENERAL HOSPITAL (1991) (Friday)
Anna & Robert are Living at the Port Charles Hotel (House is being worked on)
Tiffany is taking the special pill needed to keep her ok
Nancy has just told Sly that Bill tried to Blackmail her
Bill threatens to kill Nancy (A Hotel employee overhears)
Faison comes to Anna’s room & asks her...
“Do You Hear The Waters Whisper?”
Anna is hypnotized & Faison comes in & tells her to go to sleep
Dominique is forced to be with Taub (Just after Competency Hearing)
Taub wants a Child
? ? ? ? is singing at The Outback (Sings Mac & Dominique’s Song)
Robert is hypnotized by Faison
Faison makes Robert think he’s seeing Anna in bed with Faison
Paul & Tracy’s Engagement Party
Robert & Bill are both at the Port Charles Hotel Bar getting drunk
Robert looks at Bill & sees Luke & then says “Luke”
“Bill”, Bill Replies, “And everyone agrees I’m far better looking”
Taub is unaware that Dominique can hear
Dominique writes a suicide note
Bill & Robert get drunk together (Both Toast to each other)
Connor & Dominique get ready for Dominique’s Bungee Jump (Fake Suicide)
AJ goes to Nancy’s Room (She falls asleep on him)
Dominique jumps as Taub runs in

Just after Dominique’s fake suicide & Sly’s Custody Hearing
Robert is convinced that Anna cheated with Faison
Bill wants Harlan investigated

GENERAL HOSPITAL (1991) (Week of Schwartzkof’s Retirement)
Paul tells Jenny why he’s marrying Tracy
After Faison has hypnotized Robert into thinking he saw Anna & Faison together
Robert still doesn’t believe Anna’s pleas of innocence
Dominique is hiding with Mac (She’s believed to be dead) & they are about to leave town
Sean & Anna convince Robert that he was hypnotized (They’re still called Newlyweds)
Tiffany is sick
Bad Bartenders are at the Outback
Anna sees Dominique (She thought she was dead) & then Mac & Dominique leave town

GENERAL HOSPITAL (1991) (10-14-91)
Night of The Murder of Nancy Eckert
Bobbie & Tony’s Anniversary Party
[End is cut off by a News Report]

GENERAL HOSPITAL (1991) (10-15-91) (The Next Day)
[Begins with a Recap of what happened yesterday during the News Report: “Who Done It?”]
Night of Nancy Eckert’s Murder Continued
Tony is searching for a cure to Tiffany’s disease

GENERAL HOSPITAL (1991) (Around Halloween)
Planning Stage for Founder’s Day
The Gang is trying to break up the Cartel
Ongoing Eckert Murder Investigation
AJ tells Robert, Monica, & Alan his story

GENERAL HOSPITAL (1991) (November ?)
Eckert Murder Mystery Party at the Lighthouse
Anna is trying to find info about the Cartel
Bill’s foot fits the FBI footprint mold!!!!

GENERAL HOSPITAL (1991) (Next Day)
Eckert Murder Mystery Party Continues
Robert’s plan worked!!!
Finian confesses to the murder!!!

GENERAL HOSPITAL (1991) (After 11-19-91, but before Thanksgiving)
Sean shows Paul the Antidote pill Tony created
Anna is looking for the pilot of the plane Edward died on
Secret Room is being built in the Scorpio house
Paul is still unsure if he wants to switch sides
Just after Ned proposed to Jenny (She hasn’t said Yes yet)
Anna goes to ELQ to look through Edward’s old files & Datebook
Bill tries to get some Blueprints
The Cartel is upset with Paul for not yet having gotten Tracy’s Stock
They tell him to “Deliver the stock soon, or Tracy dies”
Bill is trying to show the Cartel he can be trusted (Gives them Police Dept. Blueprints)
Taub is convinced, but Faison doesn’t trust Bill
AJ plants drugs in Eric Simpson’s locker
Anna & Mac talk about getting a kick out of danger
Bill & Julia get out of dinner with the Mayor & his wife
AJ tells Audrey that Simpson is stealing drugs
Paul meets with Sean & tells him he’s decided to come over to the good side
Anna & Mac match up dates from Edward’s Datebook & Taub’s book
They learn that the pilot (Jack Stone) is Taub’s Step Brother (He survived the crash)
Bill & Julia spend the night at an inn
We see the scars on Bill’s Back

GENERAL HOSPITAL (1991) (Next Day)
Steve tells Tony of the accusation against Simpson
Anna informs the Gang of what she found out
Julia asks Bill about his scars
Sean tells the Gang that Paul changed sides
Dignitaries start to come to town
Simpson opens his locker for Steve & Tony & they find the drugs
Simpson is suspended
Robert wants to find a way to close down the canneries
Bill calls Robert & tells him about his progress infiltrating The Cartel
Mac finds out where the Dignitaries are staying
Anna (In Disguise) goes to see Jack Stone (The Pilot)
Anna asks him questions about the crash
Bill finds empty air cannisters at the Cannery

GENERAL HOSPITAL (1991) (12-2-91)
Founder’s Day
Paul is in the hospital
Search for the hidden Carbon Dysolphide
The Cartel thinks Robert is dead
Cartel Demonstration
MASS MURDER!!!!!! Carbon Dysolphide dropped on everyone in The Outback & other locations in town
Show’s Over!!!! Everyone in Port Charles is DEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

GENERAL HOSPITAL (1991) (12-3-91) (Next Day)
Cartel Demonstration Continues (The Cartel watches on a TV feed)
No one is dead!!! It was all an Act!!!!!!!!!
The Dysolphide had been found & they had people pretend to die to fool the Cartel
The Cartel is Busted
Edward is back from the dead to confront the Cartel
Dominique is in the Mental Hospital [First Day of The New Dominique]
Anna goes to talk to Faison in Jail

GENERAL HOSPITAL (1991) (12-24-91)
Christmas Eve
Amy is in the Hospital recovering from Brain Surgery
Dominique has come back to Port Charles
A Package is delivered for Anna
GH Adopt A Homeless Person For Christmas Program is under way
As Robert rides a bike into Sean’s penthouse, The Announcer says...
“The Role of Anna Scorpio is Temporarily Being Played by Camilla Moore”
The Hospital Kids of Parade
Dr. Hardy tells The Christmas Story
The Quartermaine’s bring home some Homeless people
Party at The Scorpio’s (They brought some homeless people home too)
Party at The Brownstone (Homeless there too)
Connor asks Sean if he has had any luck finding his father
Scotty gives Lucy a prototype Bottle for Deception for Christmas
Various Parties sing “Holy Night”
Robert says “Merry Christmas Everyone” to the Camera

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