Luke overhears Laura say he is one of her closest friends
Luke tells Laura "Our lives will move in a different direction"... Laura
says "You mean after I quit my job
.......tonight? [Luke nods] Not entirely, Luke, we're still gonna see each
other"... Lk - "I'm gonna stay out of
.......your life"... Lra - "I know. But we're bound to be running into each
other"... Lk - "Well, I'm gonna try.
.......Laura, you might be able to make it easier for me"... Lra - "How?"...
Lk - "It's like this. I know what I
.......did to you that night. I know that it was rape. Brutal rape. I don't
know how I could have done it to, I swear to you I don't! But if you could forgive me, it might
make it easier for me to stay away"...
.......Lra - "Luke, I don't want you on this guilt trip any longer. I mean
that! You have to remember that you
.......thought, that night, that you were gonna be dead within a month. I
mean, people do all kinds of crazy
.......things when they think that their lives are over! Yes! The answers
yes! I have forgiven you"... [Luke
.......looks relieved & happy] Lk - "Laura"... Lra - "What you heard
me say to Joanne, that you're my good
.......friend. Well, that's true, for some strange reason, I don't really
understand it, but there is some kind
.......of a bond between us, isn't there? [Luke nods] And I know you'll always
be there for me if I'm in any
.......trouble & I'll do the same for you"... Lk - "Like the night on
Look Out Point when you threw my keys over
.......the cliff. You did that because you thought you were keeping me from
being killed & you were probably
.......right! So Laura, where do we go from here?"... Lra - "Well, Luke,
you're getting involved with Jennifer
.......Smith & I think that's wonderful. I mean, we all need somebody
& she's very interested in you, I can
.......tell, so I think you're off to a terrific start!"... Lk - "Sure. Sure.
The problem is, it'll always be you for, you know that, don't you?" [Laura nods]
Laura's last night working at the Disco
Laura arrives at the Disco to get ready
Laura tells Luke "I want you to know that I wish you all the best".. Lk -
"Thank you. I'm gonna miss you
.......around here. You really light this place up"... [Laura smiles big
time] Lra - "Thanks! But you'll get over
.......that"... Lk - "No I won't. I won't tell you how much I'm gonna miss
you because that really wouldn't be
.......fair. You wouldn't believe me anyway. But there's another part of
me, a part that wants you to be
.......happy & that parts knows that you should not be here. You should
be away from here, at home, with
.......another man"... Lra - "Thank you"
Joanne comes to train with Laura
Scotty & the gang party at the Disco for Laura's last night
Mr. Smith arrives at the Disco
Laura seems disturbed by Luke dancing with Jennifer & she runs to Luke's
office & starts crying
Luke comes in the office &...
Luke says "What's wrong?"... Lra - "I don't know! Luke, everything started
closing in on me all at once &
.......I don't know"... [The are standing kind of close here] Lk - "I
understand"... Lra - "What do you mean?"...
.......Lk - "There is so much unfinished business between us Laura, [Luke
moves closer to her & puts his
.......hand on her face] still"... Then...
Laura slaps him & says "No! No, don't do that! I'm going home to my husband
& I never wanna see you
.......again!" [Laura storms out] [Luke yells & knocks everything off
of his desk]
Bobbie wants to kno what's going on... Luke tells her he kissed Laura
Bobbie is mad at Luke for kissing Laura... says "sounds like she was pretty
Luke says "I'd say that was putting it mildly"... B - "Strange don't you
think? That she would get that
.......angry with someone that she doesn't care a bit about"... Lk - "What
are you saying?"... B - "What I'm
.......saying, Brother dear, is when there's that much anger, there's gotta
be another emotion too. And it
.......sure isn't fear. Is Laura falling in love with you?"... Lk - "Oh sure!
Sure she is Bobbie! Doesn't a
.......woman fall in love with every man who rapes her, huh?"
Laura, going to hang up her uniform, gets locked in Luke's office closet
Laura is in the Office closet as...
Luke meets with Mr Smith (Talks about having Luke run a club in Vegas)
Watson tells Frank he thinks someone was in the closet
Laura calls Luke to let her out
Laura says "I tried to get out, Luke, I really did try. But then I heard
voices"... Lk - "You heard? You heard
.......everything, didn't you?"... Lra - "Yes! What organization is Frank
Smith talking about?"... Lk - "His"... Lra - "But he said something about having to look legitimate.
What is that supposed to
.......mean?"... Lk - "Don't ask questions, Laura"... Lra - "Luke, I have
to know!"... Lra - "Look, please, I'm
.......telling you don't ask questions!! Just get the hell out of here and
don't look back!"... Lra - "You're in
.......trouble, aren't you Luke?"... Lk - "Laura, don't do this"... Lra -
"Look at me Luke. Look at me!! I'm worried
.......about you. There's something very evil about those men"... Lk - "Oh
no. No, Laura, don't look at me like
.......that!"... Lra - "Luke, I can't leave you like this"... Lk - "Laura
don't do this. You didn't hear anything, you
.......DIDN'T HEAR ANYTHING!! Don't worry about me, don't care about me,
because if you do I'll... Laura, don't about me"
Luke says "Laura please go. Don't do this to me"... Lra - "Ok. Ok, I'll go,
but there's something that I want to know first before I do go. I was furious with you earlier when
you kissed me. I was angry, I
.......was bitter, & I was frightened. I was frightened because you made
me realize something, something
.......that I haven't wanted to admit. There's a bond between us Luke. A
bond that we can never break"...
.......Lk - "Laura"... Lra - "No, I don't mean because you raped me. Maybe
it's because I saved your life when I
.......threw those car keys over the cliff. I mean, I heard once that when
you save a person's life you interupt
.......their fate, their destiny, & then you're responsible for them.
I don't know, maybe that's why we're tied
.......together forever"... Lk - "It's more than that"... Lra - "I love Scotty,
Luke. I love my husband & I want to his wife, completely!"... Lk - "What are you trying to say to me?"...
Lra - "What you tried to say to me
.......the night Roy was killed. I am trying to say goodbye, Luke"... Lk
- "That's what you want?"... Lra - "Yes.
.......Yes & Please stay away from me. I will stay away from you. I don't
wanna know what's happening in
.......your life. I don't wanna worry about you. I don't want to care"...
Lk - "Good bye, Laura. I'll always love"... Lra - "Goodbye, Luke"... [Laura starts to leave, but then
stops & gives Luke a kiss on the check &
.......then leaves]
Luke comes to see Laura at her apartment
Laura says "You tell me why Frank Smith called Lee & Scotty's office
& offered him some legal business.
.......How DARE you involve my Father-in-law and my husband with someone
like Smith?!"... Lk - "Now just a
.......minute, lady, let's get your facts straight, alright! That call was
Mr Smith's idea, not mine!".. Lra - "I
.......don't believe you. And after what I overheard in your office, on my
last night on the job, I don't know
.......what I can believe. I'm beginning to think that the only I have left
to do now is to pick up that telephone
.......& call the FBI & tell them that I have some information for
them"... Lk - "That's terrific, really terrific
.......girl. Do it"... Lra - "I think I will"... [Laura goes over to the
phone] Lk - "Laura, that call will put your in jeopardy"... Lra - "I don't believe you"... Lk - "You make
that call you put your life, mine, Bobbie's,
.......maybe even Aunt Ruby's on the line. That's the ultimate revenge, isn't
it? What a fantastic way to pay back. Oh you can destroy us all with one phone call. But don't
kid yourself. You're not doing it out
.......of noble motives. Well, what are you waiting for? Go ahead, call the
operator, tell her it's an
.......emergency, I'm sure she'll connect you to the FBI right away! [Laura
just stands there] Dammit Laura, want revenge, make that call. If you wanna live, you better listen
to me"... [Laura picks up the phone]
.......Lra - "Yes, operator, this is an emergency. I wanna speak to... [Laura
looks at Luke, then hangs up] Alright
.......Luke, but your story had better be good, because if any harm, even
the slightest, comes to Scotty or my
.......Father-in-law or anybody in my family, I'm gonna hold you responsible!"
Luke says "I was ordered to get you back to work within two weeks or else.
Now the organization doesn't
.......make idle threats. You ought to know that from what you overheard
when you were trapped in my office
.......closet"... Lra - "I wont go back to work for you, Luke, EVER!"...
Lk - "Laura, look, I got crazy & I kissed you
.......& you're angry about that, but don't let your anger blind you
to what is going on! You're in big trouble!
.......Bill Watson saw your shadow under the closet door. When they left
my office, they waited to see who
.......came out. They saw you"... Lra - "Oh no"... Lk - "They suspected some
kind of set up. They thought maybe I
.......was selling them out"... Lra - "That's why they want me back?"...
Lk - "That's right. They want you there they can watch you, so they can make sure you don't talk. Now look,
I told you you were being watched.
.......If you don't believe me you go over to your kitchen window & do
it carefully"... [Laura goes & looks out the
.......window] Lra - "There's a man in the alley. He's looking up here"...
Lk - "I told you. A 24 hour tail is on They're watching your every move. Now look, I went to Smith this
morning. I tried to tell him that
.......because of your family's connections you were too important to push
around, I got nowhere!"... Lra - "Luke, can tell Mr Smith that I'm not buying any of this & that he
can't frighten or intimidate me into
.......coming back to work for you"... Lk - "Oh Laura, you don't know what
you're doing!"... Lra - "Scotty was the who decided that I shouldn't work there anymore & I'm glad
he did! Luke, I can't go back to work for, not even if I wanted to, Scotty would never let me!"... Lk -
"If you're not gonna think about your life or
.......mine, will you give a thought to Bobbie, please! Do you hate her so
much you wanna see her killed too?"
Luke says "You know that I love you. Oh sure, I've made a big effort to play
this game & date Jennifer Smith.
.......Well, she doesn't mean anything to me, she couldn't. It'll always
be you. And now, now I'm trying to get out of this mess. You won't listen to me. How can I convince you
that your life is in danger!"... Lra - "I
.......don't know, Luke. But if it involves getting me to come back to work
for you, I'd say you have a problem,
.......because I think this is all one big trick to get me back there!"...
Lk - "Oh damn. Oh boy. Maybe the problem that you just don't realize what the Organization is capable of,
Laura. Maybe you think that they're nice
.......respectable business men. Yes, they look respectable & yes they
are in business. And alot of that has to do with death! Maybe what happened to Roy will open
your eyes. Are you ready to hear the
.......truth about Election night? Are you finally ready for the truth?"...
Lra - "I've always been ready to hear
.......the truth about that"... Lk - "No you haven't. No you haven't, but
maybe you are now. But if you are or not, doesn't matter. The truth is that I was supposed to die that night,
not Roy. Frank Smith ordered me to
.......kill Mitch Williams on Election Night"... [Laura looks stunned] Lra
- "Why?"... Lk - "To prove my loyalty to
.......the Organization. I was supposed to make that hit on Williams, not
Roy!"... Lra - "Could you have done
.......that?"... Lk - "I was sure gonna try. Cause I knew if I didn't, I'd
be a dead man. You see, that's how the
.......Organization work, Laura. And now if you don't believe me, your life
is in danger!"... Lra - "You mean if
.......Scotty hadn't asked you to drive me home that night & if I hadn't
thrown the car keys down the cliff"...
.......Lk - "I would be dead"... Lra - "No!"... Lk - "Laura, that's the truth,
the rest of it's all been lies. I've been
.......trying to protect you from my life. I didn't want you involved because
I thought you would get hurt. Well you are involved & you're going to get hurt if you listen
to me. I have been ordered to get you back to within two weeks. Laura if you don't come back to work, they're
not going to believe that you haven't
.......opened your mouth about what you overheard!"... Lra - "You say you
love me & then you're ready to lay this
.......whole guilt trip on me. Well, I can't handle that Luke & I wont
even try! You backed me against a wall! No,
.......Luke! No, I hate you now and I hate Bobbie & Elm street &
your Disco & I just want you to get out of here!"...
.......Lk - "Laura, I'm sorry, but it's too late for school girl hysterics!
Somehow you're gonna convince Scotty
.......that you have to come back to work at the Disco, otherwise I will
not be able to protect you from what's
.......gonna happen!"
Laura says "That man is still in the Alley"... Lk - "I told you a tail 24
hours a day"... Lra - "What if you keep Jennifer Smith? Won't that give you protection?"... Lk - "There
is no such thing as protection, Laura.
.......You & I are in the Organization. Once in, you never get out. The
only thing to do is try to survive. Your way survive is to come back to work for me. My way to survive is to
get you to come back to work for me. I
.......can't tell you anything, anymore, clearly"... Lra - "Luke, what are
we gonna do?"... Lk - "I don't know. I gotta
.......think of something. Someway to convince Scotty that you have to come
back to work at the Disco"...
.......Lra - "Just promise me that you'll stop Frank Smith from taking his
legal business to Lee & Scotty. We can't
.......let that happen. I will come back to work for you, if I have to, but
I don't want Scotty hurt. You see, Luke,
.......sometimes I think about you in a way that I don't wanna think about
you. In a way that a woman shouldn't
.......think about any man, except for her own husband. So please, don't
make it any more difficult for me, ok.
.......Because I'm trying to make it back with Scotty. I do love him &
I do wanna be his wife again, the way I once
.......was"... Lk - "It kills me to hurt you. To go on hurting you. I'd rather
die. I'll stay out of your life as much as
.......I can. Right now we have 2 weeks to get you back to work. Now how
are we gonna convince Scotty that you
.......have to come back, without making him suspicious? Think about it Laura.
How we gonna do that?"
Luke goes to see Laura
Luke plays the tape for Laura (That he stole from Frank Smith's office of
her starting to call the FBI)
Luke tells Laura he'll do anything to protect her
Luke says "I know it's frightening, but you had to hear that tape. Laura,
it's reality time"... Lra - "Yes"...
.......Lk - "There's one thing in our favor. Now it's not great, but it's
something. You didn't complete the call.
.......It's very clear on that tape that you hung up when the other woman
spoke. That means that you changed
.......your mind. That might give us a couple of points"... Lra - "You're
just trying to keep me from getting too
.......scared, aren't you?"... Lk - "Ok, maybe I am"... Lra - "You told me
before that if they tapped the phone call
.......that I made to the FBI that I was in trouble, big trouble"... Lk -
"We'll just have to get through the next
.......few weeks, that's all. We have to prove to them your loyalty, prove
to them that you'll keep your mouth
.......shut, then nothing will happen. I don't know, maybe they're giving
us this time. If they were certain that would have talked, they would have made a move by now. We have
to convince them that you won't"...
.......Lra - "I'm so scared for Scotty, Luke. He's really into this job for
Frank Smith. He thinks it's just
.......terrific"... Lk - "I know, I know, I know. Laura, you're gonna have
to play this my way. You have to know,, that this was not a trick to get you back to the Disco so I could
be near you. Please trust me. I'm
.......asking you to trust me with your life. Laura? Laura?"... Lra - "I
trust you. I have to"... Lk - "That's all I
.......can ask. Laura, I won't let Frank Smith or anyone harm you!"
MARCH - DECEMBER1980 ----->>>> Not available as of now
JANUARY 1981 --- >>>> The Floating Rib Rape Discussion
Here is the conversation that caused more controversy than the actual rape
Luke: So you don't mind the spotlight anymore
Laura: No I don't. In fact I think it's a very good idea that we're out in
public. It gives me a chance to talk to you
..............without you yelling or screaming at me
Luke: Don't push your luck now. It's still time for me to call for separate
Laura: Luke I'm serious. I want to talk to you about something that's very,
very important without either one of us
..............having the luxury of getting over emotional
Luke: Sounds like heavy subject material
Laura: Could be. Depending on your attitude
Luke: Well at the moment my attitude is flexible so what is so important
Laura: Us. You're stuck Luke. You got to listen to me. Ok here goes first
of all I'm sure you're probably wondering
..............what's been happening in my life since I've been back
Luke: No actually I've been really busy with my own life
Laura: Yea I know that. Would you like to hear my story?
Luke: Tell it
Laura: First of all I haven't heard a word from Scotty. I get the feeling
that he is intentionally trying to punish me
Luke: You mean by dropping out of site?
Laura: Yea. I don't blame him. He's had to face a lot of reality. SO have
Luke: So has everybody. Reality catches up with everybody
Laura: Yes I know. Look I know that I was the one who had to do the growing
up. You're right. I was a child. I admit it.
..............I see it very clearly now and it really sank in the day at
the police station when I turned my back at you
Luke: Laura please
Laura: Hear me out. I know how much I hurt you and I hate myself for it.
I also know that I practically destroyed everything
..............that we had together and it's because of something you mentioned
tonight…facing people
Luke: Reporters
Laura: No, no my parents, the Baldwins, Amy, Bobbie, everyone who was in
that room
Luke: No Laura is you telling me that you couldn't face the fact that we
had slept together?
Laura: That we made love. Just like we made love that night at the disco.
(Luke looks at Laura completely shocked by her words)
..............I know I cried rape. I lied to everyone. I even lied to myself.
That's what I couldn't face that day in the police station. I told
..............that lie to so many people and they knew, they knew when they
saw us standing there together that it wasn't rape at all
Luke: You handled that the best way that you could
Laura: And I almost destroyed you in the process
Luke: You were taking care of yourself
Laura: Why do you suppose no one asked about the rape after that day? Because
they know they knew that it was not rape at all
Luke and Laura get interrupted by Rick and Lesley
Luke and Laura continue their discussion at her door
Laura: Look, there's one more thing I want you to understand. The cigar band
that you gave me. I know that I threw it away
..............but I never threw away what it meant
Luke: Well wedding vows and cigar bands go together like a big joke
Laura: No it wasn't a joke to me
Luke: Laura I'm not handling this very well because I just don't understand
it. I mean you have been a private obsession of mine
..............for years. So now it feels like maybe I'm putting it down or
something. I'm not putting it down I just don't know how to
..............handle all of this communication
Laura: Why do you say obsession? That makes it sound so far way. I'm not
Luke. I'm right here
Luke: I know you are
Laura: You know I've done most of the talking tonight. You've hardly said
anything. I want to know. I want to know how you feel
Luke: Ok. Just to clear the air. I have loved you. I have. Oh I have loved
you and I didn't want to and I didn't plan to and I didn't
..............understand. I didn't know what it meant. I didn't know what
was happening to me. I didn't understand the feeling. I didn't
..............even know it was possible for me to love anybody as much as
I loved you. And Laura I loved you too much. I loved you so
..............much I couldn't think. I couldn't understand. (Laura starts
to interrupt him) Don't stop me. If you want to hear it don't
..............stop me. I loved you so much there was nothing else in my life.
Laura that's sick. I wasn't there anymore. I wasn't there
..............anymore. That kind of love Laura would destroy me. Destroy
me. It would break me apart and I don't want to be broken apart
Laura: You mean you are just going to throw it away? Is that what you're
Luke: No! I'm saying that I have to have more control than that and I'm saying
that I don't want to throw it way and I am saying
..............that it's not right for us now. Now maybe it will. I hope maybe
someday it will be right for us and when it is, you will be
..............the first one to know
Laura: And what if it's never right for us?
Luke: Then we will still have had the most beautiful summer that two people
ever had
..........More Conversations (From 1980) will be COMING SOON..............
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