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First Full Luke and Laura Scene--1979

For A More Complete Account of These Discussions See The History Page

Luke comes into the Student Union as Bryan leaves & sits with Laura

Luke says "Laura?"...
Lra - "Oh, uh, I'm sorry I didn't see you"...
Lk - "Tell me about it! I feel like I interupted a very heavy thought"
Lra - "Oh, No!! Not really. .......How are you?"
Lk - "Fine. Mind if I join you?" Luke sits with her as the scene fades out) Luke says "Ah, Laura look, it's pretty obvious that we'll be running into each other here at the Union & on campus, so I'd like to clear the air right up front, ok"
Lra - "Ok"...
Lk - "It's about my Sister. Now, to say that you & Bobbie are not on the best of terms is like the understatement of the Century, but I..."
Lra - "Luke, however I feel about Bobbie has nothing to do with you"
Lk - "You mean it?"
Lra - "Of course"...
Lk - "Well that's great! How's your Mom"
Lra (Puzzled look on her face)- "She's fine. Fine".
Lk - "She treated me a couple times when I... uh.. wasn't feeling very well
Lra - "Oh. She's a good doctor"
Lk - "Yes she is. She's more than that too. You know, she's relaxed, easy, gracious. Infact, maybe you take it for granted because you're her daughter, you know, but to me people who have her qualities are like, I don't know, they've always, well they've been like the poems in this book"
Lra - "I don't understand"
Lk - "Well, it's like they're suspended somewhere in time, you know. .Untouchable. When I was a kid, I always looked up to people that had a lifestyle like that & I was always told that I would never have one"
Lra - "Well, you've already proven to whomever told you that, that they are wrong!"
Lk - "Well I'm working on it. But you know trying to get something that's unattainable can really lead a person to do very strange things. (This seems to bother Laura) Uh, did I say something wrong?"...
Lra - "Uh, no. I'm not sure I know what you mean"
Lk - "I was talking about Bobbie. Now look, I would never try to make any excuses for the things that she's put Scotty through, but Laura I really believe that she did not mean to hurt you or Scotty. You know, she just wanted something that was out of her league & she got desperate"...
Lra - "It's all in the past Uh look, I don't have much time before my next class & I really should be looking over my lecture notes now"
Lk - "Sure. You mind if I stay here & study with you?"
Lra - "No. Not at all."
(Luke kind of watches Laura as she studies)

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