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Luke and Laura's First Date after Summer on the Run

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Luke and Laura's first date after coming back from their summer on the run. Luke take's Laura to a beautiful lounge for dinner. Many of the people they know are there including her Mom and Dad. As they enter the room, everyone turns to look at them:

Luke: You don't mind the spotlight anymore, hun?
Laura: No I don't. I think it's a very good idea that we are out in public. It gives me a chance to talk to you without you yelling or screaming at me.
Luke: Well don't push your luck now, there's still time for me to call for separate checks. (he chuckles slightly)
Laura: I'm serious, I want to talk to you about something that's very very important without either one of us having the luxury of getting over emotional.
Luke: Oh,??? it sounds like heavy subject material.
Laura: It could be, depending on your attitude.
Luke: Well at the moment, my attitude is flexible. So what is so important?
Laura: Us. Your stuck Luke. You've got to listen to me. OK, here goes. First of all I'm sure you've probably wondered what's been happening in my life since we got back.
Luke: No I haven't. I've been awfully busy with my life.
Laura: Yes, I know that, do you want to hear my story?
Luke: Tell it.
Laura: First of all, I haven't heard a word from Scotty. I get the feeling he's intentionally Trying to punish me.
Luke: You mean by dropping out of sight?
Laura: Yes, I don't blame him. He's had to face a lot of reality. So have I.
Luke: So has everybody, reality catches up with everybody.
Laura: Yes I know. ???? Look, I know I was the one that had to do the growing up. You were right, I was a child. I admit it. I see it very clearly now and it really sank in that day at the police station when I turned my back on you.
Luke: Laura please.
Laura: Hear me out! I know how much I hurt you and I hate myself for it. I, a, I also know that I practically destroyed everything we had together and it had to do with something you mentioned earlier tonight????facing people.
Luke: The reporters?
Laura: No??No, my parents, the Baldwins,??a?? Amy, Bobbie, everyone who was in that room.
Luke: No, No, No, are you telling me that you couldn't face the fact that we slept together?
Laura: That we made love???just like we made love that night in the disco. Look, I know I cried rape. I lied to everyone, I even lied to myself. Look, that's what I couldn't face that day in the police station. I told that lie to so many people and they knew, they knew when they saw us standing there together that it wasn't rape at all.
Luke: Listen, you handled that the best way you could.
Laura: And I almost destroyed you in the process.
Luke: You were taking care of yourself.
Laura: Why do you suppose no one ever asked about the rape after that day? Because they knew. They knew it wasn't rape at all.

Then they were interrupted by her parents. Later that night at the door to Laura's apartment.

Laura pleads ''....the cigar band that you gave me, look I know I threw it away but I never threw away what it meant!''
Luke jokes, ''Well, wedding vows and cigar bands go together like a big joke!''
Laura argues, ''It wasn't a joke to me!''
Luke, ''Laura, look I'm not handling all this very well because I just don't understand it. You have been a private obsession of mine for years....I just don't know how to handle all of this communication.'' He looks puzzled, lost.
Laura demands, ''Why do you say obsession? That makes is sound so far away. I'm not Luke, I'm right here!''
He replies, ''I know you are.'' She says, ''You know I've done most of the talking tonight. You've hardly said anything. I want to know how you feel.''
Luke responds (his voice full of emotion), ''Okay, just to clear the air. I have *loved you*, ooooooh *I have loved you* and I didn't want to, and I didn't plan to, and I really didn't understand the feelings. I didn't even know it was possible for me to love anybody as much as I loved you. And Laura, I loved you *too* much. I loved you so much I couldn't even think. I couldn't understand.'' Laura starts to interrupt. Luke pleads, with his voice shaking ''Don't! Don't stop me! If you want to hear it, don't stop me! I loved you so much there was nothing else in my life. Laura, that's sick. I wasn't there anymore. That kind of love Laura, would destroy me, *destroy me*! It would break me apart. And I don't want to be broken apart, see.''
Laura, ''What do you mean, you were just going to throw it away?''
Luke, ''NO!'' he yells, ''I am saying that I have to have more control than that. And I am saying that I don't want to throw it away. And I'm saying that it is not right for us now. Now maybe, I hope maybe someday it will be right for us and if it is you'll be the first to know.''
Laura frightened, ''What if it is never right for us?''
Luke (with crescendo of music), ''Then we will have had the most beautiful summer that two people ever had!''
Laura, with tears in her eyes, ''Luke...''
He laughs, ''Look at me. Here I am standing here, talking in the hallway and I'm really making a fool out of myself because I want to *Hold you* and kiss you goodnight!'' They decide to call it a night. He says, ''It was a nice evening and it was good talking to you, listening to you. I like you.''
Laura, ''I know how much I hurt you. But I'm going to wait, and wait, and wait till the hurt goes away.''
Luke, ''Well, I'm a healthy guy and my wounds heal fast!''
Then he kisses her goodnight.

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