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  :: The Oakdale Wish List::

Issue #5
Hey everyone! Guess what? I'm back. Yup, finally, now that school is out I have plenty of time to watch As the World Turns and time to write my article. It's hard to keep up with soaps at the end of the year so I pulled a Carly and just disappeared on all of you. One more thing, I have seen every except the week of Carly's fashion show, but I'll see that soon, so if I don't go into a lot of detail this time, that's why. So enough of that; it's time for the awards. Everyone clap, cause I'm about to get on my "soap box" (no pun intended I promise).
The quote of the week is awarded to that oh so wonderful couple, Cranna! After a long and heartfelt talk between the newly weds, Craig tell Rosanna that he loves her and starts to leave, Rosanna whispers, "I love you too." Craig turned around with that Craig smirk of his and goes, "I heard that." Rosanna, blushing, looks at him and says, "You weren't supposed to." And then Craig with all of his Craig-ness delivers one of the funniest lines I've ever heard, "But I diiiiiiddd." (It was said like I spelled it, by the way). This next award, The Oakdale Enemy, was hard to award. I mean, lately I've loved everyone, except The Jessica bunch (including Marshal, Ben, Isaac, and Bonnie-and as soon as they get better story lines I'll like them again-) but I arrived at what I think is an understandable candidate. Now before I name that person I want it known that I am generally her fan. I think she's funny, but what she did was unforgivable, mostly cause it caused my "Paulie" to leave the show. Rose D'Angelo is the new Oakdale enemy. I cannot believe what she did. She's a horrible person to cause Paul so much pain. They can not keep getting rid of all the good men on As The World Turns or soon, the only man they'll have will be Jack! And frankly, even though he's "Helping" Carly, he needs to chill. I've also decided to give this award to Chris because he patted Alison on the head and that's just wrong! The Please sprout wings and fly into the sun never to be seen again award goes to Jessica, again. I'm really getting sick of her. Now for the last award of the week, I feel that Colleen Zenk Pinter has earned actress of the week because yesterday when she found out Paul was dead, I really felt sorry for her. I've hated Barbara since I began watching in 1997 but yesterday I was like wow! Anyone that can make me feel anything other than strong dislike towards that character is talented. Okay let's move on to good old Doctor Rick. Does this guy freak anyone else out? It's kind of weird how Bob goes all senile right after Rick shows up. I believe Rick has a part in all these hospital murders, him or Julia. (If something's wrong, blame James, Julia, or the new guy!) And I also believe Chris and Alison will hook up as a result of all of this. I can imagine them all getting locked in the hospital, you know, Dr. Bob, John, Chris, Katie, Alison, and Susan, and Rick stalking them all. I'm a horror movie person so I tend to think things will be this way. John and Bob practically hate each other right now because of all of this. You know, after I think about it, maybe it won't be Rick because it's too obvious to be him. It's always someone you least expect. Maybe Craig did it.
Speaking of Craig, how do you think he fits in to the sudden disappearance of Carly? I was speaking with Kasey Kay recently about all of this. I know Rosanna didn't have anything to do with it because the first person blamed never does. As the conversation went on I said that Craig would be the perfect person to get rid of Carly. My reasons being that Craig is considered to have little more than an obsession with her. No one would ever look at Craig and say, gee I bet he got rid of Carly. I know Carly will be fine and will come back, with or without a baby. I still think that baby is gonna die and I still think Julia has everything to do with it dying. That's what I think. I've been saying it since Carly was pregnant, it's gonna be Jack's baby and Julia will kill it. That's what I think and so does my grandmother. Rosanna will get in such big trouble about this whole thing though. She'll spend the next month or so in jail and Carly will be found, and Carly will say Rosanna had nothing to do with it and then the real Hal will let her go. I want Hal back, this other guy is annoying and old acting. He and Emily have no chemistry. By the way, remember what Parker said (mushy bells)? Keep it in mind, it'll be important!
I'm not addressing any of the Jessica stuff. I'm just not. Not worth my time. If anyone has something they'd like to read about or a nomination for an award please let me know t also if you have a blend request let me know. This is an ATWT thing so only ATWT blends for now.

Issue #4
I am so sorry for not updating in a long time. But for those of you who don't know me, I have been involved in my school production of Grease for the past 3 months and we put on out last show last night. It's very sad for me to talk about that right now so anyway, here's the OWL!
I know that with every issue of the OWL that I write I always add something. Now for the quote of the week. I believe Lucy's response of; "Oh yes quack, quack, quack!" to Craig's insistence that Lucy was a sitting duck in her wheel chair was unbelievably funny. Lucy totally pulled this off. Just for future references, I'm not mad at Lucy a certain degree. I'm so happy she and Aaron have reconciled but she needs to get off of Alison's case. Aaron isn't making a big deal about it and Lucy shouldn't either. Okay, is it just me or have we seen the Aaron and Lucy pretending not to be together thing around Craig before? I swear, you have got two very talented actors and ATWT doesn't give them stories that would actually be challenging.
Anyhow, the OWL enemy of the week is a tie between Molly and Jack. I have never been a big Molly fan for numerous reasons and the fact that she's spent the past year and a half feeling sorry for herself hasn't helped. Molly whined about Jake's death for the entire period of her and Mike's relationship. Now that she found out that a drunken Mike slept with Carly she doesn't whine about Jake anymore, she whines about Mike. Please, if Molly didn't spend more than 3/4 of her screen time going on about how pitiful her life is I'd die of shock. Now, I do feel for Jack. I know Carly slept with Mike but get over it Jack. Carly loves you and she slept with Mike when A) She was drunk B) you had just broken her heart so she C) acted on the heat of the moment. No, I can't justify what she did completely but I believe that if Jack wasn't always thinking that Carly and Craig were going to run off together, this wouldn't have happened. Just a thought; Jack. Surprisingly, if you look back two OWL issues ago, you'd see that I named Michael Park actor of the week (February 2, 2003). This might not hold for much longer. I know it's not MP's fault that his character is a complete moron from time to time but still.
And finally, the last award. Terri Colombino receives the OWL Actress of the week for her wonderful performance of Katie in the past few weeks. Who else here feels bad for Katie? I thin this is the hardest blow to ATWT I've ever seen. It's not fair. I may go on strike until my wonderful Simon comes back!
Okay enough of the awards. Now for the predictions. Jessica is the dumbest woman I have ever seen. How on earth can she take a both-party-willing act of lovemaking and turn it into rape? How? Jessica could have stopped Marshall and she didn't. She knew something would happen with him under her roof and we all know it. I can't wait to see her with her back against the wall; Bonnie, Ben, Marshall, Isaac, and Margo all having pistols and executing her stupid character. What is the point of Jessica? Really? She's digging herself a grave. I can't stand some of the people on this show and she's number one on that list. What's going to happen? We'll have the first of the two yearly-required court scenes and Marshall will be found guilty. Jessica will, however, admit that she consented to have sex with Marshall and hopefully she will leave the show.
Do we really need Rose, Paul, or Barbara? I think they should all you know what I think it's time to add a new award. It's called: I want you to Sprout wings and fly off into the sun never to be seen again award. And Rose/Paul/Barbara receive it this week. I think ATWT will run this story line into the ground. Will never know what really happens. Speaking of Rose, why is she all up in Dusty's case?
Dusty is a sorry excuse for a character. I know I said Craig was the male Carly but I'm taking that back. Dusty has tried to be with two different women since his return to the show. How completely lame-o is that? His character is short lived at best and I won't bother making a prediction about him; it's pointless.
Who all loves Cranna? Cranna is awesome! I'm so glad Craig finally got someone to balance him out. See I like the idea of him and Carly being friends. Just think of all the wonderful resulting plots that would make, but Cranna just fits together. I see great happiness and bliss for them if Luron doesn't get in the way!
I just thought of something what if after Carly has given birth to her baby and the DNA tests are done and it turns out to be Jack's baby, Julia kidnaps the baby or before the doctor can do the tests Julia pulls the switching stunt again? If I see it on the show I'll sue for story rights. Naw. I have this feeling that no matter whose baby it turns out to be, Julia will do something bad.
Now Kasey Kay, I want to address you on the OWL about a subject that greatly bothers me. How on earth can you say Carly is ugly and then call Rosanna pretty? Neither one of them are great lookers but they aren't ugly. Okay I'll get off my soapbox now.
Finally, if there is a character(s), actor or actress you think deserves any of the above awards, please email me at The subject line should read OWL AWARD NOMINATIONS. Please enclose the nominee and a short explanation as to why they deserve the award.

Issue #3
Because Agim Kaba has done such an excellent job as Aaron over the past couple of weeks, I, along with Kasey Kay name him as the OWL Actor of the Week. I swear never in my life have I felt as bad for Aaron as I did and have since Lucy accused him of cheating on her. And while we're on the subject of Lucy, I would like to take this time to announce that a new category of the week has been added: Enemy of the Week. This title has been "awarded" to Lucy Montgomery for being such a gullible brat. If there's any confusing as to why it's Lucy and not Peyton who is receiving the award I'll simplify it. Peyton is an actress and Neither Alison, Aaron, nor Craig knows who Peyton is. This is why Lucy gets this award. ONE- as much as I like Alison, Lucy should not have listened to her. I guess that run in with the (and I still laugh at this) trolley knocked her slightly retarded. TWO- she should realize that Aaron and his doggy-like devotion would never even look at another woman. And THREE- I know I said this before but it's worth saying again; she really shouldn't listen to Alison. Now enough about that.
Who does Jessica want? I mean really? At this point I think she needs to just go somewhere. Everyone would be so much happier without Jessica. What's going to happen. Well like I said before she's going to sprout her wings and fly into the sun, leaving the wonderfully sweet Ben and incredibly sexy Marshall behind, allowing them to move on with life. Isaac and Bonnie will split soon. Why? Because their relationship has gone stale. So the next story line they have will bring on their departure.
Who feels like Julia's going to show up really soon? I just keep getting this really bad feeling that we'll find out that the baby is Jack's and Julia will stab Carly in the stomach a week before the due date and kill the baby. Wouldn't that be awful? And just to stroke all of your Carly hating egos out there I want it known that as much as I love Carly, I still think that, even though she and Jack were broken up, she had no business sleeping with Mike. Mike had no excuse at all. So Molly donated money€¦BIG freaking deal. Any way, in the months to come, we will learn that the baby belongs to Jack and this will bring him and Carly back together. Then Julia will show up, kidnap Carly and cause her to miscarry. I'm thinking serious torture. Julia is demented and I really wish they hadn't done that to her because even though I've always routed for CARJACK, I still think Julia is wonderful.
Well Alison, you've done it. You've dug your grave and now Aaron is going to kill you and Lucy will bury you. It's enough that you have to take responsibility for lying and breaking up LURON but then not only do you get to take the wrath of LURON but BarBar, Emily, Susan, and worst of all Hal. I will indeed miss you Alison, you made the teen story line great. Though I can't help but wonder what kind of role Chris will play in all of this.
Why Simon why must you leave. I don't think the show is any good without you. I love you to death and I don't want you to leave the show.
Rosanna has obviously been taken over by flights of Angels. How else do you explain the change in her. I'm sooo happy that she and Lucy are getting along and that RoRo takes and interest in the whole Aaron situation. Well you all know the procedures.

Issue #2
Congratulations are in order to Michael Park, this weeks (February 2, 2003) OWL's actor of the week. His outstanding performance over the past month has earned him a permanent place in OWL history. If you think that there's an actor who needs to be recognized on the OWL, please send me e-mail and a short explanation as to why they need the recognition. Okay, so can you believe it? For about five minutes this weekend I actually didn't hate Rosanna? I really felt bad for her when Craig laughed at her proposal. But whatever, I'm still mad at her because she told Mike that Carly was pregnant with his baby. There is no proof of that you know? It might very well be Jacks baby, both he and Carly were sleeping together prior to the wedding you know. I see some of my predictions have come true, not in the way I expected but still. So what's coming up? Well poor old Jack is going to be torn between his love of Carly and his hatred towards what she did. He will take comfort in Molly as they begin sleeping together. Both Jack and Molly will feel guilty about this and confess their sins to Carly and Mike, but both won't be ready to forgive and forget Molly and Carly's relationship will be rocky for awhile, but all will mend when a new tragedy hits Molly in the worst way. Alison will keep digging her own grave. With lies building up, she'll eventually crack and the truth will spill when Aaron questions her about her loyalty. Aaron, will be quicker to forgive Alison however, then Lucy will. This will tear Luron apart and lead up to the night when Ali and Aaron will sleep together. Craigers and RoRo will come to an emotional end when Rosanna decides that Craig should not be offering condolences to Carly and Jack's temporary split. Craig will move on and I believe that it will be towards Sierra. Rosanna will offer Monte Carlo back to Carly, but will be turned down and forced to hire a new comer, and no it won't be you Kasey Kay! Paul and Rose will continue to create space between each other until they decide that they were never meant to be together. Paul will once again involve himself with James and Barbara, and almost wind up dead. Ben/Marshal/Jessica. This is just an annoying story line so even though this is completely wishful thinking, all three of them and there siblings/children/father will all sprout wings and fly off into the sun never to be seen again. Thank you. I'm sorry if that insults anyone or anything, but that has got to be the worst story line to ever 'grace' As The World Turns. You know what I wish? I wish they would bring JJ back. We need him in the show for several reasons, the number one being that right now, Jack just needs some happiness. I in no way blame Carly for what happened, she thought all was lost with Jack and she had a bit too much to drink. Honestly Carly is not at fault. She and Jack were not together, and Mike and Molly were not at this time and exclusive pair. So neither Molly nor Jack have any right to loose there heads over this. They are the ones who have some serious issues and need to check themselves before they start pointing fingers.

Issue #1
Hey everyone and welcome to The Oakdale Wish List written by Morgan! Okay so this is my first article for this site so if I'm a little confusing, I'm sorry it will get better, I promise. The OWL works like this. I watch the show each week, and then I write my predictions or wishes on it. Some will be long term others short and if you've got anything you want me to address, please send it to me! Oh by the way, Each week this page will be dedicated to an actor or actress from As the World Turns, so with the Power invested in me I declare the week of January 26 to be Hunt Block Week. So on to the wishing. This weeks predictions are for the rest of the year, so you can compare what I say to what happens. Now is it me or is the whole Carly/Mike/Jack/Molly/Rosanna/Craig situation is getting a little too old and just a bit complicated? One moment, Rosanna is bent on telling Molly and Jack that Mike and Carly slept together, then Craig goes and adds himself to the situation. Then you've got the obviously blind Jack over here in a corner not really seeing anything at all. And of course you've got wacko Julia hiding in some closet, carefully planning her next big attack. This entire story line shows no sign of ending any time soon, so now the question of what's going to happen? Well this could go a couple of ways. Craig and Rosanna will come to quite a turbulent end, sorry for all of the die 'Cranna' fans out there, but they are just too different. Rosanna is so busy trying to destroy Carly's already shattered life and Craig has wondering eyes. In two months time, Craig will have another woman and Rosanna will be making another business deal, something that will put her in extreme danger, and it will result in a truce between Carly and she. Carly on the other hand won't have such good luck. Between now and the birth of Jack or Mike Jr. the truth will reach Jack in a quite unexpected way. It will however come from a fellow cop! If the baby winds up belonging to Mike I see another Nora and/or Parker situation. If it's Jack's he'll take the baby and Parker from Carly and leave town. Carly will remain in Oakdale, trying to move on in life and will once again be attacked by Julia. Molly and Mike will fight and break up temporarily, realizing that they have now both paid for their crimes against one another. Only this time, Molly won't have her cousin. More on that later Alison and Aaron will sleep together before the Lucy regains her memories of Alison's confession. In fact I'm willing to bet that if Aaron and Ali were to shack up Monday, Lucy will rat Ali out Tuesday! That's typical soap logic. Alison has been digging her grave since she first laid eyes on Aaron Snyder and that's a fact we all agree with. Now Lucy will pout and run to dear old Craig who will tell her she'll be all right and that Aaron is a thing of the past. Only days later, she'll realize that she is expecting! Alison will be behind bars by this time because we all know Hal will come down on poor Ali! Aaron will do what Aaron does; he'll get on his bike and leave town! Paul and Rose will eventually agree they weren't meant to be together and go there separate ways. Rose will find love in someone you'd never expect. Paul on the other hand will find his new love in Bonnie. Bonnie will break up with Isaac when she is forced to choose her mother's side or Ben's side. James will return to town after suddenly vanishing from jail one night. Hal and Emily will continue having trouble in the home and will separate with the help of Bar Bar. Will, though angry with Alison will be the first to forgive her. And that's it for the entire year. Next weeks will be a little more in depth, but this is general. Now for the gripes. I have determined that I am the only Carly fan on the site. Carly is an incredible character and truthfully, what she does is any more evil then what other people do. Jessica slept with Marshal while she and Ben were together, but none calls her a slut. Hal has like 300 kids and all of them have different moms. John raped Kim. So what's the big deal. I know many of you Cranna fans will argue with me but the truth is, without Carly there would be no need for Cranna, so stick that in your back pocket. Is it just me or does half of the show revolve around people in the hospital? Everything takes place there. Lucy with her memory loss and paralization, Marshall because, "they need to focus the projector come on.
Now for this Weeks Actor. Since it is Hunt Block week, he will no longer be eligible for 3 months to have a week. If you have suggestions for the next person of the week please contact me with the actor/actress and a reason why.

.: Site Info :.
Name:Aaron and Lucy: A first Love Story
Launched: April, 2002
Webmistress: Jess
Disclaimer: I am in no way affiliated with CBS, ATWT, Peyton List, or Agim Kaba. This site is for entertainment purposes only.
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