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I always liked Leticia (the original one not whoever is playing her now; she and Reggie were so cute), so she's gonna do the crossover thing and be little Benjamin's nanny, not Michael's from GH.

Chapter Two:

"Leticia?" Skye called.

"Yes, Mrs. Davidson?" Leticia Juarez wondered into the living room.

"How was Benjamin? Is he asleep? I really want to see him."

"He's an angel, Mrs. Davidson, and as always a handful," Leticia noticed Ben and Viki, "I just got him to sleep but you can go check on him if you like."

"I still don't believe this," Viki said for like the 20th time that night.

"If you want to come see him, it's fine, just don't wake him up," Skye walked into the nursery followed by Ben and Viki.

"I don't believe this, Ben," Viki said again.

"Shh," Ben and Skye quieted her.

"He's so big," Ben whispered.

"He just turned four, in August."

"God, I -- I've missed so much"

"I don't care what she says, Ben, It's just another game"

"Either shut-up or leave," Skye warned, "I don't want my son to wake up and be frightened.

"Your son," Viki chuckled, "you probably rented this kid from some -- "

"Leave," Skye pointed to the door.

"Please, Skye -- " Ben began

"No, she's not coming near my son. Not if she's going to be so -- so --"

"Mommy?" Benjamin looked up from his bed scared.

"It's okay, sweetie," Skye rocked him in her arms, "please -- go into the living room," she told Ben and Viki.


"How is he?" Ben asked concerned.

"He was scared, because of you two."

Viki stood up next to Ben and began clapping, "Well, I have to hand it to you, very good performance, Skye."

"I want her out of my home, Ben. And I don't want her near my son"

"Viki, please," Ben begged, "he's my son. When I saw him, I knew Skye was telling the truth."

"Oh, don't fall for it Ben," Viki looked him straight in the face, "she's trying to get to you."

"Mommy," little Benjamin rubbed his eyes.

"Sweetie," Skye went over to him and sat him on her lap, "what are you doing up? We thought you were asleep."

"Ya'll woke me up," Benjamin replied sleepily, "who are these people?"

"This is mommy's friend," Skye referred to Ben, "and this is his friend."


"Hey, Ben," Ben knelt down on one knee.

"My name's Benjamin"

"Yeah, of course, sorry. Ben's my name."

"Really? That's okay, you look nice anyway," Benjamin told him, "mommy, I missed you so much," he laid his head on Skye's chest, arms around her neck.

"Sweetheart, I missed you too," She held him. "You know why I had to leave you though, right?"

"I know, you had to find my daddy"

"That's right"

"Did you, mommy, did you find him?"

"Yes," Ben replied, "I'm your father."


"A grandson?" Asa asked delighted.

"I got a call from Ben, last night," Renee sat down, "they should be on there way back to Llanview as we speak. I asked them to stop by here"

"No wonder that little filly was so mad at Ben. He left her knocked up."

"Asa," Renee warned, "please."

"'Please' what?" Asa looked at her, "We have another Buchanan, we should be celebratin, not sittin around like a bunch of -- "

"He's a Davidson, darlin."

"Don't remind me," Asa fixed himself a drink angrily, "his last name doesn't matter. He's got Buchanan blood running through his veins, dammit, that's all that matters."

"He's also a Chandler,"

"Ugh, why do you have this need to rain on may parade, woman! Adam Chandler is not going to get his hands on my grandson."

"Is that so?" Skye walked in holding Benjamin's hand, "Sweetie, you've met your grandfather Adam, haven't you?"

"Uh-huh," Benjamin responded, "who are you?" he looked at Asa.

"Well, I'm your grandpa boy," Asa smiled, "you've got some spirit in ya, huh?"

"Don't worry, Benjamin," Ben walked in, "you don't ever have to see this man again if you don't want to."

"Skye," Renee walked up to them, "may I?" she pointed to little Benjamin.

"Sweetheart," Skye looked Benjamin in the eyes, "this is your daddy's father, and this is his mother," she motioned to Renee, "would you mind if she gave you a hug to welcome you into the family."

"Uh," Benjamin looked from Skye to Renee, "I guess not"

"Oh," Renee took him in her arms and kissed him on the cheek

"Ugh," Benjamin pulled away, "I'm not a baby, you don't gotta kiss me"

Renee laughed, "Of course not, darlin. I'm sorry, of course you're not a baby."

"You can call me grandpa, none of that grandfather Asa stuff."

"Yes, sir."

"Oh, and manners too. How'd you manage that, with him bein around Adam all the time, Skye."

"Asa, I'm warning you, don't say one thing against his grandfather. Not while he's in earshot."

"Okay -- okay, sorry little lady," Asa kissed her cheek. "You're the mother of my grandson, I should be thankin you not insulting you."

"Yeah, well, Benjamin looks a little tired. I think I'm going to go find a place we can stay tonight -- "

"Well, why don't you stay here?" Asa asked.

"No," Ben said sternly, "not if this was the last place on earth."

"I'll, uh, I'll get you a nice hotel room at the Palace," Renee went toward the phone, "no charge, of course."

"That's okay, Renee, I've always paid for my rooms before. I don't need you to start for me, we'll be fine. Benjamin's grandfather's very wealthy and dotes on him like no one I've seen"

"His grandpa sure is," Asa said referring to himself

"It's just, I'd like to do this for you, for my grandson," Renee continued making arrangements over the phone.

"Let her do this for you and Benjamin," Ben asked, "please?"

"Fine Ben," Skye gave in, "we'll stay at the hotel."

"Mommy, I wanna go home"

"I know sweetheart, but don't you want to make a new home here in Llanview with your daddy?"

"I guess. But what about grandfather?"

"You miss him, huh? He threw you that big party for your birthday and bought you that golf course you wanted."

"I know... but... "

"You miss him."


"Me too, sweetie."

"You like golf?" Ben asked.

"Uh-huh, grandfather bought me a golf course and had some pros teaching me."

"He's wonderful," Skye beamed.

"We should play sometime," Ben suggested. "Would you like that?"

"Sure," Benjamin shook his head.

"Come on, Benjamin," Skye took his hand, "lets go find Leticia."

"I'm coming too," Ben added.

"Bye grandpa," Benjamin waved and they left.

"Ya know, I think I'm gonna like that boy," Asa took a drink from his glass.

"Me too, Asa," Renee patted him on the shoulder, "me too."


"Benjamin and Leticia went for ice cream," Skye shut the door to the hotel room, "were supposed to join them in a few minutes.

"We need to talk, first" Ben sat down on the sofa.

"Yeah, we do," Skye sat next to him, "I'm sorry I didn't tell you before. I was just... so mad."

"Well, what's done is done. There's no use dwelling on it. We have to work this out for the sake of our son."

"'Our son' that sounds so weird. He's been just mine for so long. You can't take him from me, Ben, I -- I'll die."

"I'm not going to take him from you, Skye, It's apparent how much you love him and he you. I would never take the only person my son's ever known as a parent away from him."

"What are we going to do? 'Cause I got to tell you, Ben, I don't know. Maybe I should just take Benjamin and go to my father in Pine Valley."

"No, don't even think about it. I'm not going to let you take my son away from me."

"Oh, Ben, I wouldn't do that. It would hurt Benjamin too much, I just wasn't sure you'd want us here."

"I want you here, I want to get to know my son."

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