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Chapter Three:

"Skye?" Rae went over to her, Ben, Leticia and Benjamin who were having lunch at the Palace.

"What do you want?" Skye looked up.

"Who are you?" Rae asked little Benjamin.

"Stay away from my son."

"Your son?" Rae asked shocked

"I think were finished," Ben sensed the animosity and gathered some stuff up to leave.

"Yeah, Benjamin, go with your father and Leticia upstairs to our room. You can have room service bring you your ice-cream. I'll be there shortly."

"Okay, mommy" Leticia and Ben took Benjamin out of the dining area.

"I didn't know you had a son"

"Yeah, well, I didn't know you were this annoying. What does me having a son have to do with you anyway?"

"Nothing," Rae deflected, "I just understand your motives a little better now, that's all"

"Well, that's great, really, I'm happy for you. Is there something you wanted?"

"No, I, uh, I just saw you here and thought I'd say hi."

"I might actually believe that if you actually liked me. The thing is though you don't, you can't stand the sight of me and all because I hurt your friend the precious Viki Carpenter. Is that all? Because I have missed my son so much the past few weeks and I'd really like to be with him. Oh, but, yeah, you wouldn't understand would you? Your child's no were to be found."

"Skye, please"

"What? What is it?"

"Could you meet me for dinner? I really need to talk to you. We could do it here if you like."

"After I put Benjamin to bed, I already have a dinner companion."

"Oh," Rae looked defeated, "some other time then."

"Whatever," Skye passed Rae and went upstairs.


"Hey," Ben greeted Skye, "what was that about?"

"Jeez, you know? I don't even know," Skye plopped on her bed.

"Benjamin had his ice-cream, Leticia's trying to get it off his face, hands, and clothes as we speak," Ben chuckled, "it's amazing any got in his mouth. He's so adorable. I can't believe he's my son."

"He is, isn't he? I love him to pieces."

"Mr. Davidson, is this sufficient?" Leticia walked out with Benjamin cleaned and in new change of clothes. Ben looked to Skye.

"He looks wonderful, Leticia, thank you," Skye said for Ben.

"Is it all right if he comes to meet the rest of my family?" Ben asked Skye.

"Mommy's coming too, right?" Benjamin asked

"Yes, Benjamin, your mother will be there too," Ben replied.

"Will Viki be there?" Skye's voice sounded with pure dislike.

"She's my fiancee," Ben defended, "I've talked with her. She accepts it now. She accepts everything.


"Well, that was interesting to say the least," Skye, Benjamin, and Ben walked into Llanfair.

"This is my house, Benjamin," Ben knelt down to Benjamin's height level, "you can stay here anytime you want." Skye gave Ben a look, "As long as it's okay with your mother," he added.

"Poww, Poww," Starr Manning came in the room shooting fake bullets with a fake gun, "you're dead," And with that Benjamin grabbed his chest and fell to the floor dead. "I got him, I got him!" Starr yelled.

"Starr, sweetheart, you need to stop -- " Blair followed by Viki came into the foray, "never mind, beautiful, shoot your heart out," Blair looked directly at Skye.

"Oh, nice manners you teach the kid," Skye lifted Benjamin up and stood him on his feet, "next thing you'll know she'll be on the local news for shooting up her high school"

"That's it" Blair started towards Skye but Ben held her back.

"Now is not the time Blair," Ben let go of her.

"Ya wanna come play with my pet tarantula?" Starr asked Benjamin

"A real one?" Benjamin enthused, "My mom won't let me have anything cool like that."

"Neither will mine," Starr smiled slyly.

Starr and Benjamin went off to play and the adults stuck around to argue


a while later
"Oh, John, I don't know what to do or think," Rae paced her living room floor.

"Can we assume Daniel is back for more mind-screwing?" John inquired.

"Oh, definitely. He's not going to do it this time, though. I'm going to meet him at his hotel room and put a stop to it once and for all," Rae gathered a few things and left.


a few minutes later
"Mrs. Davidson?" a woman behind the front desk of the Palace Hotel asked.

"It's Miss Chandler, at least in the very near future it will be."

"O-Okay, Miss Chandler, you have a message," she handed Skye a small piece of paper.

"Okay, Daniel, what do you want now?" Skye asked herself after reading it.

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