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Chapter Four:

"What are you doing here?"

"Uh," was all Rae could manage fresh off the shock of seeing Skye there.

"Uh, what?" Skye asked

"Daniel -- " his name finally came to her, "he's my husband."


"Why do you have to act like that? Didn't your parents teach you any -- "

"Goody," Daniel walked towards them rubbing his hands together in anticipation, "my two favorite ladies in the entire world. That does exclude Grace of course because you seem to have turned her against me."

"Daniel, oh, don't underestimate your own ability of being able to obtain those results all by your little lonesome."

"I'm leaving if this is just another domestic dispute," Skye turned to leave but Daniel stopped her.

"Oh, not yet my dear. I have something you wish very much to hear."

"I don't wish for a Dr. Seuss book to be read to me, Daniel," Skye refered to his rhyming sentences, "I've read each and everyone to my son -- "

"Yes, yes, that is right. How is little Benjamin by the way?"

"How did you know my son's name?"

"You'd be surprised by the sum of information I have on you. Especially concerning your mother and father."

Rae, dumbfounded, could not speak then she finally found her voice, "Shut-up," the words came out quick and sharp.

Skye looked at Rae as though she were from another planet, "What does this have to do with you, Rae? About your information:" she directed her attention to Daniel, "there's nothing I do not know about my parents."

"Are you quite sure?" Daniel smirked.

"Yes," Skye said most matter-of-factly as she stepped closer to him.

"Not another word, Daniel" Rae looked him straight in the eyes.

"Oh, you don't have to say another word but we're not through talking. Are we Skye?"

"Look, we've been out in this hallway for an eternity, if you have something to tell be I suggest you just spit it out."

"Right this way," Daniel motioned her into his hotel room

"No," Rae protested pulling at his suit coat and eventually being pulled in his room, "don't you do it, Daniel," Rae shook her finger at him, "I swear -- "

"You swear what, Rae? There's nothing you could do to me that would be more painful than what I could do to you. And the pleasure I would receive, oh, it is worth it."

"Somebody better start talking and fast, 'cause something's going on here -- "

"Skye," Rae said softly, stepping closer to her.

"No, no," she calmed down, "don't 'Skye' me."

"Just -- just let me -- "

"Skye, dear, Rae is -- "

"Explain," Rae tried to finish her statements.

"She's been hiding something -- "

"Let me explain," Rae started getting histerical, "let me -- "

"She's your mother, Skye," Daniel grinned, "she gave birth to you."

Rae just stood there sobbing as Skye backed up and sat on the bed, her face placid. Daniel stood by the dresser, trying not to laugh or even smile which was not working.

"You are such a liar," Skye finally voiced, "tell him he's crazy, Rae." Skye went over to her, "I'm not your daughter," after a minute of silence, "No, no, no, no, noooo," she shook her head, "I'm not"

"I have the papers right here," Daniel took a copy of the Bible page out of his pocket and handed it to Skye.

"It's true," Rae looked Skye in the eyes, "I have the original," she started digging through her purse, "the proof -- it's in here somewhere," Rae found the bible page and gave it to Skye.

Skye scrutinized the page, "I've gotta get out of here," she said to herself and finding it hard to breathe she hurried out of that room as fast as she possibly could.

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