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Unexpected Ch5 Unexpected
Chapter Five:

"Skye," Kevin knelt down, "are you all right?" he asked hearing her sob.

"I'm perfectly fine," Skye hid her face. Go away! she thought to herself, please.

"Oh, really, is that why you didn't join me for dinner like you promised? That's why you're in the hallway of the Palace crying your eyes out?"

"Yes," Skye said stubbornly.

"C'mon Skye," Kevin took a seat next to her on the floor, "we're supposta be friends, aren't we?" Hell -- you're the only friend I've got who isn't related to me, Kevin chuckled, "I've come to like you and I think you like me too."

"Kevin," Skye's voice broke as she looked at him.

"What, -- what is it? From the look on your face you'd think the would was about to crumble."

"It's Rae -- she claims to be my mother"

"What?" Kevin asked perplexed.

"She says she's got proof and Daniel backs her up."

"Have you talked to Adam, yet? I'm sure he'll straighten everything out," At least I hope for the better, not the worse.

"What if he confirms it?" Skye shook her head back and forth, "I can't go to my son like this, I can't go home to my father, I can't go anywhere."

"Yes, you can," Kevin got up and helped Skye to her feet, "you can stay with me, I'll take care of everything," Kevin put his arm around her, What the hell are you doing? he thought to himself as he helped her to his room.


"She just needs you to take care of him for the night, Ben."

"It's not that I mind, Kevin, because believe me I don't mind at all but she is my son's mother and I deserve to know if something's wrong. She wouldn't just up and leave him with me -- have you tell me -- even though I his father, she wouldn't. With Benjamin still adjusting to the situation she's very protective of him. Skye may be a lot of things but she's a good mother and loves Benjamin."

"Ben all I can tell you is that she's upset and staying with a friend for the night."

"Yeah? So when did you two become so buddy-buddy? Hmm?" Ben smiled at him.

"We're just friends Ben."


"Yeah, all right, enough with the third degree -- thanks, for Skye too," You have no idea how much Kevin left, leaving Ben not knowing what the heck to do with a kid.


"Skye?" Kevin asked as he entered his hotel room; on the bed he saw a half dressed Skye, the trace of mascara still wet on her cheeks, uneasily asleep at the foot of the bed. "Well," he muttered, contemplating how to situate her in the bed more comfortably, "I think I like you best when you're asleep," he chuckled, "Gosh you're beautiful," he commented under his breath
What?! I can't believe you, Kevin. Look at her, he looked down at her and his heart went out to her with all the pain she must be enduring, okay don't do that, Kevin looked at the wall, Well that's nice wallpaper he thought trying to distract himself, What was it about him and emotionally needy women, he always fell for them. 'Fell for them?' he hadn't fallen for Skye they were friends that's all, right? That was a question he wasn't yet ready to answer.

"Kevin," Skye mumbled, "Kevin -- " she turned around in her sleep as Kevin tried his best to situate her better.
Skye's dream:
'Kevin what's wrong with me?'

'Nothing's wrong with you.'

'There must be something, why am I so impossible to love?'

'I care about you, a lot'

'Yeah, but only because we're friends'

'Why do you think we're friends?' Kevin sat beside her on the bed.

'I don't know, why are we?'

'Because I know you -- you're a good person -- no matter what you want other people to think. I haven't run away screaming yet have I?'


'I like you, Skye, -- maybe a little to much' Kevin leaned in toward Skye his lips barely brushing her own.
end Skye's dream

"Kevin," Skye sighed deeply opening her eyes to the man holding her, her arms around him, their faces barely apart. Was I dreaming?! the question rang throughout her mind.

"Yes?" Kevin gulped. Her eyes were so beautiful, her skin so soft, why he had never noticed before.

"I -- I'm awake," she fluttered.


"You can put me down, now."


"Maybe I should go," Skye began to gather something's together.

"No, don't go," Kevin stopped her.

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