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Unexpected Ch7 I know it's been forever since I've written fanfiction but here you go. This chapter is a bit explicit so read with caution.

Chapter Seven:

"You don't want me to leave?" Skye's back faced Kevin's front as they stood an entire inch apart. Kevin then placed his hand over hers to stop her from turning the knob. In that second a wave of electricity flew between them like nothing either had ever felt before. Skye turned around, facing him, removing her hand from the door knob she looked straight into his eyes. She could feel his breath on her skin, his heart beating erratically and hers -- maybe for the first time -- beating steadily. They both knew they held a common desire. Leaning in he pressed his lips against her own softly, inhaling her scent he became intoxicated as he pulled back slightly he uncovered a smile stretching across his entire face. She stood there motionless scrutinizing his every move -- defensive but with a softness in her eyes and one developing in her heart. They stood in silence waiting for the other's reaction, "Well," Skye started, "what now?"

Kevin couldn't help but smile even more, "Hmm, let's see," Kevin made it seem as though he were truly in deep thought, "I don't know about you but I'd like to kiss you again," he moved in and with his hand rose her chin to look at her beautiful face, her lips seemed to beg him, he stroked her cheek and with a faint sigh complied soft at first but growing with anticipation and passion.
The heat rose as they moved as one over to the bed, Kevin gently lay her down as he kissed Skye hungrily, trying to consume her taste, oblivious to everything except her and this moment, oblivious to his mother standing behind them with a disapproving glare.

With a clear of her throat Viki accomplished what both Kevin and Skye believed to be the impossible: stopping what wild horses would have never been able. But even Viki wouldn't be able to stop what was already in motion, a genuine feeling of completeness. Together, even only for those few minutes, both had felt more complete than ever before. It was something new, something that scared them both tremendously, something that if taken away from either they would never be able to live separately. Before tonight they had been friends but now they were more to each other than either would ever be willing to admit.

"Well . . .," Viki asked waiting for an explanation.

"Mom," Kevin sighed, "Wha . . ."

"What are you doing, Kevin?" Viki asked more in a whisper, "What are you doing with her?"

"Now wait a minute, Mom," Kevin began to get up but remembering his present state of dress decided not to.

"Would you mind explaining to me what this viper is doing on your bed?"

"I - I'm going to go," Skye stated awkwardly gathering her things.

"No," Kevin interjected, "don't. If anyone should be leaving it's my mother," Kevin looked toward Viki pointedly.

"Excuse me?" Viki uttered shocked.

"Mom, we will discuss this later, now you need to leave."

"What about Grace? What about your dignity?"

"Grace and I are over, you know that, and if I am not allowed to finish this out with Skye my dignity, as you call it, the respect I have for myself will cease to exist. Please leave or I swear . . ."

"Alright, -- alright, Kevin, I'm going - but we will talk later," Viki exited the hotel room.

"Skye - please, don't . . ." Kevin took her by the wrist, stopping her from gathering her belongings.

"What do you want, Kevin? What do you want from me?" Skye looked up into his eyes and saw herself, not as she saw herself when she would look into a mirror but the way Kevin saw her, with such a passion and hunger in his eyes that if they sparkled anymore fireworks were sure to come out. Dropping her belongings she kept eye contact and felt as though her knees would give out in the middle of this giant wave of emotion.
Turning Skye around, with her back to the bed, Kevin let go of her wrist. His hands reached up to her shoulders while his fingers traced his way down her arms. She placed her palms in his outstretched hands as finger interlaced with finger, and with that she knew they fit. They were a perfect fit and she knew if she let herself she could fall into him over and over again.
Kevin pulled Skye to him as he pressed his lips to hers. Skye shuddered - for with each movement she felt more and more right. In Kevin's arms she felt so utterly complete that if they didn't accomplish this one task before them she was sure they'd fall apart. Kevin's lips dug into her - as if searching for some hidden meaning - to find the depth of her soul, he became possessive with each kiss making her more his. In one fluid motion Kevin took Skye laying her on the bed. Swept away they both began to rip the clothing off the other until they had nothing except the physical proof of Kevin's arousal. Grinning evilly Skye extended her arms to Kevin, pulling him on top off her. What that night contained was an evening full and ripe with possibilities that would change both Kevin and Skye forever.

Questions, Comments, Suggestions, etc., ... are very welcome so drop me a line I love to hear from y'all!!

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