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Chapter Five:

"I hope you like the Grill," Stefan pushed in Skye's chair for her.

"Yeah, I've been here a lot lately," Skye put her napkin in her lap.

"So, what brought you to Port Charles?" Stefan inquired.

"I was searching for my biological father"

"You found him?"

"Yes, actually I did, Alan Quartermaine," Skye responded.

"You're a Quartermaine?" Stefan looked at her, "I mean no disrespect, it's just you don't seem like one."

"Nor do you, that's because you're a Cassadine and I'm a Chandler," Skye replied.

"Stefan -- " Helena Cassadine walked up to their table, "what are you doing? Wasting your time on an asinine woman when you should be bringing Nikolas back to the family."

"Mother," Stefan warned.

"Excuse me," Skye stood up, "I don't know who the hell you think you are but you do not interrupt our date. And I am not asinine."

"You are dating my youngest mistake, are you not?" Helena looked down on Stefan.

"I accepted his invitation, yes." Skye put her napkin on the table, "But asinine I am not and I suggest you leave before I do something we both regret."

"Stefan, I suggest you inform this woman to whom she is speaking."

"I already know to whom I am speaking," Skye got more upset, "I was told all about you. And I couldn't care less. Bring it on because you don't frighten me. You've never had such an opponent as I."

"Well," Helena mused, "I can see that," she grinned, "let the games begin," and then left.

"You shouldn't have done that. My mother is not a force to be reckoned with."

"We'll see about that," Skye whispered to herself.


"Excuse me," Skye apologized to a man she bumped into while trying to leave the Grille, "okay, don't help me," she said picking up her various belongings from the floor.

"Stefan?" the voice sounded

"Yeah, I was with Stefan," Skye looked up at him strangely, "you're weird."

"So are you."


"You're dating him"

"Don't tell me, you're one of Helena's lackeys," Skye got to her feet

"No, no I'm much more than that," the man walked away.

"Huh," Skye pondered


"How did your date go?" Rae asked as Skye entered the den.

"Ugh," Skye uttered at the sight of Rae and turned around to leave.

"Don't leave on my count," Rae stopped Skye with her words, "please, sit and talk with me."

"What do you want to talk about, Mother?" Skye came back in and sat on a chair.

"Well, how did your date go?" Rae asked again.

"It was a bust, his mother interrupted it. But we've rescheduled."

"Oh, you didn't do anything to upset her did you?" Rae asked nervously, "After hearing all those horrible things she has done I don't want you mixed up with her."

"Actually, I think I may have," Skye said nonchalantly, "she called me asinine and insulted her son and I sorta let her have it."

"Why do you have to do that, Skye?" Rae asked, "You shoot off your mouth before you let your brain process it."

Skye shrugged, "I let my brain process it, I just don't care."

"That's what I don't get. Why don't you care?" Rae looked at her.

"Why should I care what anyone else thinks? They don't care what I think."

"I care."

"Really?" Skye said skeptically

"Yes, really," Rae said desperately trying to convince Skye, "what about Kevin?"

"What about Kevin?" Skye said impatiently

"He cares what you think. He cares a lot for you."

"Yes, well Kevin's a friend, my only friend, really."

"Nothing more?" Rae pried.

"'Nothing more,' nothing less"

"Why not"

"What is this?" Skye asked, "The Spanish Inquisition."

"No, just a mother's curiosity"

"I'd buy that if you were a mother, but you're not. I had a mother, she may not have been the best but she was more there than you were."

"Adam bought Althea off, she left just before you got back"

"I hope she gets hit by a bus, or maybe lightening. No, I was hit by lightening, It just made me see things more clearly, I want her to suffer."

"So a bus it is?"

"Yeah, a bus or maybe a semi."

"You really hate her."

"Gee, what gave you that impression, Rae?"

"Can we cut the sarcasm?" Rae asked.

"Oh, but that would be no fun, Rae," Skye grinned, "and fun is what I'm all about."

Comments, Questions, Suggestions, etc., I'd love to hear.

I have decided instead of doing the back-and-forth thing between Skye's childhood and her adulthood that I'd make them both their own stories. This is so I can focus on each fic when I want to and so those of you who don't want to read both of them can just read one of them. The childhood stories I'm writting will still be the childhood of her in the fic known now as Machiavellian. I'm renaming both of them, the childhood ones will be known as Pick Up Sticks and the adult one will be known as Machiavellian. Think of it as a spin off, like PC is to GH, but they're both getting renamed

This is what my computer thesaurus has this to say: Machiavellian, mod. --Syn. cunning, crafty, ambitious; see sly 1.

And I definitely have to classify Skye in that category, and a few other people I won't mention as-of-now.

Thanks for reading!

Machiavellian Ch6
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