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Chapter Two:

"You dodged my questions last night, Skye," Rae veered toward her.

"Gee, Rae, maybe, I just don't want to answer your questions -- you ever think of that?" Skye put a touch of sarcasm in her voice.
"I'll get it," Skye walked to the front door that was ringing like crazy, "jeez, I should get paid for doing Reginald's job for him," she commented looking around for him, "Kevin--," she said in surprise after opening the door. "Kevin," her voice broke down.

"It's going to be okay, Skye," Kevin took her head to his chest stroking her hair, "I'm sorry I wasn't there for you before."

Rae stood, unnoticed, watching Kevin and Skye, as Adam came down the stairs. "What are you doing to my daughter?" Adam berated Kevin as he hurried down the steps, "what did you do to make her cry?" Skye lifted her head.

"What did I do?" Kevin mused, "I find that hilarious Mr. Chandler -- that you would accuse me of something that you already seem to do so well all by yourself."

"What is that supposed to mean?" Adam's voice hardened.

"Stop it Adam," Rae requested becoming visible to those around her, "I won't let you do this"

"Daddy," Skye asked, ignoring Rae, "I know you said you'd explain later about mom, but can you explain now?"

"I don't think it's the right time now, Skye," Adam responded.

"Oh, but Adam, I do," Althea sauntered down the stairs, "you see Antoinette, your father bribed a judge into giving him full custody and sending me to a mental institution, for good, at least that's what he thought. 'Cause he told you I was dead, he tormented me with that."

"Bribe -- please," Adam chuckled, "I didn't have to bribe anyone, you were off your rocker -- you still are."

"I'm not sticking around for any more of this," Skye sulked out the door, slamming it.

"Listen to me, buddy," Kevin demanded of Adam, "you don't hurt her. Not anymore and not while I'm around. Do you understand? Good," Kevin left in search of Skye.


"Skye, wait up," Kevin panted, bending over at the waist.

Skye turned around, "I'm not in the mood to talk right now Kevin."

"I know I haven't been much of a friend but I want to make up for that," Kevin stood straight up, looking her in the eyes.

"Story of my life --" Skye distilled, "Alan wants to make up for abandoning me -- Rae wants to make up for not being there -- Edward pretends he wants to make up for selling me, and so on. I don't really need anyone else trying to make up for stuff. What I need is one person who will follow through."

"I want to be that person for you, Skye, I want to be your friend again. We were once friends, weren't we?" Kevin playfully nudged her with his elbow.

"Yeah, we used to be friends, but I don't know if we can go back to that," Skye hesitated.

Well, I'll take my chances," Kevin smiled.

"I could use all the friends I can get," Skye smiled back, "come on," Skye walked ahead of him.

"Where are we going?" Kevin tried to catch up.

"I need a drink," Skye told him.


"I don't think drinking is going to solve all your problems," Kevin sat on a stool beside her at the Grille.

"Wadda'll it be?" asked the bartender.

"A club soda with lime," Skye gave Kevin a look.

"I'll have the same." Kevin answered, "So I misunderstood, sue me."

"Yeah, I'll take you for every cent your worth," Skye stirred her drink with her straw.

"Hey -- look over there," Kevin motioned over to a man staring at Skye, "what is he doing? He's coming over here."

"Is anyone sitting here," he asked Skye, "my name is Stefan Cassadine."

"No, no one's sitting there," Skye grinned at him, " and my name's Skye Chandler."

"Kevin Buchannan," Kevin stood up and shook his head, "a friend of Skye's"

"Yes, well --" Stefan started, "I saw you across the room and just had to introduce myself," he told Skye, obviously interested in her, "may I pay for your drink?"

"I've got it," Kevin reached for his wallet.

"I'll pay for my own drink, thank you boys," Skye moved to a table to get away from both of them with her drink.

"So how long have you known her?" Stefan inquired.

"We went to boarding school together," Kevin deflected, "she doesn't need anyone else screwing up her life, so maybe you should stay away," Kevin joined Skye.

"Maybe," Stefan exited the Grille.

Comments, suggestions, etc. are appreciated

Follow Skye as just an Adult:
Machiavellian Ch3
Follow Skye in all of BtB:
Pick Up Sticks Ch3
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