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Chapter Four:

"Are you going to go after her or shall I?" Alan asked upset.

"She's not going to listen -- not now. She needs some time to herself," Adam paced slowly.

"You're sure?"

"She's my daughter, dammit! I know what she needs." Adam said angrily


"Rae -- " Kevin said softly, "she's really confused right now. She doesn't know who she is anymore. She doesn't feel whole."

"She sure knows how she feels about me," Rae sobbed.

"No, no -- " Kevin shook his head, "I've known her since she was six years old, she doesn't have that kind of hate in her, it's a facade. A wall she's built up to protect herself from being hurt. I saw, I saw her relationship with her father, the first day she came to Devon. She put this face on like she was all right, like she hated him with this fierce energy, but she couldn't she doesn't have it in her."

"You would know better than I would. Wouldn't you? You really care for Skye, don't you?" Rae questioned him.

"All during school, we -- we were the best of friends. I, uh, I even had a tiny crush on her, as much as any 8 year old can have. I will always care what happens to her, Rae, and I know you will too. You can't let her push you away, it's a defense mechanism, that's how she protects herself."

"You're a good friend, Kevin," Rae patted his arm as she went inside.

"I wish that were true," Kevin said to himself.


the next morning:
Skye walked into the den, and fixed herself a glass of water, "hmm, I've never seen this one before," she sat her glass down and picked up a picture on the table.

"What do you think you are doing?" Monica ripped the picture out of Skye's hands.

"I, uh, I was looking at that girl. Do you know her?" Skye asked.

"She's my daughter, Dawn, and I don't want you messing with her picture," Monica fixed the picture back the way it was.

"Oh," Skye uttered piecing it together, "Dawn? Dawn Langton?"

"How did you know my daughter's last name?" Monica questioned incredulously.

"Skye," Kevin came in the den, "I rang, but no one answered the door."

"Sorry, come look at this. It's Dawn," Skye pointed to the picture.

"Were did you get it?" Kevin looked at her

"Monica, says she's her daughter," Skye replied, "but Dawn didn't know who her mother was."

"I don't know what you're trying to pull," Monica glared at Skye, "but Dawn's been dead for years."

"She's dead?" Skye said in disbelief, "I went to boarding school with her, we did," Skye pointed to herself and Kevin. "She just left one night, to look for her mother, I guess she finally found her."

"Is this true?" Monica asked Kevin.

"Yeah, they were roommates," Kevin confirmed, "Skye was worried about her for such a long time, when there was no word of her."

"Okay, lets say I believe you. What school did both of you attend with my daughter?"

"Devon," they said in unison, then looked at each other, "Jinx," they said together again and tried to stop from laughing.

"Oh, I'm glad this is so funny for the both of you," Monica left the room.

"Well, it's official now, she definitely hates me. But I'm used to that so ready for lunch?" Skye asked taking Kevin's arm.

"Sure," Kevin replied.


"What sounds good?" Kevin asked looking over his menu.

"I'm really not all that hungry anymore," Skye put her menu down on the table, "maybe just a drink, I'm going to go to the bar."
"Club soda with lime," she told the bartender.

"It's you again," Stefan neared her, "Skye -- Skye Chandler, right?"

"Yes, and you are Stefan Cassadine," she said looking more interested in her drink than in him.

"Would you join me for lunch?" Stefan asked.

"Actually I'm with him," Skye pointed at Kevin.

"Oh, then how about dinner?" Stefan tried again.

"You don't give up do you?" Skye looked at him, "All right, dinner it is."

"I'll pick you up if you like. Were do you live?"

"Sorry, you could be a serial killer for all I know, I'll meet you here," Skye grinned at him.

"Have it your way," Stefan grinned back, "say seven-ish."

"I'll see you then,"Skye said before Stefan walked away.

Kevin came over to Skye, "Was that guy bothering you again?"

"No," Skye looked up at him, "we have a date."

"Oh," Kevin said surprised, "maybe you shouldn't date right now. I mean with everything your going through do you think it's a good idea?"

"I really don't know, lets get out of here," Skye and Kevin left.

Comments, Questions, Suggestions, etc., are very welcome

Follow Skye as just an Adult:
Machiavellian Ch5
Follow Skye in all of BtB:
Pick Up Sticks Ch5
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