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Pick Up Sticks
Chapter Five:

"Having a good day?" Kevin walked up to Antoinette in the courtyard a few days later

"It's been okay," Antoinette said solemnly.

"Really?" Kevin sat beside her. "'Cause all through classes even yesterday you've looked kinda, I don't know, sad." Antoinette looked away, "Come on, you can tell me anything, you know that. Don't you?" Kevin looked straight at her.

"My birthday, well, it was yesterday," Antoinette looked down at her feet.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Kevin questioned.

"What good would it have done, really?" Antoinette asked, "It's not like anyone who already knew remembered or anything."

"I don't know, we could have thrown you a dopey party or something. That's why your upset? Your father didn't remember?"

"Well, if he did, he didn't bother to tell me. It's not like I wanted anything big or anything, I just, uh, I wanted him -- oh I don't know."

"You wanted him to be there for you," Kevin finished for her.

"Yeah," Antoinette looked at him then laid her head on his shoulder, "is that too much to ask?"

"No," Kevin stroked her hair, "it's not to much at all."

------------------- "Shh!" Dawn tried to hush the small crowd of kids in their room, "she's here."

"Everyone hide," Kevin instructed them.

"Surprise!" everyone yelled as Antoinette walked through the door.

"What's going on?" Antoinette asked as Kevin came up to her.

"Happy Birthday," Kevin put a party hat on her head.

"You told?" Antoinette uttered upset, "How could you?" she said going into the bathroom to hide.

"I didn't tell anyone anything, Antoinette, I swear," Kevin said through the door.

"Stop!" Antoinette said angrily

"Stop what?"

"Stop calling me that, I hate my name"

"What do you want me to call you then?"

"Well, " Antoinette contemplated, "my middle name's Skye and I like the sky, especially at night. So I guess -- I guess I want you to call me Skye."

"Okay, Antoinette -- " Kevin corrected himself, "Skye, whatever your name is. I don't care 'cause you are my friend no matter what your name is."

"I just I want something that is mine alone, every time I hear that name I want to cringe"

"Didn't your parents name your middle name Skye, though?"

"No, my Uncle Stuart did, he's the only one of that bunch I can stand," Skye came out of the bathroom, "you swear you didn't tell."

"I swear," Kevin promised, "I just told Dawn it was your birthday yesterday and she went kinda nuts."

"What's wrong with Dawn, anyway?" Skye pointed to her, "I'm going to go see if she's okay," Skye went over to her. "Dawn, what's wrong? You look horrible."

"Oh," Dawn sobbed, "he broke up with me -- Will dumped me."

"It'll be okay," Skye comforted her, "he wasn't that great, you can do better than that."

"You think so?" Dawn wiped her tears.

"I really do," Skye took her by the arm, "anyway he's a jerk. Lets show him what he's missing."

"Yeah," Dawn and Skye started to dance, Skye with Kevin and Dawn with another boy.

I love to read your responces to my fics, so puleese reply!

Follow Skye as a child:
Pick Up Sticks Ch6
Follow all of BtB(Skye as an adult, too):
Machiavellian Ch5
back to fanfics
