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Chapter Six:

"Stavros, you will listen to your mother. now get back here," Helena tried to keep her eldest son from leaving.

"I take orders from no one," Stavros looked at her with this icy gaze, "I will reclaim what is rightfully mine."

"Yes, and Nikolas will proudly stand by your side but you do know your marriage to Laura is no more."

"Ugh," Stavros emitted in disgust, "she turned my son against me, she will have to pay dearly. Just as every Spencer on the face of this earth."

"And your tedious brother, Stefan?" Helena tried backing him up, "What is it now, Stavros?"

"Stefan, yes," Stavros rubbed his hands together in anticipation, "my dear brother will have everything he's ever loved, liked, or taken a fancy to torn from him. That woman -- the one with Stefan at the Grille -- is she well suited?"

"Based on the fact she was with your dimwitted brother, no."

"But she stood up to you?" Stavros asked intrigued.

"Yes, and that's more than I can say for Laura"

"I want her," Stavros gave her a glassy look, "is that understood?"

"Whatever is in my power I will give you"

"By whatever means possible but if you hurt one hair on her head, I'll have yours."

"Stavros," Helena looked hurt, "I would never hurt this infatuation of yours."

"She will bear me an heir, one that will not turn his back on me, who will take his rightful place as the Cassadine Prince and I will have the first part of my revenge on Stefan complete."


Q Mansion:
"How did your date go last night?" Kevin sat beside Skye on the den sofa.

"Ugh, not that well but we've rescheduled, in fact I should be getting ready right now."

"What happened?" Kevin inquired

"His mother happened," Skye's face fell from fairly pleasant to pure dislike.

"Oh, I've heard of her," Kevin looked worried, "is it all true?"

"From what I could see, yes."

"God, save us all" Kevin laughed

"What is that supposed to mean?" Skye questioned not amused.

"Your bound to get yourself in trouble. You always do."

"Not funny," Skye got up to go get ready for her date.

"It won't be, I'm just trying to get the most I can from it now"

"You're impossible," Skye said leaving the room.

"So are you, even more so."


outside the Q front door
"Thank you," Stefan guided Skye up to the entrance.

"For what?" Skye inquired bewildered.

"Agreeing to the second date. With my mother and all, I should be telling you to keep a safe distance."

"I don't think that I'd be safe half way around the world, nor anyone else for that matter."

"Yes, I do believe you to be right," Stefan stared at her and his gaze fell on her lips, "May I -- may I kiss you?"

"Uh," Skye uttered taken aback trying to find the right words, but only coming to one, "okay."

Stefan leaned in as his lips sought her own, "Goodnight," he left her standing there a little shocked and amused, because for some reason she couldn't resist the urge to smile.

Comments, Suggestions, Questions, etc., love to hear them!

Follow Skye as just an adult:
Machiavellian Ch7: the NB
Follow Skye in all of BtB:
Pick Up Sticks Ch6
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