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Don't know if you noticed but changed my pen name from SkyeChandler to xLauren.

Chapter Fifteen:

"It's a girl," those words raced through Skye's mind and filled her heart with the purest joy. A girl meant no worrying about the so called Cassadine Prince title. No, Helena being at every corner, every time she turned. It meant they would focus on Nikolas instead. And even though she felt bad about that thought, Skye knew Nikolas could and would hold his own with the Cassadines especially for the sake of the baby.

"A girl?" Rae sighed, smiling. "That's wonderful. How are you though? What did the doctor say?"

"Your concern moves me, Mother," Skye rolled her eyes and after sitting beside Rae on the den sofa decided she was in the wrong, "okay, look, I'm sorry, I'm fine and the baby's okay. It's just that the doctor said I have to stay in bed until I go into labor."

"Well, what are you doing, young lady?" Edward questioned. "That girl's a Quartermaine and my great-granddaughter, she needs to be taken care of. Don't worry about the nursery, I have it dealt with."

"Grandfather -- "

"Father, this is Skye's child she should be able to decorate the nursery as she sees fit," Alan interjected.

"Stefan gave me this book," Skye lifted it for all to see, "Beyond Jennifer and Jason it's a listing of baby names. I wanted to see which names you like so I can decide what names I don't like and which names I prefer."

"Yes," Stefan came out of the doorway and into the den, "all in good time but now you need to go to your room and rest."

"But, uh, -- "

"I'll come with you," Stefan went over to Skye," we can skim through the book and make a list of names," he said as he helped her up.

"What do you think you're doing?" Edward hurried over to them and shooed Stefan away. "Get away from my granddaughter and great-granddaughter," Edward flustered, helping Skye up himself.

"Edward -- " Skye started.

"What's with this Edward stuff, young lady? I'm grandfather."

"Edward -- " Stefan tapped Edward on the shoulder.

"Grandfather," Skye corrected herself, "this child may be your great-granddaughter but she is also Stefan's niece. He has every right to be in her life and if I have anything to say about it he will. "

"Ugh," Edward emitted in distaste, "don't remind me," he turned to face Stefan and waved his finger at him, "you hurt a hair on either of their heads and -- "

"I'm going up stairs," Skye headed for the doorway, "if you care to join me that would be lovely."

"I'll be right there," Stefan replied as Skye left, "listen to me, Mr. Quartermaine, if you do anything to cause Skye any distress, whatsoever you will have to answer to me," and with that Stefan left Edward flustered.


In the baby's nursery:
"Hmm," Skye thumbed through the book while sitting against a wall in the baby room, Stefan right in front of her, "when the character of Kayla Brady was introduced on Days of Our Lives in 1982, you would have been hard-pressed to find a Kayla in any current baby-naming guides. And yet, by 1986, with absolutely no other visible input, it had become the thirty-eighth most popular name in the typical Midwestern State of Wisconsin."

"Well, that's interesting," Stefan smiled.

"Wait a minute, I'm not through," Skye playfully hit him on the shoulder and resumed her place, "Kayla has continued to climb ever since--in 1987 it was number ten in Tennessee and in 1988 an astonishing number five in at least two other states."


"What do you think of Abigail? Grandmother suggested it."

"I like it"

"Yeah, me too, but I think we should keep looking, just in case." Returning to the book she continued reading aloud, "Other noncowboy characters who have made (and in some cases are still making) an impact would have to include: Alexis, from Dynasty. Anjelica, Days of Our Lives. Bianca, from All My Children," skimming the rest on the list her eyes fell on, "Skye, female, All My Children."

"I didn't know you were on a daytime drama," Stefan chuckled.

"Hmm, me neither, nor did I realize Luke was too. Look," Skye pointed to what she was talking about.

"Luke, General Hospital."

"See, Port Charles has a Luke and a General Hospital. Pine Valley on the other hand has me no longer and there is no place called All My Children here or in Pine Valley, unless they've built it since I've been gone"

"Their loss"

Changing the subject, "You're Greek right?" Skye asked.


"Arabic, French, German names and here we go, Greek names. Girls: Athena, Clio, Cosima, Eleni, Evangeline, Kalliope, Olympia, Pallas, oh, and get this Stefania," Skye laughed.

"Is that all?"

"Theodora. On the boys list there is Stavros but it looks like your name is German. Helena must have really disliked you from the beginning."

"The feeling is and always has been mutual." Stefan looked down at his watch, "I have to leave," he said standing up, "I have an important meeting. May I assist you to your room?"

"No, no, that's okay, I think I want to stay in here for a while anyway but thanks."

"I'll come by later to check on you," Stefan hurried out the door.

Skye sat on the floor of the nursery, head leaning on the crib her grandfather picked out the room packed with toys and games, none of which she picked out, except a doll she had gotten when there was this Cabbage Patch Kids craze in her late teen days. She didn't know why she bought it, maybe just 'cause everyone else wanted one. People would fight over them, her now dearly departed friend, Abigail, worked at a grocery store and saw first hand accounts and got them each one at her request. She packed it up and nearly forgot about it until the news of her little girl. The thought made her weep as she clung to one of the crib's legs.

a few minutes later:
"Skye," Rae came into the nursery, "honey, are you all right?" she asked seeing Skye wipe away her tears as she sat next to her and tried to comfort her. "What's wrong? I've been looking everywhere for you."

"God, Rae, I'm gonna be a terrible mother. Just look at me, I'm unstable. I mean look at my parents, all of them. I don't want to screw this kid up. I'm terrified she'll hate me, I'm terrified I'll hate myself. I -- I'm just terrified, I'm not mother material."

"You'll do fine," Rae rubbed her back and trying to change the subject asked, "Pick a name yet?"

"Grandmother suggested Abigail and one of my best friends name was Abigail so -- but I'm still not sure. I want to find a name that suits her, maybe when I see her I'll be able to pick."

"Abigail sounds nice. Look you've got to listen to me. If you need any help we'll be here for you, Alan and myself. You know that right?"

"I think I'm beginning too."


"What did you want Vlad?" Luke eyed him suspiciously, "I told ya already we're not friends."

"That package you sent me," Stefan grew silent.

"Yeah, what about it?"

"I had tests run on it, it wasn't Stavros," Stefan said under his breath

"Tests," Luke questioned, "what do you mean it wasn't the unthawed monster?"

"Knowing how faulty your work has lately turned up to be I decided to make certain. The DNA test results said there was no possible way the man you shot was Stavros."

"God," was all Luke could manage to say as he rubbed his eyes, "he's got more life's than a cat"

Comments, Questions, Suggestions, or just plain old anything all you gotta do is reply!!

I got all the baby book stuff from a book entitled Beyond Jennifer and Jason copyright 1988, 1990.
I thought it was weird that Stefan was a German name and for those of you who watch AMC I for certain thought that Gillian would be Hungarian considering she's a Hungarian princess but it's Scottish. I thought that was weird.

Does anyone know Alexis's full name? Natasha something-or-nother Mikkosiva or something like that Cassadine. Not sure, I know Nik's is Nikolas Mikkoli Starvrosavich Cassadine or pretty close to that. It would really help me with the fic if someone could remember. Thanks for reading!

Machiavellian Ch16
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