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Machiavellian Ch17 Machiavellian
Chapter Seventeen:

"'Don't you think it's probable
that beetles, bugs, and bees talk about a lot of things--
you know, such as these:
The kind of weather where they live
in jungles tall with grass
and earthquakes in their villages
whenever people pass!
Of course, we'll never know if bugs
talk very much at all,
because our ears are far too big
for talk that is so small.'"

"I want the twinkle book, Mommie"

"Sil, you know that book by heart."

"I want you to read it for me, puleeeezze."

"Abigail Marie," a voice sounded, paralyzing the tiny almost four year old in fear, "do as you are told," after a moment of silence, "am I understood?"

"Y-yes sir," little Abigail turned around to face her father.

He patted her on the head and turned his attention to his wife, "We should land in a little while. You remember our agreement, don't you my sweet Antoinette?"

"You won't let me forget," Skye took Abigail in her arms and started reading the twinkle book, "Twinkle, twinkle, little star, how I wonder what you are! Up above the word so high, like a diamond in the sky. When the blazing sun is gone, when he nothing shines upon, then you show your little light, twinkle, twinkle, all the night."

"That is right," Stavros said, "I will not. You are to let your family know you are alive and happily married to me with our daughter. Abigail is ours but if you turn from me she'll be mine and mine alone."

"I want IngIng," Abigail pulled at her mother's clothing.

"Sweetheart," Skye focused her attention on Abigail, "do you remember were you last saw her?"

"I packed her things for our trip and I think I had her when I got on the plane."

"Well, she has gotta be here some where," Skye started searching for her.

"IngIng," Abigail called out, "where are you?" she looked under a table and saw her, "Mommie, I found her, she was with Yogi under the table. Okay, Yogi stay here and wait for your picnic baskets but IngIng's gotta come with me. It's time for her nap," Abigail cradled the doll as if she were really alive, "Shh, go to sleep," and laid the doll in her in a cradle and covered her with a baby blanket.

"Come here, Silly," Skye motioned Abigail over to her, "you know what?"

"What?" Abigail climbed in her mother's arms and looked up at her.

"One day you are going to make the best mommy anyone has ever seen but right now it's time for your nap."

"When will we get there?" Abigail closed her eyes.

"We should be there when you wake."

"The sandman knows where to find me?" Abigail opened her eyes.

"Uh-huh," Skye put her hands over Abigail's eye's and closed them, "now keep 'em closed. All right?"

"Yes, ma'am," Abigail turned on her side, "I love you Mommie," she mumbled and fell asleep in Skye's arms.

"I love you too," Skye stroked Abigail's auburn hair, "so much"

Questions, Comments, Suggestions, or whatever love to hear 'em!

Story excerpts from Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star by Jane Taylor
and Little Talk by Aileen Fisher from The Story Hour book
©1953, 1961, 1965, & 1969

Thanks for reading!

Machiavellian Ch18
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