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Machiavellian Ch18 Machiavellian
Chapter Eighteen:

"I'm so glad you could make it," Alan took Rae by the hand.

"Me too. Skye was our daughter, we share that, the grief, the pain of never really knowing her."

"I'm going to put flowers under the tree where her ashes lay, Skye and little Abby, would you care to join me?" Alan took her arm after she nodded and they left.


a while later: the door bell is ringing.

"It's okay, sweetie," Skye picked her daughter up in her arms, "there is nothing to be afraid of."

"Because I'm the Cassadine princess? That's what father says."

"Well, -- there is nothing to be afraid of even if you weren't a princess. But you're my little princess and that's all that matters, right?"

"I guess so, Mommie," Skye put Abigail back down, "we're gonna live here?"

"Not here, um, Wyndemere, it's a place kinda by here on Spoon Island. Your father's there now setting everything up including your room. Come on," Skye rang the door bell a few more times, "Reginald must still work here," she started pounding on the door with her fists, "okay, well, ah, the door's unlocked," Skye opened the door and with Abigail in hand went inside, "we'll wait for my parents in the den, okay, Sil?"

"Yes, ma'am," Abigail tailed behind her mother dragging her doll on the floor behind her.


"Mother," Stavros greeted Helena in Wyndemere, "what may I owe this unexpected displeasure too?"

"Now Stavros," Helena tried to reason with her eldest son, "this is about this woman you've picked to be Abigail's mother -- "

"You will not speak a word against my daughter, the future heiress of the Cassadine fortune's mother, will you, Mother?"

"Of course not my son, I would simply like to state that if Antoinette has the chance she will turn our sweet, dear, Abigail against us. Just as Laura did, with Nikolas."

"Be quiet. She will never do as Laura, Antoinette knows the dangers are to high. Look at Laura, her eldest son born of Luke was hung for high treason," Stavros smiled swirling his drink and then sitting it down, "now, mother," Stavros took her by the throat and gave her an icy glare, "you will not upset my wife or child. Am I understood? The consequences would be most dreadfully unwanted -- that is on your part of course."


"Oh, my gosh," Rae's hand went over her mouth, "you're alive?" she asked still not quite sure if the people in front of her were real or just part of her imagination.

"Skye -- " Alan went over to her and embraced her, "I'm so glad you're alive."

"Yeah, well, I'll get into that later," Skye pulled away, "this is your granddaughter, Abigail. Abigail this is my biological father, Alan Quartermaine, and biological mother, Rae Cummings."

"Hello," Abigail greeted them with a curtsy, "What?" Abigail looked from Rae to Alan and finally at Skye, "I did like Father said to, right?"

"You did wonderfully, sweetheart," Skye stroked Abigail's hair.

"Hello, Abigail," Alan knelt down to her height level, "I'm your grandfather"

"Like Grandfather Adam?" Abigail asked Skye.

"Yes, Sil, like Grandfather Adam."

"Oh, we visited him and I got to play with Colby," Abigail started explaining her visit to Alan as they went to the sofa, "only father got upset, 'cause I wasn't being a young lady. She's my age, well almost, today's my birthday,"Abigail said excitedly.

"Really," Alan smiled at the little girl beside him, "how old are you now?"

"I'm gonna be four," Abigail held up four fingers, "at 9:15 tonight"

"Wow," Alan sounded amazed as they continued to talk.

"She's adorable," Rae's hand went over her mouth, "may I have a hug?"

"You'd have to ask her, she's very independent."

"Just like her mother," Rae almost whispered while staring at the women standing before her not quite being able to believe this was her daughter or to express the joy of having her back in her life, "but I was wondering if I could hug you."

"Oh," Skye said taken aback, "okay, I guess."

"Skye, I'm just do happy you're alive, I mean, we spread your ashes. For four years we've mourned you and Abigail."

"I'm fine, Rae. Can we just get this over with?"

Rae hugged her so tightly Skye thought she'd suffocate but eventually reconciled to the fact that Rae truly cared for her and patted Rae's back.

"Abigail looks so much like you it's amazing," Rae said coming out of their embrace, "her auburn hair, the same amber eyes. The only thing is her hair's so curly. I wonder where she got that."

"Actually, I straighten my hair."

"Oh,... Abigail seems to be at ease with her grandfather," Rae motioned to Alan and Abigail.

"And who is this?" Alan asked Abigail

"IngIng," Abigail stood from the sofa and went over to her mother.

"Mommie, why do they call you Skye? Father always calls you Antoinette."

"Stavros," Rae questioned, that's where you've been this entire time, he's kept you locked up? I'll kill him."

"Rae," Skye settled her down, "Honey," Skye shifted her attention to her daughter, "Antoinette is my real name but I changed it to Skye a long time ago. Your father just likes my real name better so that's why they call me Skye."


"Mother," Skye turned her attention to Rae, "look, Stavros and I are married and we have a daughter. I persuaded him to move us here so you would know the truth. We are alive and well and will continue to live with him as long as necessary."

"You don't expect me to believe that you're living with that man of free will?" Alan exasperated.

"Listen to me, both of you," Skye covered Abigail's ears, "don't you in anyway degrade her father. She loves him and I won't have you come between that. No matter what he may have done to me he is still her father and you need to respect that," Skye took her hands away.

"You know I heard you right?" Abigail giggled.

"Yeah," Skye tickled her.

"Hey," Rae knelt down to Abigail, "do you think you could give your grandmother a hug?"

"Uh," Abigail tilted her head to the right, "I guess so."


"You're gonna suffocate me," Abigail tried to breath.

"Sorry," Rae let her go, "it's just I love you so much."

"Why? You don't even know me."

"You're family, I don't need to know you to love you."

"That's right, sweet Abigail" Helena entered the Quartermaine den.

thanks for reading and please reply any thoughts:)


Machiavellian Ch19

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