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Machiavellian Ch19 Machiavellian
Chapter Nineteen:

"Once when you were only two,
I used to sit right next to you,
I'd guard you bravely as you slept,
And comfort you each time you wept.

Bumpity--bump through mud and snow,
I followed everywhere you'd go,
But bruising bumps could not erase,
That silly grin upon my face.
Thumps and hugs and loving deeds
Are all that any Teddy needs.

Then one day you went to play
And left me all alone to stay,
To wait with patience by myself
Collecting dust upon your shelf.
Now I sit here in despair,
A very lonely Teddy Bear.
I hope that having read my poem,
You'll soon come back to take me home.
'Cause loneliness is just enough,
To break my woolly heart of fluff."
"Mommie?" Abigail asked.

"Yes, Sil," Skye tucked her daughter into bed.

"What's the name of that poem?"

"The Teddy Bear Poem"

"Can you get me Yogi? 'Cause the poem's right, I haven't been playing with him as much and I don't want his heart to break."

Okay," Skye surveyed Abigail's new room, "ah, there he his," Skye pulled him from beneath Abigail's drawing table, "must have been looking for more picnic baskets."

"Yeah," Abigail sighed, cuddling with her teddy bear, "Mommie, this was the bestest birthday ever"

"It was, wasn't it? Do you like my parents? Your grandparents?"

"All of them?" Abby giggled, "Mm-hmm, they were nice to me"

"Good. Night, Sil. Sweet dreams, sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite," Skye turned the lamp off and left the door cracked.

"Night Mommie," Abigail turned on her side and closed her eyes trying to fall asleep.


"Stefan?" Skye asked puzzled, opening the door, "I'm sorry, I was tucking Abigail into bed."

"How is Abigail?" Stefan questioned, looking around the room.

"She's fine. What's the matter? You look upset."

"Is Stavros here?"

"Uh --" Skye started.

"Mm-hmm," Stavros came from the hall entrance, "Stavros most definitely is here," he pulled a knife from his jacket pocket, "and he most definitely is going to put you in your place. Antoinette, go to Abigail," Stavros commanded.

Skye looked from Stavros to Stefan and back again then exited the room, checked on a sleeping Abby and came back to spy on them. Stavros went at Stefan with the knife, "You will not go near my wife or child again. Are we clear?" he missed him. In horror, Skye opened the hallway desk and pulled open a secret section unknown to most everyone. Pulling out a gun she went into the room where Stavros and Stefan were spouting harsh words at one another.

Pointing the gun at Stavros she cried for them to shut up and stop it, "Put the knife down"

"Antoinette, do not be frivolous, put the gun down" Stavros instructed.

"I'm through taking orders from you," Skye announced, "now you put the knife down and let Stefan go."

"The consequences of your actions would be most dreadfully unwanted -- that is on your part of course, Antoinette. I would hate for my little Abigail to grow up without a mother but of course sometimes things cannot be avoided."

"Don't you dare threaten her!" Stefan yelled out, attacking him.

In that instant Skye had to make a split second decision but all that was, was the silence that followed the loudest noise she had ever heard.

Questions, Comments, Suggestions, etc., . . . please reply.
And again Thanks for reading!

The Teddy Bear Poem by I don't know whom, I found it on an Internet webpage and they gave no credit to anyone either.


Machiavellian Ch20

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