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Machiavellian Ch21 Machiavellian
Chapter Twenty-first:

"You're sure you want to go?"

"Why would anyone want to stay, with all the pain in the world?"

"I believe it has something to do with love."

"Every time I was stupid enough to love someone they took advantage of me -- hurt me."

"Abigail never took advantage of your love."

"No my sweet Abby she never hurt anyone."

"And yet you're hurting her why is that?"

"Hurting her? No, no, I would never -- I mean I'm protecting her from me. I'm a terrible mother I would be hurting her more in the long run if I stayed."

"Whatever you say."

"I'm right, I know I am."

"Skye?" Rae asked after entering her hospital room, half expecting a response, "I know you're in there somewhere. Abigail has been in hysterics and I -- well, I haven't been that great either, I can only imagine what you're going though. Abigail really wants to see you and talk to you," Rae sobbed as she held Skye's hand, "and Alan said that she'd better do it now because it's not looking to good for you right now, but I swear to you that we're doing everything we can. And we won't give up without a fight. I'm going to get Abby now, okay? Sheesh, we can't let Abby see me like this, now can we?" Rae squeezed Skye's hand and kissed her forehead, "I will always love you" she said then tried to fix herself up to be presentable.

"She can't do that can she?"


"Can she?"

"Can she what?"

"Let Abigail see me? I don't want her to see me like this."

"What does it matter to you? You'll be dead in a short time anyway. Abigail is not your responsibility any longer. Now are you ready?"

"Mommie?" Abigail sat on the hospital bed next to her mother, "Why won't she answer me?" Abigail looked towards Rae.

"Sweetheart, remember, we already talked about that. Your mommie's in a coma, she can't talk back to you but I bet she listening right now."

"Really?" Abigail looked skeptical.

"Mm-hmm, just talk to her, I bet she'll like that."

"Mommie, I love you and wake up soon 'cause we -- we've still got to go to the zoo. You promised me that we'd go for a birthday outing. And you said to never break promises. So you can't go away. Uncle Stefan and me have all this stuff planned. We're gonna be a happy family 'cause now Daddy can't hurt us anymore."

"Oh," Rae said standing up after Stefan walked in, "C'mon, Abby"

"I wanna stay here with Mommie."

"It's quiet all right, I'll care after her she is after all my niece."

"Yes, of course," Rae said leaving.

"Come here," Stefan walked over towards her as she stood on the bed and gave him a hug, "now that's what I've been waiting for all day."

"Me too. Uncle Stefan, she's not gonna die is she?"

"Where did you hear that?"

"No where, I saw it in everyone's face, even Mommie's," Abigail sobbed, grabbing hold around Stefan's neck.

"Shh, sweet-one, shh," he soothed her as he sat down in a chair near Skye's bed.

"I can't do this"

"What my dear?" the man tried to speak above the sound of the train coming to a halt, "All aboard!"

"I can't do this, I need them. My sweet little girl -- I'd die if I lost her. I almost did. I'm sorry," Skye handed him back his ticket, "I've got to go," Skye almost sang the words.

"You'd better rush, you've only got 5 minutes," he tapped on his watch as Skye all but flew out of there, "I shall see you again my dear but hopefully not for quite a while," he smiled and snapping his fingers he again shouted "All aboard!" and with that disapeared.

Stefan held Abby in his lap as they both kissed Skye's hand and he held it ever so gently.

"You really think that'll help?" Abby asked.

"I don't think it could hurt," Abby giggled as Stefan tickled her.

"Hey," Skye said weakly as her eyes flutered open, "having fun without me?"

"Mommie!" Abigail jumped to her bed and hugged Skye as tightly as she could.

"Sill, not so tight, okay?"

"We could never have fun without you -- not true fun."


"Yeah," Stefan walked over towards her and leaned in slowly, kissing her, "I've waited for this for a very long time."

"Me too," Skye looked up at him then over to the door where Abby was dragging people over.

"She's awake, I swear she is."

"Skye? I'm glad you're all right," A. J. smiled.

"Gee thanks little brother," Skye smiled back at him.

Rae and Adam were talking to her and Alan was checking all her vitals, making sure everything was fine.

"You gave us quite a scare," Adam said Liza standing behind him.

"Yes, you did at that, Colby has been really worried about you. I had Hayley and Stuart take her for something to eat. They'll be thrilled," Liza enthused.

"Thank you Liza."

"Don't ever do that to us again, okay?" Rae said trying not to cry. "I was so worried."

"I know I, uh, I'll try not to"

"That's the best I can hope for, hmm," Rae marveled at Skye's inner strength

"You're gonna be just fine," Alan grinned as they all smiled hopeful for the future.

Questions, Comments, Suggestions, etc., . . . are very welcome so if you feel so inclined please reply!:)


Machiavellian Ch22

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