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Machiavellian Ch22 Machiavellian
Chapter Twenty-second: the conclusion

~*~/a year later\~*~

"Oh," Rae gasped, "you look so beautiful, Skye," she said tears of joy in her eyes.

Skye stood there looking in the mirror, smiling from ear to ear, Hayley beside her, "She does, doesn't she?" Hayley tried to make Skye's dress perfect, "My sister's getting married, again!" she giggled as did Skye.

"This one's gonna stick, though, I know it is," Skye's eyes seemed to twinkle, "Mom, where's Abby?" Skye asked suddenly worried.

"She's fine sweetheart, don't worry, she's with Myrtle," Rae stepped closer.

Skye sighed a sigh of relief, "Hayley," Skye turned toward her sister, "Lorenzo is just adorable," Skye marveled, "he's so precious."

"He is, isn't he?" Hayley beamed, "I never knew anything so precious could exist -- but a child . . . " Hayley's voice trailed off.

"Yeah, I know," Skye's voice seemed to dance, "I'm pregnant!" she squealed as Hayley and Rae hugged her.

"Does Stefan know?" Hayley asked.

"Not yet but tonight, I'm gonna tell him."

"Oh, sweetheart, he is going to be so thrilled."

"You think so?" Skye bit her lip a sure sign of nerves.

"I know so," Rae looked Skye in the face, "he loves you so much and anything that is a part of you he's just going to fall in love with, too."

"I'll get it," Hayley answered the knock at the door, "sorry no men allowed, except the fathers of the bride"


"Who is it?" Skye asked her.

"I don't know," Hayley shrugged.

"Antoinette, if you don't open this door -- I'm gonna count to three -- one,"

"Kevin?!" Skye excitedly opened the door and embraced him, "don't ever call me Antoinette again," she scolded him as they entered the room.

"I'm gonna go see what's keeping Laura with the veil," Hayley stammered.

"Yeah, and, uh, I'll go check on Abby," Rae followed Hayley, closing the door behind her.

"How are you? It's been awhile"

"Yeah, it has," Skye agreed, "I have so much to tell you but let's save that for later. I never thought you'd come. With Cassie and the baby just getting out of the hospital."

"What, miss my best friend's wedding? Don't count on it. I'm sorry I wasn't there for you before."

"No, that's all right, you had your mom to think about, with the D.I.D. coming back."

"It's still no excuse."

"I got through it, I've got a beautiful little girl and a baby on the way."

"You're pregnant?" Kevin couldn't help but smile.

"Yeah. How's Duke? Your new little baby? Cassie?"

"Duke's great and Cassie and the baby are doing just fine. But I'm not here to talk about me. So this guy really loves you? Do I need to set him straight on anything?"

"Kevin, that's sweet but Stefan is the best, you couldn't have picked anyone better for me."

"I don't know if there is anyone ever that's gonna be good enough for you."

"That's sweet but there's more isn't there?" Skye asked feeling as though Kevin were trying not to say something.

"Yeah," Kevin began, "you're my best friend, Skye, I've always loved you and I just want what is best for you. You're sure this Stefan guy is?"

"I've never been more sure about anything in my entire life, except maybe that you and I would be best friends forever," Skye hugged him, "Oh, Kevin, I'm so scarred," she looked him in the face, "not just for myself but for this child. Abigail was anything but an easy birth and this child inside me now is depending on me, what if I'm not strong enough for it?"

"You will be," Kevin reassured her, "you're the strongest person I've ever met."

"I got your veil," Laura came in all but running and short of breath, "oh, I'm sorry"

"No, no, it's okay," Kevin assured her.


"Yeah, I'll leave you to do -- well y'know whatever it is brides do on their wedding day," Kevin kissed Skye on the cheek, "I'll be the one clapping as you walk down the aisle," Kevin said half joking.

"You had better not, Kevin Buchanan. Do you hear me?" Skye yelled after him trying to keep from laughing.

"What was that all about?" Laura stood next to Skye with veil in hand.

"Nothing. We're just childhood friends that's all."


"Did Hayley find you?"

"Yep, she went to get your fathers."

"Okay," Skye sighed nervously, "I'm just a bit scared, y'know?"

"Butterflies in the pit of your stomach?"

"That's an understatement. It's probably just the baby. I had terrible morning sickness with Abby."

"You're pregnant?" Laura's face lit up with excitement


"That's so great."

"Hey, the bride ready?" Hayley popped her head in.

"As ready as I'll ever be"

"Good 'cause everyone's ready for you. And the fathers of the bride are clamoring with -- "

"Dammit Hayley, I'm your father too and if you don't let me in -- "

"Okay, okay, jeez," Hayley giggled.

"Oh, sweetheart," Adam walked in followed by Alan, "you are so beautiful, I think I'm going to cry."

"Me too" Alan added.

"Okay, who's ready to walk their daughter down the aisle? Daddy? Dad?"

"Lets do this," Alan took Skye's right arm as Adam took her left.


Abby walked down the aisle first as the flower girl followed by Hayley, Laura, and Rae as the maids of honor. Stefan stood waiting nervously with Nikolas by his side as his best man. Skye walked down the aisle with both Adam and Alan on either side of her. The ceremony commenced.

"Dearly Beloved:" The minister began, "We are gathered here, in the presence of God and of this company, that Stefan and Antoinette may be united in holy matrimony. We are here to celebrate and share in the glorious act that God is about to perform -- the act by which He converts their love for one another into the holy and sacred estate of marriage.This relationship is an honorable and sacred one, established by our Creator for the welfare and happiness of mankind, and approved by the Apostle Paul as honorable among all men. It is designed to unite two sympathies and hopes into one; and it rests upon the mutual confidence and devotion of husband and wife. May it be in extreme thoughtfulness and reverence, and in dependence upon divine guidance, that you enter now into this holy relationship. Being assured that your love and your choice of each other as lifelong companions are in God's will and that you have your families' blessings. I now ask. Who gives this woman to be married to this man?"

"Her mother and we do," Adam and Alan stood one in front of Skye the other behind and each placed Skye's hand in Stefan's. They then sat down.

"The apostle Paul compared the relationship between husband and wife to that between Christ and the church. Marriage is a decision of two individuals to share the same type of pure, Christian love described by Paul."1 Cor 13:4-8, Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails....
"This kind of love enriches each part of life and marriage enriches love. Two lives, shared with this kind of love, can hold more fulfillment and happiness than either life alone.
Stefan Cassadine, are you ready to enter into this marriage with Antoinette Chandler-Quartermaine, believing the love you share and your faith in each other will endure all things?"

"I am," Stefan answered a smile curling his lips.

"Antoinette Chandler-Quartermaine, are you ready to enter into this marriage with Stefan Cassadine, believing the love you share and your faith in each other will endure all things?"

"I am," replied Skye.

"Stefan Cassadine do you take Antoinette Chandler-Quartermaine to be your wedded wife, to live together after God's ordinance in holy matrimony? Do you promise to love her, to honor and cherish her, in joy and in sorrow, in sickness and in health, and to be to her in all things a good and faithful husband as long as you both shall live?"

"I do"

"Antoinette Chandler-Quartermaine, do you take Stefan Cassadine to be your wedded husband, to live together after God's ordinance in holy matrimony? Do you promise to love him, to honor and cherish him, in joy and in sorrow, in sickness and in health, and to be to him in all things a good and faithful wife as long as you both shall live?"

"I do"

The Minister with the Stefan repeating, "I, Stefan Cassadine, take thee, Antoinette Chandler-Quartermaine, to be my wedded wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part. According to God's holy ordinance, and thereto I pledge thee my faith."

The Minister with the Skye repeating, "I, Antoinette Chandler-Quarteramaine, take thee, Stefan Cassadine, to be my wedded husband. to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part. According to God's holy ordinance, and thereto I pledge thee my faith," tears of joy rolled down her cheeks as she said the words.

"Father in heaven, You ordained marriage for your children, and You gave us love. We present to You Stefan Cassadine and Antoinette Chandler-Quartermaine, who come this day to be married. May the covenant of love they make be blessed with true devotion and spiritual commitment. We ask that You, God, will give them the ability to keep the covenant they have made. When selfishness shows itself, grant generosity; when mistrust is a temptation, give moral strength; when there is misunderstanding, give patience and gentleness; if suffering becomes a part of their lives, give them a strong faith and an abiding love. Amen."

"It is a Christian custom to exchange rings as a symbol of love. As the rings have no end so your love should have no end. As the rings are made of gold symbolizing purity, so should your marriage have purity. As often as either of you see them, you will be reminded of this moment and the endless love you promised. Stefan, what token do you give that you will perform your vows?" Stefan hands the ring over to the Minister.
The Minister to Skye:
"Antoinette, do you receive this ring in token of the same?"

"I do." Stefan put the ring on Skye's finger.

The Minister with Stefan repeating, "Antoinette, this ring I give to you in token and pledge of my constant faith and abiding love."

"Antoinette, what token do you give that you will perform your vows?" Skye gives the Minister the ring, "Stefan, do you receive this ring in token of the same?"

"I do," Stefan answered as Skye placed the ring on his finger.

The Minister with Skye repeating, "Stefan, this ring I give to you in token and pledge of my constant faith and abiding love."

"The candle represents the joining together of two individuals to live together as one in spirit. Stefan and Antoinette, the candle yet to be lit, represents the new family which is being created today. Stefan and Antoinette are leaving their families to make a new life together." both Skye and Stefan light the candle.

"With me, too," Abby went up you them

"With you too, Sweetheart," Skye and Stefan took each of her hands after they and the witnesses sign the license.

"Let us pray: O thou eternal God, who art our Father and our Friend, as you have heard these words of promise just spoken, may the Holy Spirit deepen in the mind of this man and this woman the sense of the sacred and binding power of their vows. And as in Thy Name these words were spoken to make these lives one, may your rich blessing be added. Give them Your grace and guidance that they may loyally fulfill the vows they have taken. May Your joy abide with them always, that thus they may be a blessing to each other, and to those about them, finding in the blessedness of the home life on earth a sample of the happiness of Thine eternal home. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
What therefore God hath joined together, let no man put asunder. Forasmuch as Stefan and Antoinette have consented together in holy matrimony, and have witnessed the same before God and this company and have pledged their love and loyalty to each other, and have declared the same by the joining and the giving of rings, I, therefore, by the authority of the state, pronounce that they are husband and wife, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
The Groom may now kiss the Bride," Stefan took Skye in his arms leaving her breathless, a little unsure of the future but happy and with a joy that could never be broken.
I now present to you Mr and Mrs Stefan Cassadine."

I thought this would be a good ending to BtB and Machiavellian and if you have any questions, comments, suggestions, etc., please reply and tell me I'd love to them


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