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I made Ari still alive, 'cause I liked him better than Andreas. I know they're like the same people, or at least played by the same person but... I just always liked him better for some reason.

Chapter Seven: the NB:

"Can we go?" Monica looked at her wrist only to find no watch, "We don't have all day."

"Monica," Alan warned, "Skye is my daughter, I want her first Nurses Ball to be a wonderful experience. And with Adam having to return to Pine Valley she must feel even more alone."

"Yeah, well I -- " Monica started.

"Oh, you look beautiful," Alan escorted Skye down the rest of the stairs.

"Thank you," Skye looked at him, "you didn't have to wait, you know."

"Argh," Edward expressed his contempt, "Cassadine -- if he hurts you one bit you tell me young lady. You understand."

"Yes, grandfather," Skye decided agreeing with him would be better than defying him for the moment.

"You mean we've waited her for your daughter, Alan, and she's not even coming with us?" Monica got even more impatient.

"So you're really going with Cassadine?" Alan inquired.

"Yes, Alan, I am," Skye said as Reginald went to get the door.

"Oh, Reginald, please allow me," Monica reached the door before he did, "you and Leticia are our guess tonight."

"Good evening, Dr. Quartermaine," Stefan greeted Monica.

"It's going downhill," Monica said to herself, "and fast," she walked to Alan's side.

"Dr. Quartermaine," Stefan greeted Alan, "Skye."

"You hurt one hair on my daughters head -- "

"Alan, please," Skye interceded, "he's not going to hurt me."

"Maybe not but his family would in a heartbeat."

"He's right," Stefan concurred, "be careful of my mother."

"Helena's not going to do anything to me, I'm minuscule in her view."

"Your a bargaining tool," Stefan explained, "she would mess with you to get to me. She has done it before."

"Jeez, okay -- fine I'll watch my back. Okay?" Skye conceded.

"Thank you, sweetheart," Alan kissed her cheek and took Monica's arm as they exited the house on their way to the versailles room of the Port Charles Hotel for the long awaited Nurses Ball.


"I wish my father were here for this," Skye sat at the table Stefan had reserved.

"Do you miss him?" Stefan inquired.

"I know why he had to leave, Uncle Stuart, needed him," seeing the bewilderment on his face Skye explained. "His wife died of AIDS and my uncle has this thing every year in her memory on the day of compassion. My father thought he'd like him there."

"Why, hello," Helena walked towards them.

"What do you want now, Mother?" Stefan questioned less than thrilled at her presence.

"Hello, Stefan," Helena greeted, "Skye, isn't it?"


"I wanted to come greet you and your dinner companion, my dear son, that is all"

"The hell it is," Stefan pulled Helena away from the table and Skye, "what are you up to now, mother?"

"The usual: my vendetta with the Spencer's is stronger than ever, but other than that I'm not the one you should fear."

"Don't you dare lay a hand on Skye," Stefan demanded. "Is that understood?"

"Stefan, you are tiresome. I would not hurt one hair on Miss Chandler's head, my son forbids it."

"You would not hold back your furry because I forbade it."

"You're right, I would not," Helena left.

"What are you up to now, Mother?" Stefan wondered aloud to himself.


"Stavros," Helena asked again, "you are sure you want to do this tonight?"

"The sooner I extract my vengeance, the sooner I can ensure Cassadine survival."

"I know my dear," Helena gave into her eldest son's wishes.

"I will enact the first part of our plan and Miss Chandler will be mine. The strategy is in tact?" Stavros questioned.

"Full proof, I'll retrieve you when the time is certain," and with that Helena went to her table and sat with Ari.

"Madame's plan is in motion?" Ari asked.

"Any time now, Ari, any time," Helena sat back to watch Lucy Coe do the introductions and the first act.

Comments, Questions, Suggestions, etc., are very welcome!!!!

Machiavellian Ch8: the NB
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