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I know Mrs. Lansberry (SP?) is Stefan's maid person but if I remember correctly she gave info to Helena or one of her lackeys so just pretend that Helena and Stavros blackmailed her into helping them or something like that. And I know Mac resigned or whatever but for this fic he's still the commish.

Chapter Nine: the NB:

"Hey, hey," Adam shook Alan trying to brake his trance, "where the hell is my daughter? And what is wrong with everyone?" Adam held out a flashlight for him.

Alan took the flashlight, rubbed his eyes and looked around, "My God, what's wrong with everybody?" he waved the flashlight around the room, trying to see better.

"I was hoping you could answer that for me." Adam looked at him coldly, "Now where the hell is my daughter? She wasn't at the estate, I made sure of that."

"Stop your blubbering, Adam, she's right -- " Alan looked over to were he last saw Skye. There was an empty chair and everyone else was frozen still, "Oh, my, uh, start lighting all the candles you can find. I'll try waking everybody." Alan got up and couldn't help but chuckle as he saw Lucy on stage frozen in her undergarments, "Monica," he shook her, "come on, father," and he continued to wake various other people.

"Uh, Alan, what's going on?" Monica looked up and saw Lucy, "Maybe we should wake Lucy before a whole lot of other people so she can get some clothes on," Monica suggested, stretching and helping her husband.

"Oh, no, I've got money on this and I intend to collect."


"What the hell -- " Skye jumped up and flew backwards toward the head of the bed in the new room she now found herself to be, "Who the hell are you? And what am I doing here?"

"There is no need to worry my dear," Mrs.Lansberry calmed her with her voice, "I will not harm you."

"What am I doing here? How did I get here?"

"Master Sta--"

"That's enough Mrs. Lansberry," Stavros entered through elevator like doors, "I will do all the explaining."


"What did you do to her?" Alan demanded angrily. The lights now back on

"Nothing, Alan, listen to yourself," Stefan defended, "I'm as worried about Skye as you are but we will not accomplish anything by getting upset. We need to stay focused. We need to talk to Helena." They all turned to see the only table no one bothered to wake, Helena and Ari still frozen in place.

"Do we have to?" Monica asked, "I was rather enjoying the amount of peace we have. Both with them out of it and Skye gone."

"Monica," Alan warned.

"Don't listen to her," Adam flustered, "wake them up dammit!"

"Here's your money, Alan," Scott handed him some cash

"I believe you owe me too," Mac walked up behind Scott and put his hand out.

"What do you want? A high five," Scott gave him one and he got this look from Mac, "fine, fine, here you go," Scott gave Mac the cash.

"Thank you," Mac started to walk away, "okay, now we can wake Lucy, I've got all my money," he announced.

"Mac," Alan hurried over to him, "my daughter's missing."

"Emily?" Mac looked over at her not understanding.

"No, Skye -- Skye Chandler. She was sitting with Stefan Cassadine when everything went twilight zone and froze."

"Okay, I'll get right on it. You'll have to come fill out a missing persons report if she's gone over twenty-four hours."

"Thank you, I hope I won't have too."

"Yeah, me too."

"Where is she Helena?" Stefan demanded, "What did you do with Skye?"

"I have no idea what you are talking of, my pitiful excuse for a son."

"The hell you don't," Adam confronted her.

"Why, it is good to meet my future in-law, it seems my son is quiet taken with your daughter."

"We're dating, it's not like I've asked her to marry me," Stefan said confused.

"Of course not, I never once said anything about you. Now if you'll excuse me, I have some urgent matters to attend too," Helena left escorted by Ari.

"Listen up" Alan talked into the microphone on stage, "It would be wise for every one to go to the hospital, as a precautionary measure to make sure everything's all right."


"So you're Stefan's brother," Skye said piecing everything together, "and you've been dead or should I say in deep freeze for all this time?"

Stavros shook his head and looked at her with a softness in his eyes, "And you -- my dear Antoinette," he stroked her face, "will be my bride and shall bear me an heir to my throne."

"You're crazy," Skye moved her face so his hand could not touch it, "even more than those lunatics I live with."

"I'm not crazy," Stavros grabbed her wrist as she tried to get up making her sit back down on the bed, "now we can do this the easy way," his eyes loosing the softness there before and giving her an icy gaze, "or the hard way. It's up to you."

"Let go of me," Skye shook her wrist loose, "I wouldn't marry you for anything," She got back under the covers of her bed knowing full well it was useless trying to escape after numerous attempts earlier.

"I will come back when you have gotten use to the arrangements," Stavros went to the doors and turned around, "you will be my bride and I your bridegroom," and with that he left.


"Where is she?" Rae all but ran into the Q den.

"No one knows," Adam responded, drink in hand.

"What happened?" Rae flustered

"No one knows that one either."

"Well, where's Alan?"

"At the hospital with Monica. Most the town was at that thing. The police are on top of the situation."

Rae sighed, "'The situation'? You don't even sound worried."

"What's the point of getting upset? You have to remain calm to be of the best help you are able."

"You sound like you've been through this before"

"My child being taken? All of them, except Colby but Jake tried his best to. Don't worry, Skye has been taken before, if that is the case. She got through it like a trooper."

"I don't want her getting through it like a trooper!" Rae screamed at him, "I want her not to have get through anything. She doesn't deserve this. Hasn't she been through enough?"

Adam looked at her and took a drink from his glass, "Shh, she'll be fine," he took her head to his chest to comfort her, "she's a fighter, she'll be fine."


"Yes," Skye found her cell phone, "guess being in deep freeze for 20 years makes you a little behind the times," she tried unlocked the keys, "Ugh," she uttered before letting herself fall on the bed, "yeah, the battery just had to die," she sobbed.


At the same time Stefan was racking his brain as to who might have taken Skye. After going past the encounters with Helena once again he came to the same weird but seemingly 'Cassadine' sane conclusion, "Stavros"

Thanks for reading! Comments, Questions, Suggestions, etc., are very welcome

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