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Chapter Ten:

"I know you're upset, Miss Antoinette," Mrs. Lansberry picked up the hair brush from the floor, "but --"

"Stop calling me that! My name is Skye."

"I was told by Master Stavros to use Antoinette, Miss Antoinette."

"Ugh," Skye uttered in frustration.

"Now as I was saying, you can't keep throwing the brush to the floor. I am not your enemy."

"Could have fooled me."

"I know this is hard for you," Mrs. Lansberry resumed brushing Skye's hair, "but I'm here for you. Master Stavros made me swear to always do right by you. That's why I'm your personal maid."

"I don't want a personal maid. I want to be let go, I want my father. I just -- I want to speak to my father."

"And so she spoke and he unto her said it shall be true," Stavros stepped out of the elevator like doors.


"I am telling you, it is true. Stavros is alive and he has Skye," Stefan tried to convince Mac.

"Your brother, Stefan, has been dead for what? Twenty years."

"Listen to me," Stefan grabbed Mac's shirt.


"I saw him, I saw him talking to her at the Grill the other night. I didn't realize it then, but I am certain now. Stavros has her."


"Kevin -- Kevin, calm down," Rae spoke through the phone, "you have no reason to feel bad. Your mother needed you, with her personality disorder returning. D. I. D. is a serious disorder, she needs you. And we're doing everything possible. I'll call if there's any news, okay?"


"Your wish is granted, you may call your father," Stavros handed her a cordless phone and stood behind her.

"I don't understand"

"Dial the number. You're my wife, Antoinette, I would do anything for you," Stavros put his icy cold hand on her shoulders and she trembled, "Why do you do that?"

"Why do you think, you pig, I hate you. You disgust me"

"Mrs. Lansberry, I would like to speak to my wife alone," Stavros opened the doors for her as she left. "Why must you do this to me, Antoinette? I want to make you happy. I want you to be happy with me."

"By intimidation? Oh, good strategy."

"Dammit!" Stavros slammed his hand down on the vanity making Skye jump, "Just -- just" he calmed down, "call your father. Tell him about our marriage about the heir I'm expecting, but nothing else. Is that understood? I don't want my brother to take the things I hold most dear away from me again -- not again. And I've made sure Luke and Laura know how it feels to have their children ripped from them."

We see Luke and Laura's house explode on fire, and Foster dragging an object out of the rubble.

"Daddy?" Skye asked through the phone.

"Skye," Rae exclaimed, "is that you?"

"Mother," Skye looked at Stavros, "where's Daddy?"

"He's with Liza and Colby. They decided to come out as soon as they heard you were missing. Are you okay? Everyone's been frantic about you disappearing."

"Oh, that's sweet. No, no, I'm fine."

"Listen, Skye, now I want you to cough if you're just saying you're fine and you're really not, okay?"

Skye coughed, "No, really, I'm fine. In fact -- I'm married. Yeah, yeah I know, kinda sudden, right? But it just seemed like the thing to do. Stavros, that's his name, he's Stefan's older brother and he wants me to bear him an heir."

"But you said the doctor told you that you could die if you went full term."

"I know, I tried to tell him but he doesn't believe me. Thinks I just said that so he would let me go."

"Enough," Stavros ripped the phone away from Skye's hand, "she's mine now. I want no trouble from Antoinette's family, it would upset her greatly to have them suffer," and with that he hung up and Rae went straight to the police.


"Lucky?" Laura asked Luke but no answer was needed, his eyes said it all as Laura's legs gave way and Luke caught her on her way down.

"Lulu, is okay, darlin'," Luke comforted her with that knowledge, "they took her to PICU. Tony's with her. She's fine, she gonna be just fine, Foster dragged her out. She's gonna be just fine," Luke comforted Laura as she wept.


"Look, Alan, we're on full alert, okay?" Mac told Alan at the PCPD. "With Stefan and Rae coming in saying Stavros has her, it's great, at least we know who to look for. It's just nobody has been able to prove Stavros is still alive. So until then I'm afraid we're looking for a dead man and the PCPD doesn't have enough time to look for a dead man. You need to prove his existence."

"Okay -- okay, I'll do just that," Alan left the police department.

Comments, Questions, Suggestions, etc., are welcome very much!

Machiavellian Ch11
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