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I'm going to SORAS Colby to about 4 years old, lets face it the show's bound to do it sooner or later and it'll probably be some obscene age like a teen or preteen. I hate it when kids are born one day and it seems like they like age 4 or 5 yrs every year.

Chapter Eleven:

"It was Stavros," Luke came to a revelation, "that's what you're tellin' me here, Bubba? I killed Count Vlad's older brother only to have him rise from the dead? He killed my son?"

"Luke, I'm not telling you anything for certain but this has Cassadine written all over it and Stefan and Helena have alibis, very public ones."

"Well, how do-ya go from them to a twenty-year-young dead man?"

"Stefan and the Quartermaines seem to think he abducted Skye Chandler."

"Why would they think that?"

"Stefan says he saw Stavros talking to Skye at the Grill and Rae Cummings says Skye called and told her Stavros was holding her and forced her to marry him."

"It's Laura all over again"

"I hope not. Luke, I am so sorry about Lucky. I've got my people on it and were gonna find that creep."

"Yeah, hey thanks for the info, Bubba, not that I don't believe in your competency as a law enforcer, it's just I'm gonna find that bastered and kill him," Luke chuckled vindictively.

"Come on now, Luke," Mac looked at him seriously.

"Yeah I'm gonna kill him," Luke looked very serious and left the PCPD


"What are you doing here, Mother?" Stavros inquired

"My darling son, did you honestly think after twenty years of you being as good as dead I would think you would go anywhere else but here?"

"I suppose not"

"Antoinette, how are you adjusting?" Helena addressed Skye.

"Oh, about as well as a mouse trapped in a cage with a snake."

"Already a Cassadine, are we?" Helena asked amused by her attitude, "Sorry I missed the nuptials. How is my grandson?" Helena touched Skye's stomach.

"I'm not pregnant, Helena, so get off me," Skye pushed Helena's hand off her.

"In time," Stavros added.

"And I always thought you were one not to waste time."


"Why would I help you?" Luke questioned

"Because, Luke," Stefan explained, "my brother killed your son and kidnaped Skye."

"I'm going to get him all right, I'll find him and chop him up in little pieces and mail 'em to you or email 'em they've come up with a way to send packages from computer to computer right?" Luke said with his dry sense of humor.

"You find him," Stefan tapped Luke's shirt forcefully with his finger, "you get Skye out of there. Or you'll answer to me," Stefan walked away

"Yes Sir," Luke saluted him, "whatever," and walked away


"I feel so bad -- not being able to do anything to help you-all," Liza said Colby in lap.

"Yeah, I'm about to cry," A.J. said sarcastically

"Junior," Ned scolded

"Were'd Skye go, Mommy?"

"No one's sure yet, sweetie."

"That -- that," Adam remembered Colby was in the room, "scum will not get away with this. I won't let him. I won't."


"Alan, I'll help your daughter all I can, okay?" Luke said blow torch in hand and protective glasses over his eyes, "Even if it helps Count Vlad in the process."

"I really appreciate this, Luke, if anyone gives you any trouble tell them I okayed it and give them this," Alan handed him a piece of paper.

"What is it?" Luke looked at the piece of paper and turned it around a couple of times.

"A work order, with my signature, they'll think you're working here. Call me if you find anything. I'm not through with my search yet.

"This may not be a one day thing it could take a while"

"How long?" Alan distressed.

"Don't know, maybe as long as a week, can't really say."

"Just find her, all right?"

"I'll try my best," Luke started to work on the cement.


"Get the hell away from me," Skye demanded, pushing Stavros off her.

"You know not what you are doing," Stavros gave her an icy stare.

"You're the one who knows not what he is doing," Skye mocked him.

"I know perfectly well what I'm doing, now we can do this the easy way," he stroked her hair, "or the hard way, it's up to you."

"You lay another hand on me and I swear -- "

"You swear what?" Stavros seemed amused with her denying him.

"I will scream and fight you all the way," Skye backed up,

"All the better," Stavros inched near her.

"You have no idea what you're in for."

"Oh, I think I do," he smiled a sickening grin.

Comments, Questions, Suggestions, etc., are very welcome so please reply!

Machiavellian Ch12
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