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Chapter Thirteen:

Skye sat there. In a place she never felt was home. In a place where strangers lived and people fought constantly. A place she felt like screaming. A place where people she hadn't seen for months some for years now gathered. People she couldn't have felt more farther from, saying they care for her and some even loving her. They were just words, 'I love you,' they did nothing for her. She could not feel it no matter how hard she tried. And she tried, she tried so hard.

"Skye," Rae's voice interrupted her mind which was going in a thousand different directions.

"Yes," Skye answered, making sure to avoid eye contact, because she knew if she had to look someone in the eyes she'd break down, "what is it Rae?"

"I'm just so thrilled you're okay," Rae sat beside her on the den sofa, "I was so worried about you," Rae put her hand on Skye's knee trying to reassure her, "you're okay now though, and were going to make sure it stays this way."

Skye uncrossed her legs and crossed them the other way removing Rae's hand, "I'm okay?" she asked. "I was held prisoner for months by a man who forced me to marry him, a man who forced me --" her voice broke, "forced me to become pregnant. I'm not okay, I'm anything but okay. Do you understand that? Do you?"

"You have every reason to be upset -- "

"You bet I do"

"The doctor who examined you suggested therapy -- "

"I'm not the one who needs therapy, I'm not the one who's sick"

"It could help"

"It could help," Skye repeated Rae's last statement, "you're a therapist, right? If you want to know what happened I'll tell you but I'm not going to a hospital and sit in an office while some quack analyzes me," Skye got up and left to her room


"It's about time," Luke stood up gun in hand.


"I've waited for this moment since I found out I didn't do the world the favor I thought I had done the first time and that you were responsible for killing my son," Luke grinned at him for a minute and shot him in the head, killing him instantly, "You don't mess with my family."

The very next day a package arrived at Wyndemere addressed to Stefan.

I know this was really short but again vital and I'm gonna start on the next chapter as soon as possible! So tell me what you think and don't hold back:)

Machiavellian Ch14
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