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Okay, I know Coltin has portrayed Nik for a while now but in my mind Tyler will always be Nik. So if you remember Tyler imagine him as my Nik and if you don't know what or who the heck I'm talking about don't worry Coltin will do just fine.

Chapter Fourteen:

"Skye," Rae knocked on her bedroom door.

"Go away"

Rae opened Skye's door and stepped in, "I really think we need to talk."

"Gee, Rae, by all means pay no attention to what I want," Skye sat up.

Rae sat beside Skye on her bed, "You need to eat. You didn't come down for breakfast or lunch."

"Grandmother is having Reginald bring my meals to her room. She enjoys the company and it means I don't have to be in front of everyone. But you knew that so why don't you just spit out why you're really here."

"Fine," Rae shifted uncomfortably, "okay, I -- I'm worried about you. If you have this child you're compromising your health. You could die."

"Don't you think I know that? I mean, God, really how the hell do you expect me to kill my child? This child is apart of me -- "

"And Stavros"

"Yes," Skye shook her head, "yes and a part of Stavros. But this child is in me. Depending on me for nourishment and love I can't -- I won't betray that. And whatever may come because of it so-be-it. But this child will know me and I will know it. Wh-when I found out I might not be able to have children it devastated me for the longest time. I couldn't look at children without crying. It hurt so much. Now I have a chance to love this child like I've always wanted to be loved. Don't you understand that at all?" Skye looked at Rae tears in her eyes.

"Mm-hmm, yeah I felt the same about you."

"Then you know why I would do anything for this child. Even risk my being for it."

"I understand. For what it's worth, I have always loved you."

"Jeez, Rae, is this some touchy, feely moment?" the words just sprung from Skye's mouth, not even she knew the origin. "You know? For some reason, I don't exactly know why, I do believe you, it's just sometimes my mouth gets ahead of the rest of me."


"He is dead you're sure?"

"Man, you gotta check your mail more often"

"What -- you mean you actually -- "

"Yeah," Luke grinned and his eyes widened, "I always try and keep my promises."

"You're insane, Spencer"

"Well, I thank you for the complement, Vlad," Luke watched Stefan reel from his latest comments, "look, this doesn't mean we're friends or anything. But here's my advice: take your girlfriend and forget that creature ever stepped foot on this earth."

"It's not that easy."

"Yeah, Laura, told me, she's been trying to help Skye."

"She would be the only one qualified to."



"I know this is kind of a stupid question but how are you doing?" Laura asked Skye as they walked through the park. "I mean I was a total wreck after I escaped Stavros. Having to give up Nikolas and all. At least you still have your child."

"Yeah, I guess I'm okay. As okay as I'm going to be wondering if and when Stavros will resurface."

"You don't know?" Laura looked surprised.

"Know what, exactly?" Skye inquired.

"Luke took care of him, he's dead."


"Yeah. I'm surprised Stefan didn't tell you. He really does care for you. You know?"

"I can't deal with that right now," Skye sat down on a bench followed by Laura, "I have enough to handle at the moment, thank you."

"How's everything at the Quartermaine's? They're kind of a -- an acquired taste," Laura laughed.

"That's putting it mildly. Grandfather's going crazy 'cause of 'the new Quartermaine'. He's got, like, a thousand books of samples for the nursery. Everyone tiptoes around me, even A. J. and Ned. I don't get it. It takes me being kidnapped and pregnant for them to -- "

"Excuse me -- Mom?" Nikolas approached the two women.

"Nikolas," Laura stood up and hugged her son, "this -- this is Skye Chandler," she motioned to Skye who also stood up.

"No, no, no, don't get up on my part. I just wanted to know if I could speak to Miss Chandler for a moment?"

Laura looked at Skye as she nodded a yes in response, then Laura left to give them privacy.

"Sit down please," Nikolas said as he sat beside her, "I heard what my father did to you -- "

"Nikolas -- "

"No, no, Miss Chandler -- "

"Skye, please"

"Skye, I have to get this out. I heard what my father did to you. Like what he did to Laura, the circumstances that produced me. And now he's done the same to you. To this child. I am so sorry."

"No, no, it wasn't your fault."

"I'm not finished," Nikolas rubbed his temples, "I just -- I wanted to apologize for the hell he put you through and to promise you that whatever you need I will provide. For you and my little brother or sister."

"That's not necessary. Both of my families are very wealthy, this child won't want for anything money can buy."

"That's not what I'm talking about. What I mean is against Helena. Because no matter what she will come after this child, full force. Don't underestimate her. I don't want her to ruin his or her life like she has so many others."

"That's very kind of you. Thank you, Nikolas. This child is lucky to have a big brother like you."

"Actually, I think that was my other little brother."

"Ha, ha, his name was Lucky"

"You got that one," Nikolas smiled at her, "I know -- I know. At least it made you smile, though."

"Yeah, haven't had to many of those lately."

"Yeah? Well, I plan to make that a permanent fixture."

"Oh, really?"

"Really, I want to be a part of his or her life and keep Helena at bay."

Comments, Questions, Suggestions, etc., . . . please reply, I love to hear what you think!!

Machiavellian Ch15
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