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jeu d'esprit ch1

Just in case y'all don't know jeu d’esprit means a witticism, especially one that appears in a work of literature. A witticism for those of you who may not know is a witty or clever remark. It is pronounced jeu d'e-sprit

All I did with this fic is put a bunch of the characters back in high school. I only did the characters I've watched a lot. So I didn't put Brenda in 'cause I didn't start watching GH on a regular basis until awhile after she died (though I have seen a few eppys w/her in I don't feel comfortable writing for her). Jax, Skye, Katherine, Liz, Lucky (JJ), Mr. Murty (as the english teacher; the actor who last played the part), etc., ...

The whole Liz gets raped thing has happened and yes Liz knows Mr. Murty's gay but she's not telling anyone. She and Lucky are still just friends and they are living under the docks (I loved them then).
Skye overheard Adam and found out she was sold at birth and is now looking for her biological parents; Althea is still alive and they don't know where she is
Jax is on a student exchange type thing but is living in one of the PC hotel rooms. His bro Jerry is going to school in Australia 'cause they needed time away from one another and Jax's mother and father feel they need to keep a closer eye on Jerry than Jax.

This is present day 2001 I just instead of SORASing them I did the opposite.

jeu d’esprit
chapter one

"'. . . But beauty, real beauty, ends where an intellectual expression begins. Intellect is in itself a mode of exageration, and destroys the harmony of any face. The moment one sits down to think, one becomes all nose, or all forehead, or something horrid. Look at the successful men in any of the learned profressions. How perfectly hidious they are!,'" the man reading aloud lowered the book to face the class in front of him, pacing slowly, "Any thoughts? Any thoughts at all?," silence, "Come on people, someone must have an opinion. Yes, yes, you..., uh," looking down at the list of students names, "Jasper Jacks."

"It's Jax, J - a - x."

"Sorry, it'll take some time to get to know each of you by name, this is only the third day."

"I think it means we shouldn't think, at all really, so here's your book back," the class chuckled as Jax's eyes lit up and gave him a to-die-for smile that would make any girl melt and it did seem to affect all the girls in the class that way.

"Ah, Mr. Jacks, I'll remember to vote you class clown. Now seriously what do you people think? I want your opinions. This is English III, most of you I hope are mature enough to hold some civilized conversation."

"Why do we even have to read The picture of Dorian Gray anyway, Mr. Murty?" a girl in the last row asked, "it was, like, written in 1890."

"Sooo?" Mr. Murty fell silent, trying to think of the student's name, "Miss Bell," he said with some acomplished feeling, "what does the year it was published have to do with anything, what-so-ever?"

"She's trying to stall," cried a voice from which no one knew the owner.

"Ah, yes, I am familiar with that particular tactic, Miss Bell. Let me inform you that stalling will not acomplish a thing except give the entire class extra homework"

"Awwww" the class moaned.

"People, please. Do we have any opinions at all?"

the bell rings and students get up trying to excape homework

"I expect a one page essay over the parts of the book we've gone over in class, due tommorrow," Mr. Murty grinned as the class moaned and trudged out of the room feeling a great deal heavier in spirits, "Miss Chandler," the teacher called her over with a wave of his hand.

"Yes, Mr. Murty?" the teenage girl neared him.

"You'll need to get the notes and assignments from someone in the class, since you just joined us today."

"Well, I, uh..."

"I'll help her Mr. Murty," volunteered an eager Jax who just happened to be listening to their conversation.

"Okay, then I hope to see both of you in class tommorrow," Mr. Murty went back to his business.

"So,..." Jax started, "We can meet at your place or mine or we could meet at Kelly's. Your choice," he smiled.

"I don't exactly have a 'place' just a room at the Port Charles Hotel"

"Whatta coincedence, I have a room there too. We could meet at the Grill."

"Ohhkay" Skye answered a little warily.

"Maybe grab a bite -- or something"

"Sorry but I have something I hafta do, maybe another time," Skye left to another class.

"You can bet on it," Jax smiled slyly


"Come on, Elizabeth," Lucky begged, as he gathered Boris and straightened up their self-made abode under the docks, "school is not an option, we hafta try to make second hour."

"Why?" Elizabeth whined

"Well, I don't know about you but I want to graduate high school so I get into a good college and support a family someday. Look, just because the present's a mess it's no reason to mess up the future," Lucky explained standing up as Liz came over to him and he took her in his arms pecking her on the lips.

Startled Lizzie backed away trying to avoid eye contact, "Well, it looks like second hours already began, Liz said having looked at her wrist watch.

"I'm sorry, Elizabeth," Lucky's voice stumbled, "I just -- I ..."

"Lucky," Liz held her hand out indicating him to stop, "please, it's -- it's not you, it's just -- it's me. I can't even stand the thought of getting close to anyone, not even you. Lets just go to school," Lizzie started to leave.

"You think you might want your books?" Lucky smiled, holding them up to her.

"Oh, ... I guess so," she took them from him and smiled back.


"I'm sorry," a young man helped pick up the books he knocked into


"I'm Jason, Jason Quartermaine"

"Quartermaine," Skye's head shot straight up, "you're a Quartermaine? As in Alan?"

"Yeah," Jason stood up holding a good deal of her materials, "don't hold it against me though, please," he teased.

"No, no, of course not, umm, it's just I, uh, I've heard my father talk about your family, before."

"Really," Jason stated

"I'm Adam Chandler's daughter, Skye," Skye held her hand out to him.

"Chandler," Jason put the books under his left arm and shook her hand, "my father has spoken of that name."

"Nothing good I'm sure."

"Nothing I'd care to repeat," he stood up and helped Skye to stand up also.

"You're in this class?" Skye asked curiously


"I was wondering because, I'm new -- I was wondering if I could get your notes -- for the class."

"Sure. I have to go, some sorta family thing."

"Everything's okay -- right?"

"Probably, most likely it's just Grandfather with -- well whatever. "Why don't you come over tomorrow, I live at 66 Harbor View Road, you can't miss it," Jason started to leave.

"Thanks," Skye called after him.


"Nikolas?" Katherine Bell tapped him on the shoulder.

"What is it Katherine?" Nikolas turned around to face her, "I'm busy with Sarah right now."


"Yeah, you know, Sarah Webber."

"Mm-hmm, I thought she went to Europe"

"She's back now and that's all that matters. Isn't that right?" Nik asked Sarah as they briefly kissed and resumed their places at the cafeteria table. "Anything else?" he asked Katherine.

"No," Katherine went off in a huff determined to win Nikolas back from Sarah's clutches.

The idea for this one came really outta nowhere any opinions? Well, I'd like to hear 'em. Should I keep all the stories going? 'Cause the only one I really care about is the Skye part. Used to write L 'n' L2 fics but since JY replaced JJ I haven't been able to continue them. FYI: Jonathan Jackson is always gonna be my Lucky unless otherwise stated and the same with Tyler Christopher as Nikolas. Now if you'd like to envision someone else that's perfectly fine I'm just tellin' who I'm envisioning.

Thanks for reading!:)

jeu d'esprit ch2

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