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jeu d'esprit ch10

jeu d’esprit
chapter ten:

"Skye?" Reginald knocked on an open door.


"Uh -- well, there's someone to see you."

"I'm not really in the mood for visitors, Reginald. Could you please tell them to go away? I don't wanna see anyone right now."

"Not even me?" Jax entered her room, Reginald leaving.

"Jax," Skye stated startled, "what are you doing here? And what are you so dressed up for?"

"Not happy to see me?"

"No -- no of course not, I'm very happy to see you. You're one the only friends I've got."

"Then what's the problem?" Jax smiled his heart-melting smile.

"My -- dad, forbade you and I'd really like to try and respect his wishes," Skye couldn't help but smile back.

"Well, then it's settled," Jax rubbed his hands together.

"What? What's settled?"

"I invited Jax, Skye," Alan entered her room also, "I really only want you to be happy. And I've seen you with him. He makes you smile. I haven't seen you smile in so long -- maybe never. I thought maybe if I kept him away then I -- I'd have more time with you. But that's not the way it works. You would have left the second you were able, if I stood in your way. I can't make you truly happy, your face glow with love, like Adam. I accept that now and hope that you know I truly do love you with all of my heart," Alan turned to leave.

"Dad -- " Skye began, her voice breaking, Alan turned around and found himself being embraced, "Dad, I'm sorry I'm not the daughter you wanted."

"What?" Alan questioned, holding Skye at arms length to look her in the face. "You are the best daughter I could have asked for. I wouldn't trade you for anything -- ever. I love you and don't you ever forget it."

"I love you, too, it just hurts so much."

"I know -- I know it hurts. You feel you're betraying Adam's love for you."

Skye hung her head looking at the floor.

"Hey, don't do that, okay?" Alan lifted her head up, "keep your head up high, it suits you better. I'll leave you two alone now," Alan gave Jax an unstated warning with just a glance and left, leaving the door open.

"Your father really loves you," Jax sat at the foot of Skye's bed.

"Yeah," Skye whispered to herself, "look, Jax, you don't have to stay here playing friend with me -- "

"Good, 'cause we're not staying here. And get over it, okay? I'm not doing this because your father's paying me or because Jason threatened me with bodily harm, I'm doing this because I like you and think we'd have fun."

"Ha ha" Skye looked less than amused.

"Oh, you got that one did you?" Jax chuckled.

"What makes you think I'd go anywhere with you? Hmm?"

"I'd say the fact that I've got two tickets to the Broadway showing of The Lion King," Jax took the tickets out, holding them in the air until Skye ripped them out of his hands.

"No joke?"

"Uh-uh," Jax shook his head back and forth in a no.

"How did you know?"

"Know what?" Jax played innocent

"That I absolutely adore the theatre?"

"Guess you'll have to come along to find out."

"Yeah" Skye muttered incredulously

"Seriously, though, you should hurry up 'cause we leave any second."

"Aghh," Skye moaned, "I have nothing to wear."

"I'm sure you'll find something," Jax left Skye's room closing the door behind him.


"Hey," Rae whispered as Skye entered through the door a little hazily, shutting it with her back, "hey, how'd it go?" Rae asked rather impatiently.

"Mom -- " Skye sighed, smiling from ear to ear.

"Come on," Rae led her to the den sofa, "spill the beans, did you have a good time?"

"It was great," Skye settled herself better on the sofa, "he took me to the theatre. I've always loved the theatre; I don't know how he knew that, though. I mean you and Dad don't even know. I didn't even tell Adam. I've only been there once before, though, to see Annie, all the singing and dancing and lights how can you not be happy there? It makes me at peace with myself; if that doesn't sound too corny."

"No -- no, not at all, in fact it sounds wonderful. I'm glad you have that."

"Mom, I -- I think I'm really starting like this guy."

"Really? I'd have never guessed," Rae teased.

"It's just that it scares me, you know, I don't ever want to hurt like when Will died. And I could see myself falling for Jax, it just scares me that's all."

"You're not a little baby and I can't ever get that back but what I do have to say is follow your heart. With a little balance from your head you should be just fine," Rae stroked her cheek.

"Thanks a heap, Mom," Skye hugged her as Rae kissed her forehead.

"No problem, kiddo," they laughed and went upstairs to bed.


"Ohh and who is that may I ask?" Jerry Jacks snuck up behind Jax who was looking at a picture.

"Jerry," Jax turned around in a frenzy, hiding the picture behind his back, "what are you doing here?"

"That was Toni wasn't it?" Jerry suddenly got very serious, "Why do you have a picture of the girl who killed our brother?" Jerry demanded.

"She didn't kill him, Jerry, she couldn't have," Jax defended.

"Don't play dumb with me, Jasper," Jerry forced, then changing "she's living here, in Port Charles, isn't she? That's how you got that picture," Jerry grabbed the picture from his brother's hands, "I do have to say this for her she's grown quite beautiful -- "

"Leave her alone, Jerry, she wouldn't hurt a fly."

"Ohh, I get it you've got the hots for little Miss redhead here, hmm? How stupid could you be? She killed our brother and she'll pay," Jerry hurried to the elevator Jax right on his heels.

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jeu d'esprit ch11

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