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jeu d'esprit ch12

jeu d’esprit
chapter twelve:

"Wait," Jax put his hand on Skye's shoulder.

"What are you doing here, Jax?" Skye got to the bottom of the stairs, turning around, "What's so important that you needed to see me on Christmas Day?"

"This," Jax took Skye in his arms and kissed her, leaving her stunned, "We need to talk."

"About what?" Skye asked incredulously.

"I'm breaking up with you, Skye," Jax stated plainly no sign of emotion evident to Skye.

"W-what -- what was kiss for then?" Skye rationalized her voice tightening in anticipation of emotional pain.

"For good-bye."

"But why? I don't understand, Jax, what did I do?" Skye became tense as Jax touched her shoulder.

"Don't you understand, Skye?" Jax's hand cupped the side of her neck, "I was using you," he smiled the best fake smile he could muster as she jerked away, "every second I spent with you, it was all a lie," he chuckled turning his back to her as his face fell.


"Don't know. Maybe because you were so famous. Being in all those tabloids and everything. It was a -- sort of a -- challenge."

"A challenge?" Skye asked tears falling freely now with no way for Skye to stop them.

"Yeah, it was all a game. Some friends of mine bet me."

"Why reveal yourself now?"

"Trying to get into your pants was a little harder than expected."

"Get out of here -- get out now," Skye pointed towards the door.

"Skye -- " Alan came in, followed by Rae, Myrtle, Adam and Stuart, "what's the matter?" his eyes fell to Skye.

"I -- I forgot something -- in my room," Skye hid her tears. "I'm just going to go get it, 'kay?" she flew up the stairs and into her room.

"What did you do to my daughter?" Adam demanded.

"Nothing -- but you may want to check on her Dr. Cummings," Jax left shutting the door behind him and beating himself up over what he had just done to Skye.
"God, Jerry, I hope you're happy," Jax angrily told his older brother, "I broke it off and in the process broke her heart."

"Good, don't worry I wont kill her."

"You better not, I have your word remember?" Jax walked off exasperated.

"Yep, little brother, you certainly do. I promised I wouldn't kill her but you never said anything about having a little fun with miss princess," Jerry smiled quite wickedly.


"Alan" Rae yelled, "Alan, come here quick, Skye's not in her room and her window's open."

Questions, Comments, Suggestions etc., . . . please reply!


jeu d'esprit ch13

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