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jeu d'esprit ch13

***Note: Caution if you are easily upset by acts of violence don't read but I insist if you can than do.***

jeu d’esprit
chapter thirteen:

"May I help you?"

"I -- "


"I was -- raped"

In the US there is one rape every 224 seconds or so, or one rape every four minutes to play it safe.

She sat alone in a dark exam room, somber, making no audible noise. The noise was inside of her, racing through her mind all the way to the tips of her toes. That was all she felt, no physical pain, she was numb on the outside her insides fried. She sat there alone a single tear running down her cut, bruised cheek. It burnt like hell but she barely flinched the pain inside her far worse.

"I'm Dr. Lambert," the female doctor entered, "I need you to sign here to indicate you're consenting to have an examination to collect evidence of sexual assault."

Every 90 seconds, somewhere in America, someone is sexually assaulted. One thing we should point out: Notice that we said one "sexual assault," not one "rape." What's the difference? Sexual assault is a broader category that the Justice Department uses to classify rape, attempted rape, and other violent felonies that fall short of rape (which it defines as "forced vaginal, anal or oral penetration").

She signed.

"Your name?"

"Antoinette Chandler"

"Date of birth?"

"August 15, 1985"

About 44% of rape victims are under age 18. Three out of every twenty victims (15%) are under age 12.
Seven percent of girls in grades five to eight and twelve percent of girls in grades nine through twelve and said they had been sexually abused.

"You're female?"


One out of every six American women have been the victims of an attempted or completed rape in their lifetime (14.8% completed rape; 2.8% attempted rape). A total of 17.7 million women have been victims of these crimes.
In 1999, nine out of every ten rape victims were female.



While about 80% of all victims are white, minorities are somewhat more likely to be attacked:

Lifetime rate of rape/attempted rape (women):
All: 17.6%
White: 17.7%
Black: 18.8%
Asian/Pacific Islander: 6.8%
Am. Indian/Alaskan: 34.1%
Mixed race: 24.4%

"Are you married, divorced -- "

"I'm single"

"Date and time of alleged assault?"

"Around 8 PM today."

"Have you bathed/showered, douched, brushed your teeth, used mouthwash, changed clothes, urinated, defecated, vomited and/or drank any liquids or do anything that could have tampered with evidence since the time of the assault?"


"Was there successful or attempted penetration of the Vagina, Anus and/or Mouth?"

"Successful penetration of the Vagina," her voice threatened to break.

"Was there ejaculation?"


"Did the assailant use any lubricant, condoms, and/or foreign objects?"


"Were you menstruating at the time of the assault?"


"Pregnant at the time of the assault?"


"Do you have any injuries that resulted in bleeding?"



"My cheek, my arms"

"Number of assailants?"


"Race of the assailant, if you know"

"White, I think"

"His relationship to you?"

"What do you mean?"

"Was he a stranger, an acquaintance, a relative?"

"An acquaintance"

93% of juvenile sexual assault victims knew their attacker; 34.2% were family members and 58.7% acquaintances. Only seven percent of the perpetrators were strangers to the victim.

"Can you identify him?"

"All I know is his first name was Jerry, I just met him today."

***I know I've done a rape SL in one of my other fics but this is a subject close to my heart and think there is never enough said about the subject.***


Questions, Comments, Suggestions, etc., . . . please email me


jeu d'esprit ch14

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