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jeu d'esprit ch14

***Note: I know Dara's not a det. but for the sake of this fic she is.***

jeu d’esprit
chapter fourteen:

"I was told rape"

"Yeah, Antoinette, this is Nurse Spencer she's a victim's advocate."

"Spencer?" Skye questioned turning to face the two women, the name sounding vaugly familiar.

"Skye?" Bobbie asked, "Thank God you're alright, Monica says Alan has just been going crazy with worry for you."

"Quartermaine," Eve asked confused, "as in the chief of staff?"

"Yeah," Bobbie confirmed, having known Skye through her friendship wih Monica.

"Does she have to be here?" Skye asked.

"I'm here to support you, Skye, and as the hospital's victim advocate the state requires that I -- "

"Whatever," Skye cut her off

"Do we need to go back to step number one?" Dr. Lambert inquired.

"No, Antoinette's my true first name just add 'Quartermaine' and I'll add it to my signiture."

"Okay then we should move on to the next step, remove all outer clothing, underwear and bra included" Dr. Lambert instructed as Nurse Spencer layed out white paper. "You have to make sure and be careful that every fiber, follicle and DNA sample falls onto the paper."

Skye stepped onto the paper layed out and removed her jacket which they placed in a white paper sack, closed and sealed. They did the same thing with every stitch of clothing she had on checking for any noticible marks or damage and continued with the exam.

a little while later:

"Here, put this in your mouth," Nurse Spencer instructed Skye. "You know, you really should consider telling your parents about this, open."

Skye opened her mouth as Bobbie took the saliva sample, "Real sly there, Nurse Spencer, wait 'til I can't speak, hmm."

"That's not how I meant it"

"We got here as soon as we could, Eve," Police Officer Andy Garcia addressed Dr. Lambert with Det. Jenson beside him.

"Thanks, Andy just a few more things then we're done."

"'kay, I'll just be right outside the door" Andy waited outside as they packed everything up and sealed it then Bobbie took it, leaving Skye to change.

A few minutes later the police came back in to ask Skye questions, "Can you tell us what happened? From the beginning."

"I met him -- Jerry, in the park. I was upset and he said he knew how I could forget everything. That's all I wanted was to just forget. So he took me to this party and that's when he -- that's when he did it."

"You just went with this guy you met, like, five minutes prior?"


"Were there any alcohol or drugs involved?"

"Yeah, uh, I had some to drink, so did he, I smelled it on his breath. After the party I was kind of out of it so he said he'd drive me wherever I wanted to go. I went outside and waited for him 'cause he said something about getting his jacket. I got to his car but I was grabbed from behind and taken over in the brush with a knife to my throat. That's where he raped me and somehow I ended up here."

"Any reason you think he'd think you were open to advances?" Dara questioned.


"You resisted?"

"Yeah," Skye said with force appalled by the insinuation.

"Did he hurt you, physically?"

"My cheek and arms. I have a scratch on my throat but mostly he just overpowered me. And I ... I couldn't get out from under."

"Lets see if I got this straight," Andy started, "this guy, you just met at the park, you went to a party with him. You both had some drinks and instead of taking you home he raped you?"


"Is there any possible way that the incident you described could have been anything other than rape?"

"I think I know when I've been raped"

"Yes of course," Dara jumped in, "Are you sure it was this guy Jerry? 'Cause -- well, did you see him -- the attacker?"

"It was dark, I couldn't see very well but I know it was him."


"His voice, he had an accent. He's Austrailian."

"Can you recall what he said to you?"

"Uh, how I was a bitch and... I don't remember much about what happened after the first time or how I even got here."

"Okay, thank you, Miss Quartermaine."

"Yeah," Skye answered barely audible as the police left.

"Hey," Bobbie re-entered the exam room.

"Nurse Spencer"

"Skye," Bobbie began, "I, uh, I have something for you. This is medication, commonly known as the morning-after pill. It prevents the possiblity of pregnancy and it's doctor prescribed to sexual assualt victims."

"Oh," Skye sighed, "I hadn't even thought of that."

"The instructions are very clear and simple if you decide you want you take it. Listen to me, when a woman has been raped, she needs very special, very specific attention paid to her feelings because she's been tramatized and to her body because she may have been hurt. That's the most important thing and that's why I'm so proud of you coming forward to report this like you are."

72% of rapes/sexual assaults are not reported to the police. Even in those 28% of rapes that are reported to police, there is only a 16.3% chance the rapist will end up in prison.
Factoring in unreported rapes, about 5%—one out of twenty— of rapists will ever spend a day in jail. 19 out of 20 will walk free.

"What about the AIDS test?"

"We shouldn't get the results of that back for at leat seveal more days and even after that, if it turns out to be negative, you need to be tested six months after that and I'd recomend after another six months just to make sure. Okay?"


"Good," Bobbie stepped closer, "you want me to call Alan?"


"You are going to tell your parents aren't you?" silence followed. "You should tell your family, you're going to need their help to get through this. This isn't something you should carry around all by yourself. Alan loves you so much and Rae would do anything for you."

"You're not going to tell them are you? I mean we have that confidentiality thing right?"

"I won't say a word but I do urge you to tell them. If not not your family tell someone you can trust."

"I will -- just not now. I -- I can't do that now."

"I've got a theripist coming down, Gail Baldwin, to talk to you, please stay, talk with her and set up an appointment. Okay? You don't have to go through this alone."

"I promise I'll tell my family -- eventually. Just not now, okay?"

"Tell them what?" a women entered the room.

Questions, Comments, Suggestions, etc., . . . please reply and tell me what you think!!


jeu d'esprit ch15

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