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jeu d'esprit ch15

jeu d’esprit
chapter fifteen:

"Skye!?!" Rae asked, her heart filling with immense joy, "Thank God you're all right."

"You called my mother?" Skye asked hysterically, "Oh, I'll sue the pants off of you and this hospital and don't think I won't."

"What are you doing here, Rae?" Bobbie questioned, "I called for Gail."

"They couldn't --" Rae's eyes scanned back and forth between Skye and Bobbie sensing something, "they couldn't reach her so they called me. Something about a rape victim?"

"Rae, I need you to step in the hall -- please."

"No, I'm not going anywhere. Why would I be called about a rape victim and find my -- " Rae started piecing things together, "Ohh," she sighed.

"Look, Rae, this is neither the time nor the place to get into this. Your daughter needs you right now."

"Yeah, you're right," Rae concurred, "where is she?"

Bobbie turned around scanning the room, "I don't know."

"Great," Rae added on a sarcastic note.


"Jax," Skye about jumped out of her skin.

"Skye, are you okay? You seem a little jumpy."

"Don't pretend like you care."

"Fine," Jax held his hands up in defeat, "I wont," he walked off leaving Skye heartbroken yet again, tears threatening to escape.

"Oh, sweetheart," Rae embraced her having seen everything, "Did Jax hurt you?"

Skye nodded in response.

"Baby," Rae cupped Skye's head in her hands, "were you raped?"

"Mm-hmm," Skye uttered barely audible tears running down both their cheeks as Rae held her closer.

"Was it Jax?"

A few moments passed in silence "What?" Skye backed out of the embrace completely puzzled.

"Was Jax the one who raped you?"

"No! no, how could you say that?"

"Sweetheart -- " Rae reached out to Skye.

"No -- don't," Skye jerked away, "I told them who it was, okay?"

"I know"

"Then why would you ask -- that?"

"Because I know how much he hurt you, how upset you were before we couldn't find you and I saw him and . . ."

"'And' what?"

"And maybe you're trying to protect him."


"Jerry what did you get into this time?" Jax strolled up to his brother, "What the hell -- what happened to your knuckles?"

"Just a little disagreement"

"Look, whatever, I'm here what did you want?"

"A little brotherly concern might be nice."

"Yeah? Well don't hold your breath"

"I just -- I just wanted to let you know everything'll be okay. I won't be here much longer. I'm moving."

"Good. Good, well I can't say I'll miss you but you are my brother and I do wish you well," Jax left, all but slamming the door in frustration. All the pain and anger he felt over loosing Skye, making her hate him poured through his veins as he ran into a medical cart he pushed it out of his way allowing the contents to fall onto the floor. He put his back to the wall and running his fingers through his hair wondered how anything would be all right again if he were forced to be without Skye.

"Yeah, right everything will be okay, for us maybe, little bro, but that redhead is another story. I may not be allowed to pull the proverbial trigger but who says I can't hand her the gun?" Jerry chuckled a very sinister laugh.

Questions, Comments, Suggestions, etc., ... are very welcome so please reply and tell me what you think!!


jeu d'esprit ch16

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