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jeu d'esprit ch2

jeu d’esprit
chapter two

"Are you sure I can't buy you anything to eat?" Jax questioned, "You look famished."

"It's probably because I haven't eaten all day," Skye sulked.

"Well, there you go."

"No, it's -- I'm nervous, I feel sick to my stomach."

"You're okay? What is it exactly you're so nervous about?"

"I have to do something tomorrow. It's just -- It's a really big deal."

"Oh, I see," Jax smiled

"Really," Skye's eyebrow raised.

"No, would you care to explain? What's got you wound in knots?"

"I have to tell someone and you seem as good a person as any. Can you keep a secret?"


"Okay -- It's none of your buisness."

"Oh, you want me to guess? Is that it?"

"Oh yeah, figured me out."

"First:" Jax started listing his ideas, "You've got a room here, no parents whatsoever, I'd say you're a runaway."


"Am I close?"

Skye had no answer, she wanted to confide in someone so badly but she didn't know who to trust, "Thanks for the notes," she smiled and exited the Grill.

"Hmm," Jax uttered, wondering what's with that girl? that question only seemed to intrigue him more.


"'I turned halfway round, and saw Dorian Gray for the first time. When our eyes met, I felt that I was growing pale. A curious sensation of terror came over me. I knew that I had come face to face with someone whose mere personality was so fascinating that, if I had allowed it to do so, it would absorb my whole nature, my whole soul, my very art itself.'"

"Is he gay?" asked a young man.

"No," Mr. Murty closed his eyes and shook his head.

"Yeah he is, he's a fag, look at the book. The artist guy -- "

"Shut-up!" Elizabeth suddenly stood up, "That is demeaning to people everywhere"

"What is it, honey, are you gay too? Is that why you won't get close to any guy alive?"

"That's it!" Mr. Murty yelled, "I want you two boys out in the hall, now."

"But the bell rings in just a minute," one of the boys whined.

"It looks like you're going to have to miss that bell, in fact why don't you plan on missing the rest of the day," Mr. Murty guided them out to the principles office as the bell rang a minute later.

Most of the students walked out except Skye who was still seated at her desk, gathering her materials into her backpack with mascara running down her face.

"Are you okay?" A concerned Jax hovered then took a seat next to her.

"You were right, okay? I ran away."

"What happened?"

"I called my mother. She -- she was committed to a mental institution awhile back, St. Ann's, I think."

"Yeah," Jax tried to encourage her to go on.

"She said she wasn't my mother, that she was nobody's mother and to leave her alone," Skye started sobbing.

"Shh, shh, it's going to be okay," Jax embraced her, "shh"

meanwhile at St. Ann's:
"Really, It's okay," Dr. Rae Cummings tried to comfort a patient.

"No, no, it's not going to be," the woman shook her head back and forth.

"Why not, Althea?" Rae put her hand over Althea's.

"You're not gonna like me. Not when you find out what I've done."

"Why don't you let me be the judge of that, okay? This has something to do with your daughter's call earlier doesn't it?"

"My daughter," Althea cackled, "mine? No, no, she isn't my daughter."

"Yes, she is, Skye Chandler, right?"

"Little Antoinette, I gave her that name but she didn't like it. Do you like it? I hope you do."

"Antoinette is a very nice name"

"Yes, yes, that's why I gave it to her. 'Cause she didn't have a name, you didn't name her."

"How would I name her? She's your daughter, I have no children," Rae lied.

"Yes, you do, why are you fooling with me Dr. Cummings? You have a daughter, Skye, she's your daughter. Edward gave me her, to get Adam to come back."

"Edward," Rae asked listening intently with disbelief, "Edward Quartermaine?"

"See, you know him, I told you. I told you," Althea lifted her head up and saw Rae's face, "see, you hate me now, I know it."

"No, -- no it's not that. Do you have any proof?"

"Skye took it, little Antoinette, she ran away. To find her father probably. She always love Adam more than me."

"Is this her?" Rae hesitated, motioning to the wallet size picture held by the side of the mirror in Althea's room.

Althea looked at it for a moment then looked away, "yes, yes that's her, my sweet Antoinette."

"Ohh -- God," Rae took the picture and all but ran from the room intent on finding her daughter.

Questions, Comments, Suggestions, etc., . . . are very welcome.

I limited this chapter to Skye, Jax, Rae, Althea, etc., . . . and have decided the storylines I set up w/the other characters were just so you could get a basis on some of the supporting SL's I may have going on.
I am sorry if some of the language used offends you, as it does me but I figured what the heck, the whole Mr. Murty was gay SL was under used so I thought I'd create conflict there.

Thanks for reading!


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